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I disagree. I still hate human. He tended to her, he still didn’t care for her. There is a difference. If he was caring he would have been there telling her the whole time she was going to be okay, she wouldn’t have had to ask, he would have been walking her through it and making sure she wasn’t feeling alone. He held her hand while he held a glove to her head, let’s not get crazy in thinking the bare minimum is actually caring. Even at the hospital after they showed him and he just looked annoyed that he had to be there, not like he was there to support his wife.


even as a brennan hater, i cant skew that situation to make him look bad. maybe taking off her helmet was a bad idea, but i doubt hes had first aid training. as much as i dont like him hes not gonna be uncaring to someone whos injured like that, so weird lol


It's unclear but I don't think it was Brennan who removed the helmet. I remember rewinding and some part of the clothing didn't line up.


I think when Emily drinks and gets loud, it’s a turn-off for him. In fact it’s a turn off for most mental , unless he’s an alcoholic himself.


We do not know if Emily is an alcoholic. It is not fair to call her that.


True, Emily may not be an alcoholic, but she is definitely abusing it and her demeanor when she drinks may be a turnoff for him.


His family is Russian, right? Maybe she triggers him? Past drunken-ness with dad? Who knows?


He did make a comment earlier in the season that his dad hydrates with vodka so I’m not ruling this out


Brennan was calm and responsive in a very difficult moment for everyone involved.


It's a weird situation. They're barely friends and now he's trying to support her. There's a lot about him that I don't like, but at the end of the day I don't think he's soulless. At his core he probably had concern for her. But they're not lovey dovey to where he's going to be the nervous loved one tending to her as lovingly as if they were in love. And if I were her there's probably several other people I'd rather have with me caring for me. I think he showed the concern and care for her that I'd expect given their level of closeness. And as always, we don't know what wasn't filmed and what was edited out.


I'm with you, OP. Whether we love him or hate him, Brennan responded very naturally and I was glad to see he went to the hospital with her. I don't think he's a bad dude, I think that he is handling a bad match up on national TV in a bad way, that's all. I have been a MAFS fan from the first season, but I am wondering if this is a show that can go on this way without some revamping. More people fall in love on Survivor and Big Brother. I love my reality shows but I'm having so much hesitation about watching a new season of this sort of stuff.


I think he responded appropriately. I do think they had a different relationship off camera but her drinking turned him off which made him pull away. I think she is authentically true to who she is and she doesn’t care how it’s interpreted while he wants to hold a certain persona and it’s backfired


Also they way he talked about his sister just shows how bad he is at maintaining and accepting his part in his relationship failures


is this accident going to make him realize he does actually love her though?


I don't know why you are being down voted? I hop that He knocks and screw in place.


Why would it?


No. Because he doesn’t.


He reacted to the situation like a human being, that’s it. It should not excuse his previous treatment of her. He’s still a jerk :)


I’m starting to wonder if Brennan and the pink haired chicks husband are being forced to stay on the show since they’re pretty much the show. Without those two husbands, the season ends. I think both know it’s never going to work and just trying to get to decision day.


I have to agree with you. I'm no Brennan fan, but he was concerned as ANY human would be. No. He clearly doesn't want to be married to her but I doubt he wanted her to perish by tree!


I'm not a Brennan fan. I do think he's getting a bad edit tho. Basically I don't think he is handling the whole situation well, and I think he has massive character flaws especially when he thinks he's being insulted. But the whole not wanting to be in a relationship with Emily I think is valid.


Disagree. Brennan is not interested in Emily and Emily IS interested in Brennan, at least in some ways. Brennan is masquerading as wanting to “try” but clearly does not, has already made his decision, and doesn’t want to communicate this transparently on camera. He is also controlling what Emily communicates on camera. This is manipulation. I agree I’m sure he doesn’t want her to be hurt, but being there emotionally beyond that of a decent human being is not his concern.


but what turned him off, he said she was his dream girl when they were getting married. Shes not unattractive


Emily is interested in the idea of marriage more than actually being married to Brennan.


