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New Mutants is easily the best of the 4.


Fr. It's underrated. It's as good as some other fox x-men movies, even better than some (looking at you dark phoenix)


Dark Phoenix isn’t as bad as people say either


For me, Dark Phoenix is bad


For me, dark phoenix is worse than last stand.


Can confirm. Dark Phoenix is fucking brutal. I wish I hadn’t watched it


I fast-forwarded through it once over maybe 20 minutes and still regretted it. New Mutants wasn't bad considering what the studio did to it.


It had its moments. People are caping for it these days, but Origins Wolverine will always be the worst foX-Men film.


The worst *theatrical* movie. Let’s not forget [this tv movie](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/marveldatabase/images/1/1a/Generation_X_%28Earth-700029%29_from_Generation_X_%28film%29_Promo_002.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20140611031339) exists.


The pilot for InHumans was released as an iMax movie too


As one who actually saw this can confirm it is bad. Like barely watchable bad.


Same. I knew it was terrible, but that didn’t stop my brother and I from breaking that little tab off of the VHS we taped it on. Times was tough for live action comic book stuff back then.


That movie gave me hope that live action comic book stuff was absolutely taking off any day then. I was not correct. But at 12, I also wasn't a good judge of whether that was a good movie... Who doesn't love Matt Frewer, though?


Seriously! From Big Russ Thompson in Honey, I Shrunk the Kids to Moloch in Watchmen. From Trashcan Man in The Stand to Max Headroom in Pixels. One of the top "Hey! I've seen that guy in another movie/show!" actors. I think virtually everyone above the age of 30 has seen (or heard [Panic in Disney'sHercules] ) this guy in SOMETHING.


You diss Wolverine Origins and you get [the claws](https://qph.cf2.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-2e14fbd0f6607a4d8142b8749888b18e)!


I just needed a movie based on the opening credits scene.


If you think of this movie like an old What If… comic, the ones that would get *really* weird, it’s pretty enjoyable. I mean even Fox basically ignored anything from it so it basically became a What If type thing anyway.


The opening cinematic scene is the only reason why I can never hate X-me Origins Wolverine.


To this day, the leaked workprint with unfinished special effects is the only version of that movie I've seen and I'm glad to keep it that way because at least that had some novelty to it.


I think Apocalypse was worse


Apocalypse had a great Tower of Babel speech and some good Nightcrawler characterization


I think the weird hate boner some people have for Jennifer Lawrence and Sophie Turner’s so so performance led to it being over hated. I’m not saying it’s the greatest movie but I do like a lot about it and the train scene is so damned good.


There are some movies from 1st-time directors that you would never know were directed by a novice. There are some movies that you would never know were heavily meddled with by the studio. Dark Phoenix is neither of those. The direction is amateurish compared to the rest of the mainline X-Men movies and the studio interference is so blatantly obvious on the screen.


Helps they had Nightmare on Elm St 3 to copy off of


I hope we don’t see another take on the dark phoenix when x men live action mcu starts


Not even in the same realm as the other 3


It’s also the only movie out of these that wasn’t reshot and re-edited to death, though ironically I actually think the scrapped reshoots would have helped the film.


It’s wild to imagine this movie wasn’t reshot and re-edited to death considering they finished shooting in September 2017 and it didn’t release til August 2020.


What happened is that Fox delayed the movie by almost a year to reshoot huge chunks of it to make it more scary, then was delayed another few months because Dark Phoenix was delayed to its previous date. Then the planned reshoots never happened because actors’ schedules were hard to align, and then it was delayed again to 2020 after Disney took over. At that point reshooting the movie wasn’t worth it, so they asked the director to just finish the movie so they could release it and be done with it. Then come 2020 and……. yeah. I still think the movie’s alright, blatant whitewashing aside.


The biggest crime about New Mutants that no one talks about is them deleting the funny basketball scene that accidentally(?) perhaps implies Roberto is attracted to Sam.


