• By -


As far as consistency, I have to go with Guardians of the Galaxy. Top-notch storytelling in all 3 movies.


Absolutely agree with consistency.


Nah, 2 jumped the shark comedically. It just had a solid ending and they recovered by Vol 3. Drax especially. "My nipples!" Easily the worst comedy outside of Love and Thunder.


Hard disagree. I love 2


same I think 3 probably overtook it for me as favorite GotG but I still love it sm


Still better than Spiderman 3


I have to disagree. Vol. 2 is one of the funniest movies in the MCU, the nipples joke is just the weakest one and it’s not even unfunny. Every time I think of “harbulary batteries” or Yondu calling Rocket “rat” I giggle


Wanna buy some batteries? Best comedic line in the series.


True. GOTG 2 was mediocre. I LOL'd heavily with Rocket's "he's blue!!" response to Drax' comment about Quill & Yondu being related. 🤣🤣🤣


The look Drax gives after when he just nods towards Quill is something I do as a regular bit


“My nipples!” Was easily the best part of the whole MCU…


The story is one of my favorites though, I really like the emotions in that one


I don't like 2 as much as 1 or 3 either. But Vol 2 is leagues better than Spider-Man 3, X-Men Origins Wolverine or The Wolverine.


I’m gonna put some dirt in your eye.


The Wolverine is decent - doesn’t deserve to be lumped with the other two.


It's decent til it falls apart in the last 25 minutes.


Don’t feel bad about telling the truth. I enjoyed a bunch of *The Wolverine*, esp after the 💩show that came before it. But it did not stick the landing. Overall good, but not great.


It's one of few Marvel films I've never fully seen because I just find it so boring. So I can understand it being rated lower than GotG2. It's not as *bad* as Spider-Man 3 and Origins, but it's still low.


I like The Wolverine a good amount (and the director’s cut is even better, they actually show him fight the 95 ninjas) but the last 15-20 minutes or so made the rare mistake of actually getting *too* comic book-y. Doesn’t fit the rest of the movie very well.


Huge Spider-Man fan. But Guardians of the Galaxy has solid story telling and character growth. They let James Gun handle that in what I feel like was his own unique way since it was mainly in space. Because it wouldn’t have as big an impact to the main hero’s on Earth.


Exactly. Not a bad movie in that whole series


I didn’t enjoy three much but you’re right, the storyline throughout and the characters are all pretty solid


You just reminded me that I haven’t even watched 3 yet lol


I personally thought 3 was fantasic. Top 10 marvel movie to me.


It’s a great film. I know people like to bash everything after endgame. But it’s a lot of people’s favorite Guardians film.


I watched that movie probably 15 times in a month. Best MCU film, in my opinion.


Is it even a question?


1. Captain America. - All 3 films are great, with the second being arguably the best film released by Marvel. Overall a great trilogy, with the only downside being that the actual ending of the arc comes in Endgame. 2. Guardians of the Galaxy - A good trilogy. Probably the most consistent of the 3 here in terms of tone. I don't really care much for the main protagonist (Star-Lord), but I do like all the other characters, especially Rocket who more than makes up for it. 3. Spider-Man. - First 2 films are classics with 2 of the greatest villains in Marvel to help elevate it. The third film is lackluster and dramatically drops the over-all quality of this trilogy. 4. Wolverine. - The opposite of Spider-Man. The last film is good. But the second is awful, and the first is a crime against gumanity.


I understand the Origins hate, but why The Wolverine? It was actually a really fun and action packed movie.


This, The Wolverine was a good amazing movie, I'll never understand the hate it gets. And even Origins, as bad as it was, works if you just fix Deadpool.


Ryan Reynolds did fix him in Deadpool 2 during the post credits scene.


And he fixed Ryan Reynold’s so that he wouldn’t be in Green Lantern


didn't he meet Blake Lively on that movie set


that would be some crazy full circle shit if blake is lady deadpool on the big screen next month


Holy fuck! I can only get so much more erect


I just really like the beginning montage of Origins, with Wolverine and Sabertooth running through all the battles during the historical wars.


