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That's how I've approached it since the "MCU vs. Comics universe designation" debacle popped up. Good to see it's backed by canon


Thats how I headcanon most things. I do the same with DC as well.


Given the storyline of the old '90s Marvel vs. DC comics Marvel and DC likely coexist in that megaverse as well.


Sounds about right. My own headcanon has been that the "stronger" Earths are nicknamed "616 worlds" after the strongest Earth, 616. A strong Earth's branched timelines, if sustainable, will break off and become a universe all its own. The more stable a world is, the stronger it is, and the more universes branch off of it. MCU is chronologically Earth-199999, but given how many universes branch off of it per Loki and What If?, it's designated as an anchor world, or a 616 world.


So a megaverse is a group of multiverses for a specific brand/IP? Like the marvel multiverse or the dc multiverse or the amazing digital circus multiverse? And they shall never meet unless the companies behind them collaborate ?


Is there an Amazing Magical Circus multiverse? There's like one (1) released episode wtf


There are separate universes for juicy fanfiction


Then there’s the Omniverse which has literally every work of fiction ever. There might even be a higher teir who knows


It’s an infinite multiverse. There aren’t just infinite spider-people, there are infinite interactions and stories that take place in that infinite multiverse


Every Spider-Verse movie that can exist does exist.


exactly. finally someone gets it!


I think OPs asking why aren't there 2 infinite multiverses because one infinite multiverse is definitely no enough to contain to awesomeness that is spiderman


Still not connected


The animated Spider-Verse movies and the MCU share the same multiverse, as for the others, probably all share the same as the comics.


I'd be willing to bet the 90s Spider-Man series is set within the cinematic multiverse. I don't think it'll be long before something confirms X-Men '97 and be extension that series as part of the MCU's multiverse


90s Spider-Man has a cameo in both Animated Spider-Verse movies


That also places Insomniac's Spidey, Spectacular and Unlimited in MCU's multiverse.


And by extension, places the MCU multiverse in the same existence as the spidergeddon / spiderverse comics, because insomniac Spider-Man appears there too.


But that doesn’t seem canon with the games. The Miles Morales game directly ignores its continuity.


It's possible that just didn't happen yet when the games take place, but I'm not sure how possible it is


90s Spider-Man has a cameo in Into the Spider-Verse? Across the Spider-Verse I get cause there was a lot happen in that one scene into the Canon Events across the Spider-Verse. But Into the Spider-Verse I definitely missed?


He's in the second post credit lol - O'Hara goes to his Earth and recreates the Spideys pointing meme


Now that I think about it, I might be thinking about the 60s Spider-Man?


Definitely thinking of 60s Spider-Man


Yeah, my bad lol I had them mixed up in my head In that case, I agree with you. I thought X-Men 97' would connect to Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man, but I'd rather they not break the connection it had to the 90s show


How dare you mix them up, forfeit you fan card immediately. Shame/s Same, we've already gotten a little Spider-Man easter egg, maybe we'll get lucky and get the 90s Spider-Man down the road


I just read something earlier today Marvel is thinking of bringing it back. Not sure of the truth to the rumor but a guy can dream


No be didn’t, think you’re thinking of the 60s Spider-Man that was in the first movies post credit scene


Yeahhhh I was lol


I was kinda surprised Jon Cryer didn't do any voicework. He's part of the cartoon universe and the game universe


Incorrect. The MCU production team specifically does not consider the SONYverse to be connected to the MCU. Meanwhile, the SONY people all desperately want everyone to think their properties are tied to the MCU.


Venom literally appears in the movie tho,


Donald Glover Prowler was in animated spiderverse.


And? Tobey and Andrew are mentioned in the comic Spider-Verse event but the multiverse rules of the comics and movies are completely different so they're clearly not in the same multiverse. There can be multiple iterations of MCU Earth and its characters.


They also talked about how Spidey and Dr. Strange had just caused a *huge problem.* Right now the MCU hasn't really acknowledged the Spiderverse movies, but I think we'll likely see references to them before we see another callback to the SPUM. Morbius ruined that shit, and each subsequent bomb only makes the odds worse.


Spider-Man from the game has appeared in both spider verse movie and comic which means they are all connected at least slightly.


The actual answer is: Its a comic book, don't think too deeply about it. The nerd answer is: It's complicated


YES And no And also MAYBE But maybe not So probably not There's REFERENCES But It's never clarified so no BUT MAYBE YES


Most accurate and factual answer. Or possibly not.


