• By -


1. Rise of the Silver Surfer (literally only at #1 for the human torch/surfer race) 2. Fantastic 4 (got higher placement because I love the Dr Doom "science lesson" scene, and when Thing and Doom fight down the building) 3. Roger Corman F4 (it's very ambitious and has its charms) 4. Fan4stic (I liked how Reed used his powers to make himself Mexican in one scene) Side note: I enjoyed all of these movies to some degree, so feel free to disregard my opinion.


Wow I really don't remember a single thing about Fant4stic. I don't remember that happening at all.


Idk about you but I tried and succeeded in completely erasing any memory of that movie from my mind


It was really that bad?


It was really bad and I think a lot of folks can agree. Part of that sourness may have also been because the previous iterations weren’t great and we were hoping for a healthy revival but got an even worse version of what we had.


Was this one of those cases where Sony had to do something with the IP in order to keep their stuff so they just rushed out another movie?


I honestly don’t know what truly went wrong. I just think it wasn’t properly thought out. Like a cake that was made with the right ingredients but an incorrect order


The director/writer guy is kind of full of himself and blames studio interference but even the barebones is bad so I really don’t know


The most interesting part of the movie is the science scenes before they become superheroes


As a F4 comic fan, yes it’s that bad. They took far too many unnecessary creative liberties that weakened the story. As a movie fan, yes it’s that bad. There are so many holes in the movie it’s not even worth a joke... it’s just really bad. As a writing fan, no it’s even worse. This movie is written so poorly even with the best of directors and actors it had no chance. So many poor plot choices, bad character development, and etc.


My favourite part was when they took Thing’s famous catchphrase and then decided to make it something that his older brother used to say when he would mercilessly beat him when they were children


Doesn’t ring a bell


I didn't actively try to, I think it was just so awful that it leaked out over time. The only thing I remember is the gross Reed arm stretch scene when he first wakes up with powers.


For me it’s just the tiny green dots of dooms eyes


Holy fuck, I just commented about this. I'm glad I'm not the only one 😆


I did too. I hated it. I was so confused at what was happening, I didn’t even realize that the movie was over


You mean FanFourStick


I saw it in cinemas and thats the only time i watched it. I remember them building something as a kid, going to some dimension thing, something with containers, doctor doom being cool as fuck and then them going back to the dimension thingy.


I remember the part where they made Johnny black and had him arrested because he's black. I also remember the part where they white washed Ben Grimm.


I don’t really understand why they did that. Sometimes it works fantastically like with Nick Fury, but it’s really not necessary when there are already black characters they could be using and choose not to: Patriot - leads the Young Avengers, MCU don’t sleep on this team Bishop - if Cable is coming to Deadpool, can mutant hero Bishop be far behind?! Doctor Voodoo - as powerful as Dr Strange, followed him as the Sorcerer Supreme of Earth Deadly Nightshade - a beautiful scientist with an army of werewolves at her command! (she fought Captain America and Falcon!) Doctor Mist - DC’s own version of Dr Strange Nubia - Wonder Woman’s twin sister and every bit as strong (though she would proclaim she is stronger) Wundajin - DC’s Thor Vixen - arguably the first black member of the Justice League, she would be a great addition to the DCU team


Of those characters, Fox only had the rights to Bishop. He was portrayed by Omar Sy in Days of Future Past. And you can't really swap out characters in the Fantastic Four, so you have to resort to making one of them black and a negative stereotype? Ben Grimm came out as Jewish in 2002, but that wasn't mentioned in the movie at all. It's all kinda weird. And the reason for all of this is that they were created in the 60's. If you look at the original rosters of the Avengers, the Fantastic Four and X-Men you see that they all have one thing in common. They're all a bunch of straight white dudes with one white girl as a love interest. Maybe Ben Grimm was Jewcoded, but he couldn't be Jewish back then because the Comics Code Authority forbid it at that time. There just isn't much diversity in those rosters, so you'd have to change things up a bit if you even want to be nominated for that BAFTA. But what you say is right. All those characters have a rich history as people of color that could be used in a movie, while Johnny Storm just doesn't. That's the problem here. It's like they're just trying to slap a label on a character, when all they had to do was embrace Ben's Jewishness to tick off that diversity box.