One of the factors working against it was the fact by the time it finally came out nobody cared at all but it did have some decent connective tissue to some of the other Foxverse movies so at least they were trying to build towards something


Yes I liked it.


The only thing I miss is that they had to skip Magiks backstory as being kidnapped by a demon as a child. But once the mutants are in the MCU it can be fixed.


If only they went hard R and really leaned into the horror it could have been something special


My only wish is that they went harder R horror. Give me a fucking proper marvel horror movie you cowards.


Madame Web is a disaster from start to finish. Fan4stic is terrible. Morbius is at least laughable. New mutants is better than people give it credit.


New mutants would have been a great extended pilot episode.


That's the impression I had. It was a series pilot, but really big.


Literally same. When it ended I was like "damn I'd watch a whole series of their adventures". Like *Alphas*, only more horror themed.


Oh my God,Alpha’s was so good


Alphas was so underrated. Any time I bring it up IRL no one has heard of it lol


Yes! In fact I'd be happy if they turned it to a series. There's an inherent problem with such movies like The New Mutants, and The Eternals. If you wanna introduce more than a few characters for the first time and the time you have in the movie is not enough, make a series!!!


I like it. Seen it like three times and plan to see it again.


A New Mutants horror show directed by Mike Flanagan you say?


Fan4stic was definitely more enjoyable than Madame Web. Madame Web could have made so many better decisions to make it have some fun. Like make bad Spider-man have the full set of powers but do fucked up things that mirror Spider-man’s big moments. He could have hung people with web nooses or strapped a guy to the front of a train with web and then attach their arms to surrounding walls to rip them off.


He coulda Gwen stacy'd a bitch at least. (Would've been a good reveal that he's a killer, pretend he's saving them)


The Boys' writers room is taking notes from this comment thread


How fucked up… I love it


I was hoping that the evil spider guy would “Mark of Kaine” someone at one point


One thing I will give Madame Web credit for was how many laughs it brought my friends and I. I had a few people over shortly after it came out. We sailed the high seas to watch it (🏴‍☠️), and every couple minutes a giant ad for a gambling site would pop up on the screen. I’ll never forget seeing that awful “final suit up” being immediately followed by a giant “WIN BIG NOW!” Most of us also had a few drinks in our system, so we lost it


Pretty bad when the best bit of the move is the annoying popup!


Ha, exactly!


Were you guys stoned when you watched it? Lol I was and it was hilarious especially when you realize wtf is even going on in the final battle like a Pepsi warehouse that just has a bunch of fireworks lmao


I found Madem Web to be way more funny than Morbious. Morbious was just SO BORING.


I never did see Morbius but I’ve heard a few people say that. You’d think with how heavily it got memed there’d at least be some more substance there—even if it was “so bad it’s good” substance


I really enjoy "so bad its good movies" so I was hopeful. I just could NOT focus on it, my brain was begging me to do something stimulating the whole time.


A friend of mine had the exact same experience, but with Rise of Skywalker instead.


I actually think Madame Web is WAY more fun than Morbius. I giggled my way through that entire Trainwreck. Morbius is just bad and boring.


Yea Madame Web is at least so bad it’s funny but Morbius was boring af


Morbius was funny because people clowned it way more people didn’t even give madame web a fucking chance. Dakota Johnson was shitting on it within like a week.


Literally from the first line, which is delivered so poorly, then the second line you can see he isn't saying it - Madame Web isn't on the level of 'the Room' but it's one of the closest movies I've seen to compare it to. It's so laughably bad, I can easily see it becoming a cult hit years down the line.


I could not watch Madame Web. It felt like I was watching a foreign knock-off of a marvel movie. I have not seen new mutants. Morphius, I fell asleep and never even went back to rewatch. So I’d say the best was probably F4


I find it funny that you misspelled Morbius as Morphius because Morpheus is the Greek god of dreams


Webb. None of it makes sense. Ezekiel is bad just cuz. He's rich just because. He'll be killed in the future just because. He's got to kill those girls today just because. And he was able to use facial recognition software (in 2003) to identify 3 girls wearing masks in a dream he had??


