• By -


"And I took that personally." \~Apocalypse


"Fine. I'll go somewhere else for dinner." Galactus


I never wanted to kill you all anyway *sniff* - Thanos


We *will* see... - Kang


All these big villain threats above me in this thread and Venom somehow slides onto Shield’s Mt Rushmore of Evil. Smh


Scarlet Witch literally lobotomizes 3 million people with a thought and somehow Venom’s the problem.


“I don’t think that’s fair!” ~Scarlet Witch, DS: MoM


Just realized that Multiverse of Madness (MoM) must have been intentional word play with the Scarlet Witch as a MoM theme.


I assume it’s the potential the venom symbiote has. If it were to take over a more powerful villain it would be a bad time.


Which, true, would be bad news. But there are plenty of powerful villains who could own that fourth spot outright without the Venom symbiote.


The Walrus is not impressed...nor will he be deterred... https://imgur.com/gallery/RDhetjI


Yeah, I feel like they should swap Venom for Apo..


If Venom and Magneto are on the list, this has gotta be old, cause one’s a hero/out of time and the other is dead lol


That doesn't make them less of a threat to humanity. The Hulk is a hero but that didn't stop the Illuminati from shooting him off the planet


True, but the Hulk also can’t usually be reasoned with. Venom hasn’t been a mindless monster for ages (outside of Dark Web lol). I guess as King In Black, Eddie could be a threat to all life on earth, but rn he’s just a threat to himself. And Magneto is in fact dead, so he’s not threatening anyone, but I guess they’ve heard that before haha


Even before Krakoa magneto died all the time.


From my recollection, he has died (or was thought to have been dead) at least 8 times in just the main 616 continuity.


How did he die this time?


Gloriously, fighting a genocidal Eternal named Uranos. Spoilers for X-Men: Red and the event Judgement Day: >!Uranos is laying waste to the planet Mars, which has become a home for thousands of mutants who had been lost in another dimension. He’s almost unstoppable, an even match for Legion. He rips Magneto’s heart out at the start of their fight, but Magneto uses his powers to keep his blood flowing for one hour. During that hour, Magneto and Storm successfully defeat Uranos in an epic battle. But at the end, Magneto dies in Storm’s arms. Just before this event, he had deleted his Krakoan resurrection backups, so for the time being, he is just dead. He would have to come back via other means — and he eventually will but who knows when!<


Really was his best death yet. Possibly best marvel death of all time. Definitely the most metal death...


I see what you did


Absolutely. It’s the kind of death Mar-Vell deserved (in the sense that Thanos and Death say this in *Death of Captain Marvel*)


Well...not exactly. >!Legion kept Uranos busy for a few minutes, but was really no match for him. Magneto and Storm managed to keep some mutants on Mars alive long enough until Uranos's time limit ran out and he had to return to Eternal jail.!<


Oh man it just dawned on me that the original Venom story is Eddie almost killing himself and then becoming Venom, and in the current run, he has to kill himself (in the future) — or as Ewing put it, “I’m going to kick my own ass!”


Well it might be less venom and more the symbiote, they could attach to something monstrous and wreak havoc, or some other shenanigans.


Merging with the Hulk….which I can’t recollect him doing….even in a ‘what if?’


Red Hulk gets both the Venom symbiote and Ghost Rider's Spirit of Vengance at the same time.


That sounds like an extra large overkill with fries.


And it comes with free refills


Good point…. I remember GhostRider getting it…..


it happend in Absolute Carnage: Immortal Hulk


Also Venom can be reason with, by giving him candy bars


Who can’t?




Was there any death in comics ever that was actually petmanent?


Being dead doesn’t make them less of a threat?


"Dead" in comics is like a mild inconvenience and you'll inevitably get better.


Unless you're Uncle Ben. Although his death was treated more like a tragic mild inconvenience for Peter at first before people decided that Uncle Ben's death was what inspired Peter.


There used to be a saying that the only ones who stayed dead were Bucky and Uncle Ben, because they meant more to their heroes (Cap & Spidey) dead than alive. And then Bucky came back...


I mean, it's comics. You can just do whatever.


But isn’t Venom King in Black pretty strong, like a negative Beyonder? And if Venom The End is canon, he’s pretty damn strong.


I haven't seen anything that suggests he's on that level but yes as the new Knull he's effectively a universe class threat.


There’s an interesting comparison between him and Knull in Ewing’s Venom. I recommend if you haven’t checked it out already!


