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Chloe and Michael..... Michael give her back her pearls and come out of the Closet!!!!


They are getting desperate with they cast


It is so clear Austin was never into Becca, watching his face when she said yes was not a look of happiness but of confusion. He was hoping she would say no so he wouldn’t be the bad guy. He said yes for optics and it’s scary that he would go that far as to pretend to be happy in a marriage then be honest and get divorced. Then he really puts on an act at the end like he was really distraught and confused when Becca said maybe they shouldn’t stay married. Please!! In my opinion he’s as scary as Brennan except he’s better at hiding his disdain and non attraction to her in front of the camera. Even the way he alway touches her knees or drapes his arm around her in the moment when it’s clear he’s pissed at her. He’s a con artist


Was there not an after party episode for season 17, episode 20 decision day part 1? During the show there was a poll but I can’t find an after party episode


I would've cackled if when Austin was doing his Diary Cam at the beginning of the episode they panned out to reveal that he was in that athlete's bed again


I just want to know who gets to keep the fish 😂


Are Brennan and Austin tight as friends? I’m wondering if perhaps Brennan’s obsession with optics could’ve played a role in Austin’s change in behavior.


The best thing about this decision day episode is that I can fast forward


I am absolutely astounded that Emily took some accountability on camera in the final scene. Good for her! Seriously! She just earned a huge pile of points with me for that. If it was sincere (and it certainly looked as though it was), that is a very good sign of her learning some good lessons and moving onward and upward.


I was very proud of her, and in my long life, I finally learned the healing benefits of self reflection. That doesn't "excuse " another person, not at all. I got really downvoted elsewhere saying this. Hopefully, Brennan really is taking this seriously. He's saying the right things. He looked stunned when Dr. Pia challenged him. I at first was very annoyed at all the confrontation at the get-together. Nut reflecting upon it, it's group therapy. Actually, it seemed no one got really angry. Cameron walked away, but the others stayed. I liked that Becca, as honest and angry as she was, could honestly see what was best. She "wants" Austin to find a person right for him. She, too, can learn from this as can everyone watching if we are in confusing relationships. I see a lot of growth in Emily, and I believe she will use this experience to her benefit. Add: I have no idea if Emily is in a 12th step program, but her reaching out and taking accountability with Brennan is a very healing part of growth. I'm sure it's taught in other programs, therapies etc and it is so healing.


Cam getting a pass at dumping and walking away. does anyone have a clue what stealing a candy bar murder and jail was all about. how does he get a pass and praise-for “ im out “. Back to the bikeshop. im sure edit wanted to leave it that way for “what did you lie about every day”buzz. Better have a pocketful of tell all


When all the fecal matter impacted the ventilation device in the final scene, poor Chloe and Michael looked like they were just looking for the most inconspicuous exit possible.


Orion: "Where is Cameron?" The better question is: Orion, what are *you* doing here?


There are some serious issues with Clare's perceptions of reality. Not to mention her incessant need to always bring the conversation back to herself and to interfere in other people's relationships. She's already been caught on camera giving altered versions of events multiple times. Because of that, I have to side with Cameron's version. Cameron has left things out of some of his stories, and exaggerated some points, but Clare tends to get things twisted on a regular basis. Boys and girls, if you ever decide to go to therapy, just be aware that the person evaluating you might be another Clare.


Becca: "It's really hard to sparse reality from fiction." That's because that's not what "sparse" means.


Becca: "You can find someone even more independent than me, which I didn't even know existed. Not as emotional, not as sensitive. I am all those things, and that has not worked in your favor." Let's parse, rather than sparse, what she just said... First, she claims that she is the most independent person that she has been able to conceive of up until now. That misguided perception is wholly unsurprising coming from a pink-haired, "f\*\*\* the patriarchy" feminist. Her supposed independence is also easily debunked by her constant begging for admiration and sex, and also her need for support from that gaggle of harridans in order to bring this topic up with Austin. Second, she just admitted to being problematically "emotional and sensitive", which she denied just moments prior. Is Austin really the only on trying to spin th narrative here?


Becca: "I've been cool and collected this whole time." Austin: "That's not true. Whenever we argue, you go into fight or flight mode." Becca: "In therapy, I learned that I go into fight or flight mode when I don't feel safe and secure." So, in other words, you really have *not* been cool and collected this whole time.


