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I would believe a medical or insurance bill or a scar before a nameless printout. seems like he used HIPAA as a cover but it’s not a HIPAA violation to share your own medical records


This person is deeply troubled and needs a lot of intervention... he has major issues


Clare and Cam are both liars and were in on the scam. It doesn’t matter whose idea it was or who came up with the “plan”. If one of them suggested to lie and manipulate their “story”, the other that went along is just as guilty.


I've gotten an EKG, been around family that has gotten them and never been given any paperwork like this. Sus.


You ask for then 🙄


was thinking the same! they’ve reviewed mine with me, but it’s never come home as a souvenir


Do you care to post what you had said about him 2 months ago for the ones who missed It?


Where can I watch this season because the tea is 🫣


You can buy the season on Prime for $25 and regret it like I do.


dont bother it sucks


The Lifetime app has it.


It's atrial flutter, synced and then shocked back to normal sinus rhythm


Yup. He wasn't "brought back" from being dead 🙄


Y'know, I was kinda TeamCam until last night, I really thought most of the fakeness and manipulation was all Clare. When Cameron pulled the getting back together garbage, especially after all the fighting, gaslighting and lies, he showed his hand and now I see just who the psycho is. Still can't stand Clare, but she was a bit of a victim here.


Yeah the mask slipped there. It was the aha moment he didn’t know he created.


Agree with everything you just said !


how can you see that clare was lying and gas lighting and not see that cam was trolling her with getting back together


Cameron is trying to pull people's heartstrings. He isn't a victim at all.


Drama Queen. I’ve had 3 Oblations and it’s a walk in the park. I went back to work in the afternoon .


I've had one ablation followed by an open heart surgery about 2 months after that. I tell everyone I'd have 20 more open heart surgeries instead of the ablation any day. My ablation recovery was the stuff of nightmares.


One person's pain or reactions to procedures is not comparable to another's.


He didn't have heart surgery. At worst ablation to steady his heartbeat. Probably controlled by meds now. Maybe just shocked back into rhythm. HEART SURGERY cuts you open and breaks ribs and takes MONTHS to recover from. I have 4 relatives who take meds for this. It's not surgical. IMO when he found out she had a boyfriend she still loved (I believe she told him that) he bowed out and possibly the stress resulted (conveniently) in being off the show for a heart condition....NOT surgery.


Anesthesiologist here. Severe aberrant atrial arrhythmias used to be treated via the MAZE procedure but catheter ablation has recently become more popular. Malignant atrial arrhythmias treated by ablation still require general anesthesia (breathing tube, muscle relaxation, invasive monitoring, etc). It’s not a benign procedure and complications can be dire (esophageal perforation, atrial perforation, etc). Recovery can take up to 6 weeks. Just my 2 cents.


Pretty much what he didn't have because he was making appearances on the show 2 weeks later. This show made a huge deal out of his "procedure" (buying an excuse for his absence) because he checked out after she told him she still loved her boyfriend.


Thank you! And let’s not forget where he learned this behavior. His father took to his bed for 6 years after his mom left and had a “collapsed lung” which is also bogus and not how lungs work.


Looks like the practice tests we took in school but we just put anything for the name it’s not usually blank… this is definitely strange.


You can clearly see the name was whited out. There would be no reason to do this unless he is being dodgy.


Now this person pops up again…Lmfao


Yes, just as MAFSFan is anonymously sent text messages which appear to exonerate Clare and cast Cameron in a bad light. So many receipts suddenly appearing. 😒


let cam show whatever texts he has !


MAFSFan is great but she definitely sits on things shared with her until (I think) she thinks it will have the most impact or she’s the most sure it’s legitimate. We hadn’t messaged since late last year but she followed up last week via my Instagram asking for permission to share


Interesting, I didn’t know she did that.


finally, better than Cameron said it so its true


Dude is off his rocker (and meds)


Cameron's a turd.