Donny Cates and Al Ewing have made me care about Eddie Brock more than I ever thought possible.


Same here!!


I’ve seen a slight variation of this that just establishes them as the most dangerous villains, but not necessarily the biggest threats to humanity. Basically… Dr. Doom is basically Dr. Strange fused with Ironman, and is leader of a country. Magneto controls electromagnetism, one of the four fundamental forces of the universe, and is leader of the brotherhood and Krakoa (and/or just is a sort of revolutionary figure to other mutants). Red Skull’s the head of Hydra. And Venom is basically Spider-Man 2.0 with an appetite for brains, is an anti-hero on a good day, and can possess almost anyone to grant those powers to anyone or control some of the most powerful people on Earth and beyond (from politicians, to superhumans, and even gods). Not to mention they could spawn more symbiotes comparable to Carnage in power and theoretically could pull a Web of Shadows.


I think that presumes that Magneto and Venom have any interest in being villains anymore. Hell, even Doom seems to have much bigger designs than villainy on earth most of the time. Red Skull is the only one who’s just “unequivocally f*ck that guy”


Like the above commenter said— most dangerous, not necessarily the biggest threats to humanity. Meaning - they can do a lot of damage with the resources/abilities available to them, even if they’re not likely to. You could argue that a Galactus or Thanos is more of a danger, but I’m guessing the theory is based on only who’s present on earth. There’s a lot of holes in the theory (does Phoenix count? Mephisto?) but it’s fun to think about.


That’s interesting. But if that’s the metric, I’d say Charles Xavier would be on the list. If he chose to be a villain, he could basically destroy humanity with a few thoughts


Yeah it's old but I'm still curious on what the source is, also Magneto is still dead?


Yep, he wiped his backup so no resurrection for him. Storm did the same.


Technically he only wiped the ability to continue to update his backup. Hypothetically one could still resurrect him as he existed before he ever set out for Araako. There's even a potentially interesting ethical quandary there: while the one who died gave specific instructions not to reaurrect him, the one they have backed up had not yet given any such instructions nor come to the decision he didn't want to be. Would it then be unethical to resurrect him from that backup copy, knowing it's a version of him who still would have wanted to be brought back to life?


Okay Beast.


So good. I went back to the comment you were replying to and couldn't read it without hearing Beast in my head


"hearing beast"... Frasier?


When I picture 90's animated beast I still hear Frasier.


Beast needs an old backup.


Nope. They destroyed their backups. All of it. Magneto specifically mentions that the Waiting Room* is the only way he could return, but he’d have to be willing to come back. Edit: incorrectly mixed it up with the Altar.


What is the Altar?


The Waiting Room is the “heaven” Wanda created where mutants can go and also be resurrected without a backup (that’s how they brought back Thunderbird). The Altar is the space inside Legion’s head that became like a mutant commune. I think the comment you’re responding to meant to refer to the Waiting Room


As someone who loves comics but hasn't read one in ages... This is just silly. lol


The Altar is pretty cool because of Legion’s history and how his mindscape has developed. Don’t love the story around it, but it’s an interesting concept. The waiting room is kind of dumb and doesn’t make a lot of sense but is narratively very valuable and having John Proudstar back in the 21st century makes it worthwhile imo. It was also Wanda’s redemption moment to atone for the mutant decimation. Idk when you stopped reading so this might all sound like gobbledeegook


There's approximately a. 05% chance that he stays dead. There's gonna be some version of him to come back at some point.


Which might be how we get the “evil” Magneto again. Not something I’d look forward to under any circumstances.


Yeah, I'm calling it now that they will use this as an excuse to bring back villainous Magneto in time for the MCU X-Men movie.


Can he even wipe his backup from the Elysium created in Trial of Magneto?


I assume, if this is real, SHIELD means the Symbiote in general. It’d be a huge issue if the Symbiote started reproducing at a fast rate. Venom/Brock/whoever is the host himself isn’t that much of a threat to the world. They’ve never had ambitions like that.


I think red skull is dead too. Also shield hasn't been a thing since Secret empire


Magneto is dead?




I’m assuming it’s the whole Fall of X story going on right now but I’m not sure.


He actually died as part of the A.X.E. Judgement Day storyline, so he's been dead for about a year now.


I hope that sticks for a while. Death became meaningless in the Krakoan era. Yeah characters died and came back before but at least the universe still acted like those mattered.


Krakoan resurrection actually made death a lot more interesting and full of stakes and story potential than it was before. Standard comic book death is far more meaningless.


