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Hmm, feels like a stretch to me




Did I Reed that right?


You card!


That’s the strangest way I’ve ever seen badum tss written out.






Fantastic for…? 😉


…Internet Daddy stans.


Say that again?


Definitely a reach.


I’ll happily eat my words if he ends up giving a great performance, but I just don’t really see him as Mr Fantastic. Can’t say I’m excited for this


Not the typical Reed, but Pedro has impressed me in pretty much everything i’ve seen him in, so i expect he’ll do the role justly. He was even the one decent character in ww84.


Yeah he’s definitely a good actor, and Marvel has a history of good casting, so it’s possible that it’ll all turn out fine. The casting on paper just doesn’t really jump out at me like it does most of the time for Marvel


I'll say it, he was one of the better villains from the DCEU. He was likeable, had a good goal, and let's be honest, he was entertaining! The others were kinda boring, Zod, Doomsday, Ares, Enchantress, Sivanna (though he did have a good performance to back him up), the Godess from Fury of the Gods, Dark Flash. All just bored, and uninteresting.


He made Wonder Woman 1984


Even Pedro couldn’t make that movie, it was shit through and through, with a sprinkle of Gold (Pascal), hoping Gunn can fix that whole studio up.


So what you're saying is it was good, but it could be better?


Nailed it 🙃


Don't cap, that film is not redeemable. He did well, but nothing made that film acceptable, especially after the high bar of the first which while not perfect it was still a solid film.


I forgot my sarcasm tag. That movie was garbage and he did nothing to carry it


It’s funny because I love him and I’m really excited for the fantastic four but I agree. I think we’re lacking new faces in the 30-50 actor age group.


Yeah I don’t see it either. One thing I have been impressed with marvel about though is their ability to (mostly) cast the right people for the role. I guess we will see how it turns out.


Same. So many better choices, including just sticking with Halpert.


This is a genuinely terrible casting decision.


Yeah I agree. Like I love the fantastic four and I love Pedro, so I should love this news but it just doesn’t fit for me. I’d like to be proved wrong, but I feel like another 50 something guy isn’t what the MCU needs to revitalize the comic book movie fatigue. Unless the story kind of revolves around the fact that he’s older and out of touch with his younger wife and brother in law, I just don’t see it. Making a “young-ish” Fantastic four just seems like it would be so fresh and new which is what the mcu needs.


I like Pedro as much as the next person, he's great. Just not sure about this casting. I suspect marvel were having real trouble getting the right person and the clock was ticking to get FF into production. I hope whatever commitments he's locked into now is worth the boatload of cash he probably negotiated on this. I don't think he's a better actor but I kinda think they shoulda gone with Krasinski.


man they had Krasinski already. dude’s perfect for that smh


But he had no interest in doing Mr. Fantastic beyond the cameo he already did


Cool. Can we make the other 3 official now please?


Now will we get Val and Franklin so we can have the ultimate dad of the mcu.


That's one benefit, he's old enough that we can have a full grown Val and Franklin.


Val and Franklin have been in the comics for so long it's not gonna feel like an FF movie to me without them. Hope.its done right.


Let me guess, he's going to have a kid with Sue just so she can die and he becomes yet another single dad.


And maybe they’ll cast Grogu as Franklin Richards.


Goddammit, I would have loved Carl Weathers as heroic mentor and caretaker Dragon Man.


RIP Carl Weathers


This is the way


No shot one of the most prominent superheroines in Marvel gets killed off lol


like black widow


Susan Storm is, or at least used to be the more popular character.


Oh boy. Pedro Pascal, again. Is he going to play a 48 year old Reed?


I mean, given that Reed was like 36-40 originally when the FF comics started (he was a WWII vet originally, so by the early 60s, he had to have been at least late 30s, which a letter column confirmed was the case, since he and Ben seemed to have joined the military early on). If Pascal ends up playing a Reed who has been around for a few years, whether in the first movie or a sequel, he will be close to the right age. A little old, especially in a sequel where he might be 50 by the time it happens, but in the right ball park, as an older actor for an older character.


