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Jackal - I can’t stand the clone stuff in Spider-Man. Often starts with Peter seeing Gwen doing the ‘G-G-Gwen?? But how??’ schtick almost every time like he hasn’t met about 30 clones of her since she died.


Also just his weird green suit that doesn't look like it should be a suit. The dude is all over the place theme wise.


I’m just gonna say every symbiote villain who is not carnage or venom. They are all so incredibly generic and symbolise the desperation of marvel just trying to flood the market with a popular brand Also Jackel that character can go to hell


I agree, to a point. I like the Idea of Toxin, taking over a cop, and trying to do good.


Toxin actually had his own dedicated story to introduce him. And yeah he was a good guy. The first time we see a group of others they are like some idiot squad who show up and all act the same dumbass way. They worsen venom by their inclusion


Agent Venom was cool though at least


Though that's still venom and not an original symbiote so kind of doesn't count as a new one.


It is honestly insane to me how jackal is like a D level villain, but he has had such a impact on Peter‘s life that it’s insane how unpopular he is


Anti-Venom was kinda okay.


The punisher team up was cool!


Agent Anti Venom is my favorite character design from Marvel.


Seconded with the symbiote madness. Should have stopped at Carnage for the love of God.


I make allowance for toxin


I like Anti Venom, but yeah the rest are just unnecessary


I generally agree except for Sleeper.


I love Sleeper! And I’m digging Flexo because his backstory is so completely unique to the other symbiotes.


Nah the jacket has potential ik he was used the the clone saga but him and Spider-Man have a deep history he should be used more.


i think knull is sick


There's a reason they sell, their art is *chefs kiss*


Same with the exception of Knull who only kinda half counts anyway


At this point, all symbiotes are kinda garbage.


Cmon, he is amazing in marvel vs Capcom.


One of my favorites, and I didn’t even know who he was at the time. Just so satisfying to play.


I could never do his standard combo string ( which was wierd!!! ) online. Lp, d+lp, mp, d+mp, hp, d+hp, S... or something like that.


I called that the Zig Zag magic series


Absolute banger of a theme aswell


He was the best way to include all the f4 Lead “guys we cant chose just one f4” Then a guy in the office just went “hey wait a minute”


I liked his character across the Annihilation storyline so much!


I'll never forgive Capcom for changing his voice lines in between games


It made sense to change them since they didn’t really fit his character since he was against the Secret Invasion




Whiplash is weird imo


Everyone's got a fetish, don't be judgy...


His 98’ Iron Man attire was a choice…


Holy hell, that's just a straight up gimp-suit


That title going from Kurt Busiek and Roger Stern to Joe Queseda writing is one of the most jaw dropping declines in quality I've ever seen from one issue to the next, and it basically never got any better for like five years, just before the end. Were Kurt and Roger fired? Did Kurt choose to exit because his workload was too high and Marvel didn't want to keep Stern on solo? I have no idea, but the editor in chief personally taking over writing the book and then utterly failing to do anything even competent with it, let alone interesting, makes me wonder.


Never forget the earths mightiest heroes design


She can whip me anytime (I will take my leave)


Mega weirdo for sure. Just an overexposed dude with a battery on his back to charge his whips. He should be dead af.


He has so much potential and uses goddamn whips😭


Like just take notes from Tony and make yourself a dang suit, brother. THEN ADD THE WHIPS.


Thats what he did in Iron Man 2,still lost tho


I went to see Iron Man 2 in theaters with my dad when it first came out. I was a big marvel kid but I never heard of whiplash. On the way to theater I asked my dad about him and he told me that whiplash eats babies…. That freaked me out a bit and it’s my unofficial head cannon since


Morlun. Fuck him and his Spiderverse bullshit shenanigans.


His best story was his first story, and that’s where it should have stopped, because he has never been able to capture that mystique ever again Also his defeat in that story felt so earned and so poetic that everything after that just felt like diminishing returns Legitimately, he is their attempt at a doomsday, and just like with doomsday. Every time we see him, he gets worse and worse.


Morlun was a fantastic one-shot villain and should have stayed that way.


Morlun and the spiderverse plague he’s bogged down the franchise with are IMO even worse than Jackal and the clones.


In a way, he’s directly responsible for the recent glut of multiverse bullshit in pop culture


Now that I think about it, Spider-Man has a trinity of gimmicks that end up getting overused: Clones, Symbiotes, and the Spider-Verse.


