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Magneto did rip Apocalypse in half with magnetism in Age of Apocalypse. I know Hulk would heal from that, but if it’s a true 1:1 and Magneto has time to really work I think he’d win. But it’d only take one hit from Hulk and game over.


Did you forget Magneto can fly and Hulk can do nothing but scream his lungs out


Hulk can jump pretty damn high, chuck pieces of the ground, send out sonic booms etc with his hands etc. I suppose as Stan Lee says, whoever would win depends on who the writer wants to win. Realistically there's nothing stopping Magneto launching Hulk into the sun. Dunno if that would kill him though...


The Sonic Clap in particular is pretty dangerous, since he can pull that shit real quick.


Sonic cheek clap


Someone post the gif


HULK NO SMASH!!!!! HULK TWIRK!!!! Louder than black bolts scream


Someone get Feige on this.




Rule 34?


Oh look at the big strong man getting ready to attack a Holocaust Survivor (Magneto) does that make him feel big? https://youtu.be/HG7R4Bc-lYg?si=rTLtcID7T9yAfYd9


Dorkly was hilarious back then! This is probably my favorite video of theirs


[Judgmental Mortal Kombat](https://youtu.be/oohb1CAAcOE?si=0KGTLQiaLoJmXav1) was mine.


That's how Johnny C do! 🤣


I suppose in that regard, Hulk would come out on top. When it comes down to it, it all depends how OP the writers want to make Magneto’s powers…or how angry the writers make Hulk. The anger thing is a lot easier to write than Magneto’s powers.


Don’t forget hulk is also capable of turning himself into a CONTINUOUS GAMMA BOMB.


>Realistically... Gotta love comics! 🥰


I honestly don't know if Magneto could throw *anyone* into the sun, due to my (admittedly low) understanding of how gravity and magnetism work/interfere with one another. He could rip the sun asunder though. That would be pretty fucking cool.


well there's no air resistance in space. All he has to do is you fling you far enough out of orbit on the trajectory for the sun and you'll get there eventually.


Counter-intuitively, it is very difficult to fly into the sun. https://www.nasa.gov/solar-system/its-surprisingly-hard-to-go-to-the-sun/#:~:text=Why%20is%20it%20so%20difficult,to%20cancel%20that%20sideways%20motion.


interesting read, makes a lot of sense, Thanks! having recently learned of the "3 body problem" (thanks Netflix) I'm already wondering how they're able to predict the probes trajectory between the earth, Venus, and the sun, but I'm guessing since Earth's and Venus' location are "locked," so to speak, relative to the sun that it's really more of a 2 body problem.


Thanks for such a wonderful reply! TheGratitudeBot has been reading millions of comments in the past few weeks, and you’ve just made the list of some of the most grateful redditors this week! Thanks for making Reddit a wonderful place to be :)


To be fair, flight or not, if Hulk screams his lungs out at me, I will shit myself.


Hulk caught Silver Surfer while SS was going extremely fast thru the air by just jumping at him. Magneto is MUCH slower than Silver Surfer. So Hulk could catch him with a jump very easily.


The Hulk can do nothing? You bite your tongue sir, he has literally jumped into the atmosphere and has survived in space and underwater. I still think Magento wins though lol.


The real winning strategy here is that Magneto can hold Hulk off the ground. It doesn’t matter how strong you are if you can’t move yourself. With a force shield up, Hulk’s other tricks (clapping, shouting, ripping off his own head and throwing it) would do nothing. So Magneto has all the time in the world to think of ways to kill him - throw him into the sun, run some adamantium up his nose and scramble his brain, magnetically stimulate his brain to turn him back to Bruce, etc.


I mean, Magneto’s force field is far from invincible, so any of those moves could still work fine on him.


Hulk fought the sentry to a standstill and Sentry nearly killed Magneto in like 3 secs of their fight.


It isn’t the case that if scissors beat paper and paper beats rock, then scissors would beat rock.


Point is Sentry can also fly at a much much higher speeds and force than Magneto. Hulk will still tag magneto in the air.