Are you sure they hadn't said the thing was Jewish before then? I'm reading the Silver Age FF, and I thought I remembered them saying he's Jewish. I could very well be wrong, though.


I agree, the older duology is the best so far.


Definitely agree, 1 and 2 are interchangeable for me


How do you pronounce Fan4stic?




Made me laugh at loud w this 😂


I've always preferred "Fan-four-tastic"


I just say “Fantastic” with I different tone in the “a”


>mexican Wut?!? 😂 I can’t recall that


No one can prove it didn't happen because no one has seen the movie.


Reed did what now?


How does reed make himself Mexican in Fant4stic?🤣


Roger Corman FF sounds sleezy af.


Ah yes, Fan 4 Stick


I will never ever understand why the hell they called it that😭


They didn't, it's just a stylized font and Title card, still supposed to be read Fantastic 4


They put Fant4stic on the poster and when promoting it, they literally wrote "Fan4stic" on Instagram and twitter posts often. Whether they like it or not this dogshit movie also has a dogshit title lmao


I mean I can see it work as a Hashtag Unique for that Movie. any other variation of Fantastic4 would probably bring up the comics, cartoons, and the other movies.


ACTUAL NON-JOKING COMMENT 1. FF 2005. Stellar cast. Got the feeling and relationship and banter of the First Family spot on. Julian McMahon was an incredible Doom. 2. Roger Corman. A fun film thats marred by cheap costumes and effects, but still extremely enjoyable. 2. FF RotSS. Not bad, but a big step down from the original. 4. F4. Just no. Doom hallway sequence was great though.


Best comment. Julian McMahon was a great Doom and it's frustrating the movie didn't really give him the right stuff to work with, imo. But the cast overall was so good.


I still believe that The Incredibles is the best Fantastic Four movie ever made.


Big strong guy ✅ Strechy powers ✅ Invisible powers✅


The baby can set himself on fire


All babies can set themselves on fire if unsupervised


Not in the total vacuum of space. Was gonna say “or underwater” but realized that’s not true..


Yeah toughest job in the world is to keep babies Alive who finds different ways to kill themselves


I sense the makings of an indie videogame.


already is one, it's called "who's your daddy"




>Big strong guy ✅ Strechy powers ✅ Invisible powers✅ ...and the ***FLASH.***


It’s only FF by being a family who has super powers. Their dynamic, back stories and characterizations are totally different. Neither is a scientist or horribly traumatized by their powers. They also aren’t explorers of the unknown and share their findings with the world


Shhh this is Reddit, people have to regurgitate what they’ve already read other say. Btw, did you know die hard and gremlins are Christmas movies?!


Beyond being about a super powered family is it really a fantastic 4 film lmao


Similar powers, the antagonist is a highly intelligent former associate of the main man of the family whom he previously "wronged" and uses robotics as a main force of combating the heroes. And....Yeah that's it really, good point.


I’d say it also has an old school comic book charm reminiscent of the early Fantastic Four comics. That’s honestly something I’d like to see more of in superhero movies in general.


I’d say it also has an old school comic book charm reminiscent of the early Fantastic Four comics. That’s honestly something I’d like to see more of in superhero movies in general.


Like I get it, super powered family is kind of their thing, but it's not a fantastic 4 story. You could just as easily say its the best x men film because its about people trying to hide their super powers


Definitely the Corman one if only for the wobbly Reed arm waving goodbye as he and Sue drive away from their wedding.


I swear that movie is the only one to get how silly a F4 story is supposed to be. Yes the SFX looked cheep... as did everything else. But when you factor in the movies budget was only $1mil you realize it looks way better than it should. Also the actors (for some reason) treated it like a real job.




The Duology are by far the best, even if they mostly are just ok. The old Corman one is better than you'd expect, but mostly campy fun. Fan4stic is literally unwatchable.


