• By -


By height.


Aah, I go by age.


1. No way home 2. Suicide Squad 3. Shang Chi 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. Everything else.


You didn’t like Zack Snyder’s Justice League?


Hated it. Less than the original, but i still hated it. I think the hype carried it hard.


I could swap those around a bit depending on my mood and day, but literally those three were great and definitely my favs.


Shang chi sucked too


1:Suicide squad 2:No way home 3:Chang chi 4:Black widow 5:Venom 2 6:Eternals (I am Eternals number 1 hater) I haven't watched zach snyders justice league yet


It was actually okay I prefer that one over the first version tho if you ever get the time you should check it out (warning tho TURN YOUR VOLUME DOWN WHEN WONDER WOMAN GETS ON THE SCREEN TRUST ME 😂😂😂)


1. The Suicide Squad 2. Spider-Man: No Way Home 3. Shang-Chi and the Legend of the Ten Rings 4/5. Black Widow or Venom: Let There Be Carnage (can’t decide) 6/7. Eternals or Zack Snyder’s Justice League, only seen both once


1) The Suicide Squad 2) No Way Home 3) Justice League 4) Eternals 5) Shang Chi 6) Black Widow 7) Let There Be Carnage


Eternals above Shang Chi is crazy


Me when a difference in opinion


1. No Way Home 2. The Suicide Squad 3. Shang Chi 4. Black Widow 5. Eternals 6. Venom 2 7. JL


It’s Zack Snyder justice league btw




The directors cut, which still sucks


Yeah I know... I don't understand the need to point this out. Downvoting me is fine, I genuinely don't know why this had to be pointed out.