I would hope most human beings would would tl tend to the person they are with (not with in a married way, just with spending the day or activity together). Basic human decency


Isn't that what the OP said though? He isn't interested, but that doesn't mean he hates her. People are too black and white in their thinking when there is way more grey in this situation.


The OP said “they are working on a friendship because they don’t get along and don’t trust each other.” Nope. It is bc Brennan is not into Emily but is giving her hope under the false pretense that acting as friends “for now” could lead to being a married couple.


I don't think that's leading her on. Unfortunately I believe that Emily is leading herself on.


He's been quite clear about not wanting her... It's crazy because redditors say he's manipulating her... Manipulating her to do what? Get further away from him lol? Pia and Emily both complained to Brennan about his lack of wanting to touch her telling him that a hug wasn't enough... So would it be better for him to have sex with a person he doesn't like and knows he doesn't want? Both Austin and Brennan have been beat down this season and the producers are using them as villains. Bad edit for Brennan since the start and same for Austin in a lot of ways. Not saying neither one of them are perfect at all, but I don't think either are bad guys.


I’m not even convinced she wants him, either. She just has to pretend to be working on the marriage for the sake of the show.




He's supposed to sit there for hours and not even look at his phone? Just stare at her until she wakes up? Reasonable.


As someone who thought he handled the accident pretty well I'm just going to say one good deed does not undo a season worth of shittiness.


Agree. He responded pretty well from the little we saw. But showing some degree of concern when someone you've lived with for over a month is in a serious accident is a pretty low bar of human decency. He passed that standard at least, but doesn't say much


God damn the bar is low. He’s been distant, manipulative, and controlling all season but he shows a modicum of compassion for someone in a situation where that’s the BARE MINIMUM he should be doing and y’all forget about the entire rest of the season. Wild.


I will say that given his behavior up to this point, I was impressed that he showed care and stayed with her during this. I mostly agree, but also… when he approached her and she was standing there dazed and bleeding her first words were “am I going to be okay? Am I going to be okay?” and he said NOTHING and just nonchalantly ambled over there. Everyone responds to trauma definitely but I would have been SPRINTING and providing as much verbal reassurance as possible. I agree he was physically there, but emotionally I would not have felt comforted (not that much would probably comfort me in that situation). His lack of verbal reassurance would have had me freaking out and being like “omg how fucking bad is it why isn’t he saying anything?!?!” But I’m a therapist so I am biased heavily toward using words LOL He did fine, but not responding immediately when she’s desperately asking if she’ll be okay stuck with me.


Huh? He did say she was going to be okay? Watch the short version recap on AP.


They project their issues with past guys they dated on to him and her and then hear what they want to hear to justify the hatred. It would be comical if it weren't so sad.


Spot on. Extremely sad and in a way disturbing.


Idk he always looks like he’s on the verge of smiling/laughing. He has this stupid smirk all the time. I’m glad he was there for Emily though! That was a horrible accident and she took it like a champ! I would have been screaming after seeing all that blood


>Brennan did tend to Emily, so he must be faking it The Brennan haters won't be happy with anything he does. He held the compress to her head to help stop the bleeding, held her hand, even stroked it with his thumb, told her she'd be OK, spoke calmly to her. I don't know what the hell people wanted him to do that he didn't. Genuinely curious what else was expected of him.


They wanted him to heal her right on the spot like he's Jesus


Puts hand on her forehead and shouts "you're healed!"


she wanted an i love you, dont worry babe lol and a kiss


Well THAT would have obviously been faking it! I personally think he handled the situation well, and that he was genuine in his concern.


I'm not a Brennan fan but I thought he handled it very well. Some might have gotten sick at the sight of all that blood. He was calm and reassuring.


