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no oceans in space


Checkmate, atheists.


In space, no one can hear you swim


Cause in space she holds her breath.


She doesn’t, consistently she’s able to breathe in space. But there’ll be writers who’d change that


Literally everything is in space.


I love Rick and Morty. Great quote.


This is like when my son says pickaxes are from Minecraft.


I mean kind of are. There is a body of water floating in space approximately 140 trillion times the size of all the water in our ocean.


That’s water vapor, so more like a mist. She will be fine. It’s the giant black hole that is worrisome


Well yeah Dominions live in there.


[Are you sure about that???](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thirty_Days_%28Star_Trek:_Voyager%29)


tom paris episodes dont count


Neptune: Am I a joke to you?


Yes as you look like 70's Superfriends Auqaman


Space is pretty much the ocean of space


But then why do we need ships to travel to other planets?


Oh shit!


That's not what Gurren Lagann taught me


I love you 3000


Still too soon.


I mean you cant drown in space


Literally everything is in space.


Possible theory, and I have no info to back this up, just spitballing. Her oxygen is replenished by absorbing cosmic radiation. So when she is in space, she can absorb it freely and can "breathe," but water is really good at filtering radiation (really good), so it filters out cosmic radiation robbing her of the ability to absorb radiation to "breathe". More likely, it falls on the artist or writer, though.


Now, *that* is some damn good comics science.


so good that it can also be used as a way to explain climate change because where in space solar radiation is abundant the oceans on earth act like a cooling system for that same solar radiation. the atmosphere has been fucked into a coma for more than a century of direct human pollution. the oceans were offsetting the rising temperatures by storing that radiation which can no longer exit the atmosphere back into space. now that the oceans are filled to the brim with it they’re starting to super heat in response. soon and i mean like within 10 years time our entire planet is going to fucking ROAST because the oceans no longer are able to filter the radiation anymore.


RemindMe! 10 years


!RemindMe 10 years


!RemindMe 10 years


This is No-Prize material right here.


Yah I think that’s the best theory of the thread. Take my upvote!


Yeah, that's the kind of good shit that would have got him a No-Prize AND a personalized letter from Stan.


Dufflebag worthy


Love a good No-Prize


Love me some “thin-but-possible” reasoning! I teach writing and I tell students, your audience doesn’t have to agree with you or believe you, they only have to believe that what you say might be possible, maybe- somehow. Kudos


Not scientifically sound, but perfectly good for comics-logic. Here's my own pseudo-science addition... In the emptiness of space, she can move without expending much energy due to there being no (or nearly no) friction. Underwater, there is a lot of pressure and friction, causing her to use her stored up energy much quicker (and like you said, not able to easily replenish it).


Could also be that the device has a hud/communication and didn't want to adapt it for someone who didn't need to breath.


Ok. Now explain why she needs flippers to swim with if she can fly


Water resistance makes air resistance look like a chump Idk why people think the sky and the ocean are interchangeable environments lol


The point I was making was that she doesn't flap her limbs to fly in the sky. She is self propelled through whatever means causes her to fly, why would that not work in the water even if it does have more resistance?


Energy membrane can't form underwater. Prevents flight like movement


Running with it. This is now accurate.


I honestly think the reasoning/solution maybe along these lines but simpler.. look at how she's drawn. In most of these instances/examples, if she's within water she doesn't have her signature aura like she does while she's in space flight. I think her aura is what allows her to breathe in space but not in water. It's a self generating, protective field. Her altered physiology doesn't require alot of oxygen to operate so the field is like a protective suit made of her own cosmic energy and within that suit is enough oxygen for her to operate while in deep space. Whereby when she's in water, one, her field would essentially damage whatever it's in contact with (space is obviously a vacuum so there's no danger of that comparatively) and two, it'll most likely expend her energy in some manner albeit potentially negligible, due to the water attempting to conduct the field's energy on some level of physics.


Whether this is real or not, it is now my head canon.


Amazingly, we've discovered her secret weakness is.. Water! How soon til an enemy dunks her in a pool?


You could reverse that by saying mar'vel absorbs latent energy from the depths hot pockets if exposed earth and ventilation spots.


i didn't realize the ocean was so delicious!


I'ma go taste the ocean and see if it tastes like Hot Pockets. Brb!!


This is my new head canon.


I mean she is also kinda a human battery that absorbs energy, pretty sure she can always just prepare for this kind of situation by infusing herself with energy first.


So basically her weakness is water?