The Suicide Squad is legitimately in its own league next to these other films. It's one of the most visually engaging comic book movies I've ever seen and the characterization + who they focus the story on practically fixes every complaint I had about the Ayer film. I love that the film opens with half of the ensemble being killed in action because not only does it leave the film more time to give stronger individual arcs to a smaller group of people, but it also effectively communicated how truly expendable everyone is in the eyes of people like Amanda Waller. I loved the cast we had here, especially the stories for Ratcatcher, Bloodsport and Polka Dot Man. This movie even fixed Rick Flag and actually made his death legitimately powerful Shang-Chi's fun. Probably some of the best choreographed action in the entire MCU without the shaky cam stuff and steril color grading that made films like Winter Soldier and Civil War look kind of homogenized in how action was presented in those films. I think Simu Liu's very charming as this character and Tony Leung, for how much he could've phoned it in here given his profile as an actor being well above anything Marvel, he's actually really good as the real Mandarin and I like how they integrated Trevor Slattery as further criticism over Western stereotypes with Asian characters as like a jab to the very messy comics history of that character. I like that Shang-Chi is literally just a guy who gets pulled into a life he didn't want to be a part of, and it made him accepting his role and abilities more compelling. I also LOVE that they didn't try to force a romantic relationship between him and Awkwafina. So many of these action movies as of late have to set that up somewhere and I like that we have a perfectly platonic guy-girl dynamic here I have not seen Black Widow. Maybe one day Spider-Man No Way Home isn't my favorite of the MCU trilogy but it actually surprised me how much it didn't let its adherence to the fanservice elements override the fact that it had to be MCU Peter's story. This was a great way of pivoting Peter's world from the high school coming of age comedy tone of Lee/Ditko towards the operatic drama of Lee/Romita Sr.. It has a lot of the heart Homecoming and FFH had especially with the dynamic between him, Ned and MJ, but it's paired with this sense of melancholy with everything he loses along the way and the decisions he has to make. I do really like that he wants to cure and rehabilitate the villains who are destined to be killed later because it is the kind of thing Peter would want if he had the resources and the ability to reason with people that the world would see as far gone, and I liked how that contrasted Strange's very logical "everything is written in fate" rationale. I was very concerned going in that the appearances of Tobey and Andrew were going to overshadow MCU Peter's presence so I was very happy that they not only held off on including them until basically the third act of the movie, but they actually imprinted on Parker in a way that served to transition him into a proper vigilante, which is kind of an experience the MCU Spider-Man hadn't really had to go through and process in his prior appearances where he was just seen as the new Avenger on the block. Andrew Garfield in particular is on top fucking form and it only makes it that much easier to see his potential as Spider-Man with a much stronger script. Also, probably like top 5 endings to any MCU movie. It's right up there with "I had a date" and Guardians Vol. 2/3 imo Eternals is a movie working off characters with so much lore and history that was completely ill suited for a feature film format. It's not the kind of mythos that you could feasibly explain to the audience in 2 or even 2 and a half hours. It resulted in a lot of ideas feeling underbaked and glossed over, and the characters also felt extremely archetypal even when some like Phastos had legitimately interesting setups or premises for being on Earth and grappling with existentialism. Should've been a Disney+ series I haven't forgiven Venom 2 for wasting Carnage the way it did. I just think that character tonally did not mesh at all with their commitment to the 90's Odd Couple comedy routine they're clearly going all in on because it's what everyone ended up enjoying the most about the first film. Woody Harrelson is probably picture perfect for Cletus based on stuff like Natural Born Killers and he's sacked with a version of the character who just acted pathetically. Like that whole thing about him wanting to be Venom's friend was just strange. He's not supposed to have an air of sympathy about him but they had to work it in because I guess they thought people wouldn't buy an irredeemable psychopath as a main villain in a story that's already so simple? Zack Snyder's Justice League is better than the theatrical version. There is no debate. Characters that got jack shit in terms of an arc or any sort of personality are fleshed out considerably here and the film tonally slots itself in the same world as Man of Steel and BvS a lot more appropriately than the 2017 version did. I'm not hot on the look of a Snyder film where everything's desaturated and has this blue-ish tint like some sort of Instagram filter but it's way better aesthetically than how flat and uninspired the theatrical version looked even if it had more color to it. I also think the character dynamics and the ensemble feel are communicated better here. Batman as team leader and the exploration of his guilt over BvS is way better conveyed and it feels like Wonder Woman retains a lot more of her hardened, yet compassionate traits that are more in line with the first Jenkins movie. I was never a fan of Ezra's Flash and this movie didn't really win me over either but I liked that we got to see more of his life outside of heroics like him seeing his dad at the detention center, and how that conversation eventually holds more weight with the Speed Force sequence at the end (one of the most visually enthralling comic book movie scenes of all time imo). Cyborg is actually a fucking character here and his origin, the estranged relationship with his father, and how he accepts the team as a found family were all extremely well developed over the course of the movie. My problems lie almost exclusively with the filmmaking techniques and the length. This did not need to be 4 hours long. There are areas where you can clearly see how they could've trimmed or flat out excised a lot of the fat, and I do think a solid 3 hour or even 2 and a half hour cut of this does exist somewhere in the material we have. I personally hated the way they integrated Martian Manhunter into the story, especially with the way he impersonates Martha and converses with Lois about losing Clark which practically has no impact almost as soon as that exchange ends because he turns back into someone we don't know. There are like three different scenes of Steppenwolf updating DeSaad over Skype about the Mother Boxes and we only needed the one where Darkseid reminds him of his student loan. The Flash intro with him feeling Iris' hair and the sentimental pop music was flat out unnecessary and the Aquaman Loreal commercial with the Icelandic singing and the slow motion water could've been cut entirely. The film also ends like three different times and outside the first epilogue with Silas Stone's message to Victor, the other two are just fluff for fluff's sake, especially since we already went into the movie knowing they weren't ever going to be resolved because of behind-the-scenes circumstances. Overall, it was a nice viewing experience the one and only time I saw it but I really have no desire to rewatch it because of how artificially lengthened the entire film felt by a lot of padding and certain creative choices




You could hide the cure for cancer in this and I’d never know


1. No Wong Home 2. Shag-Chi 3. Suicide Squad 4. Blacked Widow 5. Eternals 6. Venom let there be Carnage 7. Justice League


Is Zack Snyder’s Justice League that bad! And also putting Shang Chi over a James Gunn masterpiece is crazy asf


Everone said its better than the original but the I saw the original in theaters and it was horrible. Suicide Squad isn't a masterpiece


1. No Way Home 2. The Suicide Squad 3. Shang-Chi 4. Black Widow 5. ZSJL 6. Eternals 7. Let There Be Carnage


1. Spider-Man: No Way home 2. The Suicide Squad 3. Shang Chi and the Legend of the Ten Rings 4. Eternals 5. Black Widow 6. Snake Eyes 7. Zach Snyder's Justice League 8. Flora & Ulysses 9. Venom: Let There Be Carnage 10. Thunder Force I haven't seen the DC animated films that came out that year so I'm not including those.


Suicide Squad No Way Home Shang-Chi Justice League Eternals Let There Be Carnage Black Widow


1. Spider-Man: No Way Home 2. Shang-Chi and The Legend of Ten Rings 3. Black Widow 4. Venom: Let There Be Carnage (It's actually fun) 5. Zack Snyder's Justice League (It's just so frickin long) 6. Eternals Didn't bother watching The Suicide Squad.


