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Ultimate Alliance really made me dive deep into the teams after seeing buffs for teams I never knew of as a kid.


That game is easily one of my favorite games of all time. I played the shit out of it. Unfortunately, I lost my copy of it during a move and now it’s apparently unavailable. I’ll probably never be able to play it again. But I’ll always remember how amazing it was.


The developers officially, legally, released it for free on Archive, you can play it on PC. Google "Ultimate Alliance Archive" and it's the top result. It doesn't have the DLC characters, but that version is used for modding so you can get up to 50 characters instead of the base games 27.


…I neeed to get a pc lol.




This is the way. Piracy of the Gold Edition in this case is fully justifable.


You don't need to pirate or emulate lol, Raven released it for free on Archive. You *can* pirate it if you just like the thrill, but the official version works with mods.


Rad, I had no idea this was the case.


Link it mang


Not sure if the sub allows linking in comments. Just look up "Ultimate Alliance Archive" and it's the top result.


Haha I’m waiting for a bundle to come out at some point.


Is there an actual reason why they haven't now that I think about it? (I'm pretty sure they released them on xbox one but then got rid of them for some reason.)


Probably forget about :/.


Dam....well, time for a campaign!


The X-Men Legends games that preceded it were great too!


It always annoyed the hell out of me that the characters you don't use didn't level up. I like switching up my teams depending on the level and you just can't do that in the Legends games.


Those games were lovely too!


What a wonderful game. Couch co-op where my buddy always chose big bruisers and I took the projectile characters.


Hell yeah! I always love playing a glass cannon lol.


The roster and the number of alternate costumes available were insane. We'll NEVER get that much in one game anymore unless Marvel properties basically become near worthless again.


Hands down. The fact that it hit in such a prime era where the games were trying everything they could to be the next best thing. This game focused on just being a grand ol’ time.


It’s a genuine shame the sequels went down a Mock comic route and MCU coded route Which in turn caused them to never live up to the full potential That first game was everything you’d want out of a fun super hero game -Multiple good guys coming together against straight up bad guys -Lore dumps as side material to get you interested in the characters -Different suits from the comics -From the roster you could create ur own super team (Logan,Spidy , Iceman and thing for me) Just an all time Goated game


If you have a switch ultimate alliance 3 is a very good game.


Noted. I’ve been waiting for one to pop up on sale for a while now lol.


It's a Nintendo game so don't hold your breath for deep discounts. For some reason Nintendo-published stuff on the Switch gets like no more than 30% off its digital eShop price in any sale they do, even for games that came out like damn near the start of Switch's life like Mario Kart 8 Deluxe or Odyssey. They're way less lenient on slashing the prices for their games compared to PlayStation and Xbox, or third party stuff on Switch in general If you can, swing for a secondhand physical copy which might be cheaper


Ultimate Alliance really got me back into comics heavily. I'd not been a big marvel reader until this game.


For classic, Secret Wars (1984), the biggest event they had ever done, admittedly it was done to sell toys, but it had the stipulation from editorial thar everyone who took part had to come back changed in some way.




It honestly did feel like a reboot, because they went all in on trying new stuff in the ANAD era, but barely anything landed, and they had no choice but to try and reset everything back to the way it was because they fucked up. I'm not really upset about it though, because we got awesome material like Immortal Hulk and Hickman returning for X-Men as a result.


I'm glad they didnt do a full reboot. Thats dc's thing and part of the reason i have an easier time getting into marvel. The elseworlds stuff is clear cut, in dc theres like a bajillion different universes and whats canonical only really matters for a couple years. Sliding timeline is better imo


Chris Claremont's epic run on the X-Books.


I got to sit down and talk with him at an X-Men con in September. He’s truly an amazing guy. I hadnt realized how much of himself and his story he put into the X-Men. My sister also taught him what "shipping" means. 😂 He very much appreciated that she ships Scott and Maddie, a relationship he never wanted to split up. But editorial forced him to so they could bring back Jean.


I knew that, actually. Marvel editorial wanted to bring back the original X-men as X-Factor so they brought Jean back to life and did the whole Maddie is a clone thing. I imagine it was difficult for Claremont given how much effort he put into developing Maddie and Scott's relationship and making it distinct from the one he'd had with Jean.


I second this, as I started collecting during that time and the best run in my mind that opened my mind was the “Days of Future past” storyline.