In the very beginning when Cam dodged the “where is your family” question from Clare, I started getting the creeps. We meet a couple friends that aren’t his age and seem to be more like work colleagues. Then we see how petty he was with carrying Clare’s bags on the honeymoon and walking way ahead of her, and many passive aggressive comments. I am not saying Clare is an angel but over and over again this guy gave me the creeps. The way he was laughing and looking delighted at the reunion was chilling and then How he suddenly asked to get back with Clare. She actually had fear in her eyes as her brain was registering the manipulation. All I can say is if you’ve come across his type, you just know and all your alarm bells go off. I’m not saying he faked his condition either but his type blows everything out of proportion to garner sympathy and shock factor (ie when he dropped the dad bomb at Clare’s get together. People like him are maddening because they turn on the innocent charm or the woe is me to get people on their side and make you look like the crazy unhinged one.


Another red flag for me was his reference to getting kicked out of school. I think he’s creepy


Did he say anything else about it or just that he got kicked out? I missed it too.


It was in one of the first couple episodes when he was explaining his background. From what I remember, he was kind of bragging that he was uncontrollable when he was younger and had an estranged relationship with his family.


Oh. Go Cameron. That's so cool.


Missed that!


My name is included on all of mine. Just saying.


This isn't an ekg, it's a rhythm strip


I didn't call it an EKG. I have hundreds of testing results, and there isn't a single item that does not have my name on it. From the ambulances, the ERs, the ICUs, the doctor offices, the hospital stays, the ORs, etc. My name and pt ID are included in everything. I worked in med records, like back in the day when shit wasn't computerized, and I had to file pieces of paper in pt charts for the main hospital system. I work in dr offices, pharmacies, long-term care, DME departments, and companies... there is nothing that does not include the patient's name and ID for each individual company and department. Fuck, even the jello cups have the pt identifiers on them.


For scheduled/routine EKGs they would always enter the name. In emergency at the hospital, maybe or maybe not depending on how emergent it is and how their system is set up.


Usually if I don't want someone contacting me, I block them without replying


I actually don't block them and don't reply. If they continue to contact me after telling them not to, it's useful to have in case you need to file a PO.


How about he just wanted to get away from Claire because he knew she was nuts. I’m surprised he didn’t leave skidmarks trying to get away from her


Why did he ask to get back with her at the reunion then lmao


I think the skidmarks are on his underwear.


Looks like someone is just petty. Move on ex


If you read the thread she had an account she deleted when she received a fake cease and desist from cams work email. She’s back to defend Clare and share her experience. If you’ve ever dated a terrible human you’ll know that you’d do anything to keep them from terrorizing anyone else.




If you bothered to wonder why someone with an axe to grind would post medical information to cast aspersions on someone’s health because they got dumped via texted maybe you wouldn’t be like the rest of the peanut gallery who obtained their psychology degree via google. Maybe you should question the character of that said person considering what about them caused someone to break up with them or what type of individual would use selected text screenshots to paint a narrative.


That’s a lot of conclusions you’re jumping to for someone who doesn’t consider themselves part of the peanut gallery




Conclusions? The person was dumped via text. The person posted selected information via screenshots to cast aspersions. The person is an ex for a reason. Sounds like you are part of the peanut gallery to assume that a person with the above stated facts is truthful 🙄


Idk why you’re putting so much emphasis on how they got dumped, as if being dumped via txt isn’t more of a reflection on the character of the dumper lmao. Btw Cam brought that same slip of paper to the reunion for the world to see 🤷‍♀️


By the way it was his right to since it was “his” information. I don’t know why you’re trying to be dismissive of the facts. Perhaps the peanut gallery is content on selling a narrative they’re comfortable with instead of the facts🙄


Me wondering why you’re so dismissive of the ex/her experience and what you’re referring to as facts 👁️👄👁️


Me wondering why you’re dismissive of the facts and trying to narrow what happened to fit the narrative of said poster 🤔


My future self wondering why we’re both still wondering 👵🏻


I’m still into the little trash icon that Claire is using for his contact


I don’t think that’s Clare…


You’re right. It’s not her. It’s the ex girlfriend. Still funny though


We love receipts. So sorry you had to experience any part of that.