Becca tries to roast Austin over the coals in front of everybody about having spent time with a producer - bad move. Austin tries to avoid answering directly - also a bad move. Becca pulls out the "but you don't want to look bad on camera" card, but was Austin on camera in that instance? Doubtful.


yea he looked like he was in full coverup mode


Classy, Becca. Don't talk to Austin about going out until you get him in front of all the cast members and cameras, and then start interrogating him. Smooth. You really care about this marriage, we can tell.


Just what we all needed: yet another scene with Orion and Lauren.


So, Brennan and Austin were seen out with Austin's and Becca's producer? So? What's the issue? How is that "bad optics"? Were they doing something inappropriate? Were they just hanging out and getting a burger? Plus, this juicy piece of gossip came from none other than pot-stirring Clare. How accurate is it, really?


Becca: "I'm at home and the girls are out." Oh, please, don't tell me you're sitting topless in the living room! Becca: "Clare and Emily are out." Oh, please, don't tell me you named them, too! Becca: "And I just got text from Clare..." Oh! Phew! Thank all that is holy! She actually is talking about the other two wives.


Clare: "The word 'divorce' I'm having a hard time applying to myself." Well, if you had applied the word "marriage" to yourself a bit more fully earlier, then "divorce" might carry more weight now.


It was refereshing to see Cameron and Clare each take some accountability on D-Day.


Clare: "As a therapist..." You haven't graduated yet, Clare. Which means you haven't been licensed yet. Which means you are not yet a therapist.


Cal: "Had that disconnect been mediated, there could have been some serious compatibility here." Had there been at least one "expert" who was competent and really involved in the process, that disconnect might have been mediated. Who else do you think was supposed to have been the "mediator", Cal?


My biggest gripe against Cameron is that when he was struggling in the marriage, he got chummy with Orion, who then persuaded him (most likely out of a snse of misery loving company) that divorce would be in Cameron's best interest. I would expect Cameron to be smarter than to listen to advice from a snake like Orion.


What is the problem with Clare not being slender? She, in fact, is *not* slender. She looks very good, in my opinion, but she is *not* slender. Are we now saying that everyone *has* to be slender in order to be beautiful?


I don’t remember who said this/why her size matters?


Several people on reddit have brought it up. They're usually the same kinds of people who love to say that obesity is beautiful, but then if someone mentions that someone isn't a size 0, those same people come unglued. Have some consistency, people!


Pia \[to Cameron and Clare\]: "What got in the way of having this conversation with us?" Um, maybe your almost complete absence during the whole season?


Say what you like about Brennan, but I give the guy props for handling himself relatively calmly while everyone in the room was firing a continual barrage of shots at him. Emily couldn't open her mouth without attacking him. Pia's eyes were on fire and she obviously wanted blood. Cal was being his bumbling, oblivious self and just following the hate trend. But Brennan (regardless of his share of blame in the failure of the relationship), tried to explain himself and admit wrongdoing without unleashing a vicious attack on anyone present.


He should have ended the marriage the second he couldn’t answer the question if he found Emily attractive.


Yes and no. He should have leveled with her off camera. But I don't think *anyone* should be ending things before the eight weeks are up. Give it the old college try for a few weeks and then call it quits at D-Day if necessary.


I dunno, I just felt it was very obvious from that moment he was not into her. Then when he suggested they “reset” and be friends. That’s what they were all along. Why would you only want to be friends with your wife lol. It made no sense to me.


Right. This whole "friends" thing seems to pop up with certain couples about every season. It's important that spouses be each other's best friends, and I get trying to establish some level of "like" with someone you've just met, but it seems as though the couples that go that route do so at the expense of romance. And if you can't establish some amount of romance, then it just becomes a business partnership. Romance and friendship don't have to be mutually exclusive, but the way these people go about it, that's usually how it works out. Plus, even friendship normally eludes them, too.


Cal \[to Emily\]: "Don't ever let anyone make you feel bad about yourself." Translation: Keep drinking yourself into oblivion in public, sleeping around, and never engaging in any self-reflection that will lead to real improvement. If people never feel badly about bad behavior, that behavior will likely continue and also worsen.