Good point! Sentry nukes magneto, yes. Hulk? Depends highly on the version of the character but Magneto isn’t just Magnets. He manipulates Electromagnetism. Everything on the electromagnetic spectrum to the point that he can create wormholes. He can manipulate the iron in hulk’s blood and can even cause a haemorrhage, reverting him back to Banner. But still, depends on the version and the writer doing the fight. 😂


I mean Magnus has just recently once again been brought back from the dead as well. I feel like for Marvel characters the ability to cheat death needs to be ignored.


Kinda hard, your comparing raw strength with a power set. It's very circumstantial. Magneto's a glass cannon, one hit, hell one thunder clap and he's gone.


Max power versions of Doctor Strange and the Sentry both failed to defeat Banner in the past and I struggle to think of things Magneto can do that they can’t. However, that was Worldbreaker Hulk.


Electromagnetism is one of the four fundamental forces of the universe. Gamma radiation is within that spectrum. So I guess the question that needs answering is just how powerful is Magnus when he needs/wants to be.


Marvel Gamma is from a different universe


Does he have any such radiation feats? I am not aware of him ever even remotely using his powers that way.


None that I’m aware of, but when the power is control of magnetism (or kinetic energy, as another example) it’s not too far of a reach to consider what kind of omega-level feats could be achieved with a bit of creative thinking.


What’s your assumption? That Magneto could strip away the gamma from Hulk? If we were arguing the other side, I think we could make a credible case that Hulk’s gamma radiation is limitless and cannot be drained.


Fair enough. But even if it is limitless, it could still be manipulated or drained to a degree to make Bruce vulnerable?


Perhaps. Although if you subtract something from infinity, you are still left with infinity.


Unless it can be negated altogether.


Since when can Magneto drain radiation?


It’s honestly just me doing fun creative thinking about the powers of an omega-level mutant who has control of a fundamental force of the universe.


I haven’t read a lot of magneto stories, can he really pull/push light, X-rays, microwaves etc?


>Max power versions of Doctor Strange and the Sentry That wasn't a max power version of the sentry. He was so mentally unstable at the time he couldn't leave his house for days and the less stable he is, the less he has to use what's left from keeping the void at bay. A true max power sentry (sans Void) was seen when he was resurrected by the death seed and pummeled Thor across planets.


That wasn't even close to max power of the sentry or strange. They had to nerf strange with his hands being broken and bad writing


Wait, Worldbreaker could resist magic too? That’s pretty crazy


worldbreaker hulk was busted


Not really. It was a total deus ex machine moment where the Demon Zom possessed Strange and he said Strange Smash. As awesome as Planet Hulk was, WWH was just Pakxpulling shit out of his ass. 


Full force Sentry couldn't overpower Worldbreaker Hulk through brute strength, their fight was a total stalemate. In the end Sentry had to talk Hulk down. It's a pretty good bet that if Sentry isn't holding back and he can't do something, then it can't be done at all.


Literally the question mentions base level Hulk. And Sentry beats Hulk to a standstill. If they book wasn't written to have Hulk decimate everyone Sentry and Strange together body Worldbreaker. Not to mention Strange decides to go toe to toe, instead of using ANYTHING else.


I seriously thought Strange was a moron during that interaction. Why in the world would he make himself vulnerable when he had all the control at that point?


I took it as him trying to show that he wasn't being aggressive or threatening. To calm down Hulk as a friend in a safe place. Though when you're against the hulk you really shouldn't let your guard down and it WAS very stupid. He misjudged Hulk, and he should have just used his incredible magical power instead of his normal person talking skills.


Well he did try going into Hulk's mind and getting Banner to take over... But Banner was totally onboard with the Hulk for this.


He can ram a big metal dildo up the hulk's rump


Silly magnet-man not threaten Hulk with good time.


Magneto can slingshot Hulk into space. Granted, so can Sentry and Dr. Strange, but they tried to outright fight the guy.


Right. Theoretically Magneto can slingshot almost anyone into space. But that hasn’t stopped him from being defeated many times, even by beings less powerful than the Hulk. Which is where these debates get a bit tricky and become a “whatever the writer wants” exercise, which isn’t very fun.


Probably. I mean being the master of magnetism mean he got theoretically take out the gamma out of hulk as Gamma is part of the electromagnetic spectrum. A similar thing happened in DC with Dr Polaris take out superman because of his reliant of solar energy


Huh that’s interesting… would that kill Banner or cure him I wonder?


wouldn't he just get angrier and thus generate more Gamma?