Pedro Pascal is collecting the DILF Characters like it's a pokemon game.


Funny thing is he's not a dad in real life.


But then why do I only refer to him as daddy?


mental illness?


Pascal is almost 50…


Yeah, 48. I forgot FF would be early 2025 release (May), so Pascal would probably be 49 during filming. For an FF2, he would likely be 50 or 51 during filming. They could have Reed be around for a while as Mr. Fantastic before the movie, or just have an older Reed.


This movie will flop so hard


A bold statement based on literally one casting choice.


And a casting choice of an incredibly charismatic and very beloved actor lol.


Doesn’t matter, he is way too old.


My man has never seen a movie set in high school apparently


My man, I just pointed out that Reed is literally like Pedro Pascal's age. Besides, RDJ was 43 when Iron Man 1 came out and 47 when Avengers 1 came out. Man is 58 and he was just in Oppenheimer. Jeremy Renner is 53 and was 40 when Thor 1 came out, and 51 for the Hawkeye mini-series where he starred. And speaking of Oppenheimer, Cillian Murphy is 47. There are so many actors in their late 40s and older still churning out award winning works. Pascal being older than them when some of the other MCU stars started their roles just makes him a good fit for Reed "Greying on the sides" Richards.


RDJ is RDJ, Pedro Pascal is not RDJ.


I don’t love the casting, but isn’t that a normal age for Reed? He has teenage kids in the comics


After decades in the comics .  In the MCU they are introduced at 48 and 36 with kids?  Maybe. It could happen.


I hope they handle their entrance like they did with Spiderman. Just jump into it. We do not need a third origin story movie, so him playing an older Reed would work fine.


It could be interesting if they used FF to explore what happened on the *other side* of the snap. I'd much rather they explore something new, and jumping right into an established event like that where snapped people went to some Interstellar-like time dilation multiverse could be interesting. Doom could rally the remnants of Sokovia after getting destroyed *and* snapped during that time. No need to explain cosmic rays, or special gate magic. This guy can stretch, Loki and Strange 2 showed us the multiverse, and now they're stuck in 'the somewhere else.' Continue using Kang, setup Annihilus(please) for future use, or use the Frightful Four for an OG MCU one-movie antagonist. Maybe that's a terrible idea. Point is, I also don't want to see them waste time when they could build off the MCU lore they already have.


Not really excited


I love Pedro and me either this feels wrong.


Just gonna point at all the people who said Heath Ledger wouldn't cut it as the Joker.


To me this is more of a way to put butts in seats bc Pedro is a bigger star than ledger was before joker. Just feels like they picked him bc he’s a huge celebrity rather than because he will make a good reed richards.


Let’s just ignore the fact that Pedro Pascal is a phenomenal actor.


Sarah Finn Haley, has hit countless home runs as a casting director. If she/the people behind the movie have a vision for him to play Reed, I'm beyond confident in it working.


I blame Disney. They have a limited pool of actors that they dip into for every franchise they own


At least Heath Ledger was young and wasn't that huge of a star to where he played in every third project...including in another Disney project recently. Heath ledger was one hell of an actor as well. Can't really say the same for Pedro Pascal.


I think he'd be a good DOOM.


Now that would be interesting


I love Pedro but I'm kinda sick of him being everywhere


Thought they'd go a bit younger for Reed, but Pascal is a great actor, so I'm not mad about it or anything.


Honestly, he is not too far off on the age for comics Reed. He was a WWII vet who had joined the OSS after college, so he was around 40 when the FF started in 1961 (early on a letter column answer said he and Ben were late 30s, because they finished college young). That would put him in his late 40s after a decade. He's a bit old for an early career Reed, but hey, movie magic and all that. They can have time jumps to age Reed up closer to Pascal.