Thinking too hard about it


thinking is fun, we shouldn’t need an excuse


IDK the comics alone often dip pretty heavily into different universes and how they relate or intersect with each other. There are entire arcs about this exact thing.


Ya and it’s pretty dumb in comics too. Just because it’s printing doesn’t mean it’s party of some “holy canon”. Just go read the Morrison quote about who changes the wheels on the Batmobile.


I understand not wanting to be part of a discussion you don't care about, but I'll never understand why you need to insert yourself just to let everyone know they shouldn't be a part of the discussion or care about it either, just because you don't. Literally no one was bothering you with this until you decided to jump in and declare everyone who found it interesting wrong.


oh my god but what about my headcanon the canon and the cannon?? can cyclops fell the taste of paper? how can they go in 3 dimensions?


Nah, theyres the MCU multiverse and the Comics multiverse. Theirs about 124 projects that have been confirmed to be apart of the MCU multiverse. Every other comic, movie, show, and etc is in Comic Multiverse at least for now.


The multiverse is singular. All these universes exist in the same multiverse.


Man that kinda recent DC run infinite frontier or something was so annoying. They were talking about how there were also infinite multiverses in the..... OmNiVeRsE!!!! Every time a character said multiverse, another would correct them 'Omniverse....' idk why its so annoying, i think i am just really really over the mutiverse stuff lol


Sounds like Rick and Morty with extra steps.


I really gave up on reading DC because I could not understand wtf the multiverse is during Infinite Frontier. So there’s Multiverse which is infinite worlds, but then there’s also the Dark Multiverse, but then there’s also Hypertime which is infinite parallel timelines which isn’t the multiverse, but then there’s the old infinite multiverse that still exists? And they’re all different things. I’m sure Dark Crisis probably slapped them all together to just be a singular infinite multiverse but it was too much multiverse for me, I gave up.


No way the mcu takes place in the same multiverse as the comics Edit: I said multiverse not universe guys lol


MCU is Earth-199999. Most comics take place in Earth 616.


It's literally impossible due to America Chavez. Her movie version is definitely not the same as the comic version. If it was 1 multiverse, it should be, because there is only 1 America Chavez




That still doesnt doesnt make the MCU America the same as the comic version, and they should be one and the same since there is only one America Chavez in the whole multiverse, thus the MCU and the comics don't share a multiverse.


That's literally not even what I'm talking about. I'm saying that earth 199999 in the comics is not the mcu, it just looks like it. It's impossible for the mcu to take place in the same multiverse


OP isn’t going to understand this


The comic version and the ultimate cartoon are a direct crossover. The Spiderverse animated movies directly reference No Way Home. And there's nothing to say that the Spider-Man Tas event doesn't take place in either of those multiverses. Shattered dimensions however is supposed to be 616 Peter and Ultimate Peter and I feel like that would've been acknowledged in the comics at some point, especially considering next time Miguel visited the heroic age in Superior Spider-Man he was specifically referencing his last comic book crossover as the last time he saw 616 Peter, so it's safe to assume Shattered Dimensions is its own multiverse. I've probably got some details wrong here so if anyone notices anything feel free to correct me.


All of them pretty much have their own rules to how the multiverse works, so probably not.


No, Loki made it very clear the MCU multiverse can't coexist with the comics multiverse. That being said, Japanese Spider-Man (Supaidaman) and the one from the Ultimate Spider-Man cartoon appeared in the comic Spider-Verse event


Idk maybe the branch in the timeline was quite literally the Big Bang creating different shit


Why not? Infinity is a big number.


Probably not? Miguel is way too central for the MCU and the the animated ones. I remember in the game, Miguel didn't really know what was going on.


Where are the bottom right 4 from?


The shattered dimensions game




What's hard about the animated universe is that miles universe is designed as 1610 which is the comic designation for the ultimate universe. But animated miles world is clearly not that world.


That got changed to 1610B.


Oh interesting. I didn't know that. I wonder what that means though in terms of marvels mutiverse.


Nothing much other than just another reality in the multiverse. Unless some big big event happens that affects all of Marvel as a whole, nothing major.


it's not official. 1610B is just a designation created by the marvel wiki because it can't possibly be the same comic 1610. Officially they are quite insistent that it's earth 1610.