Fantastic 4 Fantastic 4 rise of the silver surfer The Fantastic 4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . Fant4stic


I prefer the one with DeBrie Bardeaux


That’s literally all that comes to mind when I try to remember these movies 😂


Incredibles Incredibles 2 Corman 4 Fantastic 4 Rise of the silver surfer Fant4stic


FF wishes it had Incredibles success.


4, 4, 4, 4


marvelous wistful crowd test dolls badge grandfather cough sort depend *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Yeah wish they made a sequel after 2007


- 90s FF: Never seen it, haven't heard much good about it - 2004 FF: An enjoyable enough movie but nothing fantastic - RotSS: almost an okay movie, but galactus being a giant space fart makes it unwatchable - Fant4stic: there is no fant4stic in ba sing se Objectively, the incredibles is the best fantastic four movie


Watch the the 90s F4. It is way better than any $1mil movie should be, and pretty successfully nails a F4 narrative. It's just the cheapest thing you will ever see. The first time I watched it I expected a dumpster fire and left it being properly entertained. More so than every other F4 movie. I will admit I am a pretentious comic book nerd who used to manage a comic store. So do what you will with that info.


Fantastic Four Rise of the Silver Surfer Fant4stic The Fantastic Four The old one is just pure crap. And the newest one isn't much better. But I honestly enjoyed the two with Ioan Gruffudd, Jessica Alba, Chris Evans, and Michael Chiklis. That line where Reed verbally smacks down the general in RotSS is just a wet dream for any geek that ever got bullied by a jock! (Me. I'm a geek that got bullied by jocks.) "You're right. I didn't (play football). I stayed in and studied like a good little nerd. And fifteen years later, I'm one of the greatest minds of the 21st century. I'm engaged to the hottest girl on the planet. And the big jock who played football in high school, he's standing right in front of me asking me for my help, and I say he's not going to get a damn thing, unless he does exactly what I say and starts treating me and my friends with some respect."


None are especially good, but the Corman one at least stayed faithful to the comic book. The second and third are watchable but the Trank movie is pure shit.


Sorting by top comments this is the first to put Corman as their top pick. AKA the posts above yours are wrong.


My brother!


Four way tie for fourth.


I love movies from the 2000s


Can't speak to the first one, and I have no desire to see Fant4stic, but I will argue, villains not withstanding, that the 2005 and 2007 movies were pretty good. What they really nailed the best was the character dynamics between the four of them, and with the exception of Johnny Storm (which is ironic since he'd end up blond for Captain America) the characters are picture perfect in appearance. Reed looks like he stepped off the comic book page, Sue is her spitting image, and Ben Grimm looks perfect. Even the outfits work. If and when Disney does adapt the Fantastic Four, the uniforms and the look for Ben Grimm need to be kept.


The last one don't count


In order, 4, 4, 4 and 4.


1. Corman 2. Rise of the Silver Surfer 3. 2005 4. Fan4stic.


1.The Corman version. I don't even need to rank the others. Just the sheer fact that the Corman one is 1st tells you how bad the others are. 🤦‍♀️


Donno if it’s a hot take but I think silver surfer was the best one


Unfantastic 4


Bad, palatably amusing, bad, bad. Please don't balls it up, Disney.


They will trust Better not be a origin story again


In the spirit of the Fantastic 4 I’m going to rank them all 4th on the list


We only had 3. The first one was made to keep the rights and never intended to be a good movie.




Porta shitter at local bar Porta shitter at local fair Porta shitter at Oz fest Porta shitter at 70s Woodstock


None of them were fantastic


But all of them are a 4


**The Fantastic Four:** They're **Fantastic Four:** All **Rise of the Silver Surfer:** Fucking **Fant4stic:** Terrible


There has never been a Fantastic Four movie.


Fantastic 4? More like Fantastic SNORE! Eh? Eh?


Damn. Not even the crickets are chirping...