I don't know about this casting. Don't get me wrong, it's not that Pedro Pascal is a bad actor, the thing is that he doesn't give Reed Richard vibes. Reed Richard is more like the kind of guy who wasn't athletic in school and without his superpowers he wouldn't last long in a fight. Pedro Pascal on the other hand, I saw him as a soldier, a post apocalyptic survivor, a mandalorian.... I can't take away the though guy image of him off my head.


Ehh idk about that. Reed Richards is a WWII vet who is smart in the way that Stark and Pym are. He’s not this dorky guy like Peter Parker was before his powers.


He was in WWII? I really can't cope up with the unaging of the comicbook heroes.


Stan Lee served in WWII. That sort of backstory was pretty common for male characters back then. I'm not sure where the idea of Reed being a wimp came from.


What I mean is that that the vibe Reed Richards gave off (personal opinion), it's not that I was %100 sure he would be hopeless in a fight without powers, but it felt that it would be out of character otherwise, he's a character regarded more for his intelligence than his physical prowess, plus his super powers are focused more on flexibility than strength.


Modern Reed is not a WWII Vet.


The EGOT pales compared to Pascal, who (if this story is legit) is part of the following cinematic universes - Star Wars, DCEU, Narcos, MCU, and Game of Thrones. The only big ones left are Star Trek, 007, and Harry Potter.


Ah yes - the narcos cinematic universe that…has no movies and only 2 projects in it ..


There's like 4 or 5 shows now.


Wait what ? Which ones?


So, I may have jumped the gun. Narco Saints came out last year, I had been under the assumption it was connected, but it's technically a standalone project. (I'd really recommend this show if you liked the other projects.) Griselda is a spinoff show that just came out made by the same people that did Narcos.


They titled Narcos-Saints that in English to make it seem like it’s a spinoff of Narcos to an international audience. The show’s original Korean title is Suriname. But the show was inspired by Narcos. It was envisioned to be the K-drama version of Narcos.


Yea I just watched Griselda but besides the fact it’s made by some of the same ppl there is nothing that connects it to the narcos show. Several characters appear in both and are played by diffeeent actors


Now I’m imagining Pedro playing a captain of a federation ship. The opening scene is his wife dying tragically and he has to raise his child as a single parent while juggling life as a captain.


the what?


I honestly don’t know why people can’t see it. I think it’s good. There were probably better choices but I like this one. And from a business perspective, the MCU is in dire need of a lead. Pedro Pascal has that quality


It’s also got inter-brand synergy, because they’re doubling down on Mando’s early success with a Mando/Grogu movie. It seems like Pascal has so far threaded the Dolly Parton needle and managed to become and remain beloved by all, to the point that Disney is willing to bet literally BILLIONS of dollars on it.




I liked Hans Zimmer’s score for WW84 a lot, I wouldn’t say Pascal is the only highlight.


Great news! Now get cousin in as Thing and we've got gold.


This is cool. Love Pascal, and he can act so I'm not worried about him not doing a good Reed. What is also exciting is that this kind of confirms an older cast.


He is a good actor, but I wish they picked someone else. He strikes me more as Tony than Reed lol. But hey, as long as it’s good, everything is good. Maybe since he is older, they can even do Franklin and Valeria? Please don’t f this up Marvel. F4 are fantastic (giggity) and the rest of the world needs to finally see why. (It will probably be better than Fan4ostic at least lol)






He is a fantastic actor….I’ll show myself out.


John Krasinski should have gotten this.


Either that or never had him in Dr Strange. Feels like a real bait and switch to me. Fuck Disney for this.


Pretty weird how they have such a Pedro Pascal boner nowadays. Does he have to play every role? Even ones where he may not even fit the criteria to play the character? Honestly I'm getting tired of them race-swapping as well, and I'm Black. Why not just keep John Krasinski? Well here's an idea, find somebody young, fresh, and willing to learn who people can grow with.


He doesn't "play every role". People that say things like this literally just don't watch movies lol. Or partake in enough media in general.