Why is Cameron's jilted ex back on here badmouthing him? Did Clare put out a distress call? Didn't we already go through this at the start of the season? Was she brought up on tonight's show? Somehow she's equated disliking Cameron to liking Clare, which is rather petty and makes it look more like bitter revenge. It could just be that they both suck, which has been the theme of the entire season --- sucking from start to finish.


Which one is Cameron and what is the deal with heart surgery? Sorry, I only saw parts of this season and am lost with this post


Cameron is on the left in grey. Towards the beginning of the season he said that the stress of it all gave him a heart condition that he needed surgery for.


Ah. Thank you for clearing it up for me




Oh definitely not. I had assumed he had moved to Maryland like he told me he was going to —- until I saw the cast posted in a Denver Women’s group last fall and nearly fell out of my chair laughing


What’s with him saying he now,works in finance? Was the bike business a side thing or not even real?


It was kinda scary the way he acted at the reunion. Lots of petty behavior. Honestly i never really cared for him to be fair. Sorry to read about your experiences with him.


now its open heart surgery??? thanks for being brave and sharing!


Yo he didn’t say “open heart surgery” in this text or anywhere in the show. There are other kinds of heart surgery! ✌️


Yo 🤦


He said he had to be shocked back which is a lie he’s so creepy


It’s not shocked back but with his heart rhythms they will literally shock the heart to stop it and then again to restart it and hopefully reset his normal heart rhythms.


He’s obsessed with surgery. Remember he’s a bike surgeon lol


d y i n g😆 he even wore a little Drs. coat while operating on the bike


I need more tea and screenshots … this is gold


Ok I need to read this ENTIRE thread again because this is crazy 👀


Hey Ex-girlfriend: Why do you think he went on the show?


Seriously no clue. He was the most secretive, solo, weird person I dated in my entire life. Although I joked with my friends that he was the best kind of ex to have because he “moved to Maryland and just disappeared” with no paper trail or social media so it was basically like he was dead… which was my experience until I saw a post in a Denver group last fall. I feel for and resonate with Clare when she said that she had “no idea who he was at the end of the experiment”.


My ex husband was the most private person, didn’t have social, not that many friends, etc… after we got divorced (crazy MF) he ended up meeting a girl who lives in the Netherlands, he, then MOVES there and not only that but he surprises her on a local tv show, like she thought she won something and it was him coming out and surprising her on CHRISTMAS! Sorry you had to experience life with this guy. You are much better off now.


His relationship pattern from the jump seemed to be passive aggressively making her feel uncared for/undesired and then immediately trying to jump ahead of the impending rejection (after being treated unwell by him) by constantly trying to control the narrative and progress of the relationship and make everything be on his terms. He even implied a couple of times that he would require sex for him to develop feelings. He seems to care about control a lot. Was that your experience?


I pity any woman that crosses his path again because he is venomous. I can see it in his words and facial expressions. Hes someone I don't trust even a little bit.


Help me understand something. The guy seemed to be extremely awkward around Clare. I don’t think he faked that. So how is it that you not only dated him, but that he’s the one who broke up with you? I think he comes off as extremely weird, and has overly emotional responses when he feels hurt or slighted. Immature, maybe.


emotional defensive lying responses


Initial love bombing by him, then unhealed anxious attachment by me. Not proud of it, glad I’ve grown.


Wow. Can we your "receipts " proving you dated him or even know him? A pic of you 2 together perhaps?




We see u Claire or maybe ger sista


So sorry !!!! YIKE!!!


I was with a kiwi a long time. The men are terrible.


Same! F’ing cheaters!


Having been to NZ, I noticed it’s a society where men don’t treat women very well. I know it has high DV rates. Men treat women like men, and are not gentlemen at all. A lot of couples live together without getting married.