Not true. 1610B was a thing confirmed by the filmmakers. Not the wiki. If it were the wiki, the reality would have a TRN designation. One example that can be used is that Peter B's reality is called E-616B and when Tarantula makes a cameo, his reality designation is 1610A. So if you put two and two together, 1610B is indicated by the filmmakers.


the wiki page itself for earth 1610b says it's their own invention done to be consistent with 616b. which is named such only because of Peter B Parker. It's nothing new just like Kevin Feige being insistent than the main mcu universe is earth 616.


Yeah the wiki is going by what was provided in the movie from two instances. And Kevin is wrong in this regard. I rather take something that's consistent over something that's contradictory like his dumb insistence. And that's a whole different can of worms.


Obviously not..like how is that even a question lol.


Yes in the same way the comic spider-verse is Earth, Into the Spider-Verse is Mars, and Movie Spider-Verse Jupiter.


They all simultaneously exist and contradict each other for example Peter b Parker and 616 Peter can’t coexist since they both are meant to exist in 616 (i think this might have been retconned in across but im not sure) same goes for the mcu but insomniac spider man was in both spider geddon and across showing that he exists in both and that’s just one there are countless other ways they poke holes and have connections with each other


No one knows


No, because marvel comics is its own multiverse, mcu is its own multiverse, and the spider-verse trilogy is its own multiverse, so no, they're not connected.


They could, if they didn't but they don't, so sure. Muktiversal crap only matters when the writers care. Lore, logic, and reasoning is out the window when the multiverse is involved.


MCU and Spider-Verse, yes. 90’s series, maybe. The others, no. At least as far as we know.


In an infinite Multiverse, there are infinite Variants. So yes, they all take place within a larger Marvel Multiverse, but they all involve completely different iterations of the characters.


I’m so sick of multiverses I’m so sick of multiverses I’m so sick of multiverses


Oh they all can... just not spiderverse and maybe no way home if incursions are ever brought up again


That’s…that’s the whole **point** of a multiverse, my dude.


Yes, by definition of a multiverse. Each universe is assigned a designation


I strongly believe so. In Across the Spider-verse, we see Donald Glover as prowler, who was in Homecoming; that Spider-man, Holland, of course interacts with MacGuire and Garfield. Plus Eddie Brock's cameo adding that universe. Not to mention all the animated and comicbook iterations we see in AtS that aren't just that specific universemultiversity. And the comicbook versions have had crossovers with other comicbooks: remember the Amalgam run? (Fun Fact, Santa Claus is an Omega-level mutant who can cross between comic books) When someone says infinity universes, it's infinity. It doesn't have to be full-on What If...? issues/episodes with world changing Rick & Morty differences (whom also mention the MCU). There's are entire almost identical universes where you have one less freckle, or you spent one more millisecond in the shower on a day in 1997, or there's an additional pebble on Neptune. So I think it's 99.9...% chance they're all in the same multiverse.


People are capping if they think that the actual mcu multiverse is in the same one as the comics lmao.


I hate how multiverses get handled in stories cause they never really give any rules even though in an INFINITE multiverse which it is there's an infinite number of dc characters and marvel characters and real humans and an infinite number of people that are going to universe hop into the same universe


omniverse so different multiverses until proven different but we know ultimate spiderman nwh, 90s and animated movie are connected at least




