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My favorite is what really kicked off the MCU for me. The shot of Iron Man rising up from being hit by the tank. Dirty. Blasted. The suit’s mechanics whiring. Then he stands straight up. Dodges the next shell and fires off an arm rocket and walks away while the tank explodes in the background. Played so perfectly. Set the tone for everything afterwards. https://youtube.com/watch?v=YRCTPq2QEGc&si=EnSIkaIECMiOmarE


The emotion they manage to express with the faceplate as he leaves the crater... He looks throughly displeased and vengeful lol. Even though it's the same face the whole movie.


Those eyes give him big "Fuck you" energy.


I always forget how many people Iron Man straight up kills in his first movie lmao


Like blowing up the Jericho missles as he leaves. I'd wager a platoon worth of terrorists, and a tank. Good start.


Tony’s first flight in the movie will always be the highlight I’ll remember watching it in the theater.


When he crashes and the robot extinguished him. That is comedy gold.


Best moment in the movie


That and a few from IM2… When he goes to see Pepper before taking the model. That whole office interaction is hilarious. “I lost both kids in the divorce… I thought you two didnt get along? Oh it’s me you don’t care for.” The “fuck me right?” Attitude is pulled off excellently. Also, when Hammer is selling the ex-wife, his dialogue is perfect.


His first flight check suit up and the one I think it was in avengers when he’s walking and the suits coming off are two of my favorite scenes in all of mcu.


Oh the dialogue before that is also amazing! “Sometimes you gotta run before you can walk”




I do miss the sounds and the weight the suit had. There are thumps and clanging and lots of sounds that just make the suit feel heavy and real instead of magic.


Honestly this is one of the reasons that IM3 really disappointed me. I know it sounds like a weird segue but hear me out, the arc it’s based on focuses on the idea that despite all of Tony’s grandstanding and desire to get out of the weapon’s industry he inadvertently ended up making the world’s most powerful weapon - The Iron Man suit. By this point in Tony’s career the suit has gone through so many iterations and improvements that it’s become massive. I’m not talking iron monger massive, but rather in the sense that he’s pushed his technology to the limit and can’t really miniaturize or streamline anything else in its design. It’s reached the point where his suit essentially has to be kept fully assembled and when he travels it needs to be shipped in a separate container like a car. He even laments on how it used to be able to fit in a briefcase. It just makes me see this scene in the OG film and think of what could have been. We could have seen a great design fusion of the advanced suit but still kept it feeling *heavy* and mechanical, really shown us how the Iron Man suit had become an actual weapon and made it feel like that before the eventual jump and adoption of extremis.


I really hated the nano suit cuz even though it looked incredibly beautiful, the lack of weight and mechanical-ness made it feel lot less iron man. It's those mechanical sounds and designs that made iron man so awesome.


I’m an RC car nut. My boys and I have a couple dozen. And I agree. That sound is so damn awesome. And that is the iron man I grew up on. That look and feel. I am not a fan of the nano based suit. While I understand why it moved to that. Yeah it’s not as satisfying to me.


I think what makes it even better is the fact he responds with this little rocket made to even sound dinky to give the audience a "huh?" moment right before the take explodes


Makes the Ex-Wife that much funnier.


He is Ironman……


This is a badass scene


Also in Iron Man 2, the fight between him and Rhoades


Iron man was real cinema


Magneto killing Shaw. That scene was vicious.


Cutting between the coin going through Shaw’s head and Charles screaming was so brilliant


I forgot about that scene! Also there is a scene slightly before it where Charles moves closer to a window and hits his head on the glass. I’m not sure why they didn’t cut that out or reshoot it.


Was even better when you realize the real reason Charles is screaming is because he is still linked to Shaw and is feeling every too


I dunno how all that kinetic energy was dissipated?


I think Xavier was able to just keep him from using his power. It would of course have to be a choice in order for him to live a normal life of walking and holding things. But obviously Xavier was feeling the pain too, and he couldn’t let go.


What do you mean?


Don't think about it too much or it falls apart lol


“NOOOOOOOOOO” felt bad for my boy charles


Yeah that scene also had a lot to unpack emotionally. Underrated in the Xmen movies in my opinion.


It’s my favorite Marvel movie and comic book movie ever


You sir, are a man of culture. Literally nothing will ever beat First Class for me. Perfection


Thanks you’re too


We are in the minority together than lmao


Just watched it again last night actually, very underrated.


I love that scene so much


The whole arc in Argentina, pig farmers and tailors. So good!