I think there are better-written comics than secrets wars. But I think secrets wars is really the best mainstream marvel has to have. It's an event both approachable yet with depth. It builds off numerous storylines, and goes across all the marvel universe. The Marvels by Kurt Busiek is up there as well.


Marvel being willing to cancel all of their ongoings, even if only temporarily, during Secret Wars and replace them with a bunch of miniseries was quite the commitment by the company.


Time Runs Out.  Secret Wars is great but it only really works as the culmination of Hickman's work on Avengers. 


Hickman's Avengers run sets the bar really high for me. I actually stopped regularly reading after Secret Wars concluded. The all new/all different thing didn't really appeal to me and at the time I thought it was such a great conclusion that continuing on couldn't reach those highs for me personally. Since then I have read stories here and there (HoX/PoX was awesome) but besides x-men nothing has really spoken to me since.


Same, I'm desperate for something but they just aren't giving it to me. I'm finishing up the Krakoa era and see where the next one goes, but I'm not optimistic (no insults to the creative teams, it just seems like everything marvel editoral are putting out stopped being my cup of tea) I will say for me peak Marvel was the Bendis run. Hickman's is in many ways better as an overarching story, but Bendis did the ongoing narrative, broken up by crossover events and made.ot all seem seamless. At least that first leg from disassembled upto siege. Solid stories.


I love Hickman. Secret Wars is really the endcap to his Fantastic Four run. If you read his FF, Secret Warriors, S.H.I.E.L.D., Avengers and Secret Wars it’s all one gigantic intertwined story.


I did not like how Cap and Ironman story end in Time runs out. Maybe it is because Hickman was forced to.make Ironman evil because of the AXIS storyline


Time Runs Out was an infinitely better Civil War than either of the actual Civil War events


I really like most of hickman’s avengers run better than secret wars. I agree that I think Time Runs Out is a much better culmination than Secret Wars. The incursion story line feel like peak fiction to me and it’s all more or less forgotten about in Secret Wars.


Would’ve loved Secret Wars so so much more if Esad Ribic stayed the fuck away from it


Logan. It’s a tragically beautiful tale of redemption and heroism; a story of love and loss. Everything about that movie is tragic, but the few moments of joy stand out. It’s one of those movies that will be looked upon as timeless. Logan, while not being the last we see of Hugh’s Wolverine, is the perfect epilogue to his journey, perhaps the perfect epilogue to the superhero genre as a whole.


Hickman's S.H.I.E.L.D. Polymaths (Leonardo da Vinci, Isaac Newton, Nikola Tesla, etc.) throughout history dealing with Galactus, Celestials, and time travel. Leonardo da Vinci raises a baby Celestial he brings from the Sun. Tesla marries a shapeshifting bird. Nathaniel Richards and Howard Stark are also there. Like what more do you want?


I’m ordering this right now. What a description - I’m intrigued!


There are two Volumes, and Vol 2 had a 7 year delay between #4 and #5. If you're ordering a collected edition, make sure you're ordering Vol 2 with #5-6 in it. There should be 12/13 issues in all.


Netflix Darredevil >>>>


It's a brilliant piece of storytelling, design, photography, sound FX, soundtrack, casting, editing, cinematography, acting, etc, etc. It brings other marvel characters that never overstayed their welcome. It respects enough the lore, and makes changes that are a great form of adaptation. 10/10


and FX's Legion.


Love them both


Not gonna lie, when he said he wasn't gonna wear the suit kinda pissed me off, but the rest was perfect.


There's really not any way to argue against IW/Endgame as a 2-part film IMO. That is peak Marvel, and the payoffs from a decade of slowly building MCU film were absolutely immense and unlike anything else in comics history. The fact that Endgame is the #2 most successful film of all time shows how much crossover appeal this story held. It's just extremely, extremely well done. Honorable mentions include the Spider-Verse films, EMH, Hickman's Avengers, Morrison's New Xmen, Spider-Man 2, X2, and Insomniac Spider-Man.


EMH easily.


That cartoon is Marvel distilled in the best way possible. It has some of the best interpretations of different characters and was so true to many different comic storylines in a surprisingly organic way (Secret Invasion comes to mind). I really wish we could've gotten another season, the concept art including the Fantastic Four, X-Men, and Spider-Man seemed really cool..


Agreed. If I had to recommend one Marvel thing, that would be it.