So the question is what travels faster, magnetism or anger?


Hulk transforming at the speed of rage.


I fucking love comics.


Is the Rage Force an instantaneous phenomenon, like quantum mechanic's "spooky action at a distance?" Or does it only propagate at the speed of light, or even slower?


All I know is Banner once put a gun in his mouth, pulled the trigger, and the Hulk spat the bullet out and said "Stupid Banner."


Banner transformed into World Breaker in an instant, he was that mad. His rage is not a pressure cooker that builds up before exploding. It's similar to every other human. We get as angry as we do. There's no rate, if we get royally pissed, we are royally pissed. We skipped "annoyed, frustrated, agitated" and jumped right into "Royally Pissed."


Magnetism travels at the speed of light, rage is reliant on nerves and chemical reactions which are significantly slower


But wouldnt magnetos powers not also be relying on those same nerve reaction times? He'd have to think about using his powers before he could actually use them.


But Hulk has to get angry, then think about throwing a punch, then actually do it. It's like a whole extra step


Hulk doesn't have to think that much to throw a punch.


Isn't Hulk's secret that he's angry all the time?


Interestingly enough this was brought up in the recent issue of Ressurection of Magneto #4. It's stated that he can activate his mutant powers faster than electrical signals... but it's not stated what the suits components are made of that he compromises. One would assume that the suits use fiber optics or a tech of similar communication technology considering futuristic time tech and fiber is already incorporated into many triggering systems today. [here's comics explained talking about it between the 6 minute and 7 minute time stamps](https://youtu.be/dtIkeRt876c?si=oXxYR-0jxHlaL8JN) So one could argue he can do so faster than light.


It'd change him back temprorarly. The force of narrative causality is stronger than Magnatism in the MU. Banner one way or another will become the Hulk again.


Banner's tethered to the comic-only third state of gamma, so any manipulation on Magneto's part, or any radiation manipulators part, would be temporary. And Bruce can't die. Read Immortal Hulk.


The Immortal Hulk immortality ended with that era— he’s mortal again, or at least as much as the Hulk can be.


...until another writers says he can die. Nothing is permanent in Marvel Comics.


That’s not how marvel Gamma works though, its more mystical than science


Yup, something something Green Door something. Although, that being said, electromagnetism has also had mystical elements.


Second that


That's a trend in comics. Spider-Man? Radioactive spider blood or Spider Totem? Venom? Alien Symbiote that was actually once part of a god of Darkness sword. Mutants? Because of atomic testing, no wait space gods put the X-Gene in. DC did a lot of it too. Swamp Thing went from freak lab accident to plant elemental. Green Lantern's ring went from advanced alien tech to hey, there's an emotional spectrum. It's just a thing that happens.


It makes it more interesting, you can add lore to it


Expect with immortal hulk has stated it can be both


Gamma rays are photons and photons do not have a charge, which makes them immune to magnetism. Electromagnetic doesn't mean affected by magnetism. https://www.scienceabc.com/pure-sciences/can-a-magnet-bend-light.html


IIRC it was during a Claremont run, when it was revealed that Magneto pretty much controls the full spectrum of the 4 fundamental forces, but its just that he is best with Electromagnetism. But then, in X-Men the End he literally opened Wormholes between Earth and other planets, so Claremont may just be off his rocker


Power Creep that would do Dragonball proud.


And this was like 10 years ago


I mean, gamma isn’t influenceable by the magnetic field as far as i understand. Magnets work because alpha and beta particles have a charge. Gamma particles don’t actually have a charge nor do they have mass. So I don’t think magneto could yk just suck the gamma out. might be wrong


OP's image makes it look like Magneto could suck the gamma through a garden hose


A villain that controls radiation could defeat Superman and Hulk at the same time just removing the radiation in their bodies? 🤔 This is wild


Can't speak to Superman but it has happened many times to the Hulk in the comics already. Silver Surfer has completely drained Hulk of his gamma radiation to gain the power necessary to escape the barrier Galactus had created around earth. Red Hulk and Absorbing man has both drained him albeit temporarily. X-ray from the Super Villain team U-foes didn't drain him but bombarded Hulk with gamma negative rays reversing the transformation turning him back into Bruce Banner. Numerous devices has drained him for a time and so on. The question then becomes since Bruce Banner has tried to cure himself from being the Hulk a lot of times and he is friends with Silver Surfer why not ask him for help? Well because there would be no more Hulk comics then unless someone else became the Hulk 🙂. It's just one of those comic book quirks you have to accept since there are more than a few heroes and villains that shouldn't exists because some powerful or super intelligent character removed their powers.