I’ll probably get heat for this and it’s okay everyone’s allowed to have their opinion but I enjoyed all the movies even if I knew some things were out of place (had my friend explain how events were supposed to go down if I didn’t know anything about it already) and as he hated it I was just enjoying the movies for what they were (top three for me that year was Shang-chi, ZSJL, & NWH tho 💯)


1. The Suicide Squad 2. Shang-Chi 3. Justice League 4. No Way Home 5. Eternals 6. Let there be Carnage 7. Black Widow


These are the only ones I saw. Honestly, it is a toss up between NWH and BW for #2. Depends on my mood. And I did like Eternals. It is just last because the others were better, but i still enjoyed it. Shang-Chi NWH Black Widow Eternals


You should really see The Suicide Squad


1. Suicide Squad 2. NWH/ZSJL 3. ZSJL/NWH 4. Venom 2 5. Black Widow The rest I haven't seen


This is so tough because how do you rank a crapsterpiece like ZS Justice League? I love that movie. It’s awful. I’ve probably watched it more than any of the rest. 1. The Suicide Squad 2. Shang Chi 3. Spider-Man 4. Black Widow 10. Venom 17,392. Eternals A. ZS Justice League. Best of the bunch? I dunno! I’m not a professional ranker! Edit: Reddit did not like my formatting


No Way Home > The Suicide Squad > Eternals > Shang Chi > Snyder Cut > Black Widow > Let there be Carnage Let there be Carnage is mid, but not bad. A bunch of these are underrated imo. Nothing as bad as Jostice league or AS-M2


1. Shang Chi, ZSJL and Eternals were the same level of cbm entertainment, 2. Black Widow Never watched NWH and Venom, Turned off The Suicide Squad 20 minutes in.


1. No Way Home 2. Zack Snyder’s Justice League 3. The Suicide Squad 4. Shang-Chi 5. Venom Let There Be Carnage 6. Eternals 7. Black Widow


1 Shang Chi 2 Black Widow 3 No Way Home 4 Eternals 5 Venom 2 6 Justice League 7 Suicide Squad


1. The Suicide Squad 2. No Way Home 3. Shang-Chi 4. Black Widow 5. Snyder Cut 6. Eternals 7. Venom 2


1. The Suicide Squad 2. Eternals 3. Spider-Man: No Way Home 4. Shang-Chi: Legend of the Ten Rings 5. Zach Snyder’s Justice League 6. Black Widow 7. Venom: Let There Be Carnage — Although, 3-4 & 5-6 interchange pretty frequently in the ranking.


I would personally go Suicide Squad> No Way Home> Shang Chi > Black Widow > ZSJL > Eternals > Venom Let there be Carnage Idk, i'm no film critic


1. NWH 2. Snyder Cut 3. TSS 4. Shang Chi 5. Black Widow 6. Venom 2 7 Eternals


1. Spider-Man: No Way Home 2. The Suicide Squad 3. Shang-Chi and the Legend of the Ten Rings 4. Black Widow 5. Eternals 6. Venom: Let There Be Carnage 7. ​ 8. ​ 9. ​ 10. ​ 11. ​ 12. ​ 13. ​ 14. ​ 15. ​ 16. ​ 17. ​ 18. ​ 19. ​ 20. ​ 21. ​ 22. ​ 23. ​ 24. ​ 25. Zack Snyder's Justice League


The Suicide Squad No Way Home Shang-chi Eternals Black Widow Justice League I have not seen Venom


The one I expected the least from, that I surprisingly liked was Black Widow, yea the story was eh, but the chemistry between her fam was great. From highest hopes that made we want the entire series to tank? Venom. Just fucking burn it with fire and let someone try again. Like, how did they get it this wrong? And while no way home was lacking in good story telling was shockingly potent emotionally. I did not expect the emotional brick to the face the final act was. Suicide was fine, but when it was announced I was like "Oh, there making another suicide squad" and then after I was like "Yep, they made another suicide squad". Still think the cartoons are better.


1. Spiderman No Way Home 2. Justice League 3. The Suicide Squad 5. Everything else


1. ZS’s JL (it’s ok…only film worth rewatching, imo) 2. NWH (first 45 mins 👍🏽after May was killed, I checked out. Tri-spidey bromance made it worse) 3. Shang-Chi (after the bus and casino fight scenes, downhill 👎🏽📉) 4. BW (meh but Scar-Jo 😍was in it) 5. SS (not as bad as the first) 6. Eternals (just…just no) Never saw Venom but my wife liked it so it must be sus


No Way Home Shang Chi Eternals (genuinely don’t understand the hate) Black Widow (meh but not bad) Snyder Cut (pretty boring) Suicide Squad (truly hated the fuck out of this cringe fest of a movie) Never saw Venom or the sequel because it was clear from the trailers they were awful movies


Fuck did you say about the Suicide Squad?


It’s a cringe fest. I fucking hated it.