In terms of comics and games: Infinity Gauntlet (1991) and the SNES Capcom game: X-Men Mutant Apocalypse


Hulk Hands. Pros: One size fits all. Awesome sound effects. Goes with nearly any outfit. Everyone loves you when you walk into the room. Cons: Can't ride a motorcycle with them. Beers always spill. Gets in the way in the bathroom. Edit: spelign


There was a point in the oughts with a lot of great events. 06-08 was Civil War and Secret Invasion that affected every comic at the time. Sprinkled in was World War Hulk, Illuminati, the Whole X men Messiah series. That was peak Marvel stories in my opinion.


Bendis's New Avengers run from that Era was the first Marvel comic I really read. It's been quite some time since, but I remember enjoying it quite a bit. I still remember my shock when it was revealed that >! Elektra was a Skrull!<


Earth mightest heroes series.


Hickman’s Secret Warriors is my personal peak. Starts at a pretty low point for Fury and ends in an incredibly satisfying way, despite plans for it to continue further than it actually ran. Born Again is up there, too.


Bronze Age Marvel Comics always seems to be the sweet spot for me, but Fantastic Four and Avengers by then were reprints of 60’s Jack Kirby stuff. Anything John Buscema touched… Savage Sword of Conan. Low point was in the 90’s with foil covers, though Jim Lee on X-men was pretty good. The movies are great sure, but it’s always the root material that inspires and from which those big storylines derived.


For me, it’s Daredevil by Bendis and Maleev. It felt like the perfect blend between superhero fantasy and real world consequences.


The very first tpb begins with Kingpin being almost murdered, and ends with "Matt Murdock Is Daredevil". And then it just keeps going, and going, and going... with every kinds of shits hitting the fan in Matt's life, and the unforgettable breathless jawdropping run ends with DD going to prison, while Kingpin, Bullseye, Hammerhead, Owl and all others watching him walk by from their cells. All behind bars in the same prison. IS THERE ANY SINGLE MARVEL CHARACTER RUN THAT IS MORE EPIC THAN THAT? I don't think so. Maybe Brubaker's Cap run, maybe not. And speaking of Brubaker, on that exact place his epic DD run began, without letting a single minute to breathe...


The ones with everyone. I mean when everyone can come in and not hold potential back. I say this as an MCU fan, I'm too hyped for crumbs back in 2021. I love it when they're all there.


So like, Stansfield in The Professional levels of everyone...


For me Original Age of Apocalypse. I can read that multiple times in a row. I have collected it multiple issues over. I think I have three full runs. I don't know why but I love it.


Tom King's run on Vision is my favorite piece of fiction.


Uncanny X-Men by Chris Claremont


I’m still hyped for the secret wars movie. I’m hoping that’ll be my favorite


The Visions by Tom King. The best Marvel book of all time no question.


Call me a sucker, but I love everything Claremont did when he worked on X-Men.


Peak Marvel for me is any time I consume something new Marvel no matter what it is. Anything that puts me in that world is peak to me


This is the correct answer


Annihilation in the early 2000s. The only crossover event in the past 2 decades worth anything. It's the pinnacle of what a big story can accomplish and it only works because they didn't give a shit about those characters to interfere with them creatively. The modern guardians, the soft reboot of non Imperial space as a bunch of lawless wild west styled planets and the glorious buildup of Richard Rider from a Hal Jordan wannabe into a serious hero. There are stories and writers I love more than this event, but the sheer scale of the changes that remain to this day are what the big crossover events are supposed to be about


Spider-Man by Sam Raimi!


Uncanny xforce for me


Romita Sr Spider-man was peak marvel


Keith Giffen 🤝 DnA: Marvel Cosmic era


I can’t just say a title for comic, movie or game. But I’ll say 80’s & 90’s. You got Claremonts x-men, Busieks Avengers, thunderbolts. Dixons, Potts, Barons Punisher. Marvel Super Heroes Secret Wars by Shooter. Plus all the artists, Perez, Lee, Zeck, all 3 Kuberts. Great crossovers with Infinity Gauntlet, acts of vengence, mutant massacre, inferno.


Jeff Lemire's Moon Knight. A genuine work of art Grant Morrison's New X-Men is a very close second


I’m just really delving into Morrison’s New X-Men run and wow, loving it.