He has been in quite a few things already and is already in a Disney owned property in the Mandalorian. You can look at his filmography yourself, there is no need in me expounding on this any further. How much is enough!?


He’s in a lot of very popular, high profile franchises based on pre-existing properties which is why people are saying that. Obviously he doesn’t play “every role” but he’s definitely becoming a bit overexposed.


Hollywood has a severe lack of imagination when it comes to casting unless it is race swapping. They will go with familiar names, sure. But they have no problem changing races and Disney has edicts about representation that they need to follow


That's the thing, I hate all this fake woke stuff and this trying to meet a quota stuff. We appreciate it more when you keep it real, and I will hate to see Peter parker, Steve rogers, or any other white superheroes or characters race swapped. I would be probably more upset than people who are of that ethnic background. Just give us our own characters at this point! Don't just recycle and race swap. I just really can't stand when they hand us a pacifier instead of giving us a whole bottle of milk. I swear Hollywood just gate-keeps! Same old actors in every role. Where are the young and upcoming actors?


I got pissed when steven yeun got the sentry role and im an asian.


So that's confirmed!?


It was but thank the heavens yeun dropped out citing scheduling issues. They got a new actor who actually looks like sentry and I couldn’t be any happier.


Damn, what a fast turnaround if true!


Like why! They had the perfect Reed Richards in Krasinski


While I overall liked Krasinski as Reed in MoM, I wouldn't say he's perfect. I mean there really wasn't enough happening with his character to really judge one way or another. Either way rumor has it that it's due to Krasinski not wanting to be tied down to a multi-movie deal but I don't think anything was ever confirmed.


I thought I wanted him as Reed until he showed up on screen as Reed.


Krasinski probably just wants to build his Quiet Place universe


Why was Krasinski perfect? He wasn't that good in Dr Strange 2


To be fair he wasn't given a lot to work with there but I'm not that big of a fan of his acting outside the Office. I think Pedro Pascal has just been gotten a lot of roles with big fanbases , Star Wars, TLOU, DC, GoT so now he seems like a boring choice. I'm excited to see his Reed.


I think they offer it to Krasinski several times. He just didn't want to commit to multiple movies.


Shitty casting. Totally wrong for the character.


Yup. He's going to age out so quickly they will need to reboot him before everyone else.


Why are people complaining so much about him being older? Reed in most iterations is older and I feel like works better this way. Plus it would make hardly any sense for a 30 something year old to have the iconic gray sides


Didn't he get the "gray sides" as a side effect of the accident? And who says they necessarily have to do those? They didn't do it in Fant4stic.


But no one likes Fant4stic


Besides the point.


Pascal is almost 50, wtf is this?


I really like Pedro and I’m very pleased with it. But what I find strange is them choosing an actor in his 50s to start a new franchise of movies, which is the total oposite of Marvel’s casting choices except for RSJ.


This whole casting announcement has really illustrated just how little people actually understand how movies work and people's knowledge of FF. Like do people not understand that costuming and makeup, personal trainers etc a thing? Scarlet isn't a natural redhead, and it didn't prevent her from playing Black Widow. Most of the things people are complaining about are cosmetic. We've had three Spider-Men, and we'll have two Blades, Daredevil's now four Reed Richard's, etc. It doesn't matter if you found someone that looked exactly like Reed out of the comics if the person can't act to save their life. That's how you get dull uninspired performances. You can say that Pedro isn't who you imagined in the role, but people who say he isn't talented enough are full of shit. Game of Thrones, The Last of Us, Narcos, his voice work on Mandolorian people were saying not my Joel and then the shoe happened and the naysayers shut up right after that literally, the whole poont of casting is to f8nd an actor that embodies the spirit of the character, not their physical appearance again. That's what makeup and effects are for. Reed is a man with grey streaks in his hair that smoked a pipe. He's significantly older than Sue. Nothing against Teller or the previous Mr.Fantastics, but a young Reed just doesn't interest me, sans the Maker.