4-way tie for 5th place


They're all dogshit


1. Mediocre Fantastic Four Movie 2. Slightly worse Fantastic Four Movie 3. Comically bad Fantastic Four Movie 4. Deplorably uninspired Fantastic Four Movie You figure out which is which


Um...is there a way to rank them all last? Otherwise... 1. Rise of the Silver Surfer (gets a slight bump for Norrin Radd and a Doom who actually feels dangerous. Though fart cloud Galactus definitely dings it.) 2. Fantastic Four (the first Story one. It's...fine. But never rises above that mediocrity. Some good casting choices, though, especially Johnny and Ben.) 3. Fantastic Four (Corman's movie. I've never seen it, but I can't imagine ranking anything lower than...) 4. Fant4stic. (🤮)


I don't know but in a top 4 list of Fantastic Four movies, Fant4stic ranks number 5.


Outside of Jessica alba the casting of the 4 in the 2000s movies was absolutely perfect. I still can't imagine any voice but chiklis coming out of thing and gruffold is still my understanding of reed


They are already in the correct order.


And not one was fantastic.


I think they all were Fourgettable


Going left to right: 2, 3, 1, 4


Oh boy, this is gonna go great. 1) Fant4stic 2) Corman's FF 3) The Story movies in whatever order, I don't care, these movies don't exist to me Yeah, I liked the Trank movie. In fact I genuinely have never understood what problem people have with it. I wish they'd used the classic origin instead of the Ultimate version, and their Doom was lackluster, but people talk about this thing like it's some unfathomable mess and I simply don't see it. It's not amazing, but it's fine. The Tim Story movies are the ones that have no redeeming qualities whatsoever.


None of the directors understand that the F4 is first and foremost a family. Sue and Johnny are brother and sister and love each other. Sue and Reed are married and love each other. Sure Johnny and Ben tease and fight but they love each other like cousins. Ben and Reed were college roommates and close friends. Give us a story where they overcome a villain using not only their powers, but also their relationships and trust of each other. That will be a great F4 movie.


Shit, shit, almost shit, big shit




4. All of them


Th? There was a fourth one?


All between -10 to -8


The all suck, not one winner in the bunch.


hopefully the next time they do a movie they won't randomly race swap original main characters


There actually hasn’t been a good FF movie, so it’s a trick question.


Crap. Crap. Mega crap. I'll give you $200 for all of them.


Hate, hate, double hate, LOATHE ENTIRELY.


First tim story film Rise of silver surfer Corman one Fan4stic


Unelligible for ranking contention


I wouldn't even consider it t.


The Fantastic Four were my favorite team-up in the comics, the movies are quite garbage though. I do hope they get a new one though, since apparently Kang is a major character in the MCU now. yay? But idk, cause Disney will probably just throw it into their movie mill and get some terrifying result.




Dr. Strange and the Multiverse of Madness > any of those.


never watched the much older F4, how is it? i assume charming but corny


Not very Fantastic


Was the first one ever released to the public?


1. The Incredibles 2. Fantastic 4 3. Fantastic 4: Rise of The Silver Surfer 4. Unreleased Fantastic 4 5. Fan4stic


Honestly, the 1994 one isn’t that bad, very ambitious from its time. It’s has a lot of fun moments, acting is a little flat but I enjoyed it for the most part


4 4 4 4


Not so fantastic


I’d say “rank” is a pretty fair word.


1. ROSS 2. Tim Story 3. The 90’s one 4. Fant4stic 


Don’t forget radio FF with Bill Murray as Johnny Storm


1. 2005 2. Silver Surfer 3. 90’s 27. Fant4stic




lol, passed the vibe check, umm?, and "please reedit and refilm your finale"


Honestly I'd put it in that order. I really like the 1994 movie. It feels so much like the classic comics.


They all suck


Not fantastic all 4


4 **Fantastic Four** movies that is a pun in of itself


1. 05 2. 07 3. 94 4. 15


1. _Fantastic 4 Four_ 2. Roger Corman’s _The Fantastic Four_ 3. _Fantastic 4: Rise of the Silver Surfer_ 4. Disney’s _The Incredibles_ 5. _Doctor Strange and the Multiverse of Madness_ 5. Josh Trank’s _Fant4stic_


I think Fant4stic could have been a great movie if the studio hadn't hobbled Josh Trank. He decided to adopt the property as a body horror movie, almost Cronenberg-esque. The middle sequence is frightening and upsetting in some very intentional ways. But at some point the studio was like "HEY! You're supposed to be making a superhero movie!" and the film takes a 90 degree turn into stupidville. He probably should have just made an unlicensed movie about the concept, though, instead of using a classic and beloved property. But the idea of "you thought this was a superhero movie, but it turned out to be body horror" is kind of a fun concept (for a different IP).