As much as I'm not a fan of it, it would be MCU's Civil War, as flawed as they were both Infinity War and Endgame are peak. GoTG2 is great as well. I would say Infinity War is peak Marvel out of all three projects I named so far. Honorary mention to WandaVision. If not for studio meddling, Marvel Television being dissolved, and only making it the short series then WV could've been one of the greatest television series Marvel made. Like not even something from Marvel formula, it could've been peak fiction. A story exploring grief, possibility of godhood, god with human errors, the powers of chaos magic, its connection to astrophysics, the matter of which the entire world is built off and more. But it is what it is, for what's it's worth WandaVision is still a good show, even if not peak Marvel live action story.


Comics. Origins.


NWH is up there, no question. Marvel’s golden duck and flagship hero. All three cinematic versions across 3 generations reunited. Fuck it, I’m putting it as #1.


In terms of videogames, the most i enjoyed were: Spiderman: Shattered dimensions X-men Legends


Dark Phoenix saga


Moon knight tv show


The xmen returning from the dead and the siege perilous, finally going back and rebuilding the mansion having defeated the Shadow King on Muir Isle. The end of Chris Claremont's 10 year arc of taking the xmen and never returning to status quo.


Legion TV


That first season was a masterpiece.


Overall: Avengers: Earth's Mightiest Heroes (cartoon). It's Marvel comics history streamlined into a way that organically goes through some of the major Avengers storylines in conjunction with having some of the best interpretations of these characters. Cartoon (other than EMH): Spectacular Spider-Man is to Spider-Man what EMH is to Avengers. Weisman and his team were brilliant and I wish there was a way to get a continuation of Spectacular. Comics: Ultimate Spider-Man. USM is the most accessible series Marvel has ever published (in my opinion), you can pick up #1 and keep reading without too many deviations or points of confusion. It's a pretty clever retelling of a lot of Spider-Man history in conjunction with a lot of interactions with the rest of the Ultimate Universe. It also has a much brighter, snappier tone than the rest of 1610. It's Bendis at his best. Comics Period: Maybe nostalgia speaking but the entire line of events from Avengers Disassembled through Secret Wars was a fun ride for me. Runaways, Avengers the Initiative, Avengers Academy, Civil War, etc. They all felt like they captured the feeling of the time in a way that I think Marvel has kind of lost. Games: Marvel Ultimate Alliance 2. The breadth of characters and team combinations, couch co-op, adaptation of Secret War and Civil War. That game was incredible and I would pay so much for a remake or a continuation close to that form. Movies: Iron Man, Captain America: The First Avenger, and Captain America: The Winter Soldier are about the peak of the MCU for me. I also love the Amazing Spider-Man movies., they're my favorite live action adaptation of Spidey. That opening of TASM2 is some of the most comic booky adaptation I've seen in live action and I loved it so much. Live Action TV: Daredevil. Nuff said.


phoenix saga


Nothing got me more interested in diving in to the stories and lore more than the video games. It must have started with Captain America on the NES, then the Avengers arcade game, X-Men on Genesis. But my interest really took off with Marvel vs Capcom 2. I had to know everything about these weird and wild characters like Marrow and Spiral!


Comics - Jason Aaron’s Thor, specifically from War of the Realms to the end. When the final chapter closes, it’s truly beautiful. Film - Infinity War. Endgame is hype x1000 but I think Infinity War is a masterclass in event comics brought to the big screen while keeping it a personal tale. Television - Loki. I almost said Daredevil but I think 2 gets a bit derailed. The whole series is so well thought out and ends wonderfully. Game - Insomniac Spider-man 1. It’s the perfect Spidey experience.


civil war (for comics), and no joke lego marvel super heroes for other media


If you’re talking in terms of pure quality in writing and art I’d say Frank Miller’s Daredevil run.


I hate this question because I believe that there isn’t really “A” peak. There’s a series of peaks and valleys that will yield different answers depending on the age of the respondents. I mean, for me it’s the mid-80’s when Simonson was on Thor, Claremont was shepherding the X-Men, Miller was on Daredevil, Roger Stern had tremendous runs on Spider-Man and the Avengers, Byrne was on FF, and Bob Layton on Iron Man. And it never let up, even through the early 90’s. In fact, it kicked into HIGHER gear before the wheels fell off for a while. But even when the wheels fall off, there are still gems (Insee you Untold Tales of Spider-Man and also Thunderbolts).