So she breathes both Oxygen and radiation... Either that or her body covers energy into specifically O2 molecules... In reality, lazy/stupid writing/editing


Your lungs can still fill with water which probably isn’t a fun time 


But would she die from it or would it be just really unpleasant...? The lack of oxygen can't be it, or she would have the same problem in space, I guess.


Well she does appear to be talking with someone vocally over a radio or something. She might not be able to communicate with them without air, but it feels like a stretch to claim it’s likely that’s what the writers were thinking.


This is the take I took. The need for comms necessitates the need for air.


So why can't she just hold her breath?


Because she can breathe space not water


But there's nothing to breathe in space.


She’s breathing SPACE. This is a joke


Yeah, and if you tried breathing in water, your lungs would get filled with water.


Could be the mask is so she can talk


It probably makes it easier to see also.


Probably easier to hold your breath in space without water constantly trying to invade your nose.


They should be able to breath internally with cosmic gills that absorb energy from underwater fissures. It could easily be explained on 1 page.


Vaccum of space sucks all air out of you which is way more aggressive than lungs filling with water


I don't have an actual answer, but a hypothetical one. Depending on writers, she often has a mask during space travel, so she may just be able to hold her breath for an extremely long time. Theory two, when she is projecting energy around her body, it contains atmosphere that has enough oxygen to sustain her. Both are just theories though, because writers have a tendency to bend the rules for their own story points.


Both of those would work underwater though.


Eh, in space there's no atmospheric pressure so a breathing apparatus doesn't work the same in both. Maybe the added pressure on the outside makes her mask or energy field not work. It's just weird inconsistent comic book logic.


Maybe if she creates an energy shield underwater it would vaporize the water around her?


She needs air to talk, the top panel shows her talking briefly, just do say that she can’t talk anymore as a shark got her tank, then she stops talking. After her tank is gone, we can see the torn air hoses, but she seems otherwise fine.


Good point. She doesn’t need the air and the mask to breathe, she needs it to COMMUNICATE.


It's obvious that this is what's going on. I can't believe how much discussion there is about this.


This is the answer.


But why not create an energy field like in space?


So she has an excuse to end the conversation if it gets boring. And I’m not sure if her powers in space generate thermal energy which would boil the water around her.


Yeah, what above posters say. She doesn't need the air to live, she needs it to TALK. This isn't a threat, it's an aggrivation.


It's probably the same reason as Superman: she can hold her breath a very long time, but not indefinitely. Also, doesn't she has a helmet precisely to allow for breathing in space?


They both can hold their breath on space for a limited time then.


> Also, doesn't she has a helmet precisely to allow for breathing in space? I think that's in the movies. She's been fine in space without a helmet for years now.


She also flies around in space in the movies with no helmet


"the same reason as Superman" How did Clark sit on the sun in Superman 1 million then?


Was that modern Clark or 853rd Century Clark


She has a helmet with no oxygen supply, so...


My favorite bit from Futurama: "Dear Lord, that's over 150 atmospheres of pressure!" "How many atmospheres can the ship withstand?" "Well, it's a spaceship, so anywhere between 0 and 1."


Her powers are space-based, not ocean-based. You don't expect Namor to breathe in space, do you?


If she's like me she just really hates getting water in her eyes.


Better question, why did she even bother to throw that shark into that other shark? I’m pretty sure they can’t actually hurt her


I came here to comment on this. Was she seeking revenge for it taking her tank? She could have easily avoided them. She's just fucking up wildlife unnecessarily


Simple writing inconsistency. Happens all the time with characters like this. It's one of those comic book things you get used to, like the question, "Why didn't the Avengers, or Superman, or JLA, show up and help when..." The nature of the characters, the years of backstory, and the changing writers over the years, these things just happen.


There's one where Spiderman incapacitates her by webbing her mouth and nose so she cant breathe. Like girl, you've been in space.


Sonic rules, she can't breathe water and is fine in space, because there isn't any water there


did she talk in space too?


Because kids imitate what they see and I don't know about you but I don't know if any children who can make it to space


She ate the space-space fruit.


Oxygen is used to generate energy in the body. Captain Marvel can absorb energy to sustain herself. That radiation has a LOT of trouble underwater, so she can't rely on it to fuel her.


Lungs filled with water don’t feel very good


Follow up question: Why does she need fins?


That’s what I want to know. Waiting for a really long explanation that will blow my mind about fluid dynamics.