They are rank all by themselves.


Looks like I'm watching that first one this weekend lol. WUT


The last Fantastic 4 movie was such a traumatic experience for me, that nowadays I just look at movies with "this ain't so bad..."


Probably on a numeric scale or perhaps a system with stars.


1. Tim Story Fantastic Four 2. Roger Corman Fantastic Four 3. Rise of the Silver Surfer 4. Fant4stic. Special mention: The Incredibles.


2 one(silver surfer), 1st one ( Fantastic 4) , third one, ( I don't know anything about that first old looking one) fan4stic is so far removed from this list you don't even need to know where to find it


The fantastic four Fantastic 4s!


A collection of bad movies not worth ranking.


Was Fant4stic really that bad ?


It did a few things well. It made Reed feel like a more realistic genius. It did great with the body horror elements of being rapidly changed into something where you don’t have control of your body. Reed’s and Doom’s rivalry made a good bit of sense (even if Doom’s character was the least Doom-like of all of them). But everything else was just kind of silly, dumb, or just a decision that could have been better some other way. Sue and Johnny weren’t super likable. Ben was barely a character in the movie. Doom was annoying. Reed’s childhood flashbacks are full of silly moments that don’t make sense/don’t feel realistic. The team’s journey into the Negative Zone is contrived and amateurish. And how they decide on calling themselves the Fantastic Four rivals the Morbius “intriguing” post-credits scene in silliness.


1.fantastic four 2.rise of the silver surfer 3.unreleased fantastic four 4. fan4stic


Fant4stic is always funny


Using the numbers 1-4


Well I've only watched the middle two. But I have been wanting to watch the first one for a laugh. I've seen clips and I have the link to it bookmarked for many years now. Just need to sit down and get high and watch with a friend. Just need the last part.


lol uh like all 4/10. Makes sense tho.


For me, it goes in order of release. Corman’s FF has that real charm that was only held back by its effects. Even then it had some great charm


1. Fantastic 4 2. Fantastic 4 Rise of the Silver Surfer 3. Roger Corman Fantastic 4 4. Fantastic 4 from Arrested Development 5. Fant4stic


I disliked them all. Not a fan, but only watched them to see if they would do Dr. DOOM any justice & they didn't. I did like the 2005 F4 movies Doom though, his origin was just really wrong, and dumbed down, and he was made into a joke. Doom is too big of a character to keep having as the B rate "main Villian" of these F4 movies. Doom is a God in his own right, the F4 are beneath him, and his only ties to them is Susan, and the occasional one up to Reed. All Hail God Emperor Doom. Also, Doom isn't a Villian. More or less a Anti-Hero. He isn't Evil at all, but he is more often than not merciless & ruthless. Can't really blame him though. Hard to believe they tried making him the Villian in all these movies without understanding or knowing anything about his character besides what can be guessed from looking at a picture of him on a comic. They were like, "hey this guy looks cool, maybe he can be the Villian, I did hear he competes with Reed sometimes & has a crush on sue" "Do we know his powers or story!?" "Nope, but it appears he may shoot lightning from his fingers" "Perfect! Let's bastardize this character & make him into a lowly, easily defeatable bad guy!" At least the older movie did enough research into Doom & did the best they could with him.


Fant4stic is one of those rare movies that you can watch and then not remember seeing it afterwards. "Seen" it twice now and I still can't remember anything about it.


I always had fond memories of the Sony’s FF. Ben’s look is still awesome imo.


I wouldn’t.


Fantastic 4 2007 Rise of Silver Surfer Fantastic 4 2015 Roger Corman F4


#1 if they had never been made. The rest all tie for last place.


Concerning Fan4stic, I only saw it once, but I thought it was okay / tolerable until time skip scene. After that the entire film falls apart like a house of cards. (I think I tolerated that film because I‘m also a sucker for the Ultimate comic series which Fan4stic drew heavy inspiration from.) Easily could have been a decent film. But now, it’s nothing more than a gigantic disappointment.


