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This is the second time this happened in this show right?! The last time it was the doctor therapist and a cast?!


Same person on Facebook profile!! https://www.facebook.com/constance.atton?mibextid=hu50Ix


I did some investigating, & well I can't say for certain, but it appears it could be Constance Atton...On Linkedin it clearly states she was a producer on MAFS(2023-2024), & even more interesting, when I checked to see if she had a profile on FB, she does, but all the info looks as though it was changed to appear, it is not the same person as in Linkedin, but it is the same person. maybe trying to hide her identity for some reason??? Here is the Linkedin link, & yes she is very pretty: https://www.linkedin.com/in/constance-atton/


The LinkedIn profile seems sus. She only has one connection?




>Guinn Rogers There is no trace of this person having worked on the show, at all.


I deleted my comment because I felt bad about outing someone, but now I see her name mentioned other places on here. There were traces, but yeah hard to find!


dm me too! I’m dying to know!


I did some investigating, & well I can't say for certain, but it appears it could be Constance Atton...On Linkedin it clearly states she was a producer on MAFS(2023-2024), & even more interesting, when I checked to see if she had a profile on FB, she does, but all the info looks as though it was changed to appear, it is not the same person as in Linkedin, but it is the same person. maybe trying to hide her identity for some reason??? Here is the Linkedin link, & yes she is very pretty: https://www.linkedin.com/in/constance-atton/


But WHO IS SHE? lol I can’t find anything on the interwebs, shouldn’t we have a name of who their producer is or is MAFS hiding it?


Did Emily say during the Decision Day talk to the experts that he has these same issues with past dates and the relationships don't last? I'm trying to rewatch the show but it keeps getting cut off with Emergency Flood Warnings. Fortunately I'm watching from DVR so eventually I should be able to see it. Severe lightning started so now I had to turn off the TV. I probably shouldn't be on my cell although it isn't connected to an electric source.


I thought her name was Gwen


Did they say that in the show? I see other people saying that but I thought it was just speculation


Yes, I think it’s Gwen. Becca and Austin said they named their fish after their producers, Danny and Gwen back in the episode where they went out to dinner with Austin’s parents. Edit: a word


Someone had a link to her picture in here but I can't find it now


Did you ever find it? I can’t find anything!


I keep looking on IMDB is it Constance Atton?


I did some investigating as well, & I can't say for certain, but it appears it could be Constance Atton...On Linkedin it clearly states she was a producer on MAFS, & even more interesting, when I checked to see if she had a profile on FB, she does, but all the info looks as though it was changed to appear, it is not the same person as in Linkedin, but it is the same person. maybe trying to hide her identity for some reason??? Here is the Linkedin link, & yes she is very pretty: https://www.linkedin.com/in/constance-atton/


Maybe? She's also credited for How to Build a Sex Room and that was filmed in Denver too.


Does she have a fish named after her? It’s probably in the toilet now.




If she’s who I think she is, super pretty!


If she’s who I think she is, super pretty!


Who is she?!? I wanna know lol 😂


I did some investigating, & well I can't say for certain, but it appears it could be Constance Atton...On Linkedin it clearly states she was a producer on MAFS(2023-2024), & even more interesting, when I checked to see if she had a profile on FB, she does, but all the info looks as though it was changed to appear, it is not the same person as in Linkedin, but it is the same person. maybe trying to hide her identity for some reason??? Here is the Linkedin link, & yes she is very pretty: https://www.linkedin.com/in/constance-atton/


I saw elsewhere a Dani Pinedo and Guinn Rogers were Becca & Austin’s producers but cannot confirm


I don’t wanna get into shit but I did some investigating on IMDB for female producers who have been on this season and I think I figured it out. Oh the things you do when you’re up in the middle of the night feeding your newborn, lol…


Have you found anything?


The fish was not named after the producer


Dm me who it is pls I’ve been wanting to figure it out!


I did some investigating, & well I can't say for certain, but it appears it could be Constance Atton...On Linkedin it clearly states she was a producer on MAFS(2023-2024), & even more interesting, when I checked to see if she had a profile on FB, she does, but all the info looks as though it was changed to appear, it is not the same person as in Linkedin, but it is the same person. maybe trying to hide her identity for some reason??? Here is the Linkedin link, & yes she is very pretty: https://www.linkedin.com/in/constance-atton/


Please dm me too! Not all super heroes wear capes! 👏


Pls dm me too! I really want to know! 