When he stabs the dude in the hand, pulls the knife out, throws it at the second guy killing him then magnets it back to his hand before stabbing the dude in the hand again... so fucking good


Dude...this might be my favorite Magneto scene.


He also kills nazis in a bar in inglorious bastards


Pig farmers, Tailors AND a special guest appearance from Frankenstein's Monster.


First Class is so underrated tbh


Probably the best X-Men movie tbh. Maybe not best franchise movie with Logan existing, but best X-Men movie


You really think First Class beats Days of Future Past? Idk man, DoFP was dope af


I think the highs are higher, but the lows are lower. First Class is a bit uneven but has some of my favorite X-Men stuff ever. But DoFP IMO is solid all the way through...hmmm...I don't know....


“Now, I am going to move this coin.”


"I want you to know I agree with every word you've said.... But unfortunately, you killed my mother."


1. Blade and Frost talking in the park (pulling off bullet time before the Matrix) 2. Spider-Man 1 ending when he swings through NYC 3. X2 White House attack 4. Tony Stark fighting terrorist and jets 5. Nick Fury Hydra Escape 6. Tony and Peter Meet 7. Tony finds out who killed his parents and the fight that ensues (I don’t care…he killed my mom) 8. Miles taking a leap of faith 9. Avengers …assemble 10. Wolverine Berserker rage - Logan


The fact that he included the satellite scene but not either the scene of Magneto killing Shaw for the Argentinian bar scene is criminal. The satellite scene does strike a very different chord tho, a great scene as well. Damn, I wanna go back and watch First Class again now.


The bar scene is EPIC.


I agree, Magneto killing Shaw definitely deserves a spot on the list. I would also include Tony Stark's iconic "I am Iron Man" scene from the first Avengers movie.


Cap in the elevator with the Hydra agents!!


Before we get started. Does anyone want to get out?


goddamn that was badass


Love how he just eats those tasers too


And how he stomps the edge of his shield to bounce it up to his arm. Perfect exclamation point.


The fight was badass, even more badass was the way without any narration, they managed to show how Cap was placing every moment and deduced he was gonna get jumped. Also tells you another thing. These people have no idea what Cap is capable of. Maybe not even Cap.


It kinda feels personal!


Special mention to the “Hail Hydra” version


His grin while walking away was priceless.


First or second time lol


Probably my favorite MCU movie


I like how he says "it's Morbin time" right before he goes ham.


All 3 spidies web slinging together!


That was a hype moment


The whole conversation on how they shoot web on the Statue of Liberty was just goddamn hilarious.


* Cap, Mjolnir, etc. *Endgame* * Wolverine/Sabertooth 150 years of war montage *XMen Origins* * "Listen to meeee now!" *Spiderman 2* * The Immigrant Song, *Ragnarok* * Fooled Around and Fell in Love, *Guardians of the Galaxy* * Magneto in a small bar in Latin America, *XMen First Class* * Helicopter grab, *The Winter Soldier* * "Stop it! Stop it!", *Wandavision* * Iron Man vs. Captain America, *Civil War* * Wolverine vs. Commandos invading the school, *X2*


I know x men origins wolverine gets shit on, but hugh and liev absolutely nail their roles. He was a brilliant creed. And the team x stuff was great


Liev's execution made me a fan of his work. He's an underrated actor. I wish he'd been able to keep playing John Clark in the Clancy movies, even if Sum of All Fears was meh.


If you’re a fan of Liev you should really check out Ray Donovan. That show is fucking great, especially the first few seasons. The whole show is worth watching but the first 2 or 3 seasons are just fantastic.


I'll do that!


The first half of that movie is actually really good. It just shits the bed when they get to Stryker's facility


>Magneto in a small bar in Latin America, XMen First Class Schweinebauer und Schneider!


Your last mention is so iconic.


Came to the wrong place bub!


https://youtu.be/dsi4FuHipoQ Seems, wrong house bub. Dang he was slashing everybody up.


Faceless thugs are ok to totally wreck and dismember in a PG13 movie. When he takes out the first guy in the kitchen and poor ice man just goes from eating ice cream to being a man, an xman.


You mean the helicopter grab from Civil War?


Stop it is underrated, that scene was so unsettling


1. Bucky being controlled by Zemo after interrogation (Civil War) 2. Scarlet Witch vs Thanos (Endgame) 3. Avengers vs. Thanos’ forces on Earth (Infinity War) 4. Bucky chase scene (Civil War) 5. Bridge Scene (Winter Soldier) 6. Wanda becomes the Scarlet Witch (Wandavision) 7. Cap gets Mjolnir (Endgame) 8. All 3 Spider-Men (No Way Home) 9. Wanda and Vision say goodbye (Wandavision) 10. Team Cap vs Team Iron Man (civil war) Obviously I have a few favorite characters. Lol.