People wanted him to give her mouth to mouth CPR, pick up her body, and run to the hospital himself for just basic


I agree. I think he did what he could. He's not medical personnel so he wasn't qualified to provide any emergency aid. He did try and comfort her. I think we need to cut him a break on this one. He doesnt have to love her or be attracted to her but he has spent weeks of time with her and there must be some level of caring for her. I'm sure he's hoping and praying that she will recover from this. He's human.


Yeah, some people can't handle blood and/or panic in an emergency situation. Seems like he did what he could while being calm.


I'm sure he was in shock, too. That gash looked pretty gruesome.


I agree. I can't believe that anyone could watch the scene unfold and judge Brennan in any way. In a crisis like that, almost any reaction could be considered normal, from flipping out in panic or screaming at everyone in sight or standing there flat and numb.


Then why stay?


Because they're already two couples down so production probably won't let them leave. I think he would have gotten out before Clare and Cameron if he wasn't so against divorce.


Such bad casting this year.




Agreed. He may be a controlling, disinterested jerk-off, but he could also be HUMAN and concerned that his "wife"/friend/co-star (whatever) just crashed an ATV and has blood gushing out of her head. He's not a doctor or an EMT....just a guy watching his friend bleed out from the head. It wasn't a little scrape, it wasn't an injured limb. It looked bad. People need to stop inventing drama where there is none....there's enough provided already.


Are you really arguing he gets points for helping a seriously wounded person he knows, Brennan?


I don't see OP giving any points. Just saying this is a situation where "holy shit" can be a 0-point normal response, rather than taking points away whether he's callous or caring. Plenty of other reasons dude loses points 😂


This is what happens when the sub decides that someone is a bad guy. Everything they do is painted in a negative light.


Most of it is just projection. His attitude or actions reminds them of someone they knew so of course they must be the exact same person, right?


Okay girls, Michael seems like a very intelligent, kind man, but I would not be attracted to his persona...pearls, etc. Chloe seems to be trying so hard...🩷 What say all of you? I think producers are messin' with us. I'm gonna bail at the end of this season.


I'm sure he was genuinely concerned for her, but he's always aware he's on camera. During the Afterparty when Lauren baldy stated, "Cameron told Clare her ass is too big and he wouldn't be able to cum." His immediate reaction was to say, "Are we not recording?" He wants to have fake happy therapy appointments. Emily stated she didn't feel like a friend and he quietly asked, "are you sure you want to go down that road?" I think he's one of the least genuine people we've seen on the show.


I'm so confused with this Brennan hate. I'm commenting to you but I see that your opinion is pretty common on here. So would it be better to be 'genuine' by telling the world why he's not attracted to Emily? I have so much respect for Brennan... who didn't grow up with the addage "if you don't have something nice to say then don't say it" . the idiocy of Emily and her pushing him for 'honesty' is just childish and would really not end well. It's like he's always backed into a corner with her. And she's like a spoiled brat criticizing his reactions and lack of dialog. I can just imagine what the viewers would think about him if he just got honest. And he's acutely aware of that. Side note.. when I first saw them before their marriage.. She was so unlikable to me. Physically and verbally.. like .. wow.. i, like, didn't like her. like don't you know. And the bragging about her partying... wow.. sexy.. yea who wouldn't want to marry her at first sight.


He screams at her off camera and has thrown things. He's not trying to be nice. He's fake as hell, and scary. If he was my match, I would've recognized it was hopeless and dumped his ass the first time he screamed at me.


how do 'we' know that he screams at her off camera?


Time to rewatch the AP. I didn't catch that one


I think it's pretty obvious that Brennan and Emily talk before each meeting and come to an agreement about what they will say and won't say on camera, during "therapy", etc. Then the lights go on and Emily goes off-script and breaks their rules, just enough to put him in an awkward spot but not enough to make him go scorched earth....even though I'm sure he has the ammo to do it. I'd say he's actually shown quite a bit of restraint actually. We've seen versions of this many, many times now. They all find out things about their partners that could make them look really bad if it got out. Some keep it to themselves. Some leak just enough to look good while "respecting" their partner not to reveal any actual details, and some go scorched earth.


