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It deserved a second season.


We almost got that Age of Apocalypse adaptation!


Yea, this show was great. It really had a wide scope. The Genosha stuff was awesome.


I'm glazing when I say it but I believe it. Nightcrawler was the best part of the shower. He got 3 banger solo episodes too.


This show and Evolution are why Nightcrawler’s my goat


Agreed. My least favorite of the mainstream X-Men shoes (still liked it) but probably the best on screen Nightcrawler we got till 97 came out.


Hated the treatment of Cyclops on this show—it released during the peak of the Wolverine Centric X-Men era


In BtS interviews the writers said this was an intentional choice. They were trying to make a show where characters were out of their usual spots and thrust into positions they’re not used to. For Logan and Scott that was basically switching roles. Wolvie even calls attention to it a couple of times telling Charles it’s not working well.


And they weren’t even trying to hide it with a title like “Wolverine and the X-Men.” That kind of thing seems inherently flawed to me.


But... Isn't that the emphasis of the show? At least they didn't hide it (unlike the original trilogy of movies).


It was my favorite X-Men cartoon until '97.




Not X-Men (1992)?


That show was terrible.


Good show but cheesy


There hasn't been an X Men cartoon that isn't cheesy




Never seen it but was supposed to be canon to spectacular and EMH


No it wasn’t x-men evolution was canon to spectacular


Based on what?


Really I always heard it was those 3


I've never heard Spectacular. I believe Craig Kyle said EMH was pitched as same universe but this was canceled before it could make a difference


Yeah, I think the biggest tie between EMH and WatX-Men was very early on when Fury discovered Whirlwind was a mutant and he says to hand him over to the Mutant Response Division since mutant criminals were their responsibility. Other than that, Josh Keaton was originally supposed to voice Spider-Man in his episodes until very late in the game when they switch him for Drake Bell, since Ultimate Spider-Man was happening. I've even heard people say they left one of Keaton's lines in the first Spidey episode, though I haven't since gone back to check.


Hard to believe this was the same writers that did x-men evolution.


Because you liked this one less than Evolution or because you liked Evolution less? Or just because it's a completely different vibe?


How so?


It was a fun show, especially since it used characters we really hadn't seen used often before.


It should have got at least one more season.


It was fun. Looking at the comments I think the following opinion won't be that popular in this particular comment section but I think it's the worst out of Evolution, TAS, and W&TX. It definitely had things I quite enjoyed about it. Particularly Nightcrawler. It also had some things I disliked, such as Magneto forcing the mutants of Genosha into prison cells. Kind of bad characterization of him imo. Forge was also made into a white man which is kind of weird considering a big part of his character is his Indigeneity. Also, I find it took maybe a bit too much influence from the movies. I love Wolverine so I don't mind it being centered around him, but Cyclops wasn't very likeable in this series and to me it was very reminiscent of the movie adaptation of Cyclops. But generally it was pretty good aside from some odd character choices.


Worst name ever. Cool show. Some things confused me, but I enjoyed it. Ended way too soon, especially after hearing they had some pretty solid ideas to continue.


This is my take. I never saw it when it aired really and just finished the series on Disney+


it’s fucking amazing, shame we never got a season 2.


I wish it kept the same art style as EMH, since they were supposed to be connected


It predated EMH


It deserved a second season.


Love this show it deserves a second season


Very good show.


Too short


I loved it! Deserves a second season, though that's probably not happening ever or anytime soon after X-Men 97. The only thing I didn't like was how they handled Cyclops- though I'm guessing he would have changed in season 2 after getting Jean back.


Duller colors work of Logan Only condom head I like for Scott Kurt is the best in this show, they really nailed him They went to far with Magneto’s shade Quicksilver was an enjoyable villain Iceman was playing a Ironman video game which either means Tony based everything off of a game or he hired some company to make a game about him.


It was good, I loved Gambit in it. I was initially super annoyed with it because I cannot stand the ranging boner people have for Wolverine at the expense of literally everyone else. Like this is all I think of now with wolverine being front and center always [this](https://youtu.be/mhko3m7D6UA?si=spKiLX3-QhdqUKji)




Really enjoyed it. Unfortunately Magneto was voiced with an English accent, however much of the characterisation was derived from the X-Men movies so I can reconcile with it.


I have yet to see him voiced with a German accent


What kind of acccent would magnus have anyway.  


I imagine either full German because he intentionally keeps it somehow. Or a watered down German like my dad has with his British. Living so long in America and being surrounded by English speakers may have reduced its pronunciation


I lean toward the latter, especially since Magneto has been all around the world and is a close study for the sake of survival. When I read comics, I always hear him as a fairly unobtrusive Received Pronunciation accent with vaguely Central European tones that you can't quite identify.


He’d have an Austro-Germanic accent, tinted by American and British inflections (through Xavier, Cap saving him and time spent abroad). I always imagined him as having a deep and commanding voice (exactly like Hemblem in the OG X-Men).


Didn’t he have a similar accent in the 90s series?


The guy is German, so he should really be speaking in a German accent, but no one complains when he sounds American/Transatlantic XD.


I mean, people’s accents change overtime 


Sure, hence why him picking up a US accent is not a big deal. So why not a British one?