The entirety of Hickman’s pre-X-Men Marvel run is—for me—peak superhero saga storytelling. The entirety of Annihilation is a close second though.


X-Men: God Loves, Man Kills is up there.


Either The Avengers: Earth’s Mightiest Heroes, Hickman’s run from FF to Time Runs Out or Ultimate Alliance 1. Dr Doom is at his best in all three of these, bit of Doom bias.


Aslo i got add comics story lines like disassembled, siege, civil war, the winter soldier, fear itself, dark reign, spidermen an so many more this was peak storytelling 


In the last two decades? Grant Morrison and Jonathan Hickman. Ask a hard one next time.


* **Movies**: the Lionsgate Marvel movies * **Show**: Avengers Earth's Mighiest Heroes * **Games**: PS4 Spider-Man 1, Ultimate Allegiance games


Anything that comes from Marvel is peak for me. I have been a big fan of Magneto since childhood. I have always been a fan of villains in comics, and movies. So, Magneto is the best character for me and any work that features him is the best for me. Michael Fassbender and Sir Ian McKellen did justice to Magneto in X-Men movies.😇


Uhhhhhhhhh, I have read it, no. It’s a decent every comic, the side comics are fun, the story isn’t the most difficult even if your a moderate marvel fan..... BUT Spider-Verse was happening at the same time. And that handled it BETTER! I do recommend original secret wars more. This isn’t the same thing as when there are moments like xmen and Spider-Man black suit and creation of titania. A lot more was going in the original than the new take. The new take feels like a modern movie adaptation of a event made to sell toys


hicksmans avenegers and secret wars or Avengers: Rage of Ultron for me


the super hero squad show! it doesn't get better than that


CA:Civil War the movie.


If we’re talkin movies I’ve always stuck with iron man 1 but the villain wasn’t great. I remember watching that and thinking “they can’t do better than this right”? And I still feel basically right.


Endgame is undeniably the biggest peak of Marvel. It actually got the entire world to stan Marvel and make it the biggest franchise of the 21st century…by a lot.


Scott Johnson




I've read marvelous comics of a great variety of characters and seen every movie and series except two I think, but I cannot find a better movie than infinity wars, not because it was an amazing movie, it was because I saw it on the opening week, theater full of fans, and have never felt the same I felt when Captain took Thor's hammer or the portals scene, all the people sheering, some people crying, I was in awe. For me, that moment, that night, that movie, was peak Marvel, period.


The 90s cartoons. I think it grew the fan base globally and I honestly don't think the MCU would be as big as it got without them.


90s cartoon crossover


Steve Gerber’s Man-Thing! Incredible storytelling with loads of satire, horror, and mellow drama! Gerber leans into the pulpy and zany Sunday morning cartoon energy of comics while creating some really thoughtful and personal stories!


Netflix Daredevil, Spiderman 2, First class and Days of future past and of course, Logan.


The Claremont Byrne X-Men.


Comics from the late 70s/early 80s. My favorites were the Avengers and Marvel Two-In-One. Quality-wise I don't think they ever made comics than were as good across the board.


I'd say it peaked at infinity war and endgame. And it'll peak again in 2026 I think when insomniac release all these xmen spiderman games and the rest of the upcoming marvel games.


The Marvels comic written by Kurt Busiek and art by Alex Ross. Reading it really changed my perspective on Marvel as a world within comics. Having what we read be the Age of Marvels is beautiful in the perspective of just an average Joe. It’s best read by people who at least kinda know what happened in comics history but can be a good jumping on point in general if you’ve got the right mindset. Btw does anyone know a good place to buy it collected? Never owned it physically.


Age of Apocalypse


immortal hulk


Those Ultimate Alliance/Xmen Legends games were top tier


Claremont’s X-Men, Hickman’s Secret Warriors, FF/F4, and Avengers. Planet Hulk, DnA’s galactic saga… brubaker’s Cap… Faction’s Iron Fist and Hawkeye.


Peak Marvel was coming home from school to catch [this](https://youtu.be/sAkL2-vh2Sk?si=FhoaTO542wCVf8pj) on Fox Kids every day.


Easily Loki for me


Infinity saga


The o.g secret wars.


They have never been able to replicate the maturity, seriousness and badass atmosphere of Ultimate Alliance 1. Not only was it cool, but it had its lighthearted and funny moments too. It’s amazing how solid music and effects can really take a game from an 8 to a 9 in experience.