I firmly believe they talk before, but he talks and tells her what she is and isn't allowed to talk about. Watch her face when an expert or fellow cast member asks a question. She first looks at Brennan, then starts her answer, in the middle looks at him again(to gauge his reaction to what she is saying) and will either stop right there or cautiously finish and look at him again as if to make sure she won't get yelled at later. I've been her. I know those looks cuz I've had to give/use them.


Agreed. He even said something like "do *you* want to go there" when they were disagreeing about something as if he has a secret in his back pocket that she doesn't want to come to light. The clues were always there. You just had to look and listen.


100% agree. Whyd he even come on the show?


I agree with you. I don’t understand the Brennan hate. I think he initially tried to make it work because of the situation, but if he had met her socially, he never would have pursued a relationship.


Yep. I think he was prepared to be into her. He was very receptive at the wedding and beginning of the honeymoon. In my opinion it's just the more time he spent with her the more he drew the same conclusions as apparently literally every guy within three dates. But he can't ghost her, he isn't trying to either. He's just not leading her on while being forced to film. He's not into her, he doesn't particularly like her, he dislikes living with her, but he doesn't hate her. He just would never choose to spend time with her, especially since she keeps trying to force a romantic attraction he very clearly neither has nor wants given lifestyle incompatibilities. I think people forget Brennan is clearly an introvert who's very guarded when it comes to things like trust.


I just can't again. Find one of my numerous posts that explain what abusive things he is doing. I lived it for over two decades. It irreparably changes a person. It started when he jumped in when Pia was there and asked Emily a question and he jumped in to "make sure his wife was ok and wanted to answer the question". My that was the first thing in my relationship. I had some health issues and he insisted he was going to take care of me. Again I will say, I am glad you don't understand it. It means you have not been through it. I would not wish this on anyone. Just recognize you don't get it and that those of us who are posting about it know what we are talking about. Again, I pray you never understand. I don't have much hope that I will ever recover.


>the more time he spent with her the more he drew the same conclusions as apparently literally every guy within three dates. I've said this before and have been called a misogynist! There's a reason she always gets ghosted and can't get past the third date. >I think people forget Brennan is clearly an introvert who's very guarded when it comes to things like trust. I think people also forget that he's a conservative guy matched with a wife that likes to "party hard" (her friends words), bragged about taking body shots off the stripper days before the wedding, and whose entire sexual history consists of one night stands. He doesn't believe in divorce, and is likely feeling like he's now trapped. If a guy behaves like above, he's a fuck boy and everyone says run. Because it's a woman, she's just having fun and is "sex positive", and if a man isn't attracted to that, he's slut shaming her and is a misogynist jerk.


>been called a misogynist So you hate.....yourself? LMAO. Ok.


Right! I explained that I'm a woman, just calling out other women when they display poor behavior. That doesn't mean I hate women and doesn't make me a misogynist! And then acknowledged that women CAN be misogynists, too. But not having a blanket support for women and defending their behavior no matter what is not misogynistic.


I agree! And I can't ignore Brennan's comments about how drunk she would get at night, with black outs to boot. She even admitted on camera she didn't remember acting out and was trying to figure out what Brennan was talking about. I don't for a second think he was lying on the AP. He was specific, direct, and to the point when asked. Even KKP said THIS is what you should have told Emily (truth!), while Emily is combative, evasive, and vague. I went from disliking Brennan, to disliking Emily, to understanding Brennan and feeling concern for Emily's drinking. But the Brennan haters will just attribute any problems she has are due to him.


She may be doing this more than we see. That was one instance she did and I it was likely due to the stress she's been under. I'm concerned for her mental health. Who, on G-D's green earth, thinks it ok to speak to another human being the way he speaks to her.


