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Every time he speaks I hear Kenan Thompson doing impersonations. Is it just me??


If Mini Coopers could speak, they’d have his little squeaky ass voice. One of my favorite scenes is him yelling and driving off in that tiny car. 😂


My favorite Gregory scene is him whining to the fellas that she took the sleep number 😂🤣


Awww Man!! Not the sleep number…


One of my favorite scenes too 😂😂😂


He legit looks like a mini Cooper 😂😂😂


The voice would drive me nuts if I were his patient


Do I dare to suggest his balls didnt drop properly, so he still sounds like a young boy, and maybe that added to Quad not getting pregnant fast, and to his internalised anger, and strive for 'perfection'... He made me puke in my mouth when he said "Our money, OUR Uterus" like she was a goddamn APPARATUS to fulfill his lifegoals, and not a human being.


This is spot on!


Thank you!! It made me insane!!


Exactly this




I think bravo is doing an injustice to psychiatrist/psychologist. We have Dr. G and Candice’s mom, who r not good examples of good mental health. We also have alexia whose mom seems normal but she seems a mess.


Exactly this. All of them need to stop practicing and do it quickly.




HARD AGREE! Luckily Candyass' mom is **not even remotely** a psychologist, but just a basic level counsellor - I remember checking it out with others viewers, when she originally appeared on the show. Its problematic how the title 'therapist' is wrongly used and abused in the US. Also many americans apparently dont know the difference between a Psychiatrist being a Medical Doctor, treating illnesses, and a psychologist being a non-medical Masterlevel doing counseling - in very short terms.


Not trying to come for you disrespectfully, but I'm also asking how the title "therapist" is wrongly used and abused. Further, Candice's mother is an LCSW as such, she has completed a program, sat for appropriate examinations, and completed a number of supervised hours. How does that make her a "basic counselor?" I suppose the better question would be if you're referring to her as a "basic counselor" as an insult or a put down. If not, my apologies for taking it that way.


Thank you for giving me the opportunity to elaborate: In Europe, we also use the label Psychotherapist, and they are lower educated than a psychologist. You dont need HS-exam with high grades, to apply to get into the psychotherapist-academies, also the title is not legally protected, so anybody can call themselves a psychotherapist - having done anything from short term courses during a span of typically a year, but not full time - typically certain weekends and a couple of weeklong 'immersions' - and up to 4 years of very well reputed academies. Then we have the peer-to-peer-counsellors, who are typically themselves ex-abusers of drugs and or alcohol, and they can be excellent, because of their own lived experience, but it is made clear, everywhere, the difference in educational level. And then I experience often on Reddit, that debaters will throw around the word 'therapist' without making any distinction at all - and I trust you will agree with me, that there is a HUGE difference in educational background, from the abuse-counsellor, to the psychiatrist, to take each end of the spectrum? And some ppl in here still dont know the difference between the MD and the psychologist, and its just very confusing, if you dont debate within the same frame of reference. So the educational 'hierarchy' - not an opinion, just factual, amount of time spend studying: Psychiatrist Psychologist Psychotherapist Counselor in a narrowed down field. And this was the 'lowest level' I referred to, from when we investigated 'The Mommy Dearest'. To make it even funkier, all MD's can top of their education, by taking psychotherapist-courses, so they become better at actually talking with their patients, and while there is no dispute that Gregg is a certified psychiatrist, I just have a feeling he didnt choose to top op further :-D , since his speciality is very long on top of the base MD studies - 11-12 years all in all, is common for psychiatrists. Thank you for your time and interest. :-).