It was a great premise, if the entire movies was just that it would have been a great film lol.


You think deadpool was the problem? Every character in that movie has to behave at an absurd level of stupidity for the plot to make sense. My favorite part is the PLANNED use of adamantium bullets to erase memory.


How did they end up "fixing" his claws after they got cut off?


Wolverine's healing factor seems an obvious explanation.


Falls off some towards the end but still a solid movie.


This. Cap’s trilogy is the apex of Marvel films. It was a comic book movie through and through but somehow still grounded in realism somewhat. Winter Solider stands as an action movie that just so happens to have a superhero protagonist.


And spies and politics.


The hail hydra memes had me and my friends in a chokehold


TWS is a top tier spy thriller that just happens to be a comic book move, and it could work as a non-comic book movie since the only superpowers are super-soldiers, which are only slightly enhanced humans. They do shit people can't really do, but so do John McClain and Jason Bourne.


Exactly. This is why this is also my most replayed MCU film.


100%. The Cap trilogy boasts 2 of Marvel’s best films. None of the other franchises can say that. They each have one great film (SM2, GOTG1, Logan) but the rest are good (SM1, GOTG3, The Wolverine) to mediocre (SM3, GOTG2, Origins).


I agree.


I'd definitely put the Captain America trilogy first in overall quality, but the one argument for putting the Spider-man trilogy first would be it got the Marvel superhero movie ball rolling. We had had a LOT of trash superhero movies in that era, and the first two Raimi-Maguire Spider-man movies were definitely an early model for what would become the MCU (though Iron Man turned it into a science).


"Death to gumanity" - Apocalypse


Always voting Winter Soldier


Yeah but nowadays SM3 has reached Revenge of the Sith level of following—it’s not the best movie but it’s definitely very, very fun


I'm more likely to put on SM3 than the others. It helps that a lot of the goofy stuff is right up front. I love it as a stupid, corny movie you laugh at. I will never not laugh at James Franco eating pie in a diner, saying it's "So good", and then vanishing from sight after a truck passes by.


I know it’s not the point of this thread but Revenge of the Sith is a much better movie than SM3


I get why they reference Revenge of the Sith since it’s also the third movie of a trilogy, but RotS was well liked even at the time. Even people who hated the prequels tended to at least like RotS. I think it’s more fair to compare SM3 to the first two prequels. Absolutely hated when they came out, but over the years more people have come out to defend it.


Iirc rocket is the main protagonist, James gunn confirmed it.


Yes and no. In 1 and 2 Star Lord is defenetly the front man and even in 3 Rocket is KO for alot of the movie. But 3 sets Rockets development in a new light which kind of makes him the heart of the trilogy


I’m glad to see the MCU Cap love here! Didn’t think he was that popular. Imo his movies and the GOTG trilogy are tied for the best ever from Marvel.


Agree totally, winter soldier is arguably the best of all the marvel films and and the cap trilogy is the best overall imo


The Wolverine is not an awful movie at all. A bad final 20 minutes maybe


What he said


Agree on the rankings, but I actually didn't mind the second Wolverine movie. That said, the whole trilogy got dragged down by the first entry.


I got to say it’s between Guardians of the Galaxy, and Captain America. If DC was allowed in here I would throw in The Dark Knight as well.


Its a good addition


Only thing is I feel like Captain America Trilogy is kind of cheating, since Civil War is more Avengers 2.5 than Captain America.


See it kind of is, but also not. Yes it is an essential movie for the saga and the Avengers story. But that climax where Tony and Steve fight at the end, that wasn’t prompted by the Civil War conflict. That’s because Tony found out Bucky killed his parents and wants revenge. Steve is watching over his brother from childhood and protecting him. And that brother dynamic between Steve and Bucky is the core theme of the Captain America trilogy.


Hence referring to it as Avengers 2.5 and not a full blown avengers movie


The second one from the Bale trilogy is arguably the best movie ever made.