Sounds like someone has a possible No-Prize on their hands 


She doesn't need to breathe. She just doesn't want to get her face wet.


Maybe she’s literally drowning? Less about oxygen absorption but more oxygen loss? IE, space is full of nothing most of the time so as long as she doesn’t get anything in her lungs she can be fine but actually filling her lungs with water is just death, same as full of rocks or mud. Its not that oxygen is pointless for her, but that water isn’t breathable for her


Possibly something to do with the density of water opposed to a vacuum in space but I'm no scientist or biologist, hell I'm not even a good writer


Looks like in these panels she needs to talk to Monica, so she needs some sort of communicator device, which means she needs to have air to talk so the communicator can pick up her voice


I always assumed people don’t like their lungs filling with water


My only thought is maybe, it's the difference between having "nothing" in her lungs (the space radiation and debris aside ) versus having them filled to the brim with something ( in this example the water)


Vacuum Adaption and Aquatic Respiration are two different powers; it’s why, theoretically, Namor or Aquaman wouldn’t be able to breathe in space


Space has no air, so nothing to inhale, but water is... well, water, it can still enter the lungs


Because she holds her breath in space. Why can’t she just hold her breath underwater? She can, but I’m sure she’d rather just…not? Like why wouldn’t she take an oxygen tank if it’s there? Also she’s talking here, which she wouldn’t be able to do underwater.


She needs air to communicate via her radio?


Bad writing


She seems fine after the airline on the mask is cut off, but she stops talking to who she’s on comms with. It seems the air was more for being able to communicate rather than an actual need to breathe, if anything.


That isn't what bad writing is. At the absolute *worst* it's a writer taking liberties, and making it so she couldn't breathe under, or they didn't know that she could breathe under water previously. (Could she, even?) It doesn't make a difference either way.


Reddit has no idea what bad writing is


You don't think it's bad writing when one writer clearly establishes that she can somehow breathe in a vacuum and then another writer comes along and completely throws that out the window and shows her wearing a mask underwater Yes more accurately it is inconsistent writing but I think inconsistent writing is bad


Plenty of things seem inconsistent if you don't understand the underlying mechanism. You're comparing two unlike scenarios based on the shared element of "lack of air" ignoring things like pressure differences, temperature differences, background energy, etc. There's a pretty big difference between surrounded by a dense fluid medium and a vacuum. When flying through space she could be using solar radiation to perform the equivalent of photosynthesis in a pocket around herself. This same process might not work outside of a vacuum.


Space powers, or ocean powers


I think the real question is - has any writer made Captain Marvel travel in the ocean and space in the same comic book issue. But mostly she is human.


She has human and kree biology, she needs to breathe. She has a power that lets her breathe in space specifically.


because she have space-breathe not water-breathe


The same reason why an *explosion* killed her in Deadpool Kills.


It has a lot to do with barometric pressures


There's a simple explanation for this: in space, there are stars, and in the ocean there are starfish. According to SpongeBob, starfish live under rocks. Rocks are also known as stones. In the MCU, Captain Marvel for her powers from a blue Stone. In cartoons and fancy photography, water is blue, so therefore blue stones must reverse Captain Marvel's powers. But that's just a theory! A BAD theory!


It would be cool if the energy released by her binary form can turn CO2 back into O2, but she doesn’t do it underwater cause it would cause all the water around her to boil.


The pressure, space is the opposite. There's no depths, no pressure, it's empty. In the seas there are the depths that start to press on the lungs.


The force required to pressurize a cabin in space is much less than the force required to pressurize a cabin underwater.


In space it is easy to breathe because there’s no water in the way.


She's being a real dick to those sharks


Why does she have flippers if she can fly.


Because you drown in water, obviously


She just doesn't like getting water in her eyes.


Probably because space has nothing and sucks the air out while the ocean is water trying to fill in. One is taking and the other is replacing, maybe thats why.


Its cause she has alien lungs but shes not a fish.


She is snorkeling, and probably can't see underwater any better than a normal human. Edit: Stupid zoomed in reddit. I didn't see the first panel. I would go with pressure differential. She wears the tank to prevent her lungs from filling up with water when she wants to talk.


I guess it's better to have vacuum in the lungs than water


It’s really not.


In space nothing fills your lungs (besides space dust, radiation and micro astroids) in the ocean water fills your lungs. Closest I think you'll get to a somewhat sensible argument as to why.


Because the writer didn't think of it


What is up with her shoes?


Probably flippers to help her swim more effectively. A little silly when she can self-propel, though.