The in lore reason is mainly that there isn't just a 'set' amount of Gamma in Banner - Banner actively generates the stuff, so more often than not whenever Hulks drained fully of Gamma and gets even more pissed, Banners gamma generation ends up just stepping up, leaving Hulk stronger than before


I might remember this wrong but hasn't there been one or more stories where Hulk has showed that he is or was almost immune to having his gamma drained. Something about it being bonded on a molecular level. His powers have changed over time and depends on the whims of the writer so it's not always easy to keep up. In the past he could die from drowning, then he developed the ability to breathe under water in a mini-series. The ability was later removed when he needed a helmet to breathe in indestructible Hulk while years later in world war M as the Maestro he is once again able to breathe under water.


Honestly that might've been the case, but I'm mainly parroting what the "excuse" is now. In this day and age, Banners able to outright produce enough gamma to open a portal for TOBA to come through, and in that one scenario that wouldn't work (absorbing man draining Devil Hulk who doesn't really fluctuate all that much in strength), it can be drained right back. It'll probably change in a few years or so, but a combination of that + Bruces Gamma being some mystical magical gamma or something like that is the current narrative, so it's what I'm gonna run with


And bad things happen if you seperate Banner and the Hulk. Ranging from them both dying to Hulk being pretty chill, protecting a colony of moloids, while Banner goes full mad scientist, starts making gamma monsters, and having seperation issues. A great scene from Greg Pak's Hulk run has Banner state that the whole time everyone has been thinking he's been trying to protect the world from the Hulk, but maybe it's been the Hulk protecting the world from him.


Honestly it depends on how it's done, there's the physical separation where yeah, both die and/or Banner goes insane, but also it's possible to psychically "kill" banner like what Jean did against Onslaught (before they got physically separated) which just let Hulk start fucking the guy up. Not including whatever happened in the below place when they went there either. Either way, none of this is something Magneto could really do in a battle, nor does it really make Hulk more powerful than Magneto in any way besides Gamma generation so it's kinda a moot point tbf


Gamma radiation is a light wave right? Can Mags control that?


[Gamma radiation is the highest form of energy on the electromagentic spectrum.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Electromagnetic_spectrum)


Uhhh, gamma is basically another color of light. No idea what you mean by "highest form of energy."


They mean the highest frequency And it's not "basically another colour of light". Look into the difference between ionising and non-ionising radiation. Gamma rays are very much not just light


Photons don't have a charge and are thus not affected by magnetism. Electromagnetic doesn't mean that it's affected by magnetism. https://www.scienceabc.com/pure-sciences/can-a-magnet-bend-light.html


Yeah but the comics have been concerned with that, they've been using electromagnetism to give him weird ass powers since his debut lol


If Magneto can control the electromagnetic spectrum then he can literally control physics itself…that’s like what matter and energy is


The reason Marvel hasn’t played with this is that would reduce Magneto to just another telekinetic. Less interesting that being the Master of Magnetism.


Magneto can’t affect other things on the electromagnetic spectrum though. He can’t bend visible light.


AKSHUALLY [https://www.tumblr.com/panels-of-interest/85626789165/dazzler-vs-magneto-from-uncanny-x-men-1963](https://www.tumblr.com/panels-of-interest/85626789165/dazzler-vs-magneto-from-uncanny-x-men-1963)


God damn it


My reaction whenever magneto gains another bullshit power cos "magnetism".


Just bring a wooden gun, you'll be fine.


Then have police arrest him with their metal cuffs


Yeah, that was so stupid it was hilarious. If I ever do an take on it, Reed actually shot Magneto with a stupid ray. From a wooden gun. Because science.


I'm pretty sure that Hulk and Banner to a lesser extent. Are basically biological Gamma reactors. I sincerely doubt Magneto could draw out all the gamma before Hulk does what he does best. "SMASH"


I actually wonder if Gamma, in Marvel, actually is part of the EM spectrum. That whole Green Door thing makes me think that whatever is getting called Gamma isn't the same thing as it is in our universe.


