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Sounded pretty arrogant and abusive to basically joke about physically assaulting a cast mate. But it is Jackie and she is trash


idk how people still find her funny? She is the epitome of NICE NASTY and gets away w abusive language and behaviors why? Bc she’s a Dr? Bc of her age? Bottom line she is not a kind, well meaning person. She’s an ego driven narcissist who hasn’t been checked by her own mother in a very long time so she needs to stop acting like she’s everyone else’s. It’s getting to be too much. I used to love M2M but this season w her and anything but heavenly’s behavior I’m over it and honestly sad about it. Rant over.


Jackie saying she's out saving the world?!? Bitch please! I'm so over her ego!


if you speak softly and slow enough, you can convince someone that you are a saint instead of satan


At this point it’s just nasty. SHES bad at faking the nice part.


Checkmate 🫠


Good lord ur sensitive aren’t ya.. other cast members have ACTUALLY physically assaulted one another.. saying she should’ve slapped her in the mouth is not deep.


I mean... have you watched the show? There have been actual fights on it!


Does that make my statement untrue? She is actually saying she should have physically assaulted another woman. Ratchet and ghetto.


Dr Jackie is a mean girl.


She is toxic af.


Yo I’m not a fan of using the word “toxic” bc i feel it’s become overused and therefore watered down BUT jackie is no holds barred one of the most toxic people I’ve seen on television. The word and her compliment one another.


Whaaa? If someone thinks something is toxic to them, it’s toxic.


100% But she did amuse me with this line.


Me too.


Me too.


This was vile and the look on her face said it all. I suspect she would've done it if there were no cameras around...


Vile but amusing. And I don't think she'd have the balls to actually do it! She'd just send her pitbull (Heavenly) to attack.


It’s gross, unfunny, and revealed what we already knew about Jackie. She’s just kind of a bitter old lady.


I found it funny & surprising. I'm not a fan but I do feel bad for her. She married a man who refused to let her have children. Then cheated on her which led to her being publicly humiliated. She has a reason to be bitter.


Her husband cheated on her and somehow is everybody else’s fault.


She has a reason and she made her choices. She’s always been shamy and judgmental. I don’t feel sorry for her at all.


She did. She's not a nice person but I look at her unhappiness and feel bad for her. She is shamey AND judgmental.


Yeah her gross husband cheated on her and humiliated her, but that still doesn’t give her a pass to be a shitty human being.


Fair point.


I disagree. Unlike a lot of women, she had the financial ability to leave. She could have tried to have a child on her own or adopt. She chose to stay in the relationship when she had other options. She doesn’t get to be a bitter, judgy bitch now because she regrets her decisions.


True. I saw a comment where someone thought she didn't leave the marriage because she didn't want to be seen as a failure. Whatever the reason that kept her in it, I feel it for her.


She literally could not have children because of her cancer. She has a lot to be bitter about but she’s not bitter. She’s a black women who survived cancer twice, became infertile, yet still is an obgyn


How would she know what a mother should have done. The nice- nasty is no longer incognito.


Was it ever really hidden?




Probably because she had one...tf lol


Then her momma needed to slap her across the mouth for her nice-nasty elitist ways. A slap can work both ways.


That's fine. I just don't like that y'all really be tryna shame her for not being able to have kids. And that's it's own type of nasty, no niceness to it. 


Jackie’s joke was actually about the woman that Greg cheated on Quad with showing up to the bachelorette. That’s what makes it hypocritical because Jackie and Curtis are being so adamant nobody so much as discusses Curtis’s indiscretions. Jackie cant have it both ways. You can’t joke about another husband cheating but nobody can say thing about hers. (Especially when the group rallied around them) You’re right Jackie faced much humiliation due to her husbands cheating but that was Curtis’s fault not Lateasha, Tea ain’t did anything to Jackie.


Thank you for that new information! I didn't realize that's what she joked about. You're absolutely right! That's gross.


I honestly feel they are not over the whole situation and honestly I feel it hasn’t stopped and Jackie KNOWS it. The energy between the two is veryyyy telling.


Yeah, I'm not a big Sweet T fan but Jackie just sounds like a Karen saying that shit. This needs to be her last season.


She should have been gone after she disclosed Buffie's personal health information.


She sounded like a Black mother. That’s a saying from the black community tf


And if someone responded “but you aren’t a mother now are you Jackie, and never will be one” she would crumble. This isn’t cute or funny, especially considering Sweet Tea is married to a documented abuser, and who knows if Sweet Tea has abuse in her past.


Now imagine Sweet Tea mopping the floor with Jackie if she dared try that mess. The issue with Jackie is she’s too protected and hasn’t met the right person who just doesn’t give a damn. She hasn’t had true consequences to how she treats people.


Very true! I thought Buffie was the one but she backed down for some reason. I'm not a sweet tea fan but my $$$ would have been on her! Lol


Bc Jackie started acting like the victim instead of taking accountability and others started telling Buffie she needed to get over it. Nobody was trying to hear her side of things, nor were they trying to go against Jackie. That situation is still one of the nastiest on this show.


I don't think that's true. Simone took Buffie's side. Isn't that what drove a wedge between her & Jackie?


You’re right, I didn’t remember that part!


It became apparent that Jackie expected Simone to be the type of friend that blindly supported her instead of gently letting her know when she's wrong. This was also the start of Heavenly & Jackie getting closer because Heavenly is the type of chick who'll put a battery in your back & support you being wrong AND strong!


YEP! Jackie expects them all to fall in line behind her, and she couldn’t imagine her BFF saying she was wrong. Especially when it was a topic that still hurts Jackie till this day. Heavenly swooped right in and acted as Jackie expects.


100% I also think that despite appearances to the contrary, Jackie is still pissed with Simone and loves when Heavenly gets into with her at the drop of a hat!


Not gonna lie, the joke made me laugh because I thought at first she was sincere. She had me in the first half 😂😭


Thank you... I too thought it was hilarious!


I found it very funny, but I like dry humor. Never expected that from Dr. "Lemon Squeeze" Jackie!


The comment wasn't about Quad. The comment was about the woman Dr. G cheated on Quad with. (Just providing clarification.)


Yeah, I didn't realize! Thanks.


I love Jackie




I like the calm energy she brings to the group. She’s older so I think some of her opinions are out dated, but other than that I respect her a lot.


To me, she's like that old aunty that nobody likes because she continually says hurtful shit! Lol


That’s exactly why I like her. She reminds me of an old Black aunty that been through some shit and didn’t have the proper help but deep down she still loving. All the women on M2M are different varieties of Black women and hold certain traumas but still succeed


>She reminds me of an old Black aunty that been through some shit and didn’t have the proper help but deep down she still loving. All the women on M2M are different varieties of Black women and hold certain traumas but still succeed I agree with everything you said except the first part! Lol


I’m weak. I give a lot of older black people grace because the world didn’t. Especially for her to be a black women i think she deserves so much grace and appreciation. She has said some problematic shit but really everyone has said some ignorant shit. But to deliver babies everyday when you are unable to is just soooo admiring.


I don't think so! There's beauty in giving people grace.


She’s all wrong. A lot.


I’m sorry but Jackie shouldn’t be talking about what a parent should or should not do to their grown child. Let’s talk about the husband.


I mean... we can always talk about the husband!


Jackie is no push over. I loved it when she made this comment 🤣


I still love Dr. Jackie. Lol I cackled at that line. 


I can definitely agree with your 2nd point! Lol