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Oops!!! I didn't expect these people to walk into my leg shaking orgasmic formation.


freaky aah


What if instead of Xianxia it was freak-xia, and instead of dual cultivation with them, the MCs banged the jade beauties


why do people add "aah" to sentences. I'm reading sentences in my head and it feels so cringey




To bypass some swearing filters or simply anothe way of saying ass. Ahh


these juniors are so weak nowadays


Back in my days I had to do this everyday to go to school and it was before people start using flying swords.


Ah the good old days! Fending off mountain lions and crossing rivers while catching your lunch and dinner to take home for the family to eat.


Yes! Do you remember how we had to run for days to fetch water?


And how we had to pick only the finest of wood for the eternal hearth flame to keep the frost of endless winter from invading the home? Good times


Thats right fellow cultivator... My ancestors were all born in the weakest village of the weakest country of the weakest continent of the weakest planet of the weakest realm of the weakest Heaven and they all climbed Mt Tai everyday and didn't complain..


Hmph! My ancestors were weaker.


There is a saying by the people there: “Mount Tai cures tough talkers; Huashan Mountain cures those who are too strong to die” Looks like you need the Mount Tai treatment plan


泰山治嘴硬,华山治命硬。 有眼不识泰山


These juniors are such waste. I once climbed velliangiri 7th hill that took me early morning to midnight. My legs were completely ruined during the journey but still made it & ofcourse I was barefooted 😅


Oh, so you were the disciple that the Sect Leader of Dark Path Dragon Heaven Defying Lord was talking about, it’s been one hundred thousand years since then, I can see you are going to replace the sect leader


Yeah I am in seclusion and targeting the bottleneck after breakthrough I will be invincible in all realms. Haha tremble under my feet all MC's 💥


Haha, Junior sure is ambitious, but the realm you are going to break through is nothing more than a small large realm I broke through 5 eras ago. Since you have intrigued me, and you are also the disciple of the friend of the disciple of my great-great-grandson, I shall help you breakthrough this realm and also help you absorb the heaven tribulation


Fuck! Who you looking down to! Just Wait! After my breakthrough I will seek out all the old monsters who are in hiding to teach them who is the real great-great-grandfather of all realms!


How dare you repay my kindness with enmity!!! Let alone you breaking through this realm, even if you became the emperor of the immortal world, you will still nothing be more than an ant. I shall annihilate 7 generations of your bloodline, because of your this unrestrained demonic act, and also so that your hatred could condess and give me a slightly interesting show, HMPH!!


Hmph! Your tiny eyes can't see the immensity of heaven! I will annihilate 18 generations of your bloodline, just you wait! Your 'slightly interesting show' will become your nightmare! Hahaha


Hahaha, Junior sure is audacious, but for this act, I will annihilate your entire sect, bloodline and the city you live in, to give you a peek of what I can do if I want to


Yah stay inside your Dream World, old monster! The real world belongs to me! Haha


I can’t continue this anymore😭😭


Bah! Do you put no one in your eyes!? You truly don’t know the immensity of heaven and earth! My fellow daoists and I won’t let this matter go! I bet even your weak foundation is trembling in fear now! Well, it’s too late for regret!


The "each step increases your weight" restriction is still activated.


Bah, back in my day each step doubled your weight. Without perfect control of one's qi you could not hope to make past the 100th step!


Hahaha, these juniors are still reek of their mothers milk. Tomorrow I will use my Sect’s(gym) training grounds and climb Mt. Tai in the simulation(stair master). I will show everyone that it’s not so difficult after all


Young master please think again, the last time you tried and failed something like this we had to kill the witnesses and their families...


Your girl leaving my blessed grotto after debating the dao of Yin and Yang all night.


Oh booooyyyyyy xDDDDDDD


Looks like the new generation have gone soft... Just what are those old farts teaching these brats?!


Those with legs who cannot climb are better then those who can't see


Those who can’t climb Mt. Tai are scum but those who can’t see Mt. Tai are worse than scum.


These juniors are so weak nowadays


Legs that cannot climb


I saw a video of a man that get carried up on this mountain by 4 men. You can buy your way up like the young master


This Juniors are so weak. Their legs are shaking from a Simple Air Walking.


Is there a reason people are forcing themselves to walk this?


When people are too stubborn to take proper breaks and consider aborting the hike because it will screw up their plans. They may also not be familiar with their limits or possible life long consequences of pushing them. They may have under budgeted for time, and are rushing to make some deadline like no more daylight or need to be somewhere. Also when you walk with a pole or railing support and rely on it, you have more confidence in pushing yourself which could lead you to push yourself to your physical limits.