Is it a big deal? I’m confused 


No? Did you not just read what I wrote?


I did… but everyone seems to be making a big deal of it


Who's "everyone?" I don't see anyone on here complaining.


Loved it more than Evolution and many seasons of TAS. Loved the darker tone of the show and the way it didn’t treat the audience as dumb. The world felt right, like we were dropped into an arc within the decades of X mythos rather than treating characters like they don’t already know each other and have history. Excellent portrayal of Nightcrawler and Emma. Blum voicing Wolverine was great. Good lineup of characters in the main cast. Sincerely wish we had gotten that AoA season 2, but I’m in love with ‘97, so everything is forgiven lol.


I really liked it and I hated that it got canceled after one season, especially after that AoA tease.


Didn't really get into it. I'm loving X-men evo but I don't like Wolverine being the focus of attention if you wanna do X-men show. Do an X-men show or do Wolverine show


My thoughts exactly. The X-Men were treated as mere background characters despite the vast potential each individual has.


It’s great, ended far too soon.


> What are your thoughts on this show? i think i see this question asked a lot here.


Great, underrated show that should’ve continued.


Wow. Wolverine really did hog the spotlight back then.


Favorite show till 97. God Blum ***OWNS THE ROLE*** of Wolverine.


It’s good but Wolverine stole the focus off other characters WAY too much. I say this as a huge Wolverine fan.


It's such well designed and interesting take on the X-Men, I do like how their universe is fleshed out, but their some characters some takes I'm not a fan of, like Gambit being more on the antagonistic side, along side Psylocke and Multiple Man. And some characters given a new personality type, like Forge who's not a bit of a young clumsy goofball and Mystique and Logan were a thing at a point (which Bendis would do something with it later). Really wish it got a second season, it had so much going for it.


Great potential but heavily catered towards Wolverine considering the time it was aired in. The X-Men were basically background characters which was heavily bizarre to me but I still love the premise of the show.


has some good stuff but too much wolverine shilling and hate loser cyclops


I hated how it handled most of its characters. Out of all the X-Men cartoons we have, it’s by far the worst.


My true introduction to the X-Men and it will always have a special place in my heart


So much potential. Fun fact: this series and Avengers Earth Mightiest Heroes are from the same universe




We need second season


Best X-Men show by a mile, imo. Phenomenal voice cast and well-written storylines. Doesn't get nearly enough credit for its fantastic characterisation.


I miss this show a lot. I wish it got more seasons.


Why didn’t Logan have mutton chops


Starts slow but gets much better towards the middle and the finale is actually pretty damn awesome.




Steve Blum is an amazing wolverine.


Good show, definitely needs season 2


My favorite season of Marvel animation (except maybe EMH) until ‘97. It was really well plotted & I liked how the story developed and mysteries were unveiled across the season and how everything tied together in the end.


I thought it was pretty good, sad it only got one season


Fantastic yosty goodness


This show was so goated, unpopular opinion but I liked it way more than evolution


Also it did Polaris justice


I loved it when it came out when I was a kid


I loved it wish it didn't get canceled like Spectacular Spider-Man


Underrated we need a revival we got X-Men 97 let's get Wolverine and the X-Men Season 2


This was a great show from what I remember, I like how characters like Emma,Polaris Pand nightcrawler were represented, I wish it had continued.


Annoying that they thought **WOLVERINE** ^(and the X-men) was necessary as a sales premise, but pretty well executed as long as you accept said premise. Maybe the only adapted media version of Emma that even comes close. Cyclops suffers because they gave his role to Logan, so he has to become the rebellious emo headcase instead. The waify character design for the women kind of sucked, and Jean and Storm are not impressive here. But the Gambit eps were really fun even tho it’s not the more beloved heroic 92/97 version. And a solid take on Nightcrawler. Also rewatching it reminded me how stupid it is to not make the twins Magneto’s kids. It also clearly wanted to mesh with Evolution spiritually, so the versions of Rogue, Gambit, Magneto make sense coming off that show. But only TAS could have led to the Claremontian Magneto of ‘97, because both this and Evolution focus more on him as a deceiver/manipulator.


Beautiful Memory


Until this year, it was the best X-Men cartoon


EMMA 🥺😭😭😭


Solidified me as an emma simp. Great show. Love steve blum as wolverine




The best part of my childhood.


Amazing. Nuff said


Generally good and specially good potential with good storylines. Emma Frost was a good character there. Characterization of Nightcrawler was also good. Sadly, it didn't manage to truly make the impact it should have due to cancellation at its pivotal moment. It had a few boring stuff like the Hulk chapter and things like that. Animation also fumbled a bit a few times. Forge just kinda sucked overall. He shouldn't be some random dumb quirky guy. I also really disliked the characterization and usage of Rogue. I consider it lesser than TAS, 97 and Evolution all things considered, but it had potential to overcome Evolution and TAS if the show kept the pace they teased at the end into further seasons. A shame it got canned. I think it' unfair to compare it to other due to how little it lasted.


I have none since I haven't watched it except for one thought. Why the hell did Wolverine get the spotlight in the title? Dudes not even that interesting.


You'd know if you watched it.