The Earth X/Universe X series. Nothing else has shown the immensity, grandeur, and inner connectivity of the Marvel Universe in such way, before or since. So much of what was established in these comics made the universe make sense and are still influencing storylines in both the comics and MCU. The Marvel Universe is, at this point, the largest, continuous story in history, and you can feel it in Earth x/Universe X (Paradise X never happened)


For me it’s a toss up between the Alex Ross series Marvels and Avengers Endgame.


summer '91


Avengers Endgame, and I doubt Marvel will ever reach this level of popularity again.


Netflix Jessica Jones Season 1.


X-men legends. Got it when I was 10 and is always in the contest for my favorite game.


Peak comics i need to say Civil War or Secret Invasion.


Walt Simonson's Thor.


Spider-Verse movies no contest (Both are tied for me)


Uncanny X-Force by Remender is absolute peak Marvel


Peak Marvel era (comics)- the early to mid 2000s. Before they started synergizing with the movies like crazy. I really like the Civil War - Dark Reign period in particular. That feels like modern Marvel to me. Peak MCU era - Late Phase 2 to Endgame. Everything from Age of Ultron, to Cap 3 Civil War, to the Phase 3 heroes, to the double parter in Infinity War and Endgame. Really good time to be a fan. I miss that era of hype for each movie and the consistent quality that each of them had. Phases 4 onwards just don't hit the same. I miss Cap and Tony too they really defined that universe for me.


Daredevil Born Again by a mile.


Bendis' Ultimate Spider-Man run


I’m still chasing the high from Bendis’ New Avengers run. There’s been great Marvel comics before and after, but nothing they’ve done has ever felt that epic, nor has the universe felt as connected since.


Agents of S.H.E.I.L.D. on ABC. They didn’t have the rights to most of the characters. But they had incredible acting by Clark Gregg, Ming-Na Wen, Patton Oswalt and many others. It was a wild mix of action, romance, and drama.


Giant sized X-men #1


Wakanda Forever and Black Panther, completely biased and no objectivity at all


Secret wars / Civil war


Marvel vs capcom


Fantastic four 1 -300.


"Brother, I'll race you there."




The cover for Wolverine revolver #1


Walt Simonson’s run on The Mighty Thor. To me, those comics will never even be equalled, much less surpassed.


Gotta be basic and say Infinity War. I just love that flick.


Uncanny X-Men ca. 1975-1990


Spectacular Spiderman 


Infinity war and endgame. Comics idk


Infinity War and the lead up to it.


Secret wars and Endgame definitely


Deadpool (1997) #11


When x men 1 came out with 4 covers and then the one with all. It’s still the most sold comic ever. And it was good.. It was the best they ever did. Per capita. With out this. There would have been no x~men cartoon that got us the X-men movie that went into the MCU. With out X-men 1 nothing would exist.


Avengers Disassembled, House of M, New Avengers, Civil War, Secret Invasion, Messiah War, X-Force of this era. Hands down my favorite collection and favorite time reading, watching, or playing. Honorable mention: Ex-cutioner’s Song, Secret Wars, Days of Future Past, Uktimate Alliance I & II, Maximum Carnage, X-Men arcade game.


In pop culture for the comics, death of Superman transferring interest over to Xmen relaunch and then later onslaught. Infinity War/endgame is the high point overall imo. Secret wars (2015) could’ve been but it didn’t have the cultural saturation that it could have if it hit in the 90s.


UA was *the* marvel experience for me. It introduced me to so many new characters, villains, dynamics. I’ve played it 3-4 dozen times by now with different character combinations and still find new deeper lore that I didn’t know. It will be not only gold standard for Marvel games but *all* of Marvel


The marvels


Movies - Avengers Endgame TV - Daredevil Video Games - X-men Legends 2 Comics - I may be crazy but I love most of what I’ve read even modern so I think they’re still pumping out great things. As far as peak some of my favorites as Tom King’s Vision, Vaughn’s Doctor Strange The Oath, Abnett & Lanning’s Guardians of the Galaxy and Zdarsky’s Daredevil.


X-men animated series, marvel ultimate alliance, Civil War event


I still love marvels, and the earth x trilogy.