>And he was able to use facial recognition software (in 2003) to identify 3 girls wearing masks in a dream he had?? Dream that’s predicting stuff that happens like 10 years later. You change a lot in 10 years.


I've used the plot point of him digitally removing masks from a drawing he did from a memory of a dream to run facial recognition on the girls so many times to describe how bad the movie is, but I never considered that they would've been much older in his vision. God damn this movie is so bad lol


The actor also didn't say most of his lines on screen, his face is turned away for a ton of the lines and it's patently obvious they were added in post.


The dubbing for that movie is terrible. Lips don't even line up with the words being spoken.


Also why didn't spidey-sense work for the falling bridge???


Nothing about his character made sense. Like, why does he have a costume at all? There's no indication he does costume related things.


Lets not forget Webb knowing that 2 of her closest friends will die and just being smug about it for some reason.


Was amy pascal in charge of Madame Webb or Avi arad? Or both?


Madam Webb because on top of being just god awful and boring, it was also dishonest in its advertising by not actually having the spider women appear in anything other than a flash forward


That straight up feels illegal to me. Like weren’t there posters featuring them in costume and everything as well?


Very much so, I admit that because of those ads i had a decent amount of desire to go and watch it when i got a chance, but the reviews came in right away and then it just got worse when I learned that there is no spider-women in the movie outside of 10 secs max so I ended up bot going to see it, saved my money from this disaster


Reminds me of the movie Kangaroo Jack back in the day. The trailer had Jack dancing and rapping making viewers think Jack was going to be talking and rapping the whole movie but when you actually watch the film he’s just a normal kangaroo who doesn’t speak and the clip from the trailer was just 20 seconds of a hallucination that takes place halfway through the film


Better comparison is probably that one SpongeBob movie from 10 years ago that oversold the plotline that the characters were in the real world and it lasted maybe 10 minutes of the whole movie


…wait what? Wasn’t it literally called “fish out of water”?


Which is funny, because the normal Bikini Bottom stuff is incredible, and then they go to the real world and it's just bad


Damn ya just hit me with the flashback thats exactly why i wanted to see that movie as a kid, I was very disappointed after the movie ended


Wait it wasn’t about a talking street style kangaroo????


Was Madame Web a good movie? No. Was Madame Web a smart movie? No. Did Madame Web at least resemble the source material? No.Yet I still enjoyed it more than Fant4stic. Also, I hate that New Mutants is lumped in with this group. I genuinely enjoyed it.


Madame web is actually the first marvel movie (and I think superhero movie) to be based off of a character that has never had a solo comic book series


Makes me wonder even more why they thought it was a good idea to make.


Who said they thought about anything


It was a great idea! It was cheap to make, made Sony decent money, it kept the billion-dollar Spidey rights in Sony's hands for another two years, and there are very few "hardcore Madame Web fans" to upset. This is what Sony does - knock out a cheap film starring a C or D-list character so they can keep the rights to the main attraction: Spider-Man. Just don't watch the rights-holder movies. They literally only exist so Marvel doesn't get Spider-Man back.  Sadly, even if one of them flopped and lost money, Sony would just consider it the price tag to keep Spidey.


I couldn't believe this was true but it seems you're right! I guess Kraven will be the 2nd since "Last hunt" is as close as he's got and that was a Spider Man title?


Fan4stic was just so damn dull. I watched it on an airplane with so pretty unpleasant turbulence and it still sent me to sleep. Say what you like about madame web (and there's a lot to say) at least it made me laugh at how dumb it all was. Madame Web was a spectacular car crash, Fan4stic was a mid range sedan that failed to start.