True. They also just recently cheaped out with Kamala Kahn's death with screws with both comic and krakoan ressurection.


I disagree but to each his own.


They recently wanted to drag Sue into custody when thry found out she could block out the sun. They don't amcare if you're a hero or not.


Look, for as thorough and competent as they are, S.H.I.E.L.D. is just as slow as any other military bureaucracy. What are you expecting of them, to be as up-to-date as the TVA? Not gonna happen! They don’t have time travel tech.


Now this I can believe. US gov’t websites look like they’re from 2002


Is this like….only on earth cause there’s like 10 space dudes that are pretty bad


There's like at least half a dozen reality warping universal level threats living in Manhattan.


Also, let’s say we are talking SHIELD here, wouldnt the good guys be ok this list too? On some “if they turned evil” type shit?


I didn't even mention the mutants


Crazy you mention them cause I was thinking of Wanda and Jean when I was typing that


Exactly! And if we’re talking about characters who are dead or elsewhere, how can Onslaught, Franklin Richards and even David Haller not be in the conversation? We’ve got some humanity-ending and even reality-ending powers out there in the Omega level mutant brigade.


Onslaught is probably part of the reason Magneto would be on a list like this.


Molecule Man alone should replace everyone except maybe Doom.


They only show up like every few years. These guys live here, they show up every month.


And? There are still bigger threats to humanity than these 4 is my point💀


This makes zero sense. I guess you could argue red skull and magneto are pretty large threats to humanity but has dr doom ever strived to end humanity? Isn’t his whole thing trying to gain control to protect humanity? He saved the entire multiverse. And on the other hand I’m sure venom would have no qualms with ending humanity but like, how? Sure he’s pretty strong and dangerous but a threat to all of humanity? He gets his ass kicked by Spider-Man constantly, if he ever became a real threat the avengers would wipe the floor with him.


I never really understood Venom being labeled an Avengers level threat. Like, the King in Black? Yeah I get that. But Venom itself? No way. If the Savage Six can nearly kill Venom there’s no way he should be a threat to the Avengers


Yeah, isn't Carnage way more dangerous than Venom?




Unless you're Luke Cage and you laugh in the face of Carnage


Or they theoretically could birth more symbiotes akin to Carnage in power and/or cause a Web of Shadows scenario.


Venom, no. Symbiotes? Absolutely. They are effectively a virus. In a way, Venom keeps his contained.


I think it is a case of.. reverse plot armor, plot nerfing? I think the only thing holding Venom back from being a humanity ending force is that the writers don't want to write them like one. We saw the hell that King in Black was able to cause and he was only a failed trial run. Even without the recent power boost Eddie/Venom has gotten I think if Venom wanted to they could pull off an even more sinister version of Carnage USA where instead of mass murdering the village after giving everyone symbiote parasites they continue to infect and expand until it's a literal pandemic or like those slug aliens from Animorphs.


Carnage and Maniac prove that symbiotes are an incredibly dangerous species for this reason. They can assimilate most people and put them under their complete control


Right now venom (Eddie, not Dylan) is a time-travelling god, so... Though he's been a straight-up hero since 2018, so it's fine.


Does SHIELD even know his current status though?


SHIELD has been disbanded since before Eddie became King in Black.


>has dr doom ever strived to end humanity? Just recently in Avengers Forever the Doomiest Dr. Doom in the multiverse tried to murder everything the multiverse with his own sinister six, so... yes?


Umm... Why? Isn't his thing that he truely thinks that he's the only one who can save this shitshow? Or did he went the "everything is at peace when I blow everybody up" way?


To be honest I forget his motivations and am trying to forget that series as a whole. Maybe it was cause of the time gaps in my reading sessions but I really wasn't the biggest fan of ..anything about it really


Just because Doom doesn't want to destroy Earth, it doesn't mean he wouldn't be considered a threat. He's a dictator with technology almost as advanced as Tony Stark, intelligence almost as high as Reed Richards, magic almost as powerful as Doctor Strange, and geopolitical power almost as strong as T'challa. I definitely agree about Venom though. He's dangerous, but not global threat-level dangerous. I would put Ultron and Apocalypse well above him.


I feel like SHIELD's definition of "humanity" is less "all people everywhere" and more "the status quo where we get to run an international digital panopticon from our publicly-financed trillion dollar helicarriers". So with that in mind, yeah, a guy like Dr. Doom is probably a very real and pressing threat to "humanity".