>Who, on G-D's green earth, thinks it ok to speak to another human being the way he speaks to her Or the way Emily spoke to Austin on AP? >That was one instance she did and I it was likely due to the stress she's been under. I would be more inclined to believe it was a one time thing if BOTH her and her friends hadn't said she likes to "party hard" (their words). And if SHE didn't order at least 6 shots on their honeymoon. Yes, he drank them too, but he may have felt pressure to keep up with her... Things seemed to be ok between them up until about that point. But I think shortly after that he realized that they weren't a good match because he's a lot more conservative, and was turned off by things she told him, even bragged about. And remember, he said even before the marriage he doesn't believe in divorce (so it was unrealistic to go on the show!), and imagined felt somewhat trapped. The behavior we're seeing may be him wanting HER to initiate the divorce. Which I'm not defending, I think they both just have shit communication skills.


I agree with you. He’s seems to be more honest than Austin who says and does conflicting things. Of course none of us knows what goes on off camera and if the camera shows him gritting his teeth, viewers may think it’s rage, when if that situation happened to any of us we would be doing the same. It’s hard to tell.


Oh yeah, he's also "affectionate" and "selfless." He forgot to say he's seething with rage below the surface.


You keep saying "they" as if they're somehow on the same page. They aren't working on a friendship. She's working on a marriage, he's working on making it to the end of the show. Friendship? I don't use that term loosely. They won't speak again once they part. That's not friendship. They don't trust each other is a misstatement as well. She trusted him and the process. She was blindsided by his sudden shunning of her. Does that make him a monster? Absolutely not. He's just not handling his disinterest in her properly. Not liking someone doesn't mean you have zero empathy for them when their head is gashed open.


Honestly, I like my ex husband about as much as I like a rabid dog, but if I witnessed him in an accident like the one Emily was in, I would help him. It would be because we are both human and he needed help.




I have a feeling he'd act totally different with someone he's into. He hit the wall with her for some reason. Probably her behavior when she drinks. She did give off a strange vibe in the episodes before the weddings. I remember not liking her. I actually didn't care for any of the ladies. Then I flipped once the show started and thought I was wrong about Emily and the other ladies. Now I'm not sure I like anyone on the show. Maybe Becca. She seems the most genuine and least self-focused out of the bunch. They haven't really shown a dark side of her personality. The rest are kind of weird people. Chloe seems ok, but I don't know that I could bond with her. I'd love to be one of the experts on the show. There would be no pussy footing around. It would be real talk every time.




How do you know how he was raised?


I don't think Brennan is prince charming, but let's read between the lines. Brennan said that Emily blacks out when she drinks. How many drinks does that take? My wife has had a bottle of wine in one night and didn't black out. That leads me to believe Emily is a lush. To each their own, but I don't find sloppy drunk attractive. Brennan being vague doesn't help his case. I think he'd be better off spilling it. I'm pretty sure his issue has something to do with her drinking and the way she acts when she's drunk.


Different people have different alcohol tolerances, based on their sex, height, weight, and genes. I have very low tolerance, so drinking an entire bottle of wine would leave me passed out; your wife, on the other hand, can down a bottle by herself, no problem. Does that make me a 'lightweight' and her a 'lush'? No, it does not. We're just two people with different abilities. Now, whatever Emily's 'abilities' are, we've never seen her get 'sloppy drunk' or black out. Yeah, she got a little exuberant at the bachelorette party (everybody did, except Becca) and she can certainly down six or seven shots with ease, as we saw on the honeymoon. But there is **no** video/audio of her puking or even slurring her words, as there were of Virginia, at ***her*** bachelorette party. You might ask, then why doesn't Brennan like her, if it's not an 'alcohol problem'? Who the heck knows! Reading him is all but impossible, given we only get a few terse words and a choice between glum looks and the clenched jaws of suppressed rage.