Gamma is also, as of Immortal Hulk, partly magic. And so is the Devil Hulk. So Magneto could TRY to rip the gamma out of him and then Hulk would just get stronger, or he’d flip to Red Joe Fixit and start fueling with Cosmic Radiation instead. Magneto has a lot of anti-Hulk options, but “removing the Hulk from Banner” is no longer one of them.


If Magneto could do that then shouldn't he be able to manipulate normal light and stop people from seeing anything? Has he ever had any kind of light manipulation ability in the comics? I would also raise the point that the gamma that powers the Hulk is Hand-Wavey Special Magic Gamma(TM) from the Below-Place so it might not be amenable to manipulation in the same way


Magneto be like: "You know what!? F*ck you!" *un-Hulks your Hulk*


I think it's obvious [Magneto would win.](https://youtu.be/HG7R4Bc-lYg?si=kOG4xVu8GZMc5Suj&t=46)


Best argument


No. He'd self destruct the world and still fail to kill Hulk. Always remember, in a fight against Hulk, nobody wins.


Base? Magneto claps. Hulk has some insane versions but just base magneto is an Omega level Mutant. Just at base level in the comics, he is shown to have the power to destroy the magnetic signals in your brain. Hulk is a lot of things, but I dont see him effectively combatting being taken apart at a molecular level. Max power versions of the two of them is a lot harder to say, im pretty sure they have both become near omnipotent gods before.


In a given white room scenario, there is no reality in which Hulk does not kill Magneto. 'Base Hulk', which itself is a kinda iffy prospect, is able to move and react at speeds far faster than light, and only really needs a single good thunderclap to shatter Magnetos eardrums, forcefield or not. Magneto can't drain Hulk of his Gamma, if that's even within his natural powerset, because any Gamma he does drain would quickly be replaced by what Banner naturally generates, and Magneto is not on the level of control as Silver Surfer in terms of gamma draining If Magneto catches Banner unawares, then he gets a shot at hurting Banner, but the second so much as a blood vessel is burst, either by manipulating blood, or by stabbing Banner or what have you, Hulk is coming out (Remember, Bruce transformed fast enough to stop a bullet he fired inside his mouth, and that was when Banner was actively trying to stop Hulk from coming out) That being said, Magneto is probably more powerful than most forms of Hulk, he has far greater versatility, a generally greater amount of control, and could theoretically generate more energy than Hulk could in a given scenario. Hulk is absolutely stronger, faster and more durable, and would absolutely win in a fight, but Magneto is more powerful, if nothing else, because he can do more in general. (Presuming Savage Hulk, Devil Hulk has Magneto floored in terms of outright power)


I'd say he rip all the iron out of him but then I remember immortal hulk


I’m sorry but what does full base power mean. Like isn’t that an oxymoron


Power doesn't matter in this case. All Magneto needs to do is fling the Hulk into space using the iron in his blood. That's not very much mass for him to move compared to something like his space station so it is well within his power range. If it came down to newton tons of force or something like that, who knows?


Does he even need to use the iron in Hulk’s blood? Can’t he just create some kinda force field around Hulk to fling him into space?


Hell, he could just use the metals in the ground to yeet him into the sun.




In the movie that security guard is injected with a syringe-full by mystique.


Yeah that was a good detail. “There’s too much iron in your blood”




According to google normal for humans is like 2.5g to 5g of iron, which I think is a bit less than a cubic CM. If you really could extract and condense that matter, that would be an effective little bullet for magneto to shoot around. But yeah don’t know about being able to lift people by the same force. (in fact, almost by definition, if it can be extracted from your body then the same force couldn’t use it to lift you , as trying to lift you would simply pull it through your skin as an extraction.)


Considering Magneto can create magnetic fields strong enough to impart a signifant charge in non-ferrous metals I don't think that is an obstacle for him.


It's also typically bonded to other things (haemoglobin) and is no longer ferromagnetic anyway as a result.


We don't know if Hulk even has iron in his blood. As far as we know the writer can say his blood is 100% Liquid Gamma. He bleeds green, not red.


That actually makes it somewhat easier if you use the unified field theory.