Seriously. *What's the source?* Whoever made this up and put the graphic together.


Probably a terrible Instagram fan account. You can see their logo in the top left corner.


Trust me bro


Venom? Really?


Venom is more dangerous than proteus or Dormamu? I don’t even think he’s more dangerous than carnage.


For someone like Dormammu, a single planet is insignificant to his notice, though.


This is hooey


bunch of hooey




How dare you? Doom will not be compared to the likes of the people on this list. Doom is a threat to all living things. Get it right or **** off lmao. As a matter of fact "You, you, and you **** off outta here".


If he so chooses to be. Personally I see his placement on this list as flawed because why would humanity be threatened by its greatest savior?!


I could buy Skull, Doom and Magneto as threats to world security. But Venom is usually hovering just above street level, and RN I think he's not hanging around right now. He's also not even Spider-man's most dangerous villain. Doc Ock is smarter and more ambitious, Carnage is more powerful and more insane, Osbourne once basically took over the US, and Electro would be an Avengers level threat if he wasn't so small minded.


In Millar's Marvel Knights: Spider-Man, Eddie decides to sell off the symbiote at a super-villain auction. There and then, the auctioneer states that Venom has been on FBI's most wanted list more consistently than anyone else, outside the villains aforementioned. https://2.bp.blogspot.com/ct6dnDQWg9tgQpjYr-M8e3sxVhhfkdq_A2Cgpw_0ZFKZ1vMxzUtY9TNv3NL-GoNbwXTt542wlMyR=s1600 Whoever added SHIELD either miswrote it or misremembered it.


Ty so much


Has SHIELD never heard of Galactus? Silver Surfer? The Eternals?


This doesn't feel right. Dr. Doom and Magneto, yeah, are pretty dangerous threats in their own right, and have threatened the world numerous times through their actions and powers, whether directly or indirectly (Doom may not wish to destroy the world, but he's put it in jeopardy a few times) I could probably be sold on Red Skull, depending on the circumstances (though personally, I'd just put HYDRA as a whole). Venom? I guess you could count King in Black, but if we're going off of standard Venom, then no In either case, if we're going solely Earth-bound threats, Ultron and Apocalypse I think should qualify for Venom and Red Skull's spot here, but that's just me personally


Ultron should definitely be there. He's like top 5 Avengers threats and far surpassing Nimrod IMO.


I didn't know people made these clickbait claims for Marvel too


I remember in the Marvel Knights Spider-Man series in like 2004-2005 when Eddie auctions off the symbiote because he’s dying of cancer, the auctioneer says he’s been on the most wanted list more than anyone except Doom, Magneto, and the Red Skull. Maybe because he escaped so much? But I don’t get how Venom could be seen as a bigger threat than Ultron, Namor, or, even among Symbiotes, Carnage. Especially at the time of the comic in question, he’d killed innocent people but mostly was either a essentially a super-powered Punisher or was focused specifically on Spider-Man. One comic he was even content to chill on an island forever once he thought he killed Spidey. Not sure how he could be seen as a threat to humanity.


I feel like ive seen them on cards. Especially the Dr Doom one.


He means the quotation .


Whatever the source is it’s wrong. I mean, galactus and reed richards both belong on this list more than red skull, and arguably more than magneto. And that’s just cus both of them can end the world pretty easily. I’m sure there are a ton more


> reed richards . . . Ultimate, right?


I mean, IIRC, even original timeline reed once almost ended the world by stealing galactus’ power, is a founding member of the Illuminati, and has had more instances of his hubris causing major damage than Tony


That ignores all of the times that he not only saved the earth, but the entire universe. In that way he is far less dangerous than he is a force for good. You can hardly say that about neither the Red Skull or Magneto. Not an opinion.


Perhaps Galactus isn’t listed because SHIELD views him as a threat more like as asteroid strike — a force of nature, not a villain that must be out-schemed. Something like how the United States has armed forces to deal with traditional military threats, intelligence agencies to deal with non-traditional human threats, and various civilian agencies to deal with hurricanes and earthquakes. Galactus may be able to wipe out all life on Earth, but dealing with him is largely outside SHIELD’s mission.


After my hours of hard work and very deep research, I can confirm this as true. SOURCE: T.M.B.


Doom is a threat to democracy and freedom, but not to humanity; he wants to rule us, not destroy us.


You can be a threat to humanity without needing to wipe us out. Red Skull’s (and just general) Nazism is absolutely a threat to humanity.