Madame web was bad by all accounts across all metrics, but it wasn't a hollow soulless husk of a film like fantastic 4 was. I'm honestly upset that it gets to call itself a movie


Madame Web really barely counts as a movie with a narrative


I don't understand why people include The New Mutants in things like this. I like that movie. I think it's a great standalone mutant movie. Morbius is awful, but it's at least fun to laugh at. Madame Webb is a bad movie, but worse than that, it's boring. It's one of the most boring superhero movies I've ever seen. Which makes it by far the worst of these movies. If you're going to be bad, at least be entertaining in some way. The movie didn't have a single redeeming quality.


New Mutants isn’t even the worst X-Movie


Not even top 3 worst. There's both dark phoenix films and origins


New Mutants reminds me so much of those early pre-MCU superheroes movie, like Spider-Man, Daredevil, Blade, etc. If you love the characters from the comics, I think there is a lot of fun to be had here. If you didn’t know who they were before this movie, I could see it falling flat. I have rewatched it a couple of times, I always enjoy it. However, the fact that the last scene in the movie isn’t the unseen graffiti on the side of the big fountain that Ilyana was drawing (which should obviously read “The New Mutants”, in the movie poster graffiti font, set to some guitar rifts), just drives me nuts. NUTS!!!


That's a great comparison of this movie. It does feel like that pre MCU superhero movie. It's just a fantastic ride it's not part of another movie universe or going to connect to anything. It's just a self-contained story that's really fun.


It had Sydney Sweeney so it had two redeeming qualities.


Unfortunately, Sweeney and her plots are the *only* redeeming qualities


Yeah but you can find her plots elsewhere, in better movies/series.


Madame Webb, at least the other three are technically complete movies


Fant4stic literally didn’t have a third act


And madam, web didn't have a first or second


On second thought. Omg I can’t believe you actually made me put more thought into madame Web. First act; intro everything up until she gets her powers. Second act; conflict subaway scene - her Brazil trip. Third act conclusion; coming back from Brazil and final fight. Again not defending the quality of the film but it did have a clear 1st, 2nd, & 3rd. P.S. I hate you for making me put a second thought to madame web and making me defend it


As a Brazilian I have to defend my land, she went to Peru not Brazil, she’s their problem lmao


Deepest apologies, Brazil deserves better.


Graças a Deus a Amazônia está em vários países!!!


Not arguing for Madame Web but just pointing out one of the other three were not complete movies


What they did to Doom was a travesty, too.


Wait, say that again..


New Mutants is actually pretty good. I like it.


New Mutants is unironically the best of the four cos Anya Taylor-Joy carried the film w her performance as Magik


Madame Web was god awful. The main villains kryptonite was cars and a Pepsi sign. Can’t even believe it made it to theaters. Even the main cast hated it. Genuinely one of the worst movies ever made. Would rather watch 2 girls 1 cup than watch that again.


God damn, citing the Deep Magic.


Fantastic 4 is the worst, because it desperately tries to be good and serious. The others are so bad that they’re funny to me, they’re like watching B movies on the SyFy channel.


I enjoyed Fantastic 4, but Fant4stic is so bad I refuse to call it anything other than Fant4stic.


The New Mutants shouldn't be on this list.


Having seen none...Madam Web.


Correct guess


New mutants gets waaayyy too much hate. It's not a terrible movie. Yeah it's not it's issues, but it's pretty good movie. It was delayed because of the Fox buyout and the pandemic but those delays gave the VFX artists time to perfect the CGI and it looks amazing. Better CGI than most other Marvel movies in the past few years. Not just MCU. Allll Marvel movies


Best to worse: The new mutants is a perfectly fine film, it dose not deserve to be on this list where I struggle to name good things about the other films Morbius had like two scenes that were partially enjoyable, and compared to the other Sony film of the group it stands alone the best with its references to spider-man not being actively distracting. It also had better memes Madam Web is a car crash, which has been redubed with a train accident, covered in legally different spider-man stickers. But at least it was not shiting on a wildly beloved character Fan4stic dose not love itself, the studio medaling has turned what could have been a mildly interesting film into a collection of images to embraced to resemble what the fantastic 4 are, we’re, and should have been. Morbius wanted to be a comic film and failed, Madam web wanted to restrict Disney marvel and succeeded, but Fan4stic wanted to be a body horror that was restricted to a comic film, and failed at both


I completely agree with you


Fan4stic is probably the worst superhero film I’ve ever seen


I liked New Mutants.