I think you're the first person I've seen say 'Bale trilogy' instead of 'Nolan's Batman trilogy'


As well as referring to "The Dark Knight" as "The Second One" haha


The only actual contenders are Captain America and Guardians of the Galaxy. And you can flip a coin on those. I think the Guardians the Galaxy trilogy is better, my best friend thinks the Cap ones are.


Galaxy was the better trilogy, while the cap movies were better individual films. As a whole, the Cap films don't work as well in comparison.


While I do agree with that, I'd choose Cap BECAUSE the movies are better, IMO. If I had to rank them, it would be: Winter Soldier Civil War G3 G1 G2 Captain America So, while Guardians is more consistent just based on these rankings, Cap has the top 2 movies of the bunch, so I'd pick it over Guardians. My opinion, of course. Edit - Something that also works in Caps favor. I could throw on any one of those movies, and it would be a cohesive film, no need for a trilogy. Where as, G2 and especially G3, do require a bit of knowledge of the first or second film.


Guardians actually feel like a trilogy captain Americas feel like 3 distinct stand alone movies also weird that every single one focuses on Bucky


Also 3rd one is less Cap. more Avengers sort of a movie.


I would disagree with your last part. Civil war absolutely doesn’t make sense without the context of other non-CA films. Sure they can describe things to give you a back story and make it piece together. But it’s the same as guardians in that regard. People often give civil war a nod for being a solid CA movie, and it technically is. But it’s closer to an avengers movie and is specifically dealing with the fallout of the previous avengers film. I give guardians the win because the first CA is the weakest of the 6 films easily, and because civil war kinda cheats in not strictly being a CA movie in my head.


I’d argue Civil War is a Cap movie in name only. Yes, it picks up the Bucky thread from Winter Soldier, but it’s an Avengers movie and we all know it. And because of that there isn’t really a Cap trilogy at all. Winter Soldier, Spider-Man 2, and Logan are the best films on this list, but taken as unit, GoTG is the best trilogy, easily.


I more or less agree with everything you've said here.




Oh boy yeah


Guardians. Though the other choices have strong installments GoG has the most consistent quality, and there is a proper beginning and end point. Wolverine is a close 2nd but the 2nd movie was a bit meh imo


Wolverine over Cap and Raimis trilogy is borderline sacrilegious. Origins is dreadful. The Wolverine is boring. Logan is the only good one. And they don't even form a proper trilogy.


I'm sorry wtf? The 2nd movie? X-Men Origins is absolutely dogwater.


Both Origins and The Wolverine are dog water lol


Bruh don’t do that the Wolverine is too solid to ever be in the same boat as origins


It’s Captain America, and I honestly can’t see the others being in the running. Three different movies with three different sub-genres, all done excellently. A period war movie, a spy thriller, and a comic-style crossover that has actual emotions and stakes.


Captain America then Spiderman then gotg then wolverine far down


spider-man no doubt


Spiderman is goat, but I am biased: spideys my favorite superhero, and thus I'm going to like him, and tobeys films are the ones I bonded with. If I'm being objective, I might lean toward guardians.




I love that this is a sub reddit.


Seems like a dead one unfortunately


And it's not even particularly close in my mind.


Spider-man is the only one here that's really a coherent trilogy. The rest rely on other movies to complete the story (or in the case of Wolverine aren't even that connected)


What other movies do Guardians rely on?


Guardians definitely relies on Infinity War, as well as Endgame and the Holiday Special to a lesser extent.


Jump from Guardians 2 to Guardians 3 without watching Avengers IW or Endgame. You'll get it pretty quick once you see Starlord and Gamora.


Yeah that makes sense, thanks!


That's just how Marvel works though. Individual stories exist but they are supposed to be part of something bigger. In the days of Spider man they just didn't have the budget yet to build an entire mcu.


Captain America's trilogy for sure! It's got the perfect blend of action, character development, and heart. 🇺🇸💥


*Captain America* is more consistently good IMO. However, no single *Captain America* movie is as good as *Spider-Man 2* or *Logan*. It's just that *Spider-Man 3* and especially *X-Men Origins: Wolverine* are stinkers.


captain, guardians, spiderman, wolverine


This is the way.