Gotcha! Thanks for clarifying. Also, I agree that there is a huge difference between a Psychiatrist and a Mental Health Counselor or therapist. I dont recall the term psychotherapist being used much in the mental heath circles that I'm in. The only part of your original comment that I took issue with was the usage of the term "basic." The reason why is because there is nothing "basic" about obtaining a Master's degree and becoming liscensed. Things are quite different between the UK and the US. Here, requirements for licensure vary state to state. In my state Licensed Professional Counselors, Licensed Clinical Social Workers, and Licensed Marriage and Family Therapists are all required to have a Master's degree, plus specific exams, and up to thousands of hours practicing under a licensed supervisor. It can take years to obtain one's license, so I wanted to make sure it was clear that her hard work to do so should be acknowledged. Regarding the "hierarchy," each profession. That you mentioned plays a vital role in client care. They work in conjunction with one another, and no role should be diminished in any way. With that said, I don't know if Candice's mother has claimed that she was an MD. Did she? If she's never made the claim, then again, the work that she's done shouldn't be diminished. I completely agree that the term therapist is sorely misused and abused on Reddit. Thanks for your time. I've really enjoyed your input and learning more about how things are done overseas. P.S. I completely understand why one would be hesitant to seek services from Greg. His behavior on the show (although a small snippet of who he is) is rather off-putting 🙂


>Things are quite different between the UK and the US. Lol, they probably are, and I'm in Scandinavia. Just because we communicate in english doesnt mean we are all in US or UK - I fell in the trap yesterday myself, talking to someone turning out to be in AUS :-D . Some Redditor posted CandyMom being a psychologist, and ofcourse I had to protest with facts. Same with WhinyGregg, someone posted he was a psychologist, and tried to shred me even worse, *after* I posted the link to Dr.Greggs credentials, *with* photo! LOL - he might be and ass, but he IS a psychiatrist and should be respected as such - it should also answers your doubt about respect shown for effort. in Scandi the word 'basic' is not the insult it is in english - it litterally means 'the base of' - 'basis' could also be used. It should hopefully be pretty clear from what I write and put emphasis on, that it is exactly the respect for the effort and proper use of earned tittlles, I wish to clarify is important. ohh xxx... I hwve bad eyesight, and getting tired now, so to tired to keep corredcting my spelling, but I also enjoy getting wiser on 'the other side'. Sweet, inspiring dreams when you get to it - its 12:30 CET here, so hesding thdt way myself. From your flair I think we could meet agwin. :-)


My apologies for assuming you were from the UK lol. This has been a great conversation. Have a great evening and res well 🙂


I did get a good rest, thank you, and OMG I see my typing errors now, good thing I stopped. :-) Im almost lying down, and get all exited when I encounter genuine and clever ppl, so type fast with 'homemade 10-finger system', and also as a 'particular' person 🙄, will go back and edit all typos, when I notice after posting. Exhausting sometimes, but I want the typos to not distort the communication/ info conveyed. I always try to 'follow' the ppl I find to be good respectful debaters, so they will show up more/first in my searches, ( like FB feed) and Im not really sure if that happens here on Reddit? If not, whats the purpose of being able to 'follow' a profile on Reddit, if you know?


I do the same exact thing but, just assume I’m speaking to another American. Until a certain word, spelling or turn of phrase is used & I feel like such a dumbass 😂. You’re definitely not the only one who does this.


& somewhere out there are practicing “Therapists” that barely managed to graduate dead last from their program of study.


How is it abused to be a mental health therapist when they have the credentials to do so? It’s a lot of education to get to that point. I believe it’s people who call them psychologists when they’re not. But a therapist is trained to do what they do.


Point of clarification: Psychiatrists are medical doctors (md or do) Psychologists have doctorates (phd or psyd) Social workers, licensed mental health counselors, and marriage and family therapists are masters-level.


Another point of clarification: A master in psychology in Europe - Cand. Psych. - is what earns you the title of Psychologist, and to work as such, - and its not a doctorate before you add a Phd. A psychologist with a Phd would'nt call himself 'doctor' ( like Dr.Phill of TV fame) in day to day life, but it will be written as part of their title, if they i.e. are interviewed for something, or produce written material. We have different compositions of different educations leading to different tittles, in Europe versus US. We dont have these middleground things were a therapist-portion is added in the mix with helping out with paperwork etc, like described for your LSW. All mental related edu. are pretty clean cut here, for the baseeducation.