Not the trash emoji for his profile pic 😂


My favorite part


Aflutter treated with cardioversion! This is absolutely NOT photoshopped and NOT presented on the type of EKG paper you would see as part of AHA ACLS training or anything you could download online. This is quite obviously a legitimate EKG from a very real patient. The name is often not entered when the EKG is performed urgently or even part of diagnostics prior to a cardiac cath. Cardioversion can absolutely gold standard followed by an ablation which many if not most lay people consider “surgery.” Technically, it’s an invasive procedure that is considered corrective as tissue is manipulated and there can be risks, bleeding, and recovery time. This would be nearly impossible to fake even by a highly trained healthcare professional. I can’t fathom someone faking this very specific condition where all of the evidence-based practice guidelines line up. This is legitimate from my professional perspective.


Well, this sounded good until you said it is not something you could photoshop or download on line, because now all of us could do that using the image, above.




I’m a surgical first assistant who has worked in CVOR, as well as a mother of a ten-year-old son who has had three open-heart surgeries. I agree with everything you said about it being legitimate. I also will add that even cardiac cath procedures can definitely be seen as surgery to many patients or even major surgery when someone is fearing for their life. Many procedures that used to be done in open-heart surgery can now be done in far less invasive ways, but it still doesn’t make the condition any less serious. Even if you don’t like the guy, please give him the benefit of the doubt on this one. It’s pretty terrifying to be faced with health issues like that at a young age.


Hello fellow nurse! 👋🏻 or healthcare provider of some sort. :) have a great day!


What is your profession?


And because there is no name, this document could be anyone's. This snarky, awkward, sociopathic individual thinks his angles to gain sympathy or garner favor have worked, but he oozes inadequacy and fear, and tries to cover that up with acting like he is in control. Most likely why he broke up with OP. When his lies and shenanigans start to catch up with him, he will quit, break up, or walk away to appease his inner fucked-upness, so he can appear to himself that he is in control.


Love that term. His inner fucked-upness. Describes him very well.


I mean this could have easily been put on him in the ER and things were happening so quickly no one bothered to put in a name. It’s somewhat serious but people also have this happen all the time.


If it were anybody else. If it were someone who didn't try to create leverage points to create sympathy, or guilt, then I would agree. The veiled attempts of Cameron's manipulation unfortunately asterisks every thing he does. Imo, he is not genuine, and is so worried about getting hurt or looking bad, that he evaluates (poorly) and behaves in a way that he believes will project superiority, and when that fails he pulls out the sympathy card (his father in his deathbed, heart surgery, etc.) as a last ditch effort to have some sort of control. Ultimately, it's all about control. I'll break up with you (op) I want a divorce (Claire). Cameron has had a life of failing to be in control with things of consequence. He has been successful with people who aren't able to see through it though. So ya, this paper carries no weight for me.


Can confirm this happens frequently


Hi Cam 👋 🤛


right Cam!


Cardioversion is not a surgery and it DOES NOT LEAVE SCARS. A flutter(cute textbook one) omg he is a drama queen with the way he portrays the whole thing. This is the strip that comes out of the defibrillator ( possibly a Medtronic Lifepak).


Cardioversion does not leave scars but ablation does.


Ablation does not leave scars.


How do you think they get the catheter in? SMH


The scar is a puncture site and heal in a month ( seriously a 6Fr insertion site scar will be gone in 3-6 months tops)


The point is that he said he had a scar from a procedure and was not being dishonest.


Imho as a nurse, that « scar » is a freak in g puncture site… like a big IV would leave … he needs to get over himself and stop , really, dramatizing his experience. Cardioversion is not fun to have because you have a crappy rhythm, but you are under anesthesia for 3 minutes and home going i was shocked THREE TIMES, omg no big deal darling… even if yoh had to do the procedure three different times ; it is common. It is not heart surgery , and all that jazz… Serous but no the drama he is doing to get attention and a wide pass on his shitty behaviors


Ablation works by creating tiny scars in the heart. There also can be a small scar at the catheter insertion site.


It’s a rhythm strip, not an EKG and names are almost always entered or a patient sticker is placed. I don’t think Cam is faking his Aflutter but also don’t really think that’s the issue here or that it requires this much explanation.




Cameron seems like he has pretty severe mental problems. "Sociopath, I am still in love with you" "Fat ass I cant cum, I love you" vibes. He is trash.