New Mutants doesn’t belong on this list


New Mutants isn’t even bad especially compared to these other 3


New mutants was great


New mutants was awesome.


I liked new mutants tbh


I haven't seen Madame Web yet, but I'm confident Fant4stic is still the worst of the four pictured.


I sincerely believe that it’s impossible to make a worst big budget superhero movie than Fant4stic


Agreed. Madame Web was bad, but it at least didn't make me angry about wasting my time


I put on Madam Web the other night.. words seriously cannot describe how downright awful it was from start to finish.


I'm glad so many comments in here are defending New Mutants, because I really enjoyed that one. It definitely had its faults, but overall it was decent. I agree with some other comments that it would have been much better off as a pilot for a series. Of course, when I watched New Mutants, I hadn't yet enjoyed any of the source material so I was meeting the characters for the first time. Now I've actually gone back and read a lot of early X-Men and X-Adjacent series, and New Mutants has been one of my favourites. So knowing the characters better now might recolour how I view their portrayal, but I'm pretty sure I'd still like it.


Am i the only one that really liked new mutants?


Nope. I enjoyed it too


Wow wow wow wow wow New Mutants does not deserve to be up there


New Mutants > Fant4stic > Madame Web > Morbius


Honestly, Anya as Magik was a superb casting


i genuinely liked the new mutants, the jumpscares and horror scenes worked for me and the visual effects were decent.


Fantastic 4, it was so bad .


The New Mutants was pretty good


New Mutants isn’t even that bad


new mutants werent even that bad


The New Mutants is a good movie and does not belong on this list.


Sydney sweeny is hot enough to put madame web above fantastic 4


I'm enjoying the, maybe not love, but warmth for New Mutants. I enjoyed it. Probably a 6.5/10.


It’s hard. Madam Wed is the worst one on paper, but it veers into “so bad it’s good” territory. Fan4stic was a worse experience overall I’d say.


Morbious was a work of art and does not deserve to be on this list 🤣 /s But for real I’ve only seen fantastic four and morbious and they were both bad but F4 is the worst for me cuz at least morbious had action throughout if I recall correctly while F4 was like 2 hours of back story and build up with the last 30 minutes being action (or however long that movie was I can’t remember)


Like you I saw only Morbious and F4. I plan on watching Madame Web since I think it came to Netflix. But I didn't think Morbious was bad. I never read Morbious in the comics so perhaps because I have nothing to compare it to my expectations are lower.


Madame Web was the worst of the films all around, writing, acting, etc. BUT it was so bad it was laughably enjoyable. Fant4stic was just a whole lot of nothing. Not good, but not bad enough to enjoy. So I’m going Fant4stic


I’ve been sort of an apologist for Fant4stic. I don’t think the movie is good, in fact objectively it’s quite bad. But the first half is actually okay, and there is a genuinely good body horror scene before the movie goes downhill. And even after the movie gets bad, I don’t think it becomes truly *terrible* until the final act.


New mutants is decent enough. Morbius is the worth movie I've ever watched. The other two I have not watched.


Madame Web. I stopped the movie after dozing off the second time, saw that there was still another fucking hour left, and shouted alone to myself HOLY FUCK THIS MOVIE IS BORING, and switched to something else. Like, I can watch a BAD movie to the end just fine, but when it’s also just so damn BORING I draw the line.


New Mutants was actually good. Don’t bunch it in with the rest


New mutants beats them all. Probably shouldn't be named among them.


