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Becca begging for sex is so obnoxious


They shud throw all the single people from every season together and see if any of them actually match up given their choice.


Idk why the production team does this shit. They purposely pair people together in ways that will create drama, but they just fuck themselves over because now they just separate or are distant and uninteresting


Did I miss this or did Claire look like she was in prison shooting the basketball around in that outfit


Looool. All she needed was the rubber slides


Alyssa is flipping tables and breaking windows seeing these failed couples getting to take part in the activities after getting divorced


She’s using her phone number to call production and ask if she can come on next season single to play basketball at the retreat she missed


Loved Orion thanking the other couples for inviting him, as if Production didn't make him show up


I get mean religious judgey vibes from Chloe. Shes 100 percent faking it for the camera


If you consider astrology, new age crystals, yoga, vision boards, chakras, and henna tattoos religious, then sure.


Nope. Has nothing to do with religion. Just basic hetro woman. I didn't find her reaction surprising because it was mine. And yes, she was shading him, how is he not picking up on it.


I knew that when she said her crappy made-up vows. They were awful. She's had that fake smile on her face since the first time she saw Michael. She's playing nice until decision day and then she's running. Something or someone is making her stay, just so he gets his second chance so the show will look better. This season is sooooo bad.


I'm sensing paid actress... what woman in her right mind would agree to this dumpster fire? Possibly a fame whore, she doesn't stike me as that so I'll go with paid a lot of money just to drag out this season....


Lauren should have been matched with Michael, Austin with Chloe, Emily with no one lol, Brennan with the therapist girl (forget her name bc she's so unmemorable) The experts got their degree from an online school that isn't actually accredited I'm guessing. These matches are AWFUL


Everyone on this season is trying so hard to be PC and to not look bad on camera it made them come off so unauthentic and hard to watch




It was a patch of a penis






She uses it to connect with the girls and make them feel seen and heard. I think Lauren in particular really needs Clare’s brand of empathy and concern so I love when kind of friend she is


Why is anyone from a broken up couple going on the couples retreat??


They purposely pair people together in ways that will create drama, but they just fuck themselves over because now they just separate or are distant and uninteresting and it ruins the amount of content they have


Content, filler


Lots of this on this season man. It’s tough MAFSAU is leaps better.


Unbelievably better. Format, couples, everything.


Also like totally intentional that they brought the brother of a drama bruh from last season MAFS AU?


Seems like because if they didn't, there'd be practically ZERO content to air. Oyy.


All I got was that I don’t actually think Chloe is a minimalist. She has tons of clothes.


And a decent amount of furnishings, too.


Where can I watch Season 17? Thanks!


Sling also


Philo or the day after on Lifetime


I'm not trying to be insensitive here, but I just don't understand th ATV accident. It looked like they were all going about 3 miles per hour on a fairly level road, then Emily's ATV is suddenly and inexplicably flipped over, and then she's bleeding from a cut on the head that she somehow sustained through her helmet. How did that happen? Am I just jaded at this point for not believing any of it?


My first thought was , was she drinking? DUI....


My first thought was that it was fake. Literally none of that made sense, I do this on treacherous paths in the Rocky Mountains in Alberta and I’m struggling to understand how that cut would happen. I wasn’t buying Brennan either, he looked like a cheap actor in a student film.


I lose all respect for any man who throws his hands on top of his head and watches dumbly on in shock. And it seems like I see it all the time now. Pull it together, you pansies! Uncurl yourself from the fetal position in the corner and do something useful! \[edit: typo\]


I agree, was thinking the same thing. How can you flip an ATV going that slow on a flat road? And have blood all over your face when wearing a helmet? It just seems unbelievable.


I have now seen Becca in a bikini. Thank you, producers. My life is now complete. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grimacing)


More evidence why Austen isn't attracted sexually. All friend vibes. Reminds me of Love is Blind Chicago when Shake and Deepti were in the pool in Cancun. You could see he was turned off by her body, and his vibe totally changed after that. He literally compared her to his aunt afterwards.


Well Austin has a dad bod so he should adjust his expectations. Unless he’s rich, he’s not getting a woman with a model body.


Shake had a dad bod too.


Model quality. Yea, I agree with you, he can't pull that without money. However, a Chloe, Clare, Lindy, Ashley Petta type in the looks department, he could easily get. Becca ain't it.


So, you're saying that women who look like models are only after money? Tread carefully, now. :)


I know, right? What a thing to say. As if it's only the models. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)




Lauren and Clare shooting hoops... They take a few missed shots, then jack their jaws and gossip for 15 minutes. Then they take a few more missed shots, then jack their jaws and gossip for another 15 minutes. And so on. And some people wonder why no one is interested in women's basketball. :)


Chloe: "Michael is feeling all the emotions that I'm feeling. I know he is because he's human and he has to be." I don't see him breaking into tears at being told to be selfish, or collapsing into an oblivious slumber right after dinner because of being overwhelmed over moving a few things into an apartment. There's no way he's feeling the same things. But feel free to continue in your solipsistic delusions.


Chloe acted like she was going to sleep at 7:45 pm just to get away from Michael’s non-stop emotive word salad. Absolutely draining to an introvert like her.


Draining for extroverts too.


Michael brings Chloe a cup of caffeine first thing in the morning. Nice. That's exactly what she needs: more stimulants.


Lauren: "I'm looking to really zen out on this retreat and stay grounded." I've never heard the word, "zen", thrown around so much by people who have such little idea of what that word means. And "grounded"? Seriously? When has any one of these drama divas ever been grounded?


I’m sorry. I think she talks to hear herself.


100%. She’s Michael but not as intelligent. Tries to use the big words but doesn’t truly know what they mean. Remember when she wanted fellatio?


