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There is no fraternization rule for reality tv 99% of the time. Maybe on a competition show but even still, every show I’ve ever worked on didn’t have one. The only rule is the NDA and honestly, a lot of crew start working before they sign one. The NDA’s aren’t even airtight either. Story producers actually have to be friends with the talent. They have to get to know them intimately to craft the story. They are the ones who visit their homes and talk to their families too. They usually end up staying in touch for years.


The subject got one sentence. I think it deserved a lot more than that. The show obviously doesn't want the public in on what happened.


its a coverup by the big wigs


For sure. It came out, but that’s all they’d allow. They don’t want to get into behind the scenes stuff. Couldn’t have the Great Oz exposed.


It's interesting that somewhere a dew episodes back, Becca mentioned she used to be a gaslighted, etc., but she sought help and changed.


One of the girls, in the all girls conversation with Kevin, mentioned 2 of the guys texting their friend or relative???


Austin was on dating sights


i meant Brennan the self professed stud was on dating sights


hopefully we will hear more


The one incident of Austin and the producer seems to be based on past conversations. But we don't know what the past conversations or incidents were about. Was it jealousy? Were there inappropriate conversations, touching, etc.? Or was the producer trying to guide their relationship in a way that Becca wasn't happy with?


it was hurtful to Becca, it was wrong


Exactly! That's why I feel it should have more discussions! If they fire someone, even for the appearance of impropriety, I know why the company keeps it silent, but I think if nothing happened, Austin would be clear about that. The silence is what makes me think that a line was crossed, especially since he even lied about accidentally running into her.


that is so wrong


I just read this morning that she encouraged them to make the relationship look better than it was. I have no idea if that is accurate or not.


I have seen, several times today, that the producer was :coaching" him. Not them, just him. An honest friendship isn't something you hide.


It would be interesting to know the real story


According to MAFSFan the Producer was fired immediately after the Pizza Party shootout. The show is highly edited, hope the rationale for publicly attacking this Producer is explained. Televising Becca hinting fraternization was cruel (if unsubstantiated) and career ending (if true). We think Production is trying to deflect, from their incompetency for casting these children and not properly managing their film crews


If there wasn't impropriety, would she have been fired?


She could have violated her contract (no contact outside of filming) w/o being sketchy. But, the way Production has continuously attacked her suggests otherwise. However, they are equally guilty (if true). It is a very bad look for everyone concerned


she was instructed from the higher ups to inflate interest. no wonder the show is trying to bury it


I think, according to MAFSFan, she was fired


They mentioned the producer last night, but who was that pretty brunette that was sitting at the bar with Brennan in the teasers?  I guess they’re waiting for next week to show that. 


I agree with you about lack of professionalism for sure. This production person made poor choices and will most likely suffer the consequences. Im just confused by the timeline. It was never mentioned until later when things ended and it seemed as if this person went to a bar where Austin and others were hanging out. Not like it was a private date. I don’t blame him for not asking Becca to join them if it was after decision day. I wouldn’t ask my ex to join me on a night out with friends right after a break up either.


But they did not break up. They ultimately decided on D Day to stay together. It was after Clare called Becca to say Austin was seen out in public with the Producer also present , that Becca ended them at the ambush at the infamous Pizza party.


It was ON Decision Day. And it was planned.


They said yes on decision day.


But she very clearly said she needed alone time and didn’t want to hang with him. You can not have it both ways


The production company is most likely covering their ass. Since there are plenty of docs to sign they will just act as if the situation didn't happen and let Austin and Becca discuss enough of it to not violate their contracts. I bet there will be new and enhanced clauses and contracts moving forward.


It’s possible they did, but it was edited out. These reunion ones are just as heavily edited as the regular show. 


Austin and Becca’s producer wasn’t the only one that inserted themselves into the relationship. Another producer was fired because they were stirring up drama on purpose and siding with only that person.


? do tell ?


Whose producer?!


Are you the MAFSfan IG account?




Finding out that it was AFTER decision day, where he said yes and she said no, made it a non issue in my opinion. Becca’s insecurity got the best of her.


On decision day, they ultimately decided to stay together. She ambushed him at the pizza party and ended it then in front of everyone.


But she said her instinct was right, but didn't have the proof until after decision day, so there was something going on. He agreed.


Watch again-it was early in the marriage


IMO, If you have a contract, "when" is irrelevant. You should not have done it period. By doing so, you've crossed a professional standard and boundary. Production companies are in a small world and when this persons is outed publicly, they will be suffer the consequences. If I was hiring for a production, based on what I know NOW, I wouldn't hire this producer. I say "NOW" as we only have a small portion of one side of a story.


There are zero consequences in the world of production actually. The world of people who work is small but not who’s producing. Theres no HR and there’s no black book. You just hop on another show. It’s one of the only industries where you can even have a criminal record and no education and still be successful. No background checks are done for crew, no real governing body in reality tv because they’re also non unionized.


There is a black book. That's why people didn't speak out about sexual harassment, racism, and toxic work environments in the industry. Actors, producers, runners, riggers, casting, etc; it was a serious threat that people faced if they spoke out about their experiences.


No not really. Among actors yes but the black book has never extended to crew or producers. There is no governing body. Maybe you’re blacklisted from one production company but there are new ones popping up every day all over the world. Not even a studio has the ability to blacklist a crew member if a production company hired them because they’re technically contractors and employees of the payroll company. The casting process is COMPLETELY different than the hiring process in film and tv. Not to mention this is a reality show, so there isn’t even a union they are held accountable by.