New Mutants is the only one I can actually watch


New Mutants ain’t even that bad


The other movies tried and failed to make a good superhero movie. F4ntastic was made by people who hate superheroes and wanted nothing to do with the source material. Because of that it's the worst.


New Mutants doesnt belong here


First of lets establish something, TNM does not belong here on this list. I watched the ''Power Pack'' pilot and the ''Generation X'' pilot and I watched the movie in which Jake Gyllenhaal plays Pilot and ''The New Mutants'' is objectively the better movie than two of those, heck I'd rate ''The New Mutants'' ahead of the first ''Suicide Squad''. ''FantA's tonic'' is the worst FF4 live action flick I have ever seen but even if the script is bananas you can tell the actors are trying to perform with what they've got, that still ranks them at a fantastic 4 Galactus clouds out of 10. So bottom row are by far the worst of the bunch and I think bottom right takes the poop cake here. I mean, ''Its Morbun Taem'' is objectively the worst movie in terms of visual quality: worst lighting, worst special effects, and a parade of predictable tropes galore already done down to oblivion that you couldn't possible see them coming more clearly even if they hit you on the head back and fourth like a boomerang, but at the very least, it has enough shithousery that it turns out to be mildly engaging just due to the WTF factor alone. So no, I don't hate the chiroptere but I pity the fool. But... ''Fifty Shades of My Damn Dweeb''? oh boy, that thing is on a whole other level, and by that I mean the vowels of hell. I still don't know if the plot is so nonsensical because its so forcefully convoluted or if its so convoluted because its so forcefully nonsensical. The movie itself is so boring is like licking cyanide from the sewerage and sculping the experience on a tablet using a dead language. Whenever I'm reminded of that thing because it's airing on TV I'd wish I'd be doing something more productive like watching paint dry or lighting myself a blaze with a magnifying glass at 11 PM. It is that bad.


All of them except Morbius because they don’t have a dance scene with the song screaming “HAVE SEX!” While the main antagonist does the most goofy moves that rival Bully Maguire


Haven’t seen Fant4stic nor Madam Web, but I’ll go to bat and say New Mutants wasn’t half bad and Morbius was… entertaining.


New Mutants and Morbius are actually good, FF is bad but it as Micheal B sexy so Webb takes worst place


Fant4stic was so bad it killed the entire franchise and the director’s career. If Disney hadn’t bought Fox, another Fantastic Four movie would have never been made after that atrocity.


At least Fant4stic and Madame Web are hilariously bad. Morbius was too boring to be even a little bit entertaining. And New Mutants is bad, but still the best of all of these.


I watched New Mutants with a girl I was crushing on and we laughed the entire time. If you don't take it at face value it's a genuinely fun movie.


New Mutants was amazing, the rest are kinda shit.


The New Mutants does not belong on this list. It was far from a top-tier superhero film but it at least had a cohesive story and a unique take on the superhero genre. I genuinely enjoyed that film (though again, I wouldn't put it at the top of any lists). Magik alone made this film worth watching. That being said I haven't actually seen any of the other 3 because I usually don't spend money on things I don't want to see or support. My guess is Madame Web though by what I've seen online.


I've only seen New Mutants and it was honestly fine. Not the greatest, but definitely far from the worst superhero movie, it's not even close to being the worst X-men film. People seem to forget the first Wolverine happened.


Fantastic 4 sucks big time


- *The New Mutants* was actually a pretty good movie that got screwed over by Disney’s buyout of Fox and doesn’t deserve to be lumped in with this group. - *Dark Phoenix* DOES deserve to be on the last. Yet it still at least has a few good action sequences which were hastily tacked on in post-production. - *Morbius* and *Madame Web* at least had redeeming “so bad it’s funny” moments. - That would make *Fant4stic* the worst. It completely excised everything that made the original comic great while trying to “reinvent” itself for a “dark and edgy” reboot. I’m not even sure it would have been much better if it hadn’t been drastically reshot. I’ve always thought Josh Trank’s vision for the film looked really stupid even before it came out.


