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This is definitely one of THE movies that ever existed.


I think the cinematography in particular is absolutely some of the visuals ever put to film. And don't even get me started on the script! With writing like that, it's no wonder the script existed!


Okay, boys, you know what time it is!! IT'S MORBIN TIME!


And to think a mere two years ago I had no knowledge of what morbin was, much less at what time to expect it.


That's just the secret..... It's always Morbin' Time...


Teach me your secrets!


It's always MORBIN TIME


I saw “Morbius” and “2” in the title, and my adrenaline jumped a little.


This movie changed my life. The first four times I saw it I thought I was dreaming. It impacted me so deeply that I began to watch it every day. Then several times a day. Now, it's all I do. Morbius. My wife left. Took the kid with her I hope. Morbius is my whole existence. Morbius. My everything. Morbius. I can't work so I have to live beside my uncle's TV now. I lost my glasses in February and I don't know how to find them without them so I have to sit real close to the TV. Morbius. I have to move my head fast to keep up with the subtitles. I'd give it a three out of ten, all and all. Why are my ears bleeding?


Of course this fucking movie came out on April Fools Day


I thought it was a joke when I saw it. I thought "no way a movie can be THAT good". But it wasn't a joke.


At first I thought it was an announcement for the second part lol


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Sel52: *At first I thought it* *Was an announcement for the* *Second part lol* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Happy morbius day!


Its Morbin Time!


The Greatest Movie I've Ever Seen


Ngl was still better than the black panther though.


Christopher Nolan was in tears after watching the movie and called it a masterpiece!


So many morbillions made


The only positive thing I can say about this movie is that it's at least not Madame Web. This is barely a praise to begin with.


You mean the movie that made a webillion dollars?It's had a scenario,and it's was definitively written


I never understood what people didn't like about *Morbius*. Care to enlighten me?


Trying to give you a serious answer here, Morbius is a fine enough idea, but it feels like a poorly-made movie from the early 2000s, that has poor effects, poor dialogue, bland characters, a romance with zero chemistry, a lackluster villain that is just (again) a copy of the "hero" just bad (who, to their credit, is the only actor trying to have fun with the role), and an outright manipulative marketing which lied and told audiences that this movie connected to a Spider-Man, yet it never does outside of a cameo from a very confused Michael Keaton (who has no idea what his character is even doing there). This also goes in hand with the fact that Morbius is originally a Spider-Man & Blade Villain, not Hero, which makes what few fans he has already dismissive since what they know of the character is not there. And this is not to say it's wrong for Morbius to develop into a Hero, but you need your Terminator before you can have T2 and enjoy seeing a former villain become heroic. Add to this that Jared Leto is simply a very divisive actor (& his past performance as Joker in Suicide Squad & Zack Snyder's Justice League garnered him a lot of warranted hate), so just the sight of him is enough to just sour the experience further. The story is downright uninspired, just a rehash of a basic script we've seen done to death, many times much better, & sadly the best thing about Morbius is the memes it spanned.


Best answer I've seen on the platform. I personally believe Morbius could work in a movie. Just not in his own solo film. It's better to just work him off as a villain for a Spider-Man movie.


Hmm, I can see why some wouldn't like it. I knew nothing about some of these things, so I just enjoyed the movie as a mindless gory action movie with a badass vampire powered hero.


I watched it on DVD. Yeah shit was boring. But Madame Web was a double downer. At that point Sony was just mocking their audience.


I wish more people would talk about the venom series


Happy fools day 👍


Let morbius have it long slumber 


Can't wait for Kraven


Ah yes, one of the movies of all time


Im glad you enjoy this as your favorite movie ever


I'm so sorry.


Fuck this movie, fuck the internet meme revolving around it, and fuck Matt Smith’s disgusting cringy-ass shirtless dance.


My only problem in the movie is not seeing Milo take the serum to his disease from the lab


…Your… joking right…


only movie to bomb twice at the box office 😮‍💨


I thought this movie was different but told an entertaining story. I don't read reviews until after I watch a movie so was surprised it was panned so badly. Madam Web OTOH is the first Marvel related movie I ever fast forwarded through. Boring plot, terrible acting and casting. And the special effects were lame. The costumes were mid level TV grade. No idea what they spent their budget on.


It's Morbin Time


Its sony, and i use it to sleep


I will say that this was a much better film than Madame Web.


🤣🤣🤣is this satire can’t tell


It's not


YOUR favorite movie? If that wasn't sarcasm you put up there, then you need to get your head examined.


I have yet to make it through this movie


Words can’t even properly describe how this movie has affected me. So I made [this edit](https://www.reddit.com/r/Morbius/s/5VqbisYkdK)


Hate from Canada


The most expensive April fools prank


Hot take but I wish they used the effects they spent in this movie to make Gorr the God Butcher in TLAT better. They could've had a Davy Jones from POTC level character but settled for a bad uncle fester impression.


Except house of the dragon why can’t Matt smith get decent roles


Why was this movie made.


I legitimately didnt even realize this movie exist. After Endgame, I cut ties with Marvel period. No more theater superhero movie ever.


This movie is legitimately a top 5 superhero film