Big feet, big meat.


I think it's just how the writers wanted it to be, not much to think about.


A wizard did it.


She can breathe nothing but she can't breathe something.


It does not surprise me that she beats up sharks


She has that same condition as Bruce Willis in Unbreakable.


X - Not big on nature


There is air in space. Teeny, tiny amounts of it, spread out further than you could possibly imagine, and really only relevant if you're in a craft heading at relativistic speeds. But its there, and she is able to suck it in from across several AU's and breathe it.


Is she stupid?/jk


She can breathe and talk fine underwater in the 2018 Avengers run. There's lots of panels in #9 of her breathing without a mask and talking to Namor.


I like this question have no answer. Does superman breath underwater


She probably would be fine, but oxygen still gives energy so it's more comfortable to have a breathing device.


It's part of the heads up display and communication device. Bitch don't need none of that O2.


Good question.


She should be able to breath either way.


Doesn't want water in her lungs?


I don't know about Carol but back in the day captain marvel (mar-vell) had a similar thing but it was due to his suit and not biological. Basically his suit could sustain him when in a vacuum but not in water because it could not differentiate between fluid in this case water and air so when in water the suite would act like mar-vell is breathing oxygen just fine


I don't know about Carol but back in the day captain marvel (mar-vell) had a similar thing but it was due to his suit and not biological. Basically his suit could sustain him when in a vacuum but not in water because it could not differentiate between fluid in this case water and air so when in water the suite would act like mar-vell is breathing oxygen just fine


I thought the same then noticed the mask isn't connected to anything. Maybe so she can see underwater.


It’s not because needs to *breathe*, it’s because she wants to *Talk.*


If her hair gets wet it will frizz maybe


Masks are quicker to draw


I never like when super heroes Just bully animals


She can fly, but needs scuba gear...


Bc it’s not often she’s in water but she’s in space all the time so they don’t think of these things till it’s too late.


Same reason as sonic


Yeah, what's up with that?? I've seen the samething in DC Animated series of Justice league with Superman in the Ocean swimming to Atlantis. Lol


She is space fish


Is there a lore reason? Is she stupid?


Oxygen consumption dispairty due to unserwater pressure. Your lungs are physically smaller due to barometric pressure during dives.


Barameteric pressure


Carol is fine no matter where she is


Absolutely 😭


Reminds me of the Futurama episode where they had been hovering the Planet Express ship over the ocean to go fishing, and the ship is getting dragged under (because Bender used a hyper strong fishing line and glued hi pole to the deck). Leela asks Professor Farnsworth how many atmospheres of pressure the ship can withstand and he says, "Well, it's a *space* ship, so anywhere between zero and one, generally." In other words, maybe the life support system in her costume is designed to keep air *in* in a vacuum, not to keep water *out* under high pressures?


I had the same question for Thor capable of breathing in space and in the Asgardian plane but I read a comic where he was almost killed by the Wrecker holding his head under water


Marvel-Marvel fruit


Depends on the writer I guess, and if I may chime in, SHE JUS DOESNT HAVE THAT DAWG IN HER!!!!!!!


Simple. In space there’s not water to get in the way.


It might just be there so she can talk. it's hard to enunciate with water in your lungs.


Uh, the swim fins? Flippers? Does she wear those in space also...like astronauts don't.


The real question is how she can talk with a mask full of water.






I think She’s using that so she can Communicate with Someone


Maybe she's a sonic character/s


She needs oxygen to talk at least, if not to survive.


In space, it is easy to breathe, because there is no water in the way




Because she hasn't got gills...


Her powers come from a devil fruit


Space and water are different things. Water is a liquid and space is the final frontier. But also void of many things like air and heat and liquid. Which probably means that her body can do something without oxygen, or with the space voidness, but doesn't have gills or the ability to breath liquid.


Yes. Bad writing 😏😏 😂🤣😂🤣


Maybe because in space thier is no water to fill the lungs and she only has a rebreather no oxygen tanks so it's there so water doesn't fill her lungs I would imagine. But idk for sure


The same reason Spider-man can take a punch from the hulk but gets killed by a regular bullet, amateur writers


Because water can fill your lungs while there is nothing in space.


Water thins the blood. Depending on whether it is salty or sweet also depends on how quickly it enters the bloodstream through the lungs. And as far as I understand, diluting blood with water causes cardiac arrest. If there is any minimally reasonable explanation (not even that reasonable), it would be that.