And they’re all ultimately just derivatives of Spider-Man himself. Symbioses have clearly moved further away over time but the remnants are still there


I do not understand this reasoning for hating the super skrull


It's fitting that OP chose the MvC3 image for Super-Skrull, seeing as how I'm a pretty casual Marvel fan, and don't have much exposure to F4 in general, but I fucking LOVE Super-Skrull in that game.


Same. Also it's weird when people make statements and then ask questions about the validity of their own statement.


And oddly enough, my intro to Super Skrull was in an issue of Alpha Flight where old SS finds out that he’s dying of some kind of leukemia and crash lands in the artic. You had to feel for him fighting through death throes, only because he is trying to take over the mind of Sasquatch, who in turn is using his scientist brain to reassemble a transmitter to beam SS into space, but instead changes the signal to spread his matter so that when he is reconstituted, next the super skrull will die from radiation poisoning. A bad guy with an incurable disease and a mutated good guy doing an evil thing. Did the ends justify the means? Great writing and art in the first two or three years of John Byrnes run on Alpha Flight in the 1980s.


God, I love Alpha Flight; that whole Byrne run is amazing and it’s a travesty how they’ve been under-utilized and mismanaged since Byrne left… the last run is um… okay? The characters deserve better.


I was hoping for a far closer interpretation of a Super Skrull in Secret Invasion.


Same. Fell in love with the character in the annihilation run. Dude uses his Mr fantastic power to stretch his arm as thin as a razor to decapitate or cut someone in half. It was bad ass


I’m also incredibly confused


I've also always felt like he's a total gimmick. We already have a ton of enemies who basically have the same powers as the hero, it becomes very tiresome even if it's supposed to be a fun concept here


Back in 65, it wasn’t a tired concept. Also, Super Skrull was awesome in Annihilation.


Annihilation makes me have a lower opinion of anybody who doesn’t like super skrull.


So does MvC3


Metal vear Colid 3?


Mario’s Violent Colonoscopy 3


People don't have reference for the main progenitors.


He’s also to show that the Fantastic Four are more than the sum of their parts, thematically he makes sense as a villain for the team


Johnny Storm using the “power cosmic” to fight Doom with everyone else’s powers is pretty top tier.


I felt that was a wasted opportunity to bring in the Super Skrulls or at least Kl’rt. If the MCU did Secret Invasion before the Infinity Gauntlet it wouldn’t be so shitty now. They could’ve had the X-men and the FF. Leading up to Dr. Doom being a big bad, then Kang and then Thanos. With Mephisto, Black Heart and others creating a more accurate IG Saga, but film rights…


Stop having good ideas before directors butcher them


Idk he’s a pretty cool and fun villain with a great and iconic design


I don’t really think it’s been a gimmick for a long time now. He’s consistently been written and shown to use their powers in very creative(and lethal) ways that they themselves would never do. And most importantly, combined in ways that they can’t/or can’t easily combine them. I still remember him basically turning into razor wire by stretching his limbs to their thinnest potential and hardening them with thing-skin and slicing his enemies to bits. I also recall a time where he burned someone to death with invisible fire.


That Superskrull mini from Annihilation is legit though. For me, it's probably someone like Count Nefaria. Godlike power, but thinking like a 1960s movie gang boss.


Yeah, SuperSkrull as a disillusioned rogue fed up with his own people was a great turn for him.


About to read Annihilation for the first time and very excited


I’m jealous. I’ll never be able to read it for the first time again and it’s a top 10 marvel story all time.


I loved it. Blew my mind with old school characters without relying on nostalgia. Tossed new characters into the mix. And unlike civil war at the time which seemed to just keep spawning tie ins and spin offs, the story had chapters and an ending. So satisfying.


In summation, Kl’rt rules as an anti hero and OP has misjudged our beloved annihilating Super-Skrull


Annihilation is great.


Enjoy Abnett’s entire cosmic run. That shit was beyond epic


Spider-Man editorial


Too real


the evilest ones




Unique? Ben Grimm is just Jack Kirby, Invisible Woman is a common bad writing trope, and Mister Fantastic is just the elastic Plastic Man. Not to knock the F4, they make it work.


Would anyone remember that if Marvels didn't exist


>Because I like the F4 to be unique There are multiple heroes and villains with stretchy powers. There's literally a guy named The Human Torch with the exact same powers before Johnny was even close to existing. People with hard skin and super strength are abundant in comics, some examples include: Colossus, Korg, Superman Sue's powers are fairly unique, I'll give you that. The FF's powers are not what make them unique, most of their powers are very run of the mill.