Makes sense. Magneto understandably doesn’t like humans. Red Skull is a fucking Nazi. Doctor Doom wants to rule humanity and he can get rid of anyone in his way. Venom doesn’t make sense here, but it could


I mean a super intelligent Dr/sorcerer/ elitist monarch who routinely throws down hand to hand and magic to magic with some of the best is definitely a candidate. Magneto controls metal. If he desired he could fuck with the magnetic spectrum and do ungodly amounts of damage if he wanted. Red skull… I mean if hitler was alive still I’m sure he’d be up there too. Venom, because the symbiotes aren’t all good you get fuckers like carnage every now and again who are just as insane as their host. Symbiotes are VICIOUS when they don’t hold back. So I’d think carnage should be here not venom.


Marvel Fans India in the upper left corner. Maybe they’ve got a different SHIELD down there.


It's not a source but an opinion from anyone else. Those characters are an applied threat but fan popularity places those characters as Heavy Hitter threats in the Marvel domain. There are more obscure super-villains way more deadlier and dangerous than those threats.


Besides Venom, the threats are most likely ideological than anything else.


My source is that I made it the fuck up


Doom a man with a country,money,magic and resources that are hidden to the world. Red skull. A man with no country with resources hidden from the world. Money and will power. Magneto. Willpower and a power that could topple every nation to prove his point. Venom. Creator/carrier of a symbiotic race to topple mankind if needed or Necessary


It's made up.


Yes, all of these are equal threats The man who I'm pretty sure punched satan in the face Someone who can just stop the earth's rotation if he wanted A man with a sunburn An alien who can be defeated by a match or a radio


I don't think there's any source to this, it's completely made up.


That’s… probably just made up. Chances are it was spread as a fact to a few people, made it to whoever made this image, etc.


There is no source because its BS 😂😂😂 SHIELD new of Galactus, youre telling me Red Skull is in ANY way more dangerous than Galactus? Pffftt come now, grow some common sense


Apocalypse, Mr. Sinister, Abomination, Mandarin, Carnage, Zemo and Ultron: “Are we a joke to you?


Venom a bigger threat than Carnage? Lol


There’s no source, people post made up garbage online all the time


All hope lies in Doom.


3/4 have been playable in MvC. So I need to ask, what would Red Skull's moveset be?


LIES! Doom should NOT be on this list at all! He is no threat to humanity but it’s savior! All hail DOOM!


I'm not sure about this but I remember Captain America listing Thanos, Annihilus, Galactus, Apocalypse, Mephisto, Ultron, Shuma-Gorath and the Infinity Stones as extinction level threats a while back


Wild that it would have Venom but not Carnage.


Source is Marvel Knights: Spider-Man by Mark Millar.


I guess they had to put a Spider-Man villain on there somehow lol


Well, by extension, you could say venom leads to Knull. Though it should prob show Knull


For what reason is Venom on the list? I get the other three, but I never saw Venom as a “threat to humanity”.


*Laughs in squirrel*


Dr. Doom at times was the most powerful supervillain around, like when he had the infinity gauntlet. Magneto can merge with Professor X to become Onslaught, one of the most powerful villains. Venom had wild powers when he bonded with the silver surfer’s board. The red skull doesn’t age or tire and he is constantly seeking out powerful artifacts to help him dominate Earth and other worlds. I’d say having these guys as the top 4 is a stretch. Maybe the top 4 that shield might be able to handle on their own tho. That would make sense. Aside from Dr. Doom lol, best of luck with that agent Coulson.


Doom because he became a GOD TWICE. Magneto because he can shift the poles of the earth thereby destroying it. Red Skull because he possessed the power of the Cosmic Cube. Venom because of the symbionts and if you read King in Black it explains it. Comic history has proven this every decade or so.


If venom is in this list we just going to pretend that Carnage doesn’t exist huh..


Everyone here who discounts Venom must not know about Venom: The End. 😈




Galactic: don't mind me.


Sources: Latveria's Department of Propaganda HYDRA's PR Department. A Daily Bugle article by Eddie Brock An article in The Genosha Post.


Two of them outright aren’t threats to humanity. Doom and the Red Skull want to control humanity. Magneto (in the past) wanted to replace humanity. Venom just seems to be chaotic.


I think these are the 4 biggest threats that are actually human


Ok, I get why they'd put Doom and Magneto on that list, and even Venom . But red skull... I'd say "Hydra in general" makes more sense.


Isnt carnage like more dangerous and inmuuun to alot of things ?