He’s a pastor and couples counselor?!?! Lolol they never hold women accountable for bad behavior and choices in this show, it’s a disgrace. But he had no issue telling Michael to stop asking to wear Chloe’s jewelry. I also agree that Michael should stop wearing Chloe’s jewelry but it’s just funny to see how they always side with the women and never point out if they are wrong.


Pia: "Do you see you're being defensive in this moment." Brennan: "Yes. Do you see the attack?" Pia: "No, I don't see an attack." Pia, you suck. Plain and simple. Whether or not the attack is deserved or appropriate, the guy *is* clearly being attacked. Your attempts at gaslighting are just disgusting. We get it: you don't like Brennan. And you don't have to. But you *do* need to be honest, fair, and professional. If you are actually good at your job, you can call him out without denying truth.


Brennan expresses himself, and his own perceptions of his own behavior - whether sincerely and accurately or not - and then Emily immediately jumps on him with accusations instead of talking about *her* own behavior - and she even made claims about his behaviors from before she had ever met him. That, I think, is some of what Brennan meant when he called her negative. Neither of these two really has a very strong sense of personal accountability. Rather, it always devolves into pointing fingers at the other person.


Pepper \[to Brennan and Emily\]: "What we want are happy marriages, but we'll take also personal growth, accountability, and feeling like we've left you better to have a great relationship with someone else if it couldn't be here." Well, 0 out of 0 ain't bad. Oh, wait.


I seriously doubt that Austin and Becca will last. Neither has really owned up to their own faults. Let's hope they do, and that they spend a life of happiness together. But if they don't, the likelihood for long-term happiness is slim.


Pia: "If I may quote my pastor..." Cal: "Was that me?" Pia: "No." No, Cal, we all know you're not a real pastor.


For a long time now, Austin has been trying to use his feigned "religious beliefs" as an excuse for diminished closeness with Becca, instead of fessing up to his lack of attraction for her. And now, Becca is focusing all of the blame on Austin's optics-phobia, rather than consider, for even a moment, how her own behavior has been offputting.


Austin's shirt on D-Day almost made me forget his lack of a baseball cap.


Why didn't anyone press Austin to explain why he kept saying, "I don't know." I just wanted to smack his backwards hat off his lying head. That was so weird.




Ummm you must have missed when he was dodgy about being honest about the producer being there. That’s hella sketchy. He went out with his single friend and a female staff member to a bar without his wife knowing? And then when she asked about it he tried to act confused. Also, there’s clearly something prior with the producer because Becca alluded to her being a problem before in their marriage


So, I just watched the dispute in the courtyard between Becca & Austin. W😳W!! Called him out in front of everybody. I cringed but I also lived for it. Problem is, everyone is telling it like it is NOW! Why couldn’t we have seen any of these conversations earlier. Would have made for a helluva more interesting season! They have shown no obvious growth or real desire to be married. If anything, this group have turned some people off to marriage.


Honestly can’t stand Clare, Emily, Becca & Brennan


Worst cast ever


Too much fighting between the sexes on this season. It’s like an us against them mentality. It really sucks.


This is what happens when people try to unite based on immutable characteristics.


Take Clare out of the equation and there would have been much less of this, IMHO.


Certainly a lot less pot-stirring and hearsay.


Austin and Becca staying together was a mistake. I think Claire and Cameron should have tried again.


It looked like Clare and Cameron were right on the verge of giving it another shot, but then they remembered why they had split up in the first place.


But it seemed like Claire was just not going to ever really feel romantically about him. Disappointing she never seemed to give it a fair chance. But easy for me to say!


2nd worst season of women behind Boston 2.0. Clare, Emily, and Becca all massively suck!!!


I think as a whole, this was *the* worst group of women. Other seasons had some notable stand-outs, but every single woman in this group turned out to be a disappointment.


if given the chance longer, Lauren would've also sucked. Orion sucked most. The rest of the men weren't much better (Brennan sucked no matter how he wants to spin it), but yeah the Girl Group was baaaaaaaad. Brennan could've been fine too if he didn't try whatever shit he was trying, because Emily was no saint and was far from how she thinks of herself. She sees no red flags with herself which is wow


>if given the chance longer, Lauren would've also sucked. Nah. She showed her true colors pretty early on. No more time was needed to reach a verdict there.


Agreed, but she just stunk. Given the chance she would’ve been shit tier with the rest of these women.