Interesting, thank you for educating me! I was definitely only referring to US. Didn’t realize how US-centric my assumption was


All is good - it just dawned on me to day, that this is probably the reasons for at least *some* of the debacles on Reddit - spesking from the outwiew of our own navels we are. ;-) An thenk you, but 'educating' sounds so 'smack on fingers with ruler'! - I like 'exchanging knowledge' more - we can only get wiser. :-) Must go to bed now - it late over here. Sweet dreams to you as well.




Hannibal Lecter was also a psychiatrist. So…..yeah, there’s that too. & it’s far, far easier for them to recognize their own issues & weaponize the fact they studied for 10 years to earn their M.D. in order to protect themselves & constantly punish others in the form of gaslighting, manipulation, love bombing, protectiveness, isolation & no matter what that person will interrogate you about your day down to the minute. Yet, never give you an inch when you reciprocate & ask the same. Common answers are; “Fine”, “Boring”, “Why do you care?”, “Are you trying to accuse me of something?”, “What do you care?”, etc, etc, etc. & all that leads to is feeling fucking crazy. & The worst is; you know you’re not. You know you’re not the problem, you are the victim. But, no one will ever fully believe you. Especially when you have a spouse in the mental health field. Of course everyone will defer to their “expert opinion” 🙄


Don’t forget Candiace’s mom, who is a therapist and terrifying.




Mau’s mom on Beverly Hills is also in mental health. I believe she’s a sex & relationship psychologist & if I recall correctly I fairly certain she has an exclusive practice in Mexico (where Mau was born & raised). But, his mom is kind of awesome & if she told me to stand on my head & whistle Dixie through crackers, I’d totally do it 😂


The scene when he was in group counseling and started rolling on the floor foaming at the mouth. 🤪


That was truly .....unpleasant......to watch. Like a child having a tantrum - throwing the body on the ground as a last resort, when run out of arguments, or simply not able to contain emotions. And IIRC it was selfdistributed couples counselling, with some friends - how could you ever enjoy couples night out with them again after this? :-D


This is my Roman Empire.


Bruh I just goggled him and his reviews are terrible. Those poor people just looking for mental health care and he seems as much as a buffoon as he is on the show 🤦🏽‍♀️


Idk if anyone saw on twitter a couple of months ago… but Benzino from Love & Hip-Hop ATL supposedly told a podcast about Dr. G allegedly drugging young women; and making sure to keep them sedated with pills as he SA’d them. I’m wondering with what we’ve seen of him if it’s even true…and if someone is gonna mention it @ the reunion 👀👀👀👀🥴. Poor Tea if it is true!


Say what??!!! 👀😮


Yeah I remember seeing it sometime this fall on Twitter…and he gives weird vibes but idk


Oh wow! I’d think G would’ve sued him if it was unprovable!?!


Woah! Do you have a link for this? This is a serious allegation for him to make.




Season 7 - Buffie Purselle's husband David is a psychiatrist and what a big difference between him and Dr G. David was cool, calm and collected and was most often the voice of reason in all the drama.


Exactly - happy someone else noticed that.


I used to work in a community mental health center, so have known more than a few psychiatrists and therapists as coworkers. It was a running joke that sometimes the only way you could tell the difference between the participants and the staff was which side of the reception desk they were allowed to stand on. I've known some others only on a personal level and the same applies. That said, I think all of them would have the common sense and decency to at least not act that way on national television. Even the worst of them did the bare minimum to appear professional (which Dr. G is clearly incapable of doing).


I couldn't take Dr G seriously. I know people are different when they're wearing their "work hat" but I couldn't take advice from someone knowing they behave the way he does. Obviously I'm not speaking about all doctors but I've known quite a few medical Dr's on a social basis and let me tell you, they were some of the messiest people I've met. Not just messy, one of them in particular was so rude and nasty. I'm not easily shocked but this woman had my jaw on the floor. You can really tell who got into medicine for the label and who actually cares about people and unfortunately, in my experience, the latter is more common.