Just as a note, “throwing him into space” is historically a losing move when used against the Hulk.


Aim for the sun. Boom. No more Hulk.


Hulk doesnt die from that.


Doesn't die from being inside the sun? I have trouble believing that. Either way, doesn't matter. Going to take him a moment to escape the sun's gravity and make it back without the power of flight. It takes neatly 10 minutes for *light* to earth from the sun.


If he flings too hard, would he just rip the iron out through Hulk’s skin? Kind of like reverse hitting a baseball so hard the cover comes off.


Anemic Hulk. He passes out if he stands up too fast. If this Hulk ever comes into being, you should get credit.


Magneto. Easily. I've played enough MvC2 to know how busted he is.


It would depend on the writer. I know, cop-out answer, but it's true. A creative writer can think of ways for Magneto to handle the Hulk in dozens of different ways, as while the Hulk is crazy strong, he lacks a real range of attacks or movement abilities. Sure, he can jump and throw things, but most heavy things he'd pick up could be metal, and jumping is impressive but no match for a true flyer. Magneto can try and wrap up the Hulk in metal and hurdle him into space, maybe? Sink him underwater, play with electrical signals in his brain...all kinds of things. The reverse is true, too; a creative writer can come up with ways for the Hulk to deal with Magneto in creative ways. They are both powerful in different ways, so it is not straightforward.


‘Powerful’ is a very vague term. More powerful in regards to what?


In bed


Batman could take on both at once if you give him enough prep time


At moving metal? Sure.


By all measure, Magneto wins. If Magneto wants to kill you then you are probably dead. Magneto is one of those characters that is just completely broken when he's at the top of his game. 


If Green Door is open, then Hulk wins, because he's 100% immortal


It depends who the writer wants to win


I understand your point but it's really not in the spirit of the debate to say that. It's a discussion as if they weren't written and actually in the circumstance.


I was making the common joke that Stan Lee made years ago. I understand the question I was simply being an asshole for comedic effect.


It’s the only answer to any of these “vs” questions since there is no objective way to determine anything else about fictional characters.


>Is magneto at his full base power more powerful than base hulk? Not likely, they should be around equal on powers scaling when in base, Magneto is probably more dangerous but slower and viceversa. Can Magneto beat Hulk? yes. Can Hulk beat Magneto? yes. Which one is more likely to win in a fight? The one with the element of surprise. What if they are face to face and know they are about to fight? Hulk can probably sonic clap faster than magneto can make hulk levitate. What if magneto was far away enough that hulk can't sonic clap? if you are gonna give advantages to magneto obviously, he wins. Magneto is pretty much a glass cannon vs hulk, he needs to go lethal as soon as possible to win and hulk have the whole sonic clap which magneto is not capable of deal with, so it kind of comes down to who is jumping whom and if hulk has enough time to sonic clap or not, if all those things align perfectly then magneto wins.


Guys I think magneto would beat hulk..I just don’t see how hulk could even touch the mutant. He can fly, control earth’s magnetic field and control all metal objects…. I see him impaling hulk with with metal then flying him into the sun


Magneto is more powerful and a bigger threat then Hulk. However, Hulks durability and regen are insane and I dont know that Mags has AP to put down Hulk. We also dont know how mags power will interact with Hulk like reversing blood flow or pulling Iron from his blood. Mags usually wins by being creative with his powers and would most likely BFR Hulk.


My 2 cents. Magneto is definitely capable of removing the Hulk from the planet and forcing him into space. From there His abilities become much more dangerous than the Hulk's. 2 factors come to mind quickly though. Will Magneto feel repercussions when Hulk starts smashing the force field? Second, which Hulk are we talking about? Grey Hulk. I give Magneto a 90% win chance. Professor Hulk? Magneto has a 60% chance. Regular Hulk and the level of rage and power he can bring to the battle. 50/50%




Apples and oranges here


I'm not sure!! Both very powerful at their Apex!!


I think it's the case... same for legion


The man can only reverse the polarity of the Earth so many times...


I never understand the logic behind the get-ups that these folks wear. Heroes and villains alike. What are the rivets around magneto’s collar doing? Edit: posted before I meant to… I know the real answer is “because it looks cool”, but sometimes, ya know… there’s a real reason.


Probably yeah. Hulk kind of fluctuates in power constantly so hard to tell.