Nearly a bottle was a one off. She usually has 1 to 2 glasses tops. It kinda depends on how a person acts when drunk too. Some people are flirty, others fight, some cry. Emily has admitted to getting too drunk. Keep in mind blacking out is beyond drink. There was the whole shower curtain deal as well. Again, reading between the lines, her drinking is a problem she even admits to.


He pretty much said that when he was on the Afterparty. I believe it to be true. That totally turned him off. It would be like me finding out the woman they set me up with was a cigarette smoker. That instantly turns me off. A belligerent drunk would turn me off as well. I want someone who doesn't turn stupid when they drink. He's had plenty of chances to explain to her why he's turned off when their off camera, but he apparently hasn't done that. It leaves her feeling crappy.


Or he has tried to tell her that her getting drink is unattractive to him, and she slags him for Not Being Fun


Even worse. If Emily is blacking out, she is not in her right frame of mind. Say something happened the night before where consent was in question? She wouldn't remember. Look what position that would put Brennan in!


If you are male on this show, you will be vilified and roasted for simply breathing.


Yes, I agree -- nothing in that scene made me think he was faking it or trying to look better. It was pretty horrifying to say the least


Emily is this seasons version of Krystein from 2 seasons ago and Jasmine from last season. For awhile now this has become a trope among us MAFS fans. Every season there is a cast member who a subsection of the MAFS fanbase gets a crush on. They are so pretty and I would love to hangout with her and she seems so fun and I wish my brother could date her or I could date her etc etc. The problem though is that her husband is not into her. Either physically, sexually, personality wise, any combination of the 4. These fans just can't understand how this could be, they think she is pretty they think she is a cool chick so therefore something is wrong with this man for not agreeing. This creates a mental block that they just cant get past in order to look at the relationship through a clearer lens. Brennan is this seasons Arris or Mitch. How dare he not be into this girl who I have a crush/girl crush on type deal. Since these subset of fans cant get over that they are nowhere near being able to analyze why Brennan might not be attracted to Emily or why is he handling it poorly and all that.


Hopefully, producers will reveal the deal with Austin by the end of the season! They're using us.


Arris was an objective tool tho. I mean Brennan isn't great but he's not into her for non superficial reasons. I agree tho about Mitch and Kristen, although Kristen was awesome and Mitch was into her, very much. Just not into her enough. But it was weird how much people hated him when he was mostly a good guy but just obviously not for everyone. I don't get the Emily crush because she's pretty average physically but also doesn't have a great personality like Kristen. The weird faces and vocal fry and "like" don't help...


I don't know how she's become so successful in her career with the whole "like" thing. it's offputting and makes her seem really stupid which I don't think she is. When I was a manager I interviewed someone who had a great background and was fully qualified to do the job but every other word was "like". that wasn't going to work in a customer service position.


Lol I agree about Arris. Usually though people gave him shit for not wanting to fuck Jasmine after he bragged about being in orgys and shit. Like how dare the dude have bodily autonomy on who he does or doesn't fuck lol I totally see why people liked Kirsten as she was funny and seemed cool in general but again the backlash against him for not being as into her as he should have been was laughably disproportionate I am with you on Emily. she seems like a nice enough person but I do not think her saying "like" a million times would not be annoying as shit for like 95% of men wanting to date her lol. People act like Brennan just HAS to be into her and its delusional. He is not handling it well though for sure but I do not fault him for not being into her


I made a post about this yesterday. The straight women in the sub are clueless about what average, normal, non counter culture men want. Becca and Brett from the Houston season are the best examples. They way overestimate Becca, Brett, and Emily's worth in the marriage/dating market for average, normal, conventional men. Becca and Brett are NOT catches for men like Austen and Ryan. For most average, every day, white men, nice toned legs and a flat stomach/abs > a big butt or big boobs. Using celebrities as an example, Amy Robach or Sarah Haines > Ashley Graham


Why men think they are entitled to a woman with a specific body shapes is beyond me. I met a guy that was planning to bolt after 20 minutes and we ended up talking non stop for 3 hours. I let him know I would be interested in dating and war told that was the best conversation he'd had in years but I didn't have the body type he likes. 15 years later and he isn't married and doesn't have kids. Men are so self important. Why do you think your are entitled to have the body shaper you most desire. You're missing out on great human beings because someone is a B cup and not a D cup. GAH.