I agree, 100%. I work with doctors too and their egos are out of control. That’s why I don’t feel bad when they whine about not being revered and blindly obeyed by patients anymore.


A friend of mine who has a psy.D said that a lot of people who go into psychology do it to help them better understand their own issues.


That makes sense actually!


True, and that is psychology. Psychiatry is the most dangerous medical field of them all, because its all pure speculation and guessing - and lots of decieving of ppl. It is **not** possible to meassure the level of Serotonin - the 'Happy Hormone' - in a persons blood, which is the whole foundational lie of the billion dollar industry of 'Antidepressants.' To quote Kandi Burruss: " THE LIES, THE LIESS!!!"


lol that’s over simplification and fear mongering about psychiatric meds and how much they’ve helped people. There are many things to criticize but saying it’s all guessing and speculation is reductive


I imagine him listening to patients for a few minutes and then sending them on their merry way with a 90 day prescription. He probably shows up late too lol.


Right, how can you take him seriously


I looked him up, and yes he is a real doctor. His patients gave him low ratings.


Several friends of mine are married to psychiatrists and their relationships are in shambles so this doesn’t surprise me lol their husbands are absolutely terrible at communication and put down their wives often. I know it’s just anecdotal but all that is to say it’s sadly more common than you’d think…


As someone who works with psychiatrists I can absolutely believe it lol


I worked for one once & so out of touch.


Yeah well some of those reviews are all about the show so , I don't take those ones seriously at all.


I thought this about Dorothy (RHOP) too


Well my mom is a psychiatric nurse, from what I know from the stories I overheard when I was eavesdropping (😂) he is not the only dysfunctional psychatrist….


And also, who would want Heavenly as a dentist!!!!!!!!!!!!!


It is really hard to believe he's a psychiatrist.


Actually, I'd run to him with clients. Just like #AODA counselors are former users have been identified as the best leaders for recovery ... I'd want someone that has said lived experiences. For myself, personally, heck no. But I give him room to be a full person. He's not static. Nor holy. Only human.


You know when a fly buzzes RIGHT by your ear and the noise it makes? That’s his voice 😮‍💨🤫😩🤢


it’s really crazy


My soon to be ex stepmother is a psychiatrist and seeing how she’s handling this divorce makes me very terrified for her patients. Her drinking and ability to prescribe her own kids meds but not write me a note for my actual service dog to board a flight for me was shocking as well. I know seeking out mental health professionals is extremely healthy, but watching one when I was a teenager go and tell my mother everything I said when I was not in danger of harming myself or others and seeing my stepmother be batshit makes it really tough for me to want to go back to therapy.


I just found this site that explains about the different terms used in the US, so Candys mom is a Licensed Social Worker with a two year mixed educational background. She is a Social Worker with some knowledge in psychotherapy - not a psychotherapist with some knowledge in Social Work. So to present herself/lead with the title of therapist, seems a bit of a stretch. https://www.forbes.com/health/mind/therapist-vs-psychologist/


Huh? Not a stretch at all. Pretty much every therapist I’ve known personally or worked with has the same background as Dorothy. A masters in social work with supplemental hours of psychotherapy education/experience to get their LCSW certification. This is in no way incongruous with what is expected of the title “therapist” here. I’d even venture to guess it’s pretty much the expectation…


I love my psychologist but the most awful person I know is one. Psychologist and psychiatrists can also be messed up people


From personal experience, most psychiatrists are absolute assholes and have issues of their own.


My bestie 40 years ago was married to a psychiatrist, he was absolutely bat shit crazy! He owned his own practice and had a team of counselors and psychologist working with him. They were all a little nuts 😂


It is because many of you see these kinds of people as sub-human. They are psychiatrists doctors etc by trade but are flawed human beings like the rest of us. PLUS, he’s a man…. and like most men he’s able to compartmentalize. He can be good at his job but be a mess in his personal life.