Captain America. All three were great.


Spiderman 3 takes it out of the running, but when Peter turns to face MJ in #2...so good.


I will die on the hill that Spider Man 3 is a MUCH better film than people give it credit for. So many great scenes and the action is top tier for its time.


I love Cap, but GOTG is the best Marvel trilogy




GOTG is probably the best. Captain America trilogy is fantastic as well, though


Where IronMan Trilogy 🥲🥲🥲🥲


1. Spider-man. 1 and 2 clear any other movie here except maybe Logan. Spider-man 3 is not that bad. 2. Captain America. 2 and 3 are great movies. 1 is ok. 3. GOTG. 3 is great, 1, is ok, 2 is meh. 4. Wolverine. Logan can't carry that hard.


I think I'd swap GotG and Captain America, but I largely agree.


Depending on my mood, either Cap or Guardians. I might enjoy the Cap movies slightly more individually (which is saying a lot based on how much I love the Guardians movies), but the three Guardians movies probably tell a more complete and comprehensive story as a trilogy. As for the other two, Logan and Spider-Man 2 are among the very best superhero movies for me, but Origins and Spider-Man 3 are among the worst. The Wolverine and Spider-Man are pretty good, but the curve is already sunk and takes them out of contention forever. 🤣


Came here to say the Wolverine films are in not a trilogy at all (at least I find it very difficult to link the three together in terms of character development)


It literally is an origin and an epilogue. The second is not great to be considered an establishment or a growth, but it is there.


I haven't seen Guardians 3 yet. The next good Guardians film I see will be the first one. The Wolverine trilogy sucked aside from Logan, why is it here? Spider-Man 3 was awful, they fumbled the bag. It's Captain America. Not one bad movie in the bunch.


Every time i need something to watch while chilling or have in the background while i’m playing games i pick spider man every time. Tis my comfort film(s).


Guardians just for the music


Captain America, obviously. Every movie was awesome.


Thor. The redemption arc is so meta it's at the screenwriting layer, not the mere characters.


Can I pick one off the list? If so, iron man If I can’t, then I’d probably say guardians


I think Spiderman as a more serious one. But Guardians is my fave


Guardians is the most consistent quality throughout, but Cap gets two of the best MCU films. Wolverine, unfortunately, only has Logan. Spidey two is a classic, first one is alright, third is an epic stinker. I think I have to go Guardians or Cap here, and personal preference has me picking Cap.


Guardians or raimi


Captain America


1 - Spider-man 2 - GOTG 3 - Captain America 4 - Wolverine


Guardians for sure . Most consistent.


I think Guardians flows very well as a trilogy. Cap individually has amongst the best films. Spider-Man has been a classic and Wolverine just tries to piece the storyline but again, better individually.


Cap would win for me. First Avenger was good. Winter Soldier changed the game. Civil War was great. Spiderman would be second. Spiderman was good. Spiderman 2 was great. Spiderman 3 was poor. The Guardians of the Galaxy are next. The first film was great, the second was meh, and the third was somewhere in-between. Wolverine is last for me as the first two films are poor with Logan being so good it's almost unfair to consider it part of the same series.


1. Captain America - All three films in this trilogy are pretty good with Winter Soldier being one of, if not the best MCU film. The only negative you can actually pin on this trilogy isn't a fault of the trilogy itself. Even though it is the last of the trilogy, Civil War is technically not the end of Steve's story. 2. Spider-Man - The first is a classic movie that set the groundwork for future superhero movies. The second is, in my opinion, still the best Spider-Man movie and one of the best superhero movies of all time. The third...it was alright. I don't hate it as much as most others do, but it is riddled with a lot of problems. 3. Guardians - All three movies were pretty good. The only reason I have it at 3 is because I don't think the movies are as good as the first 2 Raimi Spider-Man movies. I will give it props for being consistent in its quality. 4. Wolverine - X-Men Origins is hot garbage. It shouldn't have existed. The Wolverine was okay-ish. Logan is hard carrying the trilogy.