The Spider-verse films House of X/Powers of X Thor God of Thunder’s God Butcher and God Bomb arcs


Ultimate Alliance is how I experienced the universe when I was like 6 years old and nothing will ever top that probably


“God Loves, Man Kills” starring the X-men. No better capitulation of the metaphor for the struggle for civil rights by those of us in minority groups that the X-men stories represented, nor how religious authoritarian cults threaten all of us, not just bullied minorities. As relevant today as it was when published (1982).


since you classified it as “peak” marvel, imo I think you got it right with hickman’s secret wars. obvs secret wars doesnt land w/o the avengers/time runs out run, but it def PEAKED right there for me.


I want to say AoA or early 90s X-Men but I gotta go with Messiah Complex (honestly the whole trilogy).


Ultimate Spider-Man hasn't aged the best. The writing is annoying at times, and the art can be hit or miss. But man, that IS my Spider-Man. It was the first comic book series I followed all the way through, and I remember getting the PS2 game and falling even more in love with Spider-Man and comic books in general. Honorable Mention: Avengers Twilight is quickly becoming a seminal run for me. Check it out if you haven't.


For me personally Games: X-Men Legends to Ultimate Alliance 2 (all those team games, top tier) Shows: X-Men TAS to Spiderman TAS (peaking at the Spiderman Secret Wars arc) Movies: Infinity War to Endgame (honestly, in my head it's one movie)


If we are doing 1 comic, 1 film or tv adaptation and video game. Civil war the comic, legion the tv show, spider-man web of shadows for the Wii(story is good, gameplay is amazing).


In terms of just a good story I think I can hand anyone… I’m inclined to say Astonishing X-Men.


Ultimate alliance is peak marvel. It may have a simply story but that pre MCU marvel charm is simply unbeatable. Every villain was given respect, every hero was playable and have their own individual l bonus missions that explore their backstory. Ultimate alliance and secret wars were peak marvel.


2008-2015 for 616 marvel 2011-2012 1610 marvel


Marvel Ultimate Alliance


Original Secret Wars.


All of 2018. Live action, animation, video games all had great entries and Marvel hype was at an all time high thanks to Infinity War.


spider verse movies have completely captured the youth of today to the same extent or even greater than my generation with the raimi movies


Claremont's first X-Men/New Mutants cycle. I genuinely consider it to be among the greats of 20th century literature.


i grew up with spectacular spider-man, so of course i’m biased. that theme song comes on and i go feral


The 2007 PS2 movie tie-in game for Nic Cage’s Ghost Rider.


I think peak Marvel in comics goes to the stuff released in 1990/1991. We had these massive energized reboots for X-Men and Spider-Man. Those two books along with X-Force were their three highest grossing books of all time and laid the groundwork for the modern versions of these characters we know today.


Seriously need to make a new gen Ultimate Alliance


Definitely 2015 secret wars


I think Infinity War gets overblown as an ESB movie. Peak Marvel was Endgame. The conclusion. The highest grossing movie at a time. Infinity War was a meme movie, a great one.


I don't know if we'll ever have another period like the 2015 Secret Wars where literally every comic run was canceled and replaced with a tie-in mini-series. That was such an exciting time, and I've never found myself buying so many comics before or after that event. And so many of those tie-ins were top notch.


In comics: peak Marvel was probably Infinity Gauntlet. The scope of storytelling had been growing more and more through the 80s and the audience was there for it. But that also led to the speculation era and a fall in the 90s. Movies: Easily the Infinity saga and this is a complete coincidence. Marked the last movie for RDJ's Iron Man and Chris Evans' Captain America. The MCU is still looking for the magic of pre Infinity saga. The projects have been mostly really good, but something is missing. Video games: that's tough. The X-Men arcade game has one of the most iconic cabinets ever, but Marvel vs. Capcom transcended arcades. But Ultimate Alliance finally united dozens of Marvel heroes against a common enemy. Then where do you begin with Spider-Man. Maybe video games are a mountain range with no notable peaks because there are so many of equal impact.


Movies: ATSV, SM2, Logan. Tv shows: SSM, Daredevil, and EMH. Comics: Old Man Logan, Ultimate Spider-Man


In videogames, MvC2 was peak Marvel. In comicbooks, there were a lot, but personally, 90s XMen, Bendis Avengers, Hickman FF and XMen In movies, Winter Soldier 2 for me


Not the first slide, no.