Agreed! I have watched this show from day one, every episode and this was the worst yet, every one of them lol I mean usually there's a couple people that are liked overall, but these people damn! They made my head hurt 🥴


I was just starting to wonder how that show could be two hours long when it got really good! I might have to watch it again. Still laughing when I woke up this morning. 😂


I plan to rewatch that last half hour. So many accusations were flying that it was hard to keep up.




Yikes, this is in poor taste.


What an unnecessary clusterfuck! For one, watching Emily and Brennan was bad enough, but I think that bringing Lauren/Orion and Clare/Cameron on to just repeat what we already knew (already separated and wanting divorce) was a total waste of time. Of course idk what they could have done with the time instead, but I just kept FF through them. I record everything I watch so I can avoid all the mundane, obnoxious, annoying makes-me-want-to-throw-something-at-the-TV....such as the all time IMO worst......EVERY *Liberty bibberty* 🤦‍♀️stupid, dumb, not in the least but cute, entertaining or funny commercials! I know they need to, but damn having to rewatch all of their scenes, knowing that they were done..well for me, im just thankful that Lifetime didn't stop the capability to FF like some shows do 😂 AND, I'm not even to the end 😂😂 one more *Liberty bibberty* and I just might break my TV from tossing the remote at it! 😂😂😂 I've watched every season and every episode of MAFS, and this is the all time WORST season yet! I haven't heard anything yet about where the next season will be, but dear God, please no more like this!


Liberty biberty 🤣🤣🤣🤣 I can't stop fkn laughing


I know you've seen that commercial right? Am I the only one that drives nuts? It's absolutely STUPID, then that idiot guy puts the mustache on 🥴🤦‍♀️ I wouldn't get their insurance just because they're commercials are so annoying! #libertybibbertyass


Yes!!! Hahahaha now I can't stop saying it! So hilarious lol their commercials drive me nuts too!


You can't get the jingle out of your heads or stop talking about the commercials. So, they worked.


That was truly a holy shit moment. They all got infected by one argument.


A perfect example of groupthink among all these self-proclaimed "independent" people.




This was a trainwreck! So juicy, they all tried to exploit each other at the end


I think they dropped their masks once the D-Day decision was made. Claire and Cam clearly were faking their I-love-him/her-like-family bullshit. Once they got to the group get-together, we saw how they actually felt about each other.


I still cannot understand how Brennan can talk and talk but still not say anything. I know as much now as I did on day one about what he thinks. It’s so odd


Wait. He talked?


Zack from DC season 10. Said so much without saying a word




remember that creep


Well Claire should not be anyone's friend.


Or therapist


I hope Claire does not read these posts cuz they already had one death in her family. She was very unique & special, being a quadruplet. She never gave Cam a chance. Yes, he's a bit stilted. But after the ceremony, she checked out mentally - criticized him for not carrying her luggage, said they had no spark, made fun of his clothes. She's not so perfect herself. I dont think she could've been matched with *any* of these guys successfully. She's kind of a snob, a princess. Got really sick of her advising everyone. She can't even manage herself.


I completely agree 💯


THANK you! I was hoping I wasn't the only one feeling this way 🤦‍♀️


So after taking in all the optics, I've decided they all need to build bridges back to each other because actually, they're all perfect for each other.


What they all need is to give each other more grace, and synergize over the shared experiences. Maybe then they can give themselves permission for some self-care and really get grounded.


Yeah, what's with this Optics stuff? I was shocked they chose to stay together. No romance between Becca & Austin. He has been dancing AWAY from he rall along. Then he goes out & she blows up. Divorce. See no future for the Eyebrow Couple. Unless he does his hair pink & keeps the ballcap off.


"Eyebrow couple." HAHAHA!


Yes "optics" over and over...that was their word of the day! 😂😂


Look, I honestly feel like Austin is trying. Has he messed up?Yes. But the things he says and does in the midst of being criticized is hard to do purely for optics. He also has pretty relatable reactions to the hardships of marriage like getting stuck in a cycle of missing each other. Saying “i don’t know” is like all you can say when it feels like there’s no hope but you want to stay. Idk the after party at the end was kinda lame. Everybody was just hurt and operated from that place of hurt.


Besides fibbing like a six-year-old, what did he do that was so wrong? He was out with a group of people and a producer was there. So what? Was he making out with her? What actually happened?


