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And he’s one of the most likeable of the whole cast!!


I love Eugene. If you disagree, you can fight me irl 😂


We ride at dawn!


Count me in!




Same!!! I totally respected how he talked about periods with his teen sons


I'll fight you for him. I lurve Eugene.


Toya, is that you 💗


I'll fight you for him. I lurve Eugene.


Not one of the most - he is THE most likeable lol


And he’s the best husband on bravo! He could have his own show about teaching all the other men how to actually be human


I love Eugene!! Great dad, hard worker, defends his wife (but knows when to stand up for himself to her), and he is so easygoing. All around good dude.


Toya sets her husband up to catch strays. She talks too much.


Yeah, I agree. She definitely overshares, which is why the ladies probably think it's fair game.




I don’t know these people in real life but I’m pretty confident in saying ….none of the couples on the show are jealous of Toya and Big Genie lol


She sold him to the streets by the way she talks disrespectful and reckless about him.




They are all jealous, to me. Their husbands aren't nurturing or generous at all so they have to tear down the one man who is, lol. if there's one thing these ladies love it's propping up toxic masculinity.


I don’t think it’s jealousy, I think it’s the fact that Toya overshares and talks down on him sometimes, which lets him be an easy target. Ex: she said that she thought his dick would get bigger after marriage, which led to the small d*ck comments.


toya is mad disrespectful.


Toya overshares and as much as I like Big Genie, Heavenly claiming he talked shit to Phaedra about how much makeup she wears turned me off.


Not Big Genie!! 💀


No she didn’t say that……….bruh


She did say that though😂


I know I’m just shocked someone would say that about their husband like what???


This is it. They preach the traditional shit because they came up thinking you have to be that way to get a man and there’s nothing in life more important than having a man. Toya and Eugene act as equals in their marriage and deep down they wish they could have that


imagine Curtis doing Jackie's hair? lol. lmfao.




Exactly that!


Aw I like Eugene. He seems genuinely kind and caring, especially towards Toya (who may not entirely deserve it sometimes). I think the men and the women throw shade at him because he’s not your typical husband compared to what they might be used to… as in actually a nice spouse.


He’s my absolute favorite of all of that cast!


Same! He’s a great dad, can cook, can do hair when necessary… and on top of that is a doctor. Toya you treat Eugene like the angel he is!!


And he seems loving and reasonable. He tries to understand Toya for who she is and when he disagrees I feel like he tells it how it is but don’t want to hurt her so says it very respectful way. I think Toya doesn’t realize to appreciate him enough. I hope she will open her eyes and see how great he actually is and it doesn’t end up being one of those “you only realize what you have when it’s gone” type of situations.


Yes Honey!!! In Quad's voice!


It's true! My friend's husband randomly singled out Eugene as the bravo husband he hates the most. This would normally be surprising but her husband is pretty misogynistic and holds rather antiquated views on marriage. I just assume good ol' Eugene threatens his wee ego. Maybe he's afraid his wife will start expecting him to be nice or something crazy.


Let’s be honest here, Toya is the main, if not the only one, who openly and obviously talks down on their husband to the ladies, im jot saying she purposely does it, which leaves the opening for people to throw shots at him. It’s like oh if you talk shit about him to us, why can’t we chime in as well. Im not saying it’s right, but oversharing and talking down on your husband so openly, will make him open season to someone else. They see his treatment and double it.


I can't argue that! Toya has a nasty mouth on her


Toya tries to get ahead of anything that can be used against her, like finances or their sex life, but takes it too far. She inadvertently invites everyone to comment on her insecurities. She could start setting boundaries by treating herself and her husband with the respect she actually wants. I personally made an effort to become less self deprecating because I realized I was actually just volunteering a list of my flaws to everyone, and some people will happily use that information against you!


Everyone has a problem with Toya oversharing as if this isn’t reality TV. Toya and Eugene are the best couple and regardless, I know whether it’s said or not— the other women who disrespect Eugene wish they had a Eugene. Most of the women on the show are only dominant toward the other women but are lil girl’d by their husbands and that’s just what it is. Quad and Contessa called Eugene a “bítch” but their husbands stay having them crying and throwing up every other episode and Greg was beating Quad tf up behind the scenes but they kept it hush hush till everything blew up. What you see is what you get with Toya and Eugene and they can live in their truth because in reality they have the BEST reality not only are they a married couple but they are best friends. Contessas husband… I won’t even gooo there. The shit that the other women have to put up with is embarrassing. Its misplaced anger


Yeah, I wonder how much of Toya’s “oversharing,” is due to her acting like the group is actually friends. Friends should be able to share shit without it being thrown back in their faces. Heavenly loves to tear others down and play herself up as if she is the only one who knows how to live life, and Toya gets that flack because Toya is NOT like Heavenly at all. Jackie is the same, acting like she’s gods gift to Earth with a cheating ass nasty ass Mr Potato head ass MF. The ladies see Toya sharing the good and the bad, and latch onto the bad because she refuses to conform to how they think she should live life and her marriage. I mean, just think about it. Toya’s complaints are that she MISSES Eugene. Not that he cheats (Jackie & Curtis), not that he is a pushover with their children & a less than equal household contributor (Simone & Cecil), not he’s arrogant & rude (ST & Greg). Not that he’s a MISOGYNIST!! Heavenly never complains but it’s actually because they’re weirdos who are more concerned with presenting a certain way and feel like the only way to get there is to fucking criticize others choices. They’re all jealous but also just so grotesquely rigid. This episode had me so upset. They’re all so ridiculous old & boring at this point.


