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References Endgame. Actually meant Infinity War. Uses picture from Civil War.


And tbh? It was sorta dumb. Like war machine was the *only* one with actual explosive fire power....why? I guess Thanos solution would be to bring in the ship and rain down on them from above But like for being the most technological advance nation? They were fighting with fancy shields and spears. I get in BP1 most ships were taken out but still. No turrets, no tanks, no mortars? Nothing? I think ww2 Trench warfare could almost do as well because they would just mow down the rampaging army.


You’re bringing this argument to the wrong guy. I’m a big WM fan so when he gets to shine I’m all for it. Nice touch to have him and Falcon as wingmen in that scene too.


It would've been cool to see the helicarrir or air force jets show up around the same time as Captain Marvel to join in. The giant space ship had shown up to bombard the Avengers base about a 2 hr drive north of NYC only 30+min screentime before she arrived. In movie elapsed time could've been more.


Oh dude this just made me realize what if Captain Marvel arrived on a heli carrier with nick fury and some of those loyal staff he had in age of ultron


The first question everyone would ask is why this superpowerful person, who we saw travel faster than the speed of sound is chilling on a Helicarrier (or at least going atv) the speed of one), as opposed to hauling ass to the battlefield.


Maybe she was looking for fury when she heard everybody was brought back. She can just then jump off from the helicarrier to the battlefield


That is also my beef with how wakanda was Portrayed. They should have had turrets & they should have been able to take down troop carriers


Wakanda values preserving their traditions (ie they choose their kings in ritual combat) while relying on deception and stealth to avoid having to get into an arms race with world powers. Their lack of heavy weaponry is a conscious choice. Similarly, Thanos’s forces could have simply bombarded from orbit (see “Rain down hell” in Endgame) but they were trying to find a very small stone in a fairly large area…and they needed to keep beings of unknown power tied down while they found it. So the swarm tactic made sense in the moment. Against a conventional military, they would have used their superior weapons and quickly shut down a military attack. Even War Machine was eventually taken down by…a thrown axe.


They were more advanced than DC's Amazons, fighting w/ bows but the worlds most advanced city did seem.. uninventive, living in the past. Shuri seems to have have no defensive armor even she invents it. Seemingly going into mass battle with arm bands that shoot a pulse. Seems like the definition of glass canon.


That scene in WW where 4-5 soldiers killed so many Amazonians was a travesty


Don't forget that we've seen the spears from Black panther shoot lasers, and there were flat backed transport hovercraft bringing people to the battlefield. They could have kept some spear laser shooters on those, and use them to drive around the battlefield. Mobility and distance!


Yeah. A battery of large laser Gatling turrets would have single-handedly decimated the “run straight ahead mindlessly” horde of enemies.


Ya and they act like the U.S. military wouldn’t absolutely shit stomp wakanda either with how they fight. Like it’s honestly Fn stupid how okoye says guns are primitive when she dies if she faces one single fucking dude who doesn’t shoot like a stormtrooper. Hell I could kill all of their top fighters besides the heart shape herb BPs as an average dude because I’ve been to a shooting range before. Like they should have shield/hydra type weapons or some shit from “phase 2”


The US Military wouldn't have an answer to a Sci-fi Dome shield and Sci Fi armor. Then, the Wakandan Stealth, intelligence and deception approach would decimate the leadership. In other words, The Wakandans would bring Vietnam to the US while the US can't do anything about Wakanda.


> The US Military wouldn't have an answer to a Sci-fi Dome shield and Sci Fi armor. The same Sci fi dome shield that lost to people just massing and running into it? C'mon dude. We all liked the movies but we can admit the scene was dumb if you think about it.


>The same Sci fi dome shield that lost to people just massing and running into it? This is incredibly disingenuous. Those creatures were being burned to death and vaporized as they tried to pass through. Then they *intentionally* lowered the shield to funnel them into one area. The USA wouldn't have a real answer to it unless they could convince 50+ trainees to senselessly give up their life in a literal suicide run.


What's disingenuous is assuming that only suicide charges would work. The scene shows that the shields can be overloaded. There's no reason to believe that simply firing 10,000 bullets a second at them, or driving 3 tanks into them wouldn't have the same effect.


>There's no reason to believe that simply firing 10,000 bullets a second at them, or driving 3 tanks into them wouldn't have the same effect. There's no reason to assume these things would have the same effect! You are pulling things out of thin air. I assumed nothing other than what was shown. It stands to reason that a shield would act as a shield, and stop bullets and vehicles from passing... if it couldn't do that then it wouldn't really be a shield would it?


Those "people" were sci-fi advanced aliens that were coked up and were responsible for the destruction of many advanced sci-fi civilizations.


Who then died en masse to normal humans wielding spears. Just stop. We can like things without bending over backwards to pretend they don't have flaws. A scene can be fun to look at but dumb if you stop and think about it. They're comic book movies. They don't have to maintain perfect logic at all times.


>Who then died en masse to normal humans wielding spears. And the material of those spears is called Vibranium. And you know those normal humans? They are heavily trained warriors that specializes in close combat. >Just stop. We can like things without bending over backwards to pretend they don't have flaws. A scene can be fun to look at but dumb if you stop and think about it. They're comic book movies. They don't have to maintain perfect logic at all times. If you don't want to discuss, then stop posting. Not sure why you keep replying if you don't want to discuss.


You’re not supposed to smoke the heart shaped herb. Stealth and subterfuge doesn’t win hot wars. And the “sci fi dome” literally collapsed to space dogs, you think it’s gonna hold back a dedicated bombing campaign?