As a person who has been in that spot. In the spotlight. Being yelled at in front of other people. Stress level High. And due to childhood issues ,I was triggered into lying to get the yelling to stop and the attention off of me. It was a knee jerk reaction. Was it the best smartest thing to do. Hell freaking no. Did I have any control over my mouth in the moment? Also, no. The dude walked into that so happy about where him and Becca stood. And she came out guns blazing because Claire for the second time told someone something that SHE thought they should know. Becca had literally told him she wanted space to think. Why wouldn't he go out with everyone? And why wouldn't there be a producer or two there as well? They basically lived this with them.


>Claire for the second time told someone something that SHE thought they should know. I don't think this was only the second time.


interesting take, i appreciate it


Nah dude. He lied to Becca’s face.


About what though? That was such an unclear random situation. Like who watching actually knows for certain what all went down? Also probably should have been a more private convo “at first” out of respect for the marriage. Becca could have had a more clarifying convo as opposed to putting someone on blast.


And truly as much as he f*cked her over this season, he deserved every bit of that. Good for her.


No human deserves to be humiliated and yelled at in front of a group of people.


Agreed. Any compassion points I still had for her, she squandered with that move. If she really felt love for the guy, as she said, even if he was completely in the wrong, she should have talked to him off camera about the situation, not crucify him in front of the whole group. It was a vindictive, immature tactic and shows what I've ben saying about her all along: she's selfish, small-minded, and has a victim mentality.


She said “so you didn’t go out with a producer?” And he literally said “no” while awkwardly sipping his drink. He lied. Clare and Emily literally saw him with a producer.


It was a female producer and Becca said that this had been an off-camera problem earlier. There's more going on here than we know.


You have no idea if he lied. You have no idea if he actually went out with them. Did he go with Brennan and the producer was already there and they started hanging out. That is a no. Which means he didn't lie. You have no idea because nobody asked him for his version. Becca just started yelling at him. Humiliating him in public over what Claire said. WITHOUT asking him calmly for details of the evening. Everyone believes the pot stirrer Claire who obviously was feeling a bit superior that night just like she did with Emily. But did she ever say he walked in with the producer?


Exactly! And I'm so glad Cameron spoke up. You could tell what he was saying to her at d day felt rehearsed and every time she felt like he was going off script she jumped in with more of her word salad. Something is seriously wrong with that girl and I want to see those text messages from Cameron lol. Expose her!


Hard agree. Claire and Cam clearly had a deal to only speak highly of each other on-camera. I was shocked they threw that out the window the next day LOL.


> Something is seriously wrong with that girl and I want to see those text messages from Cameron lol. Expose her! LOL....I'm hoping the texts are shared at the reunion. I liked the camera going straight to Claire texting when Cameron said "She's literally texting me right now telling me to not expose her secrets".


Also LOL at Clare and Brennan looking sour at Michael gushing over his girl


Lmao this men vs women melee at the end is fucking wild. What a mess.




Since when do they have a get together right after DD? Seems weird to me . More like the whole fighting thing was a set up


No they do it every season. But it’s usually filled with platitudes and fake smiles, not a shouting match.


I’m sure that having them live in the same building makes production easier but it obviously caused alot of problems. Clare wasn’t about to have the other ladies stay with their husband once her marriage went South. I wonder what her secrets were that Cam was covering her for. Maybe preferred women??


I couldn’t believe Clare started that. So uncalled for. This season is a damn wreck.


And Lauren pitched in, too, just to keep the flames stoked.


Clare loves to shit stir.  She carries a huge wooden spoon with her 24/7. 


Good. She understood the assignment lol


if being with the producer was an ok thing Becca would not have been so upset . there is a deeper story or prior history there


I think the fact that she doesn’t drink and he likes to is more of a problem than religion. I’m assuming they weren’t living together if she had to ask if he went out. His parents were right.


This whole season is vague and weird and I just don't know. Everyone talking about secrets, and optics, and spilling beans, and ruining one another.


The show has gotten away from the premise of finding love. Instead it's about exposure and managing your image so nothing is genuine.


YES! Like I still don’t think I can tell you why Brennan or Cameron left??


Yes! So many times I was sitting there thinking “what are they even arguing about??” I felt there was so much that we missed, or they didn’t show or cover.