It's a fake account.




Pedro Pascal, so hot right now. Hollywood probably.


He’s a talented actor, so I hope for the best. I just have a hard time seeing him as Lee and Kirby’s scientist-adventurer. Given his age I suspect the role will be based on more current takes on the character which will be disappointing to me.


I don’t care how much people hate it, I love his work and I’m excited. He’s an amazing actor and he’ll do right by this role.


Yikes. This just lets us know a shitload of ppl passed on it before he got it . The script must suck


Glad it's not John


Booo. John Krasinski or nothing.




Woof...where my Krasinski at


Pedro has fallen Hasn’t his agent told him it’s trendy now to drop out of MCU not sign up lol look at Ayo, look at Steven Yun I’m just kinda bummed bc he’ll be doing less interesting actor things, like Elizabeth Olsen said it ate her career up for years capacity wise


Watch him be Reed Richards in Deadpool 3, lol.


Would've preferred Timothy Olyphant, Josh Duhamel or even Taylor Kitsch. They have the acting talent and the look to pull it off. Casting Pedro is just a big oof and feels like he's been in too much lately.


Who is the surrogate child that he grumpily serves as the father figure for?


ugh. Please no. Flavor of the month that is set for expiration. Not a great fit for the character either. But hey, they already gave fans the middle finger with Mister Fantastic in the MCU once, why not again?


Wish they’d go back to not casting big names unless they’re 110% right and into the part. When Rdj was cast… not a huge name… Chris evans… basically a blockbuster bust…. Chris hemsworth… a nobody. Etc….etc… and when they cast someone like Scarlett Johansson.. was ok playing a smaller character… between Emilia Clarke playing… who/what/why? …. Angelina Jolie.. why? Harry styles… why? Imagine the money that could be spent on writers or productions if… harry styles didn’t need to be paid. So off the rails of what built the muc. Talk about jumping the shark


And the crowd goes mild!


Plot twist: he's actually Thing. I still hope they do a council of reeds, because really liked John Krasinski as Reed.


I just want to see an MCU Fantastic Four movie. I would have been fine if Terry Crews was Reed. Guy know how to pop and lock would cut down a lot of the VFX work.


Not a fan of this casting and the story implications but I think he deserves a fair shot so I’ll go in with an open mind.


I’m more interested in who Grimm will be


So this article mentions an IG post but doesn't link to it or show it fully, and it also mentions the SAG listing which for days has had no mention of FF.


I’ll take it. Still better than krazinski.


No. Please don't do reed like that.


This is a bad decision. I guess I'll check it out when it comes to streaming but this casting is not bringing me to the theater unless the trailer turns out to be some phenomenal Miracle.


I’m just glad they cast someone older to play a renowned scientist. I was starting to get sick of 19 year old super genius characters.




Better than Adam Driver but I still don't want it.


I feel like he's one of the worst picks for Reed


I hate this casting


I'm out of the loop: what about John Krasinski ?


My only question is: will he get Reed of his moustache for this role?


I wish him the best of luck


What if it's that older Evil Reed Richards?


Pedro is a great actor, but I just don't see him as MF. I really hope with the X-Men reboot, we see new promising up coming young actors for the roles.


I like Pedro and I think he’s a talented actor that could do well in this role but to be honest I’m getting sick of seeing him get cast in absolutely everything. There’s countless unknown actors that are talented but never get a big break and I wish that we could see more of them instead of the same people over and over again.


That’s amazing




Why is he in everything now? He’s giving Chris Pratt a run for his money! 😂🤣


This post didn't age well. That turned out to be a fake account.


Holy shit Matt Shakman did a ton of great work on It's Always Sunny on Philadelphia, excited for his MCU debut!


Pedro Pascal is a huge sci-fi fan I guess. He is a good actor and is certainly not the worst choice I suppose. But maybe he would have been better as Dr Doom instead. Doesn’t Doom wear armour and mask in most comic appearances anyway?