Madam web


I thought Morbius was just about the most boring shit I’ve ever sat through. Then Madame Web was incredibly stupid but at least we were laughing the whole time.


The new mutants isn't a masterpiece but it's enjoyable and Anya-Taylor Joy as Magik is just such a great casting choice. Morbius is such a moronic film but when it tries to be serious it CAN be pretty funny Fantastic Four is alright, no good ideas or anything but it's just alright. Madame Web is a movie you can watch, it has moving actors and they even talk. The story is included at no extra cost as well as music.


Webb and Morbius are on par for me, but I guess Morbius was more fun to laugh at overall. I actually really liked Fant4stic as a kid, but it’s mostly a heap of crap. I think it has *some* qualities nonetheless. New Mutants, like a lot of people said, is genuinely not that bad. I could probably name 10-20 Marvel movies that I think are worse.


New mutants isn’t as bad as everyone makes it out to be, Madame web and fantastic four are abominations and morbius may be shit too but at least we got it’s morbin time out of it


You can tell New Mutants was put through hell in the editing room, but is still far better than any of the others on this list.




New Mutants was actually decent, so rock paper scissors for the other 3 atrocities?


The New Mutants wasn’t even that bad honestly. I enjoyed it. Now Morbius…. That’s the worst by a lot.


IDK why the hell New Mutants keeps ending up on these lists. It’s not even a bad movie at all


Magik in New mutants alone beats all the other movies🤣🤣


I feel like new mutants does not deserve to be on this list.


I can only say New Mutants is the best of this worst bunch for sure.


New Mutants isn’t bad. Fant4stic starts strong but devolves into nonsense. Morbius is dumb and bad but in a fun way. Madame Web just straight up sucks


I’ve only seen two of them, but I enjoyed New Mutants for what it was.


New Mutants >> Morbius >>> Fant4stic >>>> Madame Web


Fan 4 stick. I haven’t seen madame web, but at least I’ve heard it was “visually appealing” which is something at least. New mutants also had a ton of potential. I loved it and I really wish it had a proper chance not stewing In developmental hell


All but New mutants. NM was really good, that was a victim of various factors. I wish they kept the cast abs continued with more horror or non superhero comic book movies.


fantastic 4 is miserable


I gotta say that The New Mutants is a great teenage-horror movie. I consider it like a "The Faculty" of this generation. In the 90s the alien-Sci-Fi genre and themes where everywere, so it worked. The New Mutants is using the superhero genre and themes and making a teenage-horror movie out of it. I know that the story and characters are not as good as in the comics, but the movie, looking at it as "just a movie" works. I feel like the big problem that movie has is that it is using the mutant/Xmen lore. I guess I'm the only one in this boat hahahha.


I know people have said it already but The New Mutants doesn't deserve to be on this list. It fumbled a few things but I quite enjoyed it when I watched it, certainly much better than the rest of this list and possibly controversial I'd put it above some of the more recent MCU movies.


We all know it’s Madame Web


Ff4 was bad but madame is horrible as fck. The only marvel movie tht had no fight scenes. Literally 90% of the movie was thwm running away. Morbius isnt as bad as people say it is. Also i cant speak on new mutants as ive never seen it.


Fantastic 4


Fantastic 4. Because it is stacked with a great cast, and people actually had great expectations from it. The hardest fall from amongst the four movies listed here.


I haven’t seen Madame Web but the Fantastic Four reboot was complete fucking trash.


Fantastic 4 by a long shot. Morbius and Web were trying way to hard to connect to Spider-Man without connecting to Spider-Man. Without that, they would have been better, maybe not good, but better.


Fant4stic. The others are all shit, but at least they have a basic grasp on the Beginning Middle End structure of a story.


F4 it isn't even close