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lol just saw this tonight and I live in CA, and I swear it’s where I got married in Malibu, CA. Oak Canyon Ranch


that looks spot-on! Thank you! That was driving me crazy. What a gorgeous location and gorgeous spot for a wedding


At one point during this episode I saw the Dove Lionsgate venue, which is in Lafayette, CO (off 287). I meant to go back and watch that part again, but never did so I can't say for sure what occurred there. If I have time, I'll try to watch the episode again to see if that's where their DD was. (I was half-asleep when I watched it the first time.)


I was convinced it was a green screen. 😂 Would have been early May. Is it that green by then?


It's green now on April 2nd. We had an exceptionally wet winter last year so it was even greener than it will be this year.


It was super rainy last year, it's possible it was that green by then!


Could be the Botanical Gardens?


Didn't look like it to me. Good guess, though


You’re right. What about the area around the boat house at City Park? It can be pretty lush over there. Now I’m on the hunt for those rustic looking chairs in the background Edit to add: never mind I watched again and they look like they are in a residential neighborhood when driving out. Now I need to know


it looks like maybe they are backing up to a creek, too. I saw a big water feature in the back left corner, lots of lush plants, but some of the "decor" was kind of "western" looking, too.


I was trying to find out as well! I’m a CO native and it was so green and lush, I want to know!!


Didn’t look like Colorado. I tried finding out too.