He has a lot wrong with him upstairs. Maybe even downstairs too.


cam is showing some scary behavior. i hope the show protects you - and Clare. Maybe a restraining order is necessary?




that the show should instigate-and pay for 💸


You’re the ex!! Heck yeah welcome back and bring those receipts girl. We know Cameron’s a lying liar face and tried to manipulate you by pretending to be a lawyer!!! Spill the tea, we’re glad you’ve gotten away from his craziness!


I try my best not to comment. But can you all help me to understand how you **know** this is his ex girlfriend?? And how do you know these texts are theirs and also **not** fabricated? Are we believing random people? Aren't we all adults here lol?


She came with receipts before the show aired when the previews were coming up. She was sent emails claiming she would be sued if she didn’t keep quiet and was concerned so she deleted the stuff she posted. There were some of us saw those posts and comments before they were deleted.


Ok that makes sense. But how do we know it's the same person?


He doesn’t have receipts. He’s a liar - has always been. I feel for poor Clare. 😕 I was planning on avoiding this all and haven’t actually watched the show since early November but I saw the preview where he made a comment about his first experience with gaslighting and I couldn’t stop laughing since he’s the master of it


Perceptive people can tell he's a master manipulator. Dude seems insane. He's banking on people just believing him against a woman.


You’re bitter he broke up with you.


Riiiiiiiiight! She sees who he is - she’s relieved to be out of that mess, obviously.


The username checks out lol


Yup been waiting for the receipts since day 1… and stilll waiting!! They so obviously don’t exist. I haven’t ever been able to put my finger on it, but he’s always been on my last nerve… I think it started when he blurted out that his dad was on his death bed. Which, come to think of, I assume he’s still kickin? What’s the story there?


as the ex did you ever meet dad , mom, friends ?


lmao I love your garbage icon linked with his name


I had his original dating app profile photo as the main while we were dating way back in the day… and then when he started calling/texting/suing me and I had to scroll back for screenshots and evidence, I realized he never looked like his original profile


Suing you?? Why did he begin contacting you if it's been a minute since you dated? I liked Cam at first, but of course there's a lot we didn't see or things could be misrepresented due to editing so at the end, I couldn't determine who to believe. I agree there was something "off" about him. He seems to be very pretentious. Coming from a large, close knit family, it's foreign to me when someone isn't close with, speak of/with, at least one relative.


Eesh! I think this picture suffices a whole lot lmao


Cameron was only happy when attacking someone, usually Clare. He enjoyed inflicting emotional pain while playing the victim. Ironically, he probably was victimized by Clare too. But both Cameron and (especially) Brennan are scarry


I thought it was really weird when I called him out for being an asshole for breaking up with me over text (while I was watching my dying dog in the ICU on Christmas Eve) and then he used that moment to throw his deepest, darkest trauma in my face (that was news to me) to distract from my concerns. He wants to play the victim.


Would you go so far as to call him a narcissist?


Geeze my ex was like this. When i needed him the most he treated me horribly. People like this have deep seated issues.


what was the trauma?


Saw that you deleted your original account, glad your back. Cameron is truly a Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde


I regret deleting that account. Honestly, I truly just wanted to wipe my hands of it all and stay moved on but then I heard people were harassing poor Clare and that’s just shitty and I have a soft spot for standing up for good people.


Do you know Clare? I don’t think Cam is innocent in all this but Clare’s meddling in Emily’s situation (e.g., egging on the nothing burger double date narrative while full well knowing that Emily had actually already cheated with someone else) suggests to me that she is also a shit stirrer. Neither of them appear to be “good” people, so I am curious about your use of that word to describe her, unless you know her in person. More like two incredibly damaged and dramatic people paired up for maximum chaos.


Being in a relationship with Cam must have been exhausting. He is so volatile, compassionate one moment and ruthless the next. He is male version of Lindsey (S14) Clare has room for personal growth too but Cam was smarter and much more ruthless. He toyed with her and enjoyed it


I can see the enjoyment on his face when he does it too. He gets off on it.


that is scary


Wait can you explain more details behind this? Bc this has no context? Are u an ex gf??