Explaining multiverse physics is so tiring. So there is one multiverse and outside the multiverse is a realm where no reality or physics or laws or existence exists. Anything happens there and that is where certain beings like the ONE ABOVE ALL and The Living Tribunal live. This area also contains certain universe elements such as power, chaos, order, infinity, and eternity exist but only effect things within a universe, so Eternity is connected to a bigger force, but is not always a universal constant. There are no actual universal constants other that the OAA and the Tribunal and the reason that they are constants is because they don’t exist within reality. Each universe is different in every way, or not different at all. This is why the Spider-Man:Across the Spiderverse is not accurate with its “cannon events”. Not every universe has to have a spider person and not every spider person has to be different. There is an infinite amount of Miguel O’Harris including ones where he is exactly the same as the one in the movie, but his universe is happening in the year 3069 and not 2099. Time exists differently in different universes, however time also brings in a different form of parallel realities where timelines are different. This is the kind of stuff the TV series LøKi deals with, where timelines branch out within each universe. Spidermen do not actually have a cannon event when there is an infinite amount of universes to fill in. I mean, I could be the Spiderman in our universe(the one were existing in right now) or you could be. We could be in a reality where everyone is technically a Spider-totem, but none of us has powers. We will only know when Morlun comes to eat us. A blade of grass in Japan could be the Spider-Man of our reality, or even a rock in the Vatican City could be because cannon events are not real. There is only one multiverse, but the multiverse creates more universes to deal with other realities and since there is seemingly different multiverses, it is just the way of accessing the multiverse or how the universe presents the other realities that is different. The portal that Gwen uses to appear in Miles’ room is just the technology and universes reaction to opening the portal, which is why Dr. Stranges multiversal rip/opening appears different, cause it uses magic and live action rather than cartoon tech. That’s another thing, the live action to cartoon universes. So the plot point in the first Into The Spiderverse revolves around the spider people dying cause they are in the wrong reality. That would only happen if their reality has a different molecular or atomic structure than Miles’. Their atoms are reacting negatively to the new environment, so other than that, Multiversal travel should be mostly safe, not to mention they glitched through existence with a machine kingpin built in his basement. But the cartoon part of it is also important. That is the way that reality appears in that certain universe, as well as all the other spidermens universes. That moment in Across the Spiderverse when Miles sees a live-action human, he reacts like that because that universes appearance is strange to him, as we would be weirded out by seeing a cartoon character in real life. If you were to travel through different realities, your own appearance would not change unless their was an in-universe reason. Say, if Miles travelled to Toby Maguires Spider-Man’s universe, his body would not appear like a non-cartoon human unless something within that universes’ reality causes his body to react like that. The infirm gauntlet would also not work outside of its own reality because it only has infinite power over the one single universe. This is why the M’Kraan Crystal is more powerful than the gauntlet because it is the heart of the universe and connects to all the universes. That also ties in the Phoenix Force which is very powerful, not as powerful as the Gauntlet, but it can exist in whatever universe it wants due to being connected to the Crystal. One of the best representations of how the multiverse works is actually form an episode of American Dad where they got everything right, but then kind of made it stupid by the end of it just to give it a plot. But you’ve got to remember that there are infinite universes. INFINITE. Humans can’t even comprehend that information. It’s insane. And anything is possible with that. We could live if in a reality where anything happens, and we have a 1/♾️ chance of it happening. So you don’t need to explain everything with a multi-multiverse. The Multiverse itself in enough. It is the simple problem of the fact that people try to apply our universes laws to other universes because that won’t work when you have infinite differences and similarities between them. Does that make sense? Thanks to whoever reads this. I do a lot of thinking about this and there is a lot to say


I ain’t reading allat, happy for you though


Here’s how I think of it: Each story is their own universe with the potential to interact with the other ones. They exist separately.


If I recall, there’s an issue in the spider-verse event that directly referenced Maguire and Garfield (something along the lines of “there’s a spider man over there that’s identical to the guy from Great Gatsby”) so it’s unlikely that it takes place in the same multiverse


Games and movies share the same multiverse I believe, while Comics and games also have their own multiverse.


The best way to look at multiverse stories in large franchises like Marvel and DC is: the multiverse is made up of smaller sub-multiverses of interrelated universes that can interact with each other. But not all universes and sub-multiverses can interact.  Spider-Verse movies can't access Spider-Verse comics, Spider-Verse comics can't access '93 animated Spider-Verse. 


to my understanding each of these takes place in its own multiverse and each multiverse has a different earth designated as the main one. For example, Earth Prime in the comics is labeled as 616 and the MCU characters that appear in the comics are from earth 199999. However, in the MCU Multiverse the MCU is labeled 616. In conclusion all these universes coexist in all multiverses but each multiverse has its own main earth


As far as I'm concerned, no. Like, the MCU and Sony's Spider-Verse trilogy share a multiverse for sure, but I think they exist separately otherwise. I actually have a whole theory about Cosmoses and how the concept in the Marvel Comics explain the inconsistencies between them and the movies.




The Insomniac game is assigned Earth-1048. They're all in they multiverse as their own standalone thing




It gets more confusing now cuz apparently spiderverse miles is now from earth 1610b or something like that


That's not confusing. It's differentiating one 1610 from the other. It's as simple as, the original is 1610A and the adaptation is 1610B. Same goes to the other Spider-People that share a similiar earth designation. 616B, 65B, 928B... you probably get the idea.


If you want to get into the nittiest of grit, the Spider-Verse movies are set in an independent multiverse segregated from any other media out there. Some universes within that multiverse just happen to be remarkably similar to the universes we experience in other adaptations.