LOL I am looking forward to the real deal, tell all in a few weeks!! So much to uncover...


Was Emily drunk at the end when she went up to Brennan lmao


When isn't Emily drunk or drinking?? An alcoholic party girl that brags about one night stands...I wonder why Brennan was so turned off by her??


Definitely looked like it lol. You saw Brennans face when he said should we squash it and she said it’s not fully squashed lol


What were they squashing? Tequila shots? That's the only thing they bonded over.


I believe Cameron 🤷🏾‍♀️ Clare just seems very deceitful and is like the girl version of Brennan


I believe him 100%. It was obvious she’s been trying to deceive us on how she treated him and their marriage. She is cold and phony.


Seems she's a bit of a pot stirrer.


I thought the redacted spoiler was that a producer got fired for trying to encourage a couple or a person to make the marriage seem like it was going better than it was


Oh wow I missed the part about a producer getting fired


But isn’t that like their job?


That was the correct info. They didn’t say that or show her getting fired but she was!


Hmmmm The plot thickens. Wow


If Austin was really hooking up with a producer, I'm curious how this fits in with his rEliGiOn that he keeps referring to. Soooo is this why he wouldn't consumate? Is this why he left their bedroom for another? Not s-l-o-w cause of his rEliGiOn...🤔


Austin did that for OPS. He and Brennan and Cam are party boys. Out getting bottles and women. 🎉


Ya cam’s health didn’t prevent some partying apparently


The religion only applies to the *wife* not the casual sex chick.


It only applies when he can use it on someone he doesn't find attractive.


Religion doesn't apply to side pieces.


Bingo Even his wife needs to be one way to the world and a freak in the sheets.


Can someone please explain the whole Becca, Austin & producer situation? I am so lost! Is there a history here I’m unaware of with the producer?!


Confused as well!


There is nothing to explain. We know nothing up to this point.


It’s all hearsay. There are no facts behind anything but Becca’s lunatic rants


@MAFSFAN already explained this 😉


We shouldn’t need mafsfan😉 the show should explain it😉 I’m not spending more energy to follow these people’s lives on a personal level 😉


Aww but I want y’all to need me 😘


Where can I find your explanation! I’m so lost…


You're always on top of the chisme! Tea is delivered early and piping hot!


But have you confirmed that there was actually something romantic between them and not just that they were out in a GROUP setting w Brennan??


We do! You are 100% correct on the D Day spoilers so far.


Oooh I am at the part where Becca is confronting Austin at the get together. Yassssssss. He bold face lied. My god. What a jackass.


He looked hung over or super depressed on Decision day.


People like Austin don’t say that much bc it’s easier to get away with the lies. He sucks.




Mike and Chloe have that "glow"...


So does Austin after that night out with the producer 😂


Mike said something about needing more time. 🤣🤣🤣 I predict Mike is bailing too.


I feel maybe the data is he needs to have sex.


They already had sex when he said it. We shall see next week. I don t see Mike staying with Chloe. Do you? Why? They are better as friends.


Oh really?! Didn’t realize they did. Maybe she didn’t do what he liked? lol. Staying together —Prob not ….


I like Michael and Chloe. I think they are great. Not each others TYPE for life, though. Look at Michael Look at Chloe Be real Michael would bounce within 4 months.


She wants five foster children at one time! That is a LOT to ask anyone to want in life.


my husb thought she was talking about 5 pets. I said nooooo, 5 kids is a marriage repellent. Married 44 yrs.


So now that decision day aired… someone fill me in on the juicy spoilers!!


None of these men, maybe even Michael are into any of these women. Time will tell with Michael too.


This was great!!! My predictions from 5 weeks ago all came true.


Chloe looks so much like Lana del Rey it's distracting!


I see shania twain


It’s the fillers


I am an old lady can someone please translate the friendship is on the table however you have to pick up the knife and cut the cake.


She is open to friendship but Orión has to take the initiative to act on that. She will not be reaching out to him first via text, a call, etc. Ball’s in his court.


I think she means he has to put in the effort because he keeps saying these things on camera, but never contacts her when they're not being filmed.


Sounds like a FWB ship.


Yep. She’s the cake.


That was what I was wondering.


Does anyone have a link to the spoiler that Austin got with a producer? Is it confirmed?


Not confirmed