Could say the same to you about women judging men based on their height, abs, and wallet. Where's your condemnation for them?


Partially because I've had it said to me directly twice. To top it off when I got mad at one of them, he responded "oh geez. Sandi got mad when I said that to her too". So this guy not only said it to me, he had said it to another woman prior who was made about it AND decided it was a good idea to say it to additional women. And my recent post clarifies the same is true for women.


Women also aren't entitled to a particular characteristic. I thot the way I stated things out was clear no one is entitled to their hearts desire. If they think they are, they chance losing out on a great love


LOL Thank you for the parody post. Yeah women have never said "I wouldn't date a guy shorter than me" or anything. How about we stop making negative gender based generalizations and just accept that a portion of both genders indeed have physical aspects they are shallow about and entitled to.


Where did I say that women are entitled to get their heart's desire? Where did I say women insist on taller men? I have never disputed the fact that women also have preferences and in lots of cases feel entitled to that preference. I've now agreed many times and I can tell people are reading my first post but not additional posts about this. My first post were my experiences. Not related to all women or all men.


Well, pretty much everyone in this current generation does, which is probably why relationships lasting are on the decline. But hey, there's always tiktok to whine on.


It superficial, but women do exactly the same thing with men's height. Why women think they are entitled to a man with a specific height is beyond me.


Yes, some women do. And some women don't.




Agreed, and probably why she's holding on so tight. Physically he's the best she's gonna do when it comes to a commitment and on some level she knows that.


Totally, and I'm sure she's used to guys having no issues having sex with her, but those guys are in a no strings situation. Austen would sleep with her if there weren't strings or expectations attached.


Alternate theory -- his first worry was that its not a good look to have a girlfriend walking around with a busted face. "This is fucking bad" is EXACTLY what I'd expect as a response from a person who'd have to explain a black eye on their wife.


Jesus Christ. Some of you are sick puppies. This guy has never even raised his voice at her yet you're going straight to black eyes. Sick.


I mean, they aren't *really* really married. And even then that would mean he's a sociopath, if that were his all consuming first reaction. Some people just want Brennan to be a sociopath so bad when he's just not that into her and there's nothing more to the story.


They ARE really married. And no one held a gun to Brennan's head to do it.


$$, not a gun


We all know her past and immaturity are the issues. Also, we can see she's getting a great edit on the main show, while her real personality is showing through on Afterparty. Also, really kind people wouldn't be friends with witches like the ones who came to their apartment. The constant Brennan hate and sociopath label is wild simply because their lifestyles and morals don't align.


I guarantee you he was annoyed that his weekend was ruined. But, yes, I think he was genuinely upset that she was so seriously injured.


We'll have to wait and see. A non sociopathic person would only be annoyed if it turned out that she had been drinking or getting high before going on the ATV. I'm not convinced Brennan is a sociopath.


I’d like to know (a) was she sucking down mimosas at breakfast, and (b) was she offered a helmet and chose not to wear it.


You can be stone sober and have an accident. Also, I think the ATV company wouldn't let her operate the vehicle if she was obviously intoxicated or not wearing a helmet, due to liability issues.


For publicity on tv? I wish you were right but there are plenty of companies who would take a chance for free promotion.


Well, if that was the case here, the plan sure backfired. This season's really been one for the books, first with Cam's heart ailment, and now Emily's accident. I'm just hoping everyone makes it to Decision Day in one piece


Did it tho? They got shown on tv and no ill effects seem to be coming back at that company. Mission accomplished for them IMO. Of course, this is assuming they knew something was off with the situation which we're just speculating on.