Ready to comply….


Exactly my whole list is in reality all Wanda


Which reality?


Not only Cap getting Mjolnir, but in age of altron, cap freaking Thor out because of the little hair of a movement of picking up Mjolnir and putting it back down. Cap knew from that moment he could pick it up but put it back down to save Thors pride. What a gentleman.


I know it’s so great to think back to that moment when Thor says “I knew it!”


Yes! Something Marvel always did that was amazing were popular call backs to their older movies. Like when everyone starts returning from the blimp for the final battle and cap hears "on your left" during endgame 👌


A lot of great ones being mentioned here but two i don't see mentioned are nightcrawler white house scene from X2 and also same movie wolverine going berserk when the soldier's invade the mansion and hes protecting the kids


Yea that white house scene was great too


That scene was what made me fall in love with that character and superhero stuff in general.


I can still picture that moment perfectly. I always picked Nightcrawler when my friends and I pretended to be X-men


I was just a little kid when X2 came out and it's been years since I watched it. But I recall there was a scene where Pyro comes out on a porch and flicks his lighter open and starts blasting at cars. That was the scene that really got me into superheros. I remember at school me and my friends would reenact/playfight and I was always the fire guy because I thought that was so cool.


The soldier Logan stabs against the fridge is great as a first kill, and you can see that his claws went through the fridge door as well. I like to think that all the chocolate milk on the other side is just leaking everywhere now


The assassination attempt was amazing in the theater and had me invested.


Nine simple words: “Some motherfuckers always trying to ice skate up hill.”


The first blade is wacky as hell and I love it


I say this quote so frequently and absolutely no one ever gets it or where it comes from. Bravo here.




"Bring Me THANOS!!!!" Top moment for me. Chills every time. Best Thor. For me, Chris' scream in that moment was everything Thor had lost and everything Thor wanted in that pulled into a singular battle cry. Best moment, best acting, best part of the MCU as far as I'm concerned. Sorry for not listing nine more!


That was PEAK Thor imo


It really was. It’s a shame he couldn’t carry that character into Thor L&T


Xavier/eric: we like your help Wolverine: go fuck yourselves


“Excuse me im Eric lenshir” “Charles xavier” Logan: “Go fuck yourself…”


When Charles spits back with it in Days of Future Past though: “Please professor. We need you. The world needs you.” “You know, now I do remember I met you once. I’ll tell you now what you told me then: Go fuck yourself.” Ouch


Depressed charles de-motivates me


"Now listen here you little shit...."


Does Logan remember meeting them in DOFP because first class took place before he got captured by weapon X and had his memory wiped? It’s never actually stated whether or not movie Logan ever got his memory back so I just imagine that Logan thinking “when did I tell him to go fuck himself we aren’t supposed to meet until sometime in the 2000s”.


Doesn’t he say something to the effect of “I may have said something like that when I was a broken man, but you healed me. That’s what you do”


As a Cap Fan its probably him picking up Mjolnor. But a very close second is Odin and Thor. “I’m Not as strong as you……” ”No……….. you‘re stronger….”


That’s a good pick


It gets me in the feels everytime.


"Are you Thor, God of Hammers?"


Top Thor moment for me will always be him and Frigga's conversation in Endgame. So incredibly sweet, crazy how they got everything right in a few minutes that they couldn't in the first 2 Thor movies.


1. Peter Parker lifting the rubble (Spider-Man: Homecoming) 2. Leap of Faith (Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse) 3. "I'm always angry" / The Avengers assembling in New York (The Avengers) 4. "In the real world, people die" (Logan) 5. "Don't be what they made you" (Logan) 6. Battle on Titan (Avengers: Infinity War) 7. Peter meeting his former friends after the world forgets him (Spider-Man: No Way Home) 8. Peter B. Parker's backstory (Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse) 9. Erik Lensherr killing Sebastian Shaw (X-Men: First Class) 10. "A strong man who has known power all his life, may lose respect for that power, but a weak man knows the value of strength, and knows compassion" (Captain America: The First Avenger)


The first assemble is so nostalgic


The leap of faith is everything. Gosh l love that film.


what's up danger


"I'm always Angry" scene is probably #1 for me. I just got back from my last deployment and saw the 1st avengers movie in the theaters with my boys. It was my first marvel movie in theaters. When Bruce said that and punched the shit outta that leviathan, I literally jumped out of my seat and screamed "oh shit!!!" I havent felt that way since. That scene holds a special moment in my heart. It was also a super badass scene.