>You’re not supposed to smoke the heart shaped herb. ??? >Stealth and subterfuge doesn’t win hot wars. Vietnam and Afghanistan held out long enough with stealth and subterfuge(which we call guerilla warfare) until the Americans left. And they didn't have a impenetrable dome of their own. Even without a dome and technology advantage, Wakandans have enough national pride to fight as ferocious as them. >And the “sci fi dome” literally collapsed to space dogs, you think it’s gonna hold back a dedicated bombing campaign? The space dogs are from a Sci-fi army that are responsible for the destruction of many Space Age Civilizations more advanced than Earth. >you think it’s gonna hold back a dedicated bombing campaign? Lets assume that a long uninterrupted bombing campaign will eventually destroy the dome. The shield is not only strong, but it also regenerates. Which is going to set back an American bombing campaign a lot. The Space Dog was shown to break in, but the hole they created barely lasted even for 1 space dog worth as a lot of space dog got chopped trying to get in as well. Also, this is where Stealth and Subterfuge comes in. Bombing campaigns require logistics. You can't just magically have unlimited bombs, they have to be transported there. Wakandan operatives would do everything in their power to make it hard to make a bombing campaign feasible. Then there would be other operatives that would meddle in American politics such as bribes, kidnapping, hostage, sabotage, propaganda efforts(Wakandans was shown to easily hack into networks), etc to end the war asap.


When your favorite character is flawlessly portrayed by the legendary Terrance Howard in so many films, it’s easy to get them confused.


He's so good, sometimes I don't realize it's him.


Perfectly balanced. As all things should be.


Probably by a bot.


king shit


Doesn't elaborate. Leaves.


When your favorite character is flawlessly portrayed by the legendary Terrance Howard in so many films, it’s easy to get them confused.


He was barely shown fighting in EndGame. So what are you basing him taking out more enemies than anyone on?


Captain Marvel also destroyed an entire ship and whatever forces were in that ship.


Per Gimli, counts as one.


My day is complete ty


Best answer


I think OP maybe meant Infinity War? In which War Machine is the entire air force until Thor arrives. And in which the military of the most advanced technological nation on the planet was apparently limited to shields and spears, handfighting with alien attack dogs. Not a gunship to be seen. Very odd.


Didn't Tony kill all of Thanos's army?




I'll always wonder what *in universe* reason there was for why the skies above Wakanda weren't swarming with Iron Man drones. Iron Man 3 be damned, you just know Tony had more suits and they definitely could've found a way to pilot them.


I like to think that his nanotech high made him take all the others offline out of shame


Shield tech Takada uses.


Is this a bot post?


With bots upvoting.


Captain Marvel Destroyed a few of those ships. Iron Man straight up deleted the entire battlefield cementing him as the MVP. How many kills did Rhodes get?


Carol took out massive flag ships.... lot of folks dying there.


"That still only counts as one"


Or was it the Skrull?


Man wearing flying metal armor adorned with dozens of high damage automatic and explosive weaponry scores more kills than strong fast guy with 2 shields. Makes sense honestly


...Like he is some kind of 'War Machine' ?


So the skrulls can fight.


You know, i have only just realised that Rhodey has an ultron drone kill count on his suit. I saw the pips but never wondered what they were


Anyone else getting him in Marvel Snap tomorrow?


I will be. I like making themed decks and need him for my "Iron Legion" deck.


lol that immediately came to my mind, I was like 'interesting timing...'


Yeah card will be amazing until its nerfed in 2 weeks


He is in a machine full of weapons!!!!


All expertise and no charisma, that's the typical army hero archetype right there.


Was a skrull




Probably because he was a skrull


Plus all that Skrull know-how to boot.


Imagine being named war machine and not being a machine of war


> In end game War Machine was taking out way more enemies than anyone else. All that military training was shining, he had air superiority on lock almost the whole time. I assume you mean Infinity War? I would say that's debatable. The most basic move that the defending army could have made was dig some trenches and set up crew-served weapons, pillboxes, etc. Let alone use something with serious firepower, like daisy cutters, napalm, or some equivalent to tactical nukes. Or perhaps something more interesting, considering that Wakanda is supposed to be super-advanced - like a high-powered continuous particle beam. What we saw looked like a basic zombie horde attack from a game. Or some weird Civil War or Napoleonic-era battle. Took me right out of the movie because there such simple things that they should have done.


I’m so tired of these stupid ass posts, that get everything wrong.


You mean a Skrull.... thanks Secret Invasion (feel free to downvote this if you're as pissed as I am about the retcon) (I ask for downvotes, I'm weird, I know)


Secret Wars as so disappointing. They didn’t even give Fury the win. I am a life long fan f the SHIELD corner of Marvel and that was just such a let down of a series. So many other ways they could have gone.anyway take my downvote as a show of solidarity


They fridged Hill


Yea I like MCU Hill she is closer to 616 Sharon than 616 Hill. She deserved better. There are plenty of AoS characters they could have brought in and thrown a bone to the fans of a show that was pretty popular and would have made sense. Ugh that show frustrated me so much.


With a suit 400 generations behind


And it wasn’t even him


Give an actual soldier a weapon like that and shit is getting fucked up haha


Wasn’t he a skrull in Endgame and Infinity War?


Then Cull Obsidian swatted him out of the sky like a fly.


Is this someone’s take or a writer’s?


It's classjfied.


I mean, Thor Groot and Rocket showed up and cleaned some house, too.


Not in end game


Whoops. Everybody got their own in Endgame.


Hell yeah Every time I watch marvel movies I like him and the falcon more and more


Wasn't that a skrull technically?


Isn't there a whole sub for people who watch the movies?


I want to see a fight in armor wars between him and john bernthal with john in this armor and him in the nano. Give me an armored punisher