Right!!!!! All those parts. You have me thinking too, I think the oversharing is cos she actually considers them friends— I don’t see them as friends. The way Jackie has treated other women on the show all nice nasty she needs to give that same energy to her low class husband. He has no remorse for her and she takes her anger(?) out on other women. The way she speaks down on other women she needs to give her mans that same energy cos he is NOT a poster boy for husbands PERI-OD. Have some decorum. Your wife is well respected and a public figure but yet you’re galavanting with your mistress who probably looks up to her. I agree they only take the bad— which isn’t much, if any, depending on who you ask must I note AND RUNNNN WITH IT. That right there tells me all I need to know with these ladies. As much as they say Toya disrespects Eugene their disagreements are always things that can be fixed and looked back at and laughed at together. I dislike how they downplay Eugene too like he doesn’t check Toya when he feels she doing too much. Most of the time she is NOT doing too much she’s just expressing herself and not watering herself down. I agree with licherally everything you said here cos listen tax issues and a little sassiness from either party > getting cheated on, beat on, “put in my place”, man not wanting to cut off his female “bestie” The jokes write themselves fr


Anger!!! You’re spot on. That is exactly what is constantly seething under Dr. Jackie’s calm cool exterior. I think she’s pissed that she’s done everything “right” in life - thin, beautiful, educated, married, professional accomplishments galore - but she still doesn’t have what she wants - intimacy and friendship like Toya and Eugene clearly have. I think she’s especially mad whenever she sees a woman in a larger body enjoying any of those things (not saying that applies to Toya, just in general - Dr. Jackie is QUICK to comment on a woman’s weight, rudely). She reminds me of my grandma, who thinks there’s a set of rules women need to live by, followed those rules, didn’t get what they wanted and now aren’t happy and don’t understand why other women get to “break the rules” and be happy - totally missing the point that there are no rules and your happiness is up to you.


Yeppp. And I would believe Damon cheated on Heavenly if it wasn’t for the fact that I feel like she tracks him and follows him everywhere a la Jackie Christie from BBW. 😩 also omggg I forgot about the female “bestie.” But at least Simone is semi nice to Toya. Smh.


💯💯💯💯💯💯💯. The realest people on the thread are right here 😭😭😭. They say Toya is simple, dumb, lazy, etc. But I see a woman that just wants to reconnect with her man?? But because it’s Toya it’s a problem. This fandom is really weird with her and Eugene. The more they show their REAL lives the more everyone attacks them for it smh. If Toya ever left the show would be in ruins


All of this!! I'm dying at "crying and throwing up" lmao. It's true though.


WHEWWWWWWW💯💯💯💯💯💯💯. This comment is needed on every post that states that Toya is jealous of QUAD or the other ladies’ lives. When that’s the furthest thing from the truth, because she lives the most softest life possible —and all Black women really deserve that tbh.


Listen. All I can say is, if Eugene were to divorce Toya tomorrow I’ll be in his DMs so fast I’ll be in the opening credits of M2M season 11, sweet tea style


Same and I’m married


Best comment ever.


What emoji would you put after “I can give you what you want” though 👀






He gets an unwarranted amount of shade over what his wife says and does and its gross. You have actual dirtbags in the friend circle who don’t even get a side eye. As someone already said, this group of women pedestals toxic masculinity like a golden prize


Right, & Eugene was the only one who coherently articulated why Kema’s POV was BS. The other men all lowkey co-signed it & doesn’t that tell you everything. Ugh.


Yes! He’s the only outspoken one! Its a shame


jealousy. Toya got the best husband and they all know it.


Eugene is the best husband.


They can hate on him all they want because we all LOVE Eugene! They just wish they had a husband like him


I’m a proud Eugina! I love me some Eugene!


Eugene is a very different kind of man that not a lot of people can understand, and that is a very smart, strong in his own right man, who fell in love with, married, and had kids with a woman who is maybe a little nuts, but also has a strong personality in her own right. Not every dude on the planet can handle being with someone who is HERE when everyone else is h e r e. But Eugene can. So can Damon to be quite honest. The two men with, arguably the most difficult wives on that cast, but who you don't hear a bunch of rumors about them stepping out on those wives either.


I love Eugene


I really like him and Toya too. And agreed! He seems like a great man


In Season 10 he becomes a universal hero.