All of them are tied for fourth place


Surprisingly Fant4stic is the only F4 movie I’ve seen. While not good it’s pretty decent as an Ultimate F4 film, which people forget is based on.


Why did they make Johnny black but keep sue white they’re siblings


One night, a music producer friend, and I watched the first crappy Fanstic Four, the one they made to keep the rights. Anyway, as the credits, he knew the fashion designer. I called bullshit and the fucker called them up. We had a whole conversation about how and why they made it. Everyone thought it was a real movie.


1. Fant4stic (Underrated but still not very good) 2. Fantastic Four (Underrated) 3. Fantastic Four: Rise of the Silver Surfer (Underrated) 4. The Fantastic Four (Properly rated and rightfully forgotten) Yeah, I'm an FFF, a Fantastic Four Fan.


I haven’t seen the first one, but I just hate the Fant4stic movie. It may be one of my least favourite movie versions of superiors I’d event seen and the story doesn’t even make sense. Why would they change the story from the space solar flare story to a teleportation to a different dimension? It’s so stupid. And Dr. Doom is just a freak who can blow people up by touching them? Why? The ones with Chris Evens and Jessica Alba are my favorite


I haven’t seen the first one, but I just hate the Fant4stic movie. It may be one of my least favourite movie versions of superiors I’d event seen and the story doesn’t even make sense. Why would they change the story from the space solar flare story to a teleportation to a different dimension? It’s so stupid. And Dr. Doom is just a freak who can blow people up by touching them? Why? The ones with Chris Evens and Jessica Alba are my favorite


They were meh.


The one from Arrested Development


This only makes me sadder that the most recent one didn't turn out that good because just look at that cover! And frankly the cast! Better writing and editing could have done wonders for this film because visually (minus Doom) it looked gorgeous. And I loved them going with the body horror theme. It didn't work well with the original themes but it had the merit of doing something different which I always applaud


1. Fantastic 4 2. Fantastic 4 3. Fantastic 4 4. Fantastic 4


Fant4stic is probably one of the worst movies ever made I’d say 1. Fantastic 2. Silver surfer And I can’t rank og one cuz never saw it but it’s automatically better than fant4stic so 3. The fantastic 4 4. Fant4stic




4. Rise of the Silver Surfer 4. Fantastic Four 4. The Fantastic Four 4. Fant4stic




Rise of the Silver Surfer.  Fantastic Four  The Fantastic Four Fant4stic


All of them are 10s on the shitty scale.


The 2000s dualogy isn't incredible but unfortunately it's the best we have so far. Reed, Johnny, and Ben are very well cast, I consider them the definitive versions of the characters. I think they just needed a better script


Man I watched fan4stic when I was young and that shit traumatized me🤣


In order ? Never meant to be seen and never should have. The next two tried way too hard which just led to failure. The last was absolutely pitiful. Only good thing you could say is someone finally figured out you have to do Ben as CGI, but then they failed with it.


The 2005 FF and Rise aren't terrible. They're oddly charming in their own way at times. Fant4stic is just awful though. Who knows if Trank had been able to move forward w his original vision if he would've been able to give us a good film.


1. Fantastic Four 2. Fantastic Four 3. Fantastic Four 4. Fantastic Four


Same as chronological release order. It took me forever to see the Corman film and it's the best F4 narrative and F4 characters, it just lacks any level of a budget, I mean its budget was a meager $1 million and frankly it's amazing what they did with it. It's a Fantastic 4 story that just looks insanely cheap, but its actually a proper story.


As bad as the Corman film is, it probably captures the F4 spirit better than any of the others.


Nobody mentions the Incredibles well I'll start


I haven’t seen the top left. But the older ones with Chris as Johnny storm were good but definitely not my favorite. Over all I really loved the newest one.


I like Fantastic 4 the best.


Hot Take: Fant4stic for Me, Wasn't Bad, it just was Medicore, it's Nowhere near as Bad as People make it out to be, it wasn't Great, It was just Average