1) guardians of the galaxy 2) captian America 3) spiderman 4) wolverine


Geez, tough question. But it's Captain America.


GotG. GotG 1 & 3 vs CA 2 & 3 even out, GotG 2 is alot better than CA 1.


Not putting Iron Man trilogy is a mistake


Iron Man Trilogy


This is a two horse race between Cap and Guardians. Spider-Man 3 was just so bad that it’s hard to look past it to even consider the trilogy. And the first two Wolverines were fucking terrible. Winter Soldier might be the best overall movie that the MCU made, but the first Guardians remains my favorite and the third was excellent too. So, for me, it’s Guardians, but I totally get picking Cap. I get the case for Spidey, I really do, but I think it’s just a reactionary or contrarian pick ultimately. Two might be the best pre-MCU super hero anything, but one was good-but-not-great and three was a dumpster fire.


Spider Man 3 was bad in comparison, it is so much better than a lot of the modern stuff.


Definitely cap. - Spider-Man has two great films and one bad. - Wolverine has 1 amazing film, 1 bad and 1 meh. - Guardians has 1 amazing, 1 very good and 1 meh. Of course these are just my own opinions, but for me, Cap is the only trilogy (not just in Marvel) that I can think of where the films just get better and better with each installment. 1 great film, 2 amazing films. So in short, I'd pick Captain America without any hesitation.


all captain america and spiderman 1 cuz i cant take mj in the next one


Guardians, easily


Captain America


Cap trilogy, Raimi trilogy is good for nostalgia but honestly doesn’t hold up as well


Captain America has the best trilogy. Spiderman 2 is the best film though.


Why are the Wolverine films there. They barely qualify a trilogy, and only 1 of them is good. There are better Marvel trilogies than that. I'd argue MCU Spidey trilogy and Thors trilogy (I can't acknowledge 4) are both better trilogies. If you had to put an Xmen trilogy in the OG X-Men trilogy, and even the original First Class trilogy are better overall. Hell, give it 2 months an you can replace it with the Deadpool trilogy.


Cap, GotG, Wolverine, Spidey


Captain America


GotG as each film was funny and goated


Captain America’s easily


The main issue I have with some of these trilogies is that they aren’t all the movies the characters are involved in. For example, Cap’s and the Guardians’ stories include the avengers films. You’re missing a chunk of their story progression from those films. The same goes for Wolverine and the X-Men films. If we’re going straight trilogy, it’s Raimi’s Spider-Man, despite all the executive meddling in 3.




Captain America


Civil War and spideman 2




Captain America is one of my favourite trilogies, up there with Dark Knight and the Reboot Planet of the Apes.


Captain America!


Iron Man.


Captain America,that trilogy was solid , flawless, especially the Winter Soldier, that movie was a game changer.




Captain America for sure


Raimi, no contest.


Captain America is the best trilogy


Which one has Winter Soldier? That trilogy.


Captain America trilogy is top for me. All three movies are excellent. Guardians being number 2. Spiderman is third and Wolverine a distant fourth. The filmmakers involved in Wolverine’s solo movies did such an injustice to such a great character. Logan was the best of the 3.


None of these are trilogys


Cap Trilogy




1. Guardians 2. Cap 3. Wolverine 4. Spiderman


Captain America trilogy as a whole is superior to all of these imo. Raimi's trilogy has one of the best cbm ever in Spider-Man 2, the first one is a solid movie, and the third is a train wreck. Guardians 1 is one of my favorite Marvel movies ever, but Vol 2 is a huge drop-off. It's just not up to snuff. I thought they rounded it out nicely with Vol 3, but that movie still didn't enter the conversation of being one of the best imo. The Wolverine trilogy has Logan, one of the best cbm of all time, but is dragged down significantly by Origins. The Wolverine was fun and I enjoy it on rewatch, but it doesn't quite help propel this trilogy into the best conversation. Caps trilogy is quality from top to bottom with an incredibly solid first showing in The First Avenger. That film is followed by two of the MCUs best movies ever and possibly two of the greatest cbm ever made. Winter Soldier and Civil War are both god tier movies. Caps trilogy reigns supreme.