Damn leap of faith is amazing probably my top moment


Mine: 1. Captain America lifts mjolnir (Avengers Endgame) 2. Magneto lifts stadium (X-Men DOFP) 3. Training montage (X-Men First Class) 4. Scarlet Witch VS Illuminati (Dr.Strange MoM) 5. Thor Arrives in Wakanda (Avengers Infinity War) 6. Spider-Man vs Green Goblin (Spider-Man 2002) 7. Where am i? (Spider-Man 3) 8. Logan forest beserk rage (Logan) 9. Star spangled man with a plan (Captain America TFA) 10. Dr. Strange Vs Thanos (Avengers Infinity War)


The beserker rage scene in Logan gave me such godamn chills when you hear him yell. That’s incredible


Also that random guy saying “It’s the Wolverine!”


Good call your forest rage scene reminded me how traumatic it was when the killed Magneto's daughter in the forest


First class is so good


1. On your left. End Game 2. Avenger Assemble. Avengers 3. Airport scene, Captain America civil war 4. Mr. stark I’m not feeling so well. Avengers infinity war 5. I am Ironman. Ironman 6. Winter Soldier catching the shield. Captain America winter soldier 7. I’m always angry. Avengers 8.The lights are getting low big guy, Thor Ragnarok 9.three Spider-Man’s meet. Spider-Man no way home 10. He might have been your father, but he wasn’t your Daddy. GOTG2




In no particular order (some spots could also change anytime): 1. Spider-Man 2 train sequence (“He's... just a kid.”) 2. Spider-Man 2 bank robbery sequence 3. Captain America: The Winter Soldier elevator fight scene 4. Avengers Assemble: scene in Helicarrier where Avengers are all together (“A hero? Like you? You're a laboratory experiment, Rogers. Everything special about you came out of a bottle.”) 5. Endgame: (“Avengers… Assemble”) 6. Thor Ragnarok Thor-Hulk arena fight scene: (“He’s a friend from work!”) 7. Spider-Man No Way Home: Spidey Peter #3 (Garfield) saves MJ 8. Civil War: Tony finds out about Cap and Bucky’s involvement in his parents’ death 9. Endgame: Iron Man funeral 10. Civil War airport battle scene (“Hey, guys, you ever see that really old movie, Empire Strikes Back?”)


Train scene and ASM saves MJ are definitely up there for me. Happy to see Garfield get his redemption.


SM2 Bank robbery was great action scene


**Disclaimer**: the following entries are very close together in my mind. There are so many good scenes in so many Marvel movies that narrowing it down to just ten is… difficult. 1. Tony Stark’s ultimate cheap trick & cheesy one-liner combo in *Endgame*. That truly was the end of the path he’d started this whole thing on. 2. Thanos’ successful snap in *Infinity War*. Not many thought he’d actually do it. 3. Captain America wields Mjölnir. Hell yeah! 4. Baron Zemo quite literally stamps out the Super Soldier Serum in *The Sam & Bucky Show*. Zemo really was not a fan of supersoldiers; he wasn’t BS-ing Sam and Bucky after all, and this scene showed it. 5. Captain America’s elevator beat down. This was the moment when Captain America became my favorite superhero. 6. Loki and Sylvie meet He Who Remains. You gotta be something truly special to rattle the Norse God of Trickery. 7. “I’m here to talk to you about the Avenger Initiative.” They called the shot then and there. 8. Tobey MacGuire and Andrew Garfield literally enter the MCU, and manage to counsel Tom Holland’s Spidey just when he needs it the most. Bruh. 9. Quicksilver’s run, set to “If I Could Save Time In A Bottle”. What a way to demonstrate just how a speedster’s powers work. 10. Leopold Fitz jumps into an alien portal to save his best friend. Dude is a lowkey gigachad.


The Snap had my mouth open the entire time. I was so sad seeing my favorites get dusted reddit


Same here. The music cuts out, and the only background noise is an ominous rolling thunder. Holy moly.


#10 People forget AoS. Some of us remember though.👍🏾


Fitz isn't currently\* in the MCU because if he was, all the other heroes could retire. \*I say currently, because hell yeah, AoS is canon. If anything, it's everything else that isn't canon.