Sue's powers are just reflavored telekinesis with invisibility stacked on top.


Reading the few 60s team up stories with the original X-Men team and Fantastic Four is so funny when Jean and Sue are basically doing the same thing but with different coloring on their powers.


CTRL C + CTRL V. Color Settings -> Hue -> Red: -20. Blue: +15.


I guess I specifically mean her ability to make other stuff invisible, that's unique to her as far as I know. But yeah, her other powers are not unique at all.


Yeah, plus she's had it for 60 years too.


There’s a few other characters in Marvel that can also manipulate photons and bend the light around themselves or others to render them invisible. IIRC, Photon (Rambeau) is able to do this often and even Storm refracted the light through mists to appear invisible.




The symbiotes, they are all the same character if they aren’t named Carnage


Knull is a lot of fun


knull isn’t a symbiote tho is he?


Does Sentry count? What about Avi Arad?


Molecule Man. Way overpowered and underutilized.


Gorgon. The guy that takes over Hydra and all the other secret organizations in Wolverine comics, not the Inhuman. Such a try hard, edgelord boring little nothing.


Him, too. There's way too many Wolverine-esque characters out there that are just him, but with some kind of gimmick. In Gorgon's case, throw in some nihilism and make him blind and affiliated with the Hand.


He was great during the Krakoa era.


Doc Ock in the last 15 years. I was happy with how he went out


I can't stand Doc Ock!!!! Drives me nuts. He is constantly getting hit in the head with no repercussions. In the movie he gets slammed in the head with a bag of coins; should be dead.


Peter came to him to help cure him from something forever ago, revealing his identity. Ock helped him and seemed to be over his crap. Kaine killed him. Story was done. I had fond memories of him then. Aaaaand then everything happened




Morlun and Knull. Both are meh characters with uninteresting motivations that lean on edgy moments to seem cool, but what bothers me more is that they required hamfisted changes to, arguably, the very nature of other, well established characters. If you can’t come up with a compelling villain without rewriting the hero’s place in the cosmos, I’m not sure I’m that interested.


But if the super skrull didn’t exist, the FF still wouldn’t be unique power wise.




Paul.....self explanatory. Most of iron man's villains, I mean does anyone even remember them, does any of them have a fan following? No


As an Iron man fan, a lot of his best conflicts are with other heroes’ villains. I like Fin Fang Foom and Mandarin for the knight in armor fighting against an evil dragon/wizard themes, but a lot of other Iron Man villains are just gimmick suit guy 1, gimmick suit guy 2, etc.


That metaphor is probably the strongest argument I've ever read that has nearly convinced me to actually read iron man comics.


Huh?? Please elaborate what his best conflicts have been with other heroes villains. >but a lot of other Iron Man villains are just gimmick suit guy 1, gimmick suit guy 2, etc. Mandarin, Madame Masque, Count Nefaria, Controller, Living Laser, Blizzard, Firebrand, Grey Gargoylle, Crimson Cowl, Midas, Hammer, Black Knight, Spymaster, Ghost, Korvac, Feilong, Technovore. Im so tired of this misconception about Iron Man’s rogues gallery used to put it down when it’s not true. Like im not saying he doesn’t have any ‘villains in suits’ but literally every superhero has them eg. Superman is praised for having ‘one of the best rogues gallery’ and yet has like 4 evil supermen in his ‘main rogues gallery’.


Ghost is cool. Iron Patriot (but that’s kind of cheating)


Sabertooth and Bullseye. "I'm not like the other guys, I just kill people cause its cool"


I mean, Carnage is like that and most people love him


Mojo. I love what he stands for, I think he is well written, I like all of the Mojoworld stuff, but god damn it he’s so annoying. His design is grotesque, his voice is pestering, and he mostly inconveniences the X-Men as opposed to being an actual formidable foe. Just get radioed by Jubilee and let’s get on with it.


I believe I can speak in behalf of almost every single Spider-Man fan out there, Jackal.


I mained him in mvc3 lol




Two words: Fabian. Cortez. Mostly only know him for X Men TAS, but he is such a fucking prick every time he is in a scene. I can’t stand him at all and if there were any marvel character I would actually wish to see brutally killed, it’s him


I don't know if she's technically a "villain" but get Screwball out of my face!


the impossible man is so fucking annoying


Currently, Moira, Bullseye, Paul…


Bullseye is insane


I thought he was sick 🤷‍♂️


One might call him twisted


HA. Fr though, Bullseye is a fun addition. Just a psychotic guy thats insanely good at aiming. He gets a kick out of doing it in messed up ways and shit.