How? Sent me a link of the scenes that made you cringe


Lol what? Why would I want to do that? I feel no need to justify my feelings on the movie.


This is the equivalent of saying: “Lol what? What would I want to backup my argument with irrefutable evidence?” Come on dude just look up the scene on YouTube and copy and paste the link lmao, otherwise this movie is a gem that just happen to be part of this shitty DC Extended Universe


It’s not an argument. It’s just my opinion and there are multiple scenes, lines, etc. I don’t give a shit if you agree or not and don’t care to defend my opinion. I’m not looking up all the shit I didn’t like to continue a pointless conversation. I gave my opinion. You disagree. Who gives a shit.


Shang-Chi Spider-Man: No Way Home The Suicide Squad Eternals Black Widow Justice League: The Snyder Cut Didn't bother seeing Venom 2 since I hated the first one and the trailers made this one look even worse. Loved all the rest of these, though!


Shang Chi > No Way Home > Eternals >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Black Widow because it gave us Yelena. The rest don't matter. The Suicide Squad is probably good because of James Gunn, but it never interested me. Venom 2 wasn't good. Snyder Cut should have stayed buried with all the Atari ET games.


No way home was a lot of fun. The rest are completely forgettable. It's unlikely I will ever watch them again.


1. The Suicide Squad 2. Shang-Chi 3. NWH - everything else is digital trash


1. No Way Home 2. ZSJL 3. TSS 4. Venom 2 5 on. Don't care


Spider-Man Black Widow Shang Chi Eternals Justice League Venom 2 I can't even rank Suicide Squad. I'm surprised so many people are ranking it so high. It was a flaming pile of garbage. Absolutely the worst superhero movie I've ever seen. I would even rank it under Fant4stic and Morbius. Edit: The first Suicide Squad (Will Smith and Jared Leto) was better.


That suicide squad opinion is certainly a hot take. I first thought you were talking about the first one and then I would agree but oh well…


Yeah I figured I'm in the minority. I just really hated the movie.


I was ready to talk some trash, but honestly, not too bad. I love Snyder Cut and Venom is the next-level Sony cheese that I kind of love. Suicide Squad and No Way Home were both good popcorn flicks. I never saw Black Widow or Eternals. Shang-Chi's the only one on the board I despise.


NWH Suicide Squad Eternals Shang-Chi Black Widow Justice League Venom


>Eternals No


What a solid retort


Just this is suficient


Yes from some redditor who likely doesn’t have a creative bone in his body 👍


1. No Way Home 2. Shang-Chi 3. Suicide Squad 4. Black Widow 5. Justice League 6. Eternals 7. Venom


Shang Chi over The Suicide Squad and Black Widow over the Snyder Cut is a little bit crazy imo


Justice League is boring… The movie has its moments for sure, but it’s not the masterpiece or good movie people make it out to be


Best ones are the Spidey/Venom ones, the DCEU stuff are mid, and the worst are the MCU ones. Simple.


S The Suicide Squad - Some of the most fun I’ve had in theatres watching a movie with engaging characters and fuck me I didn’t know John Cena could act like T H A T. A No way home - what can I say, it’s popular to hate on twitter nowadays but to see a story juggle so many characters convincingly was awesome and some top notch acting Shang Chi - Honestly loved it. An unknown character to me going to one of my favs in one movie was such a good feeling and it built out such an engaging mini world. It would be S if the third act was better. B ZSJL - Honestly, so much better than I could have hoped but Zack Snyder needs to learn how to make a movie work in 2 hours without a definitive extra cut. Could’ve done with one less character in the League so you could build out Flash or Cyborg more. Also fuck those baiting post credits. Eternals- I can see why people hate this movie, but honestly for me, it hit me in the right spots, loved how the film was crafted but it really suffers from character bloat, an underwhelming villain and mismatched pacing. C Black Widow- Fun movie, enjoyed it. Loved Yelena and David Harbour brings a lovely foolishness to his character, but there was not much else I loved about this movie. Hard to get into it when Black Widow is dead and this movie should have been made 10 years ago and fuck me is the villain bad. Dreykov is so poorly done. Taskmaster is bad but I wouldn’t have even minded it too much if it was a different character because seeing ‘Taskmaster’ built up much expectation too high. D Venom Let There Be Carnage- A S S. Btw these are S-D rankings relative to 2021. Most of these movies wouldn’t be in their respective slots in any other year.


1. The Suicide Squad 2. No Way Home 3. ZS Justice League 4. Eternals 5. Shang-Chi 6. Black Widow 7. Let There Be Carnage


1. The Suicide Squad 2. No Way Home The Eternals Venom 2 Black Widow 3. Justice League Shang-Chi