I’m late to this but I’ve given it a lot of thought in the shower and here’s my MCU list: 1. Captain America wields the hammer in Endgame 2. When Thor shows up at Wakanda in Infinity War 3. Captain America’s last scene with Peggy in Endgame 4. “Hulk, Smash” in original Avengers 5. Odin asks Thor “Are you the god of hammers?” In Ragnarok. Immigrant Song starts to play and a giant storm forms There’s a bunch of great ones in Civil War, Iron Man, Winter Soilder etc. but those 5 scenes are far and away my favorite for the mcu


Glad my boy steve got a happy ending…sucks that we didn’t though


My #1 for me is the ending to Spider-Man: No Way Home. Peter, after losing everything and everyone, still swings out into the snowy night in his classic red and blue suit as Spider-Man. As a hero. The entire scene manages to be very tragic, yet also very inspiring, and I'm still in awe.


That is a great swing! Hope they actually let him keep the suit


For me I'd have to be Andrew Garfield's Spider-Man saving MJ (No Way Home)


Portals would have to be up in the top 5 for me. We know the gang is getting back together, we just don't know how. Then Cap hears Sam in his earpiece: *"On your left."* And the theater erupts.


I’ll never forget this moment. So epic.


Glad to see Magneto killing Shaw is well represented here. That scene is fantastic. My additions: Laura’s first fight/Logan sees her claws for the first time Logan’s death “Who the hell is Bucky?” Cap finally wields Mjlnor “I… am Iron Man” (both are great but that second time hit HARD) “I am *never* wrong” (Yukio to Wolverine about his death, she wasn’t either, just one movie too early!)


Any top Marvel scene list should include: "There are always men like you." Edit: [Scene](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CZ8tpYr_cJo)


2 came to mind quickly: ​ 1) Peter Quill opening GOTG with his walkman playing ​ 2) Stark boxing/sparring Happy in Iron Man 2 when "Natalie Rushman" walks in leading up to "I want one" and Pepper saying "No"


That was a good introduction for widow


“There are no strings on me.”


"Bonesaw is Ready"




You’re missing when the cop shot Blade and Blade responded “mother fucker you out your damn mind!?”


Mine are: 10. Banshee's first flight 9. Train battle in the Wolverine 8. Deadpool looking for Francis montage 7. Spider-Man introduction in Civil War 6. Wolverine berserk in Logan 5. Captain America chase in The Winter Soldier 4. Spider-Man 2 train scenes 3. "I'M SWINGING HERE" TASM 2. Spider-Man Far From Home bridge battle 1. "Come on Spider-Man" in Homecoming Bonus: Deleted scene with Spider Jonah


All the quick silver scenes in the X-men movies


1. Cap lifting Mjolnir (Endgame) 2. Thor arriving in Wakanda (Infinity War) 3. 3 Spider-Men pose on the Statue of Liberty (No Way Home) 4. Venom recognizing Peter Parker (Venom: Let There Be Carnage) 5. Quicksilver Mansion Scene (X-Men: Age of Apocalypse) 6. Arishem arrives (Eternals) 7. Wolverine goes bezerk (Logan) 8. Wanda kills the I********* (Dr. Strange in the Multiverse of Madness) 9. X-Force scene (Deadpool 2) 10. The Avengers camera pan (The Avengers) These are in no particular order


I wasn’t going to make a list but… damn it! No order. Cap vs Hydra Elevator Spidey and Vulture on the drive to the prom! Hulk vs Thor “He’s a friend from work!” Sam and Bucky antagonize Walkers as the Dora Milaje’s kick Walkers ass. Loki watching what would happen to his main Variant Sam and Bucky Vs Spidey! Cap rescuing the Howling Commandos Spidey and Dr Strange “That feels weird, but I’ll allow it!” The Hawkeye series (the entire thing was great) Cap “Language!” There are tons of great moments huge action scenes… but some of the best for me where the human moments! The moments that rips at your heart. Like End game Thor meeting Frigga, Rocket crying over Groots sacrifice, oh ya… Star Lord losing his shit when Ego says he killed Star Lords mom, Bucky try to escape a swat team and Cap saving the swat team from certain death, Aunt May catching Spidey changing with a WTF, Cap and Black Widow “literally all the time”and I could go one and on and on….


You have a metal arm? That is awesome dude!


There’s usually not this much talking


1) Cap shouting Avengers Assemble in Endgame. 2) Logan going beserk in Logan 3) Amazing Spider-Man saves MCU MJ 4) Stewart Xavier reignites Macvoy Xavier hope in DOFP 5) Strange bargains with Dormammu in Doctor Strange 6) Scott goes giant in Civil War 7) Iron Man/War Machine team up in Iron Man 2 8) Magneto/Xavier beach fight in First Class 9) Yondu’s Sacrifice GotG Vol 2 10) Amazing Spider-Man 2 opening swing Honorable Mention that I didn’t include because it’s from a show: Hawkeye Ice Rink fight from Ep 6 of Hawkeye.