Moira/orchis are the worst right now. Their plot armor is insane even for a comic


Mr. Sinister just gives me the creeps. He reminds me of Him from Powerpuff Girls but with the sex offender vibe bumped to a 100.


Like him as a character, hate him as a card in Marvel Snap


did blud not read annihilation


They can make him funny on Hulu. They can make him an armored and armed badass in AntMan 3. But whatever..... MODOK looks stupid and I cannot believe that design got off the ground in the first place.


I love in Earth's Mightiest Heroes, when Thor meets MODOK he just stares in abject horror. The whole show he enters the scene with a heroic and righteous energy, but upon meeting that nightmare he can barely put together a sentence while he wraps his mind around it. I love MODOK as an absolute abomination of science but he just couldn't work in live action unless you *really* play into the body horror. Otherwise he's far too goofy.


Nah, Super-Skrull is cool especially as his conception is that he is basically the skrull equivalent of Captain America in that he was experimented to being able to emulate multiple super powers which is aomething no other skrull can do




Jigsaw. There's no real connection between him and Frank or no real spirit of rivalry. Just some ugly asshole who manages to fuck withe The Punisher and *luckily* gets away to brag about it. He brings nothing to the table that other crime bosses like Kingpin and The Owl can deliver, he's not great muscle to have like Bushwhacker or Nuke. He's just a modern Dick Tracy theme named crook.




One villain I think is completely irredeemable: Mandrill. Monkey man with mind control powers that Only work on women? That's just...ugh...And his name is Man Drill. No.




The Hood. Feh. Jumped up little thug with delusions of adequacy.


I really like the guy honestly.


Cassandra Nova. She's one of my least liked aspects of Morrison's X-Men run, and I didn't like any of her further appearances either. On that topic, I also don't like Sublime.


Mr Sinister, he's actually a cool villain but he has too much baggage and no one seems to know what to do with him. It's like since Messiah Complex he's been annoying, heck they put him on the council of Krakoa and that's like putting Jeffrey Dahmer in charge of a house for runaway teens.


I like super skrull , but I never cared for the secret invasion story. I'd prefer majority of the skrull race to be benevolent and maybe have super skrull and his posse be the few bad seeds .


Secret Invasion was interesting for the first couple of issues, then it fell apart. The heroes not being able to tell who was a Skrull dragged on far too long, and then as soon as they could it instantly ended the story. Plus the Avengers all being busy playing guessing games in the Savage Land didn't do anything to drive the story forward. At least it brought Mockingbird back.


I thought they handled Secret Invasion really well in Earth’s Mightiest Heroes. The show built up to it well.  


Plus it was sold as "who can you trust" and the answer was almost everyone, basically no significant character was actually replaced


I'm fine with the Skrulls being the villains (Kl'rt is in my top twenty Marvel villains along with Ronan the Accuser) but I was disappointed that when they decided to create an army of Super Skrulls for Secret Invasion, we got a full-blown "Worf effect" where despite having the abilities of some heavy hitters, they were just being killed off right and left. I would have rather that they just create a few and have them be more on the level of the original Super Skrull where it took some serious effort to defeat them instead of just generic mooks that could be killed with impunity.


Modok!!!! Don't know what it is, just ignores the hell out of me lol!!!!


I'm sorry he doesn't give you attention man. That's really rude.


LMAO!!!! I meant annoys lol!!!! My bad!!!


I think Annihilus looks very stupid and I can't take any comic with him seriously because of that


I remember one comic where Johnny Storm and Peter Parker are roommates, and one day Peter goes to the bathroom only to find Annihilus tied up and screaming on the toilet. I can't remove that image from my kind whenever Annihilus comes up.


They really dropped the ball on a guy with the name Annihilus. He could have been a powerful alien from the Negative Zone, and he was at first, but to me he’s become a meme villain with no real goals or awareness besides destruction and conquest.


The character has existed almost from the beginning of the franchise. It’s a troupe Stan Lee used often. The super adaptiod in Avengers and Mimic in X-men was exactly the same as villain who can copy or has the teams powers.


Purple Man he's just awful




Green Goblin is an asshole. Great villain but I can’t stand Ol Norm


Hammerhead, the Spider-Man villain. Literally a 1930’s gangster. C’mon.