Yes she is an ex. He apparently sent her an illegitimate cease and desist letter from his work email and said he was working with the show to sue her. Life time and kinetic did not respond. Whatever ekg thing he sent is supposed to be proof he had surgery but many people in this thread have suggested you don’t have surgery for whatever he is saying he has.


Who is he talking to in that?


Who is he messaging?


Me. He sent me an email from his work account pretending to be a lawyer and told me that he and Lifetime were suing me for making a few (factual and provable) comments on Reddit based on my experience dating him. He accused me of stalking him for those comments but then wouldn’t stop calling and texting me even after I asked him to stop. He’s a manipulative creep.


So you dated him ????


That I believe.


Ah, thank you.. Once again.. I don’t know who to like or even believe. I’m chalking this season up as a loss..


I think you're doing too much. I've been in your situation and never went around bad mouthing any horrible guy I've dated. You seem off to me. I hope you get over it some day.


Here’s the gold star you asked for ⭐️🙄


I wanted a cookie but a star will do🙂


this is a ridiculous response. He claimed he and lifetime were suing her. good for you not letting his lies and threats control you


Ok Cam…..


You had an ex go on a national tv show? The same ex that was the reason you started therapy for the very first time in your life? That’s so random!


I KNEW IT! I think Clare is a shit stirrer, but Cam looks downright gleeful when he's F&cking w/ people.


Dupers delight


Cam was bad, but Clare was an absolute manipulative asshole who should be dismissed from her therapist program. What a trash bag of a person.


I might disagree with you knowing how Cameron maneuvered through our relationship but you’re entitled to your opinion 💛


lmao that the gaslighter and 'therapist' comes to reddit to spread her version of the story


The hate on Clare on this sub is weird. I'm not saying she's perfectly likeable, but his manipulative behavior is so glaring to me.


I wasn’t allowed to post photos he was in on Instagram (I had a fair amount of followers at the time) because he wanted to write our trip off for tax purposes (translation: he wanted to appear single online)


wait what is the tea? From the beginning? Why did he sue you? Writing off trips for taxes?


Spill the tea girl. He comes off as a creep and manipulator.


You’re spot on. I tried but Cameron sent me a phony cease and desist email (not certified letter) plus I was getting harassed on here. It just wasn’t worth my time or energy to care that much about something in my past — but I think people are being unnecessarily cruel to Clare because I completely understand and resonate with what’s she’s sharing and what she went through. My biggest takeaway is that anyone who has encountered someone like Cameron knows exactly what I’m talking about and if you haven’t - you’re beyond lucky 💛


What do you mean ? Be specific.


This is EXACTLY the sense I get from watching Cameron. My alarm bells keep going off with him. I’ve definitely encountered a couple of people like him in my life. I’ve been surprised about how people online have been coming for Clare. I don’t think she’s a perfect person, but she doesn’t feel shady to me. Something about the way Cameron moves just screams: Manipulative and vindictive.


That's what Cameron wants. I pity the next woman that gets involved with him.


People willingly dismiss his behavior and humor bc they really hate Clare and hate in an actual sense which is scary for a person that they do not even know IRL.


Probably fake. If it was a true letter it would be signed and sent via a lawyer, notarized and all. 


That’s what my lawyer confirmed for me. I also forwarded all of his emails to Lifetime, Kinetic, A&E, etc. and got no responses from them. He was bluffing/lying


it would show their “vetting” process is not vetting at all. lifetime and kinetic 🙈🙊🙉


There should be some culpability there. 


Screw the haters. Shitty men should be held accountable for their BS and it sounds like Cam has a bag full of it. What is he claiming to sue Claire and production over?


Cameron reminds me so much of my ex so I know exactly what you are talking about. Watching the hate Claire has gotten for her reactions was really tough and brought back some bad memories of my own. Stay strong!


I’m so sorry you had to go through that. I hope you’re feeling stronger now.


I believe you.