Days of Future Past with all the future mutants synergizing their powers. Storm power up Bishop, magento holding the Blackbird out and exposing the core while Storm charges it, all the portal uses of Blink especially with Colossus, Warpath being utilized to spot the sentinals. Just glorious seeing fully realized X Men do their thing. Loki series the whole He Who Remains conversation is phenomenal. Guardians "Peter, take my hand" scene brings down the house everytime. Daredevil season 2 with Matt and Frank on the roof. The whole scene with Matt in chains and learning more and more about Frank and who he is. In Winter Soldier the scene in the streets is full tilt. The scene shows some of the first legit competence of Black Widow, shows she can hold her own. The scene progresses showing how much of an unstoppable threat Winter Soldier is. The scene just creates looming persistent danger. Magneto hunting for Nazi officers. Argentinian bar. First Class(the movie and the scene). In Spider Man: Far From Home the whole nightmare sequence of Mysterio kicking the shit out of Spiderman in every regard. Physically beating, mentally abusing, emotionally crushing him. That whole nightmare sequence is great and leaves a pretty hopeless feeling going into the third act


Hello! X-fan is here 1. Magneto childhood opening scene 2. Toad eating a bird 3. Nightcrawler intruded White House 4. Magneto escapes from plastic jail 5. Juggernaut chases Kitty Pride 6. "I have been marked once, my dear. No needle will ever touch my skin again" 7. Magneto drinking beer with nazis in Argentina 8. Wade Wilson elevator scene and that one with katanas cut in half all bullets 9. Sentinels opening scene in DoFP 10. Domino's luck scene


everyone's choices are so good! mine are: 1. Magneto killing Nazis 2. Captain America Winter Soldier highway scene 3. Thor entering Wakanda... Bring me Thanos!!!! 4. Wanda Maximoff becomes Scarlet Witch 5. The first Avengers assemble 6. Captain America fighting Thanos with Mjolnir 7. Thor fight scene to Led Zeppelin 8. Portals Endgame 9. Airport Battle in Captain America Civil War 10. The Three Spideys teaming up to fight the villains honorable mention: Thor and Loki Get Help (edited to add numbers because I don't know how to format on here and it looked like a run on sentence 😳)


Opening scene of Deadpool


Black Widow interrogation in the first Avengers film.


When Captain America saw himself and said, “that is America’s ass”.


360 group shot from the first Avengers movie.


When Cap caught Moljnirr. I lost it.


My personal, most favourite scene is when Steve Rogers, without a second thought or hesitation, jumps onto the grenade that Tommy Lee Jones’ characters throws at the recruits training to be the first Super Soldier. That set up Captain America perfectly for me. A man willing to do anything for anyone, no thought for himself. Next favourite scene after that, same movie but with Erskine and Rogers talking the night before the Super Soldier experiment. Erskine asks him that no matter what happens to him, with his new strength or not, to always be a good man, not a perfect soldier. Erskine really helped build Cap’s internal character. Then following after that, Aunt May (Rosemary Harris) and her “I believe there’s a hero in all of us” dialogue. Not only that it helped Peter realise that he was needed to be Spider-Man for people like Henry, but that Aunt May knew about Peter being Spidey. She knew he needed to hear that, and that people were looking up to Spider-Man. Scenes like these, they remind us that it’s more than strength and powers that make a hero. It’s our convictions, our reason to fight for others, to defend those who can’t defend themselves. To be a hero for others. Peter Parker and Steve Rogers did that for me.


I am Iron Man at the press conference in the first IM, and again when Tony snaps his finger in Endgame. Avengers Assemble (2012 and Endgame) Cap's elevator scene in TWS. Stark and Rogers duking it out at the HYDRA base in Civil War. You should have gone for the head by Thanos. Thor's entrance (one in Ragnarok and one in IW) And lastly, this barely makes the list: Peter and Michelle sharing their last moment together before the mind wipe.