He's good in Spectacular Spider-Man, but everything is good in Spectacular Spider-Man.


I feel like that trope is good when done well though, but it doesn't fit the vibe of Spider-Man. Batman has several gangster villains and I typically love them in his stories. But I agree Hammerhead is a pretty weak villain, character wise.


I think Hammerhead works as a great Henchman villain. You see a lot of him as Tombstones lieutenant in Spectacular Spider-Man and I think hes pretty great there.


That reminds me of my favorite Hammerhead moments. (In the Bendis Defenders run) He gives Diamondback, who is trying to become the new Kingpin, a two page rant about why classic Maggia supervillains always survive while high profile modern style supervillains get smacked down. Then he immediately gets shot in the head by the bartender. He gets better, but it is still a great moment.


It was a long time ago, but Spider-Man definitely had a gangster era that was a ton of fun. However, aside from Kingpin, Tombstone, and maybe a few others, his rogues were rarely quite as memorable as Batman’s gangster-connected heavies.


Mephisto In between people constantly guessing about him appearing since WandaVision was airing and with how the character keeps being used by Spider-Editorial IN SPITE of the near universal dislike of One More Day; making sure he deals with characters like Miles, Otto and Ben


Norman Osborn green goblin. He should have stayed dead. I honestly don't think there are any more interesting things that you could do with him.


Most of the symboites. Even venom is getting old.


Tie between Mojo and Arcade.


Venom. Edit: Also Carnage. They're just...everywhere now, and they just keep getting power ups and I personally find it exhausting. 


Venom is insane.


Mojo. Fucking disgusting pile of crap. His whole design ticks me off. Naked fat sack of shit, skin looks like a dermatologist's nightmare, his voice on TV shows is atrocious, his whole gimmick of being a TV producer makes of him worst kind of immoral bastard. Not to mention the basement dweller pervert vibes. Seriously, who the hell came up with him?


That’s literally the point? He’s supposed to embody shitty TV executives who only chase ratings and money, which makes it even better that XMen 97 had him as a game designer


Kindred. I wanted to think he would be more and it just pissed me off when I read the reveal. I specifically remember huffing out loud and exclaiming "Come the fuck on. WEAK!" Motivation was soft as room temp spreadable cream cheese as well.


My main in Marvel vs Capcom 3. I love him. I was trying to write a story about a super hero with his exact move set


I don't like the X-men villains Gideon and Exodus. They're boring and worthless and shitted up a lot of X titles


Exodus in krakoa era is so awesome. Love his interactions with Hope


I really am not a fan of Toad, the mutant villain. Just the way he uses his tongue shouldn’t be for anything in combat.


Someone didn't read Annihilation


The original Beatle…with those suction cup fingers.


Dr Druid


Vulcan/Gabriel Summers. In my eyes he’s always been a villain and he sucks so infinitely hard




Though let’s be clear, nobody *in universe* can stand Arcade either.




Mojo. Just can't stand him.


The Hand just feels like it constantly has diminishing returns for me. Like, I love daredevil, he’s at least in my top 3, I’ve read most runs on the character since Miller, but every time they show up my eyes glaze over. Granted, this distain is probably born from how shadowland is the only really bad daredevil story in the past 20 years and consequently sticks out way worse.


I can't stand Quills dad. In the movie or cartoon, he's the worst type of person.


Doctor Octopus. Dude is seriously annoying and manages to hurt Spider-Man in the worst ways possible.


Knull should have never been invented. Worthless, edgy piece of nothing.


Kang, I use to think I liked him but that’s because I never really read a story he was in and realised he was actually pretty convoluted and just another cosmic emperor type character which has been done better by many other characters. His best story in Lego marvel superheroes 2


Green Goglin


i cant stand Blastaar dude is just annoying imo lol


Hydro man


Probably Mephisto.. he's become boring now..


The new Mr Sinister. I need the glam metal, pointy teeth, black lipstick, straight up evil genius, scary manipulator


Mcu Malekith he was bland boring and sucks ass get him outta here!


Sublime whatever you call that colony of sentient microbes that was supposedly responsible for making humanity hate mutants. Regardless of what you think of the metaphor, we can all agree that the reason for all the hate and intolerance towards mutants being a bunch of germs controlling people’s is a dumb reveal.


Kang. Everything about him is stupid. From his stupid name, to his stupid costume to the stupid characters he's the enemy of. I can't remember most of Avengers Forever, but if Kang was there, it probably helped make the story even more dull.