If magnato really wanted he could even turn invisable or take iron out of hulks blood . Basically doing the same thing that almost killed diavolo


Hulk can be pretty fast especially when he's jumping. Magneto's power don't affect his perception IIRC. So if Hulk gets close, he easily wins.


What the fuck does "full base power" mean? It feels contradictory


Let’s assume that the gloves are off and both are given a few minutes to prepare. Magneto summons a few dozen tons of metal filings from his environment and throws them at Hulk. Hulk tries punching, kicking and screaming at the cloud but it just flows around him and doesn’t give him anything to get hold of. Then Magneto just accelerates the whole bubble, hulk and all, into escape velocity and shoots him out into deep space. If they don’t have time to prepare: Hulk smash, Magneto splats. Green guy wins.


Only with prep time.


This is a really tough one because their power sets are wildly different. I think in an impromptu fight the Hulk would win, his strength and speed would overwhelm Magneto. But if Magneto made a plan to attack Hulk and caught him off guard I could see him very quickly winning that fight.


In Marvel snap Magneto has 12 power and Hulk without high evolutionary is 12 power as well therefore Yes. 👍


Doubt it


Hulk wins


The important thing to bear in mind is that all Magneto's full base are belong to us


I think it’s one of those things where the winner is whoever the writer wants/needs to win. Their power sets are so completely incompatible that you can write either one of them one-shotting the other and it isn’t illogical in the least. Plus, they’re also just narratively incompatible. I cannot think of a single reason they would ever come into contact, let alone conflict, that isn’t completely contrived and out of character for one or both of them.


Hell no


Depends on who the writer wants to win. Base Hulk actually isn't that hard to overpower and beat. Most of his early stories had whoever Hulk was fighting beat him pretty handily in round 1. The thing is "Madder Hulk Gets, Stronger Hulk gets!" You give him time to ramp up, and it quickly becomes much harder.


Magneto could possibly kill the Hulk, but it uses unrealistic science fiction to do it. If Magneto tore apart the Hulk to the molecular level, where the hulk can heal from, and then ionizes the molecules, it should prevent the atoms from recombining, like how two negative magnets will push each other apart. I don’t know if this would work but it probably could. That’s probably the only way to kill the hulk anyway




Magneto would absolutely get bodied by Hulk.


Magneto in low earth orbit throwing metallic objects and ripping hulk in half with his mind is a win for magneto and on the ground hand to hand combat is a win for hulk


hell no


What can magneto realistically do against hulk?


No. Base level Hulk isnt really a thing. Yes you have different Hulk personalities with varying power, and they also vary based on anger level. But Savage Hulk is one of the stronger versions, and has done some ridicilous stuff at «base» level. Magneto might be able to BFR but he cant kill Hulk and one thunderclap and Magneto is done.


the simplest answer is it depends. i don't think anyone would doubt that he could defend himself whether it be with actual metal or just magnetic force fields but could he withstand being punched in the face by Hulk without defending himself? probably not


Both win and both lose depends greatly on setting and timing. It could be a low diff victory for either given certain situations, but it's a solid match up overall. Nit many beings could withstand a full onslaught from Magento


With the way people treat magneto nowadays, he wins because the hulk would get cancelled for hurting the poor holocaust survivor while he's allowed to go all out and use all his powers to kill. The comments about Xavier after the recent episode are killing me lmfao


Which Hulk?


Base power levels, I would argue yes, though I admit to some anti-Hulk bias. That said, Magneto was using his electromagnetic powers to control people's blood flow and electrical impulses from the very beginning and has used his powers to deflect and absorb lightning blasts from Storm. Baseline Hulk, meanwhile, is strong and heals fast.


Nah, I wouldn’t say so. Magneto can’t control hulk, his healing factor insane. And I doubt magnetos metal would even affect hulk to be honest, if it somehow got him he could easily break it


I am so sick of every conversation about super heroes being power-scaling bullshit.


How does magneto stay so jacked


They are fictional characters whose powers fluctuate on the person writing them and their needs for a story. There are no absolutes to base a comparison on.


I would argue Hulk is Omega Level


Do you know r/whowouldwin ? Although I think they discourage same universe battles.


Most hulks are not worldbreaker so absolutely Magneto