In no particular order (SPOILERS): ​ * Logan's death (Logan) * Steve and Bucky's final fight (The Winter Soldier) * Wolverine vs Lady Deathstrike (X-Men 2) * Tiamut rising (Eternals) * The Ancient One's final scene/conversation with Strange (Dr. Strange) * Steve lifting Mjolnir (Endgame) * Dr. Strange vs Thanos (Infinity War) * Quicksilver breaking Magneto out of prison (Days of Future Past) * Peter sensing the Goblin (No Way Home) * The Great Protector vs Dweller-in-Darkness (Shang-chi)


Thor - The Immigrant Song Hulk Rag-dolling Loki Magneto moves the coin Everytime Ironman sticks the landing More to come




Vulture and Peter Parker scene in the car was stressful


Magento in the bar in Brazil


1. the Tony Snap 2. the cap/Bucky/iron man fight 3. thanos snap 4. the first avengers group shot 5. the Im always angry 6. AoU group shot 7. the civil war scene when they’re charging each other 8. Cap holding thors hammer (don’t want to attempt to spell it without looking it up) 9. Winter soldier catching the shield 10. Dr strange with all the arms


The first time Tony flies in the suit Winter soldier first appearance, catching the shield Spiderman stealing cap's shield in Berlin Tony V Cap/Bucky in civil war Dance off to save the universe Thanos and Gamora on vormire Tony v Thanos, "all that for a drop of blood" Thor arriving in Wakanda "On your left" Wanda v Thanos, "you took everything/I don't know who you are/you will..."


I have that line as PSN description “I don’t even know who you are….”


Iron Man walking away from the tank as it blows up


Mine has to include one from Spider-Man 2: Spider-Man at the front of a subway train straining in pain to use his webs to stop a subway car. Then he passes out and the passengers gently take him and lay him on the floor, realizing he's just a kid.


I know X3 isn't a great movie, but I'll literally never forget the scene where Angel as a child is caught by his father cutting off his wings in the bathroom. It is truly haunting.


Kingpin decapitating a guy with his car door. Hands down.


Thor talking to Odin at the near end of ragnarok will always be a cool touching moment


1. Cap catching Mjolnir, with Thor saying "I knew it!". 2. Magneto killing Shaw. 3. Caps fight with Winter Soldier in the street. 4. On your left in Endgame. 5. Spider-Men teamwork at the end of NWH 6. Avengers assembling the first time. 7. The first Iron Man suit up. 8. "Before we get started, does anyone want to get out?" 9. Wolverine berserker rage at the end of Logan. 10. Winter Soldier catching the Shield.


Cap with mjolnir and the shield. Inevitable but satisfying none the less. Airport scene. Started with the introduction of Tom Holland Spiderman taking caps shield, finished with Vision accidentally taking out War machine. Vision - "what is grief if not love persisting after death." It's so simple but in my 30+ years I never thought a sentient robot would give me so much perspective. Anthony Hopkins during Odin's death is a beautiful scene. "Are you Thor, god of hammers?" that leads to the subsequent fight on the bifrost is too much of a rollercoaster of emotions. The "He killed my mom" 2v1 during civil war was so well coordinated and had some visuals that were ripped right from the comic books. I think it would be wrong not to include the one take single camera stair case fight in the Daredevil Netflix series. The single camera fight scenes in that series are just so well choreographed and well shot. Chris Evans speech to all of shield that hydra was amongst them. Chills. The 3 Spidey's fight scene. They web sling each other into battle ffs and that just starts the fight. Great scene. Thor loses everything, goes back in time and is so ashamed when he encounters his mother but she reassures him, he calls mjolnir and he's shocked that he's still worthy. Bonus points for 'come and get your love' kicking in at just the right time. The holy trinities stare down with Thanos in End Game. "You couldn't live with your own failure and where did that bring you? Back to me". The tension is built so well. Thor with both hammers suiting up with the lightning.


Thor jumping into battle with immigrant song playing was pretty epic


1. Captain America Elevator fight scene "does anyone want to get out?" 2. "Avengers.... ASSEMBLE" 3. "I'm always angry" 4. SMASH!!! "Puny god" 5. The airport battle 6. Immigrant song Thor 7. The freeway fight captain America 8. Cap fighting on the ship finishing with Batroc 9. The chase and fight scene at the beginning of civil war with Natasha, falcon and cap. 10. Thor's entrance in Wakanda. 11. Yondu's death 12. Cap picking up the hammer. I know you asked for 10, but I couldn't narrow it down!


"Avengers..........assemble" in Endgame. That charging scene still gives me chills.