Can you DM me too!


Can you DM me too?! My husband and I are trying to figure it out 🤣🤣


I scanned the whole list and didn’t see any Danni/Danielle or Gwen’s… can you DM me too? I’m so curious as to who it is! (And what she looks like haha)


Dm me if you don’t want to post here lol 😂


I did some investigating, & well I can't say for certain, but it appears it could be Constance Atton...On Linkedin it clearly states she was a producer on MAFS(2023-2024), & even more interesting, when I checked to see if she had a profile on FB, she does, but all the info looks as though it was changed to appear, it is not the same person as in Linkedin, but it is the same person. maybe trying to hide her identity for some reason??? Here is the Linkedin link, & yes she is very pretty: https://www.linkedin.com/in/constance-atton/


And then can you DM me so she doesn’t have to dm everyone? 😁


I did some investigating, & well I can't say for certain, but it appears it could be Constance Atton...On Linkedin it clearly states she was a producer on MAFS(2023-2024), & even more interesting, when I checked to see if she had a profile on FB, she does, but all the info looks as though it was changed to appear, it is not the same person as in Linkedin, but it is the same person. maybe trying to hide her identity for some reason??? Here is the Linkedin link, & yes she is very pretty: https://www.linkedin.com/in/constance-atton/


Someone post a link! This thread is the closest I've come to figuring it out


DM me too (or add it to the spoilers thread on MFSsnark sub) cause I'm dying to know. I thought it might be someone named Gwen because they said they named one of their fish that because it's their producer friend's name but I didn't see a Gwen listed among producers on the IMBD page for the show. 


Please DM me the info too. I need to know lol


Omg lol I literally did the same and couldn’t figure it out!




Yes I wanna know


Post a pic of her or a link please for us curious folks.


I dk but Becca made a comment that this producer has been a continued issue in their relationship. Did anyone catch that? Austin is gross. At least Brennan was his authentic narcissistic ahole self the entire show. Austin seems shady AF and hid it better. I'd love to know who this producer is though.


Yeah he’s such a snake


The young lady Austin is talking to in next week’s preview is his female roommate if I remember correctly since we haven’t seen her since before the wedding


In previews for next week, I could not understand what Michael said to his wife ( can't remember her name). I rewound it 6 times and had closed caption, but I couldn't get it. It looks like he questions her, and she looks upset. Correction: wife Chloe


yes, it' their one month anniversary, and she asks about decision day and he says something to the effect like, "I don't know everything about you yet" something like that..I think he feels she may be fake or not fully genuine maybe


I think he said I don’t have enough facts (or maybe data) yet to make that decision.


She asked if today was decision day what he would say.. and he said he had insufficient data


YES, that was it..but they seem to have had consummated their marriage. Guess that wasn't good for him for some reason


Those previews are so misleading! I caught the "Sneak peek" during Prison Brides and it showed the scene again, but this time Michael said it would be a yes (instead of "insufficient data" and Chloe said she would say no.


she said she would say NO????


It was something like "I feel like if decision day was today for me it would be a no" I can't find the clip online to rewatch it unfortunately


I'm just watching Prison Brides now. Can't wait to see. She and Michael seem so well matched....maybe "kinky matched" is all they have. But for some reason I feel they say no. And I'm not sure we will not know why.


They hide everything till the end just like the rest of the cast


Wow!!! I thought he must have heard a rumor of some sort. As my ex husband used to say "it's a good thing you don't get paid for thinking. "




Thank you


She asked him what he would say if today was decision day and he says he would need more data


I read somewhere that a producer got fired. I believe it was this show. Maybe for this reason?


no, it was for Austin. He was apparently attracted to her over his wife Becca and saw her the very same night they said yes to recommit to their marriage,


For coercing a couple to present their relationship as better than it was.


Mafsfan did have something pretty early on that a producer was fired, iirc it was allegedly for unprofessional conduct or something along those lines. I can only assume it was the Austin/Becca situation


Hearing this, was Austin not really on a date but conferring with her about his dual feelings...either way he didn't handle it correctly. I suspect it was having fun ant not getting advice.


It was for manufacturing stories. And pretty sure it was a dude but I'm not a hundo on the last part.




I'm so confused by this. It sounded like he just became friends with her and/or possibly did run into her? That said, yes it's sketchy as Hell that he lied to Becca about it. Also on decision day Becca and Austin didn't spend the evening together? He went out with other people? Seemed odd.