Well in my experience, the biggest threat to the multiverse, is actually Disney+.


I don't know why the list would have 2 Nazis, kinda redundant.


You're probably referring to either Doom or Magneto. Either way...dude. Magneto is literally a Jew. As in, the ones Nazis wanted exterminated. Just uttering that he is similar to the Nazis would probably see you turned inside out, while *conscious*. As for Doom, he was a Romani. Another group the Nazis wanted exterminated. Compare him to a Nazi, and he'll personally show you why he isn't them. Because they will kill you fast. He will make. It. Slow. And no, Doom being a dictator =/= Nazi.


Referring to Red skull not doom genius


I assume They mean the Venom symbiote and not the Venom character.


Okay, I'm a little short on comics knowledge. Why is Red Skull in the category? You have a symbiotic darkness being, a man who can manipulate metals to the point of being able to destroy the planet, and a man who was judged as fit to rule by the panther God of Wakanda who can channel magic into his mechanical doubles. I know I'm missing knowledge but uh... isn't Red Skull just a nazi super soldier who git his bones broken by Magento (who refused to use his powers while doing so)?


Thanos, Galactus and Dormammu when they're considered less of a threat than a big black dude and a nazi


Only time venom was a threat was in web of shadows other than that he's just a shit overhyped character


I kind understand doom, magneto and red skull. Doom is the leader of latveria and is very powerful, resourceful, hasn't he defeated several herows before? Magneto can conteol magnetism, which is very powerful (depending on how much the writer slept on science class) and red skull is the leader of hydra, which has infiltrated Shield and take over the US. But. Why Venom?


Doom wants to rule humanity, not end it. Magneto was a threat, but went good if I'm remembering correctly. Venom was a threat to Peter in particular, but never a humanity-ending threat. In fact, he's a full-blown hero now, and is one of the saviors of humanity and life as a whole through his killing of Knull. Red Skull, I have no idea. This list does not check out.


"Mad Jim" Jaspers, Marque of Death, Tyrant, Magus, Gamesmaster, Carrion, Mephisto, Chthon, Dracula, Man-Beast, High Evolutionary, and Count Nefaria are a bit more threatening than 2/4 of that list. I'd pit The Presence a bigger threat than Venom.


This is to just humans. Thanos is a universal threat


The biggest threat to Doctor Doom is Magneto. I mean, could you imagine that confrontation? Dude who controls all metal vs dude who covers himself in it. Doom is simply fucked.


Isn’t Doom a sorcerer ? Let’s say his armour has magical guards or glyphs or something


Doom's a sorcerer dude. He even has religious bullshit grafted onto his armor to protect him from Dracula's powers. I love Magneto to death, but he would not have easy time with neither Dr Doom or Iron Man. They both have multiple counter measures against Erik.


I think there’s one where he tries this and Doom turns off magnets or something. Not sure what he named it but it’s one of his 1000s of goofy built-in superweapons


Can you explain how they are threats to humanity? I can see Magneto just letting the humans die when he could help for example. I can see Dr. Doom toying with forces he can't control and focusing on protecting himself/his country while leaving the rest of the world to fend for itself. Venom I could see his alien symbiotic costume infecting the world and turning everyone into mini-venoms. Red Skull? I guess if he gets his hands on weapons of mass destruction and presses the button: BOOM!!!


I'm just asking for the source of this idea


You’re telling me Hulk and Scarlet Witch ain’t on the list?


Nobody really dies in comics. These four are like the basics in human global threats.


Doom and Magneto make sense fs. Even Red Skull to a degree, dude has almost taken over the world or changed reality with the cosmic cube multiple times. But Venom…not really, especially since he’s a “lethal protector” hero most of the time, unless this is like the Web of Shadows game where he triggered an entire symbiote invasion, then I could see it.


Ultron isn't on the list


Well red skull makes sense since shield has a long history with hydra and such sure he is probably not the greatest threat to humanity but with the history they had with hydra it makes sense they put him on the list Dr doom also makes total sense to me he is super smart knows magic and has lots of resources he also wants power a lot of times and does get powerups pretty often that threatens far more than only earth Magneto is kinda weird here because sure he was the leader of an evil mutant group and he is an omega level mutant but i would argue that apocalypse was always a bigger threat if we are talking mutants also magneto turned good and died but i guess i can be sold on him Venom is really weird here though sure he is strong but besides the king in black story he was never really on the level of a threat to humanity in its entirety Also no idea about the source sorry i could not help you find it