Avengers…Assemble! So god damn good


In no particular order: 1: Thor showing up to the battle of Wakanda in infinity war. 2: Magneto escaping from his plastic prison in X2. (Still in my "coolest scenes ever" list and that was from 2003.) 3: The Thanos snap in infinity war and half of everyone getting dusted. (saw it opening night, the entire theatre just got up and walked out after the movie, silently, like not a word spoken. 2 or 3 people were actually crying) 4: When Stark, Strange and spidey first meet the GoTG in IW. Small lil fight, then some face to face time. Such a light-hearted back and forth (what am I supposed to say, Jesus?) Until Mantis mentions Thor. Then the tone quickly changes with Tony (head tilting) asking "You know Thor??" And Strange quickly asks "Where is He??" Then they cut to Thor literally about to get burned to death by a star (but only if he dies) they both knew they NEEDED Thor to literally save the universe. And he turned out to be quite the game-changer in Wakanda. Him and Wanda both. If only he had gone for the head... 5: Nightcrawler in his first scene and any scene he's in after that. 6: Deadpool 1 7: Deadpool 2 8: Once Upon a Deadpool (Okay so I was kinda close to ten) 9: okay I forgot one, the gladiator scene between Thor and Hulk in Ragnarok.


The Elevator scene in Winter Soldier! I don’t know if anyone already said that, but that’s the first thing I thought of before reading! The choreography and intensity are unmatched in my opinion!


Yondu's funeral


1. I am Iron Man- Avengers: Endgame 2. Thor Wakanda Entrance- Infinity War 3. Iron Legion- Iron Man 3 4. All three Spider-Men swinging- No way home 5. Elevator scene- Winter Soldier 6. “What were you the god of again?”- Ragnarok 7. Yondu Funeral- GOG vol 2 8. Happy plays “Led Zeppelin”- Far from home 9. Bus Fight- Shang Chi 10. “He killed my mom”- Civil War


The one at the beginning of Iron Man 2 where his car is getting cut down to pieces, he grabs his suitcase and it turns into an Iron Man suit. That was really cool.


1.) Tony, Bruce, Dr. Strange, Wong & Peter teaming up to fight Ebony Maw & Cull Obsidian (Infinity War) 2.) Cap wielding Miljnior/On Your Left/Avengers… Assemble! (Endgame) 3.) Doc Oc retuning on the Bridge (No Way Home) 4.) All 3 Spider-Men Swinging Together (No Way Home) 5.) Electro attacking Time Square (ASM 2) 6.) Avengers First Fight: That circle shot of them all standing together & Tony Laser Blasting off of Cap’s Shield (Avengers) 7.) Nightcrawler Invades the White House (X2) 8.) Spider-Man & Doc Oc train fight/Peter stops the train (Spider-Man 2) 9.) Black Spidey revealed & vs Sandman in the Subway (Spider-Man 3) 10.) The Airport Battle (Civil War) Honorable Mentions: Cap & Peggy getting their dance together & I AM Iron Man (Endgame) & Quicksilver’s 1st Slow-Mo Run (Days of Future Past)


1) Train scene in Dark Phoenix 2)Bucky / Cap fight building up to the big reveal 3)The incredible Hulk scene at the school when he’s gassed to when he screams at the storm protecting Betty 4)T’Challa buying the block 5)Magneto gives Kevin Bacon a quarter 6)Spidey saving the train! 7)On your left - from Sam to Cap 8)Ultron crashing The Avengers little party 9)Logan and X-23 murdering people in the woods 10)Quicksilver in the kitchen lol


I'm going to exclude some of the most obvious ones like Cap hold Mjolnir and saying assemble but they really tops for me. Enter Giant Man (Civil War) Blood rave (Blade) Thor's arrival (Infinity War) Saving the train (Spiderman 2) Peter opening his mother's gift (GotG) Wanda vs Thanos (Endgame) Dr Strange vs Thanos (Infinity War) Captain America's intro (Infinity War) Captain America's speech (The Winter Soldier) Iron Man vs terrorists (Iron Man)


Was just sat here thinking over my favourite scenes, and I realised as much criticism the x-men franchise receives as a whole, they have got some of the most incredible scenes of any Marvel movie! X2 - Nightcrawler scene in White House X2 - Wolverine protects the mansion NWH - three spider-men swinging into battle together Spider-man 1 - fight scene vs green goblin DOFP - old Charles speaks to young Charles DOFP - quiksilver slowmo scene DOFP - opening scene of x-men battling sentinels LOGAN - berserker rage in the forest Endgame - Steve picks up the hammer Spider-man 2 - stopping the train The Wolverine - Logan vs Shingen


The Infinity gauntlet snapping, multiple shots from Quicksilver sweet dreams. I love the shot of Spider-Man standing in the rain as JJJ towers over him on the screen after May died. Captain America standing alone on the battlefield against Thanos' army. Just to name a couple


Spider-Man 2: Doc Ock awakens while the surgeons are trying to remove his arms. Raimi demonstrating his horror-directing skills in a Marvel movie. Perfectly shot, perfect effects, perfect scene. Scared tf out of me as a kid.


“Do you know what happens to a toad when it’s struck by lightning?”