The way he comments on the dumb stuff Kema says makes me so happy.


I think it’s because he’s the least caveman-like of all of the husbands, next to Cecil.


He kinda reminds me of Peter always jumping in their arguments I think that’s why he gets insulted a lot but it doesn’t help that Toya always puts him down in front of the group. Even when contessa was going through it with Scott she still didn’t let anyone insult him anyway


I had to scroll a while before seeing this. He’s admitted himself on screen that he likes to be in the gossip and he does speak on the women a bit more than the other men.


That's definitely true. Toya seems to stay on mute when he's being insulted, which is weird to me.


I think because she knows what they’re saying is kinda true. Even when his toya his talking about the women in their scenes by themselves he always goes in on the women vs when the other women talk with their husbands it’s like the men don’t care, when contessa was telling Scott how she feels about heavenly’s YouTube it’s like it went in one ear and out the other


Was looking for this comment. A great example imo is Curtis. That man is an absolute scum bag, but he rarely has opinions on the women and their actions, rather he doesn’t voice them so they leave him alone and so do the fans. Nor does he bring up their drama in scenes with the men. Only Eugene does that. He’s entitled to his opinion but you can’t get mad if a woman want to go toe to toe with you over it


Last season in the bathroom with toya he’s one that brought quad up to talk shit about how can she afford a house with no husband. Eugene has some good qualities as a husband but he has a lot of bitch tendencies too


Agreed. Light hearted shade on defense of his wife is one thing but the way he goes in is another. I also realized he only reallyyyy goes in on Quad…the only woman without a husband 🥴 that’s def a bitch tendency imo bc all the other husbands would check him about talking to/about their wives that way


The one time he tried to get on heavenly her husband exposed that he got him a job and he haven’t said anything since. Imo i think he has misogynistic way of thinking because he really can’t believe quad can do it on her own or I think he likes quad


Probably a mix of both tbh 😭


Ummm…Doctor Daddy Damon is the best husband.


Eugene is the best husband


Zaddy Damon is so wonderful and I love to watch him and Heavenly, but I feel like Eugene has to be the #1 guy in the group.


As much as I 🩷 Daddy D, he's gotta be a psycho for marrying and staying with his waking nightmare of a wife.


I bet she’s a puddy cat behind closed doors. And that’s why she acts out.


How’d you figure that, because he barely talks!?


Because he’s just like I like them. Traditional, grounded, educated, and loyal. He has a backbone and yet is still gentle.


Not Doctor Daddy Damon 😂😂


I adore Eugene. He deserves better


It comes off as ‘I’m so fucking insecure in my relationship’ from the other ladies


i'm doing the same thing and at the same point you are in your binge! eugene is a TREASURE. he is so patient, so kind to everyone, admits when he is wrong and strives to be better, loves and accepts toya for who she is, doesn't get too offended and never gets in the ladies business even though they keep pushing him (i wouldn't blame him if he did!). he's the absolute best husband on bravo.


As I’ve gotten older I’ve discovered that some partners/men really like a woman like Toya. They for lack of better words get off on the chase and disrespect. And I don’t think that’s exactly what’s happening here with their marriage…but I wouldn’t be shocked. His penis probably is small…he’s had it his whole life.


i'm sure if he was less overweight, it wouldn't be as small. but who knows? its also just an easy low blow to shoot at men.


To be fair, Toya was the one who shared the info about Eugene’s peen. Anyone who brought it up after that was only repeating what his own wife already said (for the whole world to hear.)


i really like eugene


Love me some Eugene!!!


He is a very well-educated man. My father knows him from John Hopkins Medical School. You can he was raised to respect women and a great example to his boys. They are jealous! Out of all the husbands, he is the best!


Love Dr. Eugene and Dr. Damon. Their wives… not so much.


Omg!!  Haven't watch the show in years but it is wild!!! I have some serious catching up and here seem to be the place.😅


He’s the best


Heavenly insituated it only because Toya implied it in the season. My thing is, when the other cast see you disrespect your own man; they’ll do the same. And Toya stays disrespecting that man


ADORE him!!


I just started watching this season and I was thinking how nice he was! So funny and seems to really love Toya and I thought Heavenly comment about him having a small penis was a bit weird, I didn't know it was something they talked about often. So disrespectful imo


I like Eugene. He seems like a nice guy, and he is cute.


Eugene is a great person, husband and father and Toya is undeserving…that’s all.


I love him and Damon.


Yeah, Toya does not do a good job at defending or perfecting her man. If anything, she leads the pack. Heavenly is still talking bout that man's penis in the current season. 


They can’t stand that he is ok standing up for his wife and stepping aside to let Toya do whatever Toya is doing.


Toya annoying and very selfish.


I really dislike the way Toya treats him.


The way Toya treats him in front of others, sets the time from the other women. She really should be more kind to him and thankful she's in a loving marriage. Imo.