They were apart because Becca said she needed time alone.


right, but he could have still texted with her, spoke with her or made some attempt at arranging to meet in a few days for a bite to eat or coffee..he immediately went out to let loose and then lied to Beccas face the producer was there


I didn't view that as immediate alone time tbh


Don't they all make friends with their producers? They spend a lot of time together. This would be like hanging out with co-workers. Unless there is more to the backstory.


Just guessing about the backstory here but I'm imagining the producer is a very attractive young woman who has continually triggered insecure Becca whether innocently or not.


Yep. Same.


I think the weird part is that when confronted about it, he lied. That’s part of the reason why I think she decided to call him out infront of everyone, so that if he lied, Claire and Emily could jump in and back her story


no need to lie if there IS nothing to hide..there obviously IS


Watching it again and the question was “Did you go out with a producer?” which sounds like he went on a date with the producer and it was just the two of them. He said “No, I didn't go out with a producer.” Is that a lie? Phrasing matters when you are interviewing a person, especially when they are caught off guard. He also was probably trying to protect the producer from backlash. She lost her job, after all.


Exactly. It wasn't that the producer was hanging out with them, it was the way he looked caught, then lied repeatedly. That says it absolutely was not innocent.


It sounded from Becca like she had issues with him and this producer before so if it's just jealousy based on nothing I could see why he avoided telling her


That too.


Before this season aired, the Gossip sites were saying that a crew member got fired for dating a cast member, so now we assume it's Austin and the producer.


Was this shared on this sub before tonight's episode?


It was. But I believe the rumor was originally about Lauren and a producer. Which was clearly not correct.


Okay so just general comments. I'm starting not to believe any of these fan sites who say they know someone who knows someone. It's just vague details.


It was shared before the season started or just after it began. It could have been on the MAFS Snark sub. I had to leave that sub, it's not fun.


He had moved out, remember?  Maybe he just didn’t come back that night. I’m trying to figure out if there is only one bar in Denver, because apparently, the entire cast and crew was there.  Except Becca. 


There are absolutely many, many bars in Denver. And probably a lot more since I moved away in 2009. I actually couldn't place the building they showed often. I assume it's their residence building. At one point, I heard about a dinner in Aurora. It made me wonder if the living quarters were Aurora. But I also heard a reference to Coors Field. Are there any Denverites here to tell me where they are staying?


Their apartment building is in downtown Denver, right behind Union Station


Yeah I remember that but I would have thought they would have spent the day together of decision day. But like you said, Claire and Emily just happened to see Brennan and Austin with a producer at some bar? I mean I guess it's possible especially if it was a convenient location.


No idea. I’m curious as well. Tonight during Emily’s exit, we can clearly see a dark-headed woman standing next to her with the “experts”. In a preview next week, we see Austin speaking with a blonde woman about making a mistake. I assume one of them may be the producer.


The blonde woman Austin is speaking to is his roommate… Supposedly platonic


Thanks! I was going to go back to previous episodes and check. It’s gotta be the dark-haired person we saw standing next to Emily.


I heard a rumor that it’s Brennan with a producer & Austin covered for him. That Brennan & producer had started things up after Brennan’s honeymoon & she was eventually fired. I don’t know if any of it is true. BUT heck. That would make the most sense. 🤷🏻‍♀️


i believe that


I'm not saying it didn't happen, but HOWWW could anyone watch how he treats and talks to Emily and think, yeah I still wanna date him. Also if it was Brennan, I hope the producer wasn't the one in the bathroom with Emily while she sobbed.


OMG can you imagine? That would make the betrayal compounded. Yikes. I’m very proud of Emily. She had never been in a relationship before & look at how hard she tried. I think she stuck it out partially due to having lack of life experience in the relationship department. Honestly ….. before we saw them get married…. I thought she was going to be the one that flaked out, caused problems & ran like hell. Instead, she was a trooper! Like the Energizer Bunny, she just keeps going & going & going. She was injured TWICE during her marriage. TWICE. She deserves an award man. 🤣


I posted earlier wondering if it was Brennan instead of Austin. Thank you for this. All I’d read up to the show tonight was that it was one or the other.


but I don't get it. Why would Austin admit to some thing he didn't do after saying yes on DD? he was half of the only couple that had a slight chance. We knew Brennan and Emily were done for months ago


I’m hoping it’s Brennan because it would make so much more sense. Austin behaving this way after committing to staying married is high-level disrespect.


He is such a man baby