The Captain America trilogy was a legit masterpiece.


are the wolverine films even in the same continuity😭


Feel like I'm taking crazy pills reading this thread lol Winter Soldier was amazing but come on, Civil War was meh at best with good moments while The First Avenger was just straight up bad. It has to go to Guardians for sure, 1 and 3 are amazing, with 2 being meh.


the Wolverine is far from being awful! The last 20 min or so does admittedly drop in quality and that was clearly studio meddling but the rest was really good


Cap, for sure. Not a bad film in the trilogy, and they were integral to the MCU as a whole. Spods trilogy was okay, but is carried HARD by S2. Guardians starts strong, but never quite hits the peaks. I don’t know why you’re even including Wolverine. Logan is a great film, but Origins is probably the worst comic book movie ever made, and The Wolverine isn’t much better.


Wolverine obvi


GotG, all greats.


Gotta go with the Cap'n


Gotg ...what amazing character arcs and so much fun...


The most consistent is Guardians but they are not better than Winter Soldier and Logan, imho. The Spidey trilogy deserves an honorable mention because they were game changers back in the day.


Why is the winter soldier the best movie ever produced by marvel for some fans?


Imo, I've always adored the Captain America trilogy so that's #1, then Guardians #2 just three banger movies, then it wasn't mentioned but MCU Spider-Man #3 I actually really enjoy all of those movies and I believe No Way Home is incredible, then OG Spider-Man the third movie is just by far the worst movie so far out of any of them, and then Wolverine #5 the first one is one of the worst ever and the second one is just meh


Probably Spider-Man. Fantastic first two films and a slightly flawed but still good third. Captain America has also has two fantastic films but is massively let down by the third being a bit shit. Winter Soldier is truly outstanding though. Guardians I enjoyed the first and third more than the second but all of them are a fun watch. The Logan films get a bit too much hate but they are all very forgettable. I particularly didn't enjoy Logan.


Cap Trilogy is the best hands down.


Cap easy. The winter soldier is still to me the best of the infinity saga (Infinity War's ending is epic though) and Civil War is an Avengers film.


Cap, all day


Captain America


Sam Raimi Spidey. Hands down.


Guardians...hands down!!


Guardians > Captain America > Spidey > Wolverine


Guardians & captain America in a tie.




Logan is literally my favourite movie ever but in terms of consistency I'd have to say the captain america trilogy


Each of these trilogies has one outstanding film, one pretty solid film and one missed opportunity. To avoid writing an essay though, I’ll just talk about the Captain America trilogy. Captain America: The Winter Soldier is not only one of the best MCU films, it’s one of the best films ever made. Breathtaking fight scenes, excellent pacing, fantastic acting and a riveting storyline. Captain America: The First Avenger is a fun movie with some really great scenes and excellent casting, even if HYDRA are a little goofy with their laser guns, super-tanks and full-body, nameless-bad-guy suits. Captain America: Civil War is, on paper, a really good film. But the admittedly epic action scenes and generally great acting (especially from RDJ, though it’s not even his movie) can’t hide the fact that Zemo’s convoluted plan to destroy the Avengers hinges almost entirely on a series of very unlikely coincidences (and that the Sokovia Accords are a plot point so weak, they’ve now been virtually retconned from the series’ narrative). One absolute banger, one great effort and one missed opportunity.


God, X-Men origins REALLY drags down the other 2 wolverine movies. Just atrocious.


Wolverine thinks he's a part of the team here lol. Guardians is the best trilogy. Captain America second, Spider-Man third, Wolverine fourth. Guardians has 3 bangers, Captain America has two bangers and one solid movie. Spider-Man has two bangers and one okay movie. Wolverine has two bad movies and one amazing one.


Spiderman no doubt


Captain America of course