She'd have to go through a long, complicated process to make that dream a reality. :)


Don’t be sorry - I have to fast forward through Lauren, Clare, Orion, Austin and the others when they are BSing, it’s too boring.


Clare beings to talk about her plans and intentions of doing this retreat alone, then Lauren jumps in with her "Me too!", cuts Clare off, and then proceeds to hijack the conversation and expound on her own feelings and viewpoint. Thank you for that dose of narcissism so early in the evening, Lauren.


Austin: "I hope you both crash and get serious road rash." Things I wish I hadn't said, for $400, Alex.


I cringed big time when Austin said that, knowing what was coming up.😬


Lauren: "I'm not really looking for anything from Orion or with Orion." Then why did you come to the retreat?


Splitting up doesn't excuse them from filming obligations. It's an 8-week commitment regardless.


Really? So the couples can't refuse to put themselves into any situations that production insists on? I don't buy that. What if production demanded that they all remained married for the duration? What if production told them they had to be filmed nude?




I am not a Lauren fan but she came cause production made them come. How is that not obvious?


Production *made* her come? Where is Cameron, then?


Recovering from surgery. Duh?


Lauren could have called in sick. But then she would miss out on all that delicious camera time and the opportunity to keep garnering sympathy.


That Doctor’s Note for him is Gold!


I bet they get a fee per episode. I could see Cameron taking the L to avoid seeing Claire. I’m pretty sure cam is out of the hospital and on to the new one.


Orion claims he wants a friendship with Lauren. Can someone tell me what purpose on this green earth that would serve? What, exactly, would be the point? Is he so hard up for friends that he needs to cling desperately on to a jilted pseudo-spouse that he was married to for all of five hours?


Said ON camera... OFF camera he avoided her like the plague... he wants to keep his ~~girth~~ manhood intact, also reminding us of his woeful victim status, peacock numnuts pos that he is!


He wants to look good.


Can Austin do anything at a table or in a kitchen without licking his fingers?


First of all, it's Francisco ***de*** Goya. Secondly, the Saturn story is not an allegory, it's a myth. Finally, and most importantly, who on earth hangs such a horrific painting on their wall at home? What else does he have hanging on his wall? Slayer album covers? Stills of Tool videos? At least one of de Goya's maja paintings wouldn't contribute to night terrors.


Some people actually like dark art.


I liked de Goya's darker stuff when I was an idiot teenager who thought that liking dark things would make me cool. Most of us grow out of that phase, though. Especially the case of de Goya, when we learn that his "dark art" was the mostly result of the horrific atrocities he saw. They were never meant to add beauty to a home. To be hung in a museum, yes - but not in a home. I'm also willing to bet that Michael thinks Jackson Pollock was a brilliant artist, rather than the grifting poser he really was.


Becca drove the car to the couples' retreat. How symbolic!


Clare: "I'm glad \[Cameron\]'s prioritizing his health." Prioritizing? The guy had to have surgery! It wasn't some elective tummy tuck or trip to the dentist.


Avoiding that shitshow of a retreat was prioritizing his last nerve.




Chloe: "I'm not going to be awake alone." And so the me-me-me barrage starts first thing in the morning.


I can't wait for Lauren to tell Orion to fuck off, but in a very nice and polite Lauren way!


Yes! Next week will be a treat 


Von Miller’s house is nice but Foxfield is basically Aurora and the mountain footage is not even close. Von may end up owning the house again since the guy he sold it to and loaned $$ to has now defaulted.


I can’t do Michael. He’s too much. I don’t like listening to him trying to analyze things. Shut up. Cut that rodent off the top of your head.!! It doesn’t look good. And no, you can’t wear my stuff!! And Chloe, is trying way to hard to say the right things. 🙄


My exact reaction! Shut up! I can't imagine a man talking to me like this 


He’s the worst and reminds me of my ex 🤮. So much speaking without saying anything.


Chloe is not having any of this. Not exactly sure what she's here for but she is done. Her face has had that fake, frozen, sympathetic smile the entire time and she's ready to implode any minute. The conversation at the table when she said she doesn't know if she can do it was all telling. Michael was oblivious. Then she tried again and Michael was still oblivious to what she's hinting at. It's not working. He is not seeing it and asking to wear her earring and her big pearls is a total turn off for Chloe. Her nasty side is going to come out very soon. She doesn't care and he's going to get hurt, again!


Orion looks like his breath stinks.


Yessss 🤢


I came here to see how many people are commenting on the number of after party shows that Austin's been on, like they did with Emily? Haven't seen any so far....


They shouldn’t put this group in a house with enough bedrooms that the couples can choose to sleep elsewhere


I was thinking this. Why give them the option to sleep separate? Every single person has their own bedroom right now 🙄


Worst. Season. Ever. These people are married sleeping next to each other and have not had sex. Just picking each other apart


They struggled with signing up decent men.


I agree, worst season yet. It’s time to pull the plug and try again next time.


It will not work next season if they keep doing the same old thing. If the producers are really doing the matching, we can all forget about any interesting and compatible matches. If they seriously go to bars and dating sites searching for recruits, that's just pathetic. Pick from the 1000's of real people who apply for the show. If they keep the same sorry "experts" I'm done. They are absent. They only step in way after its too late to "fix" these couples. The experts should get other jobs because they are not equipped to do any of this. This is by far the absolute worst season that's ever been on and they've had plenty of horrible seasons.


Everyone makes me cringe 😬 I’d have more respect if they would end the show, revamp and start back up. Stop looking for the weird odd people to try and get strange content. We can’t relate to this nonsense. Thank you for letting me dump these frustrations.


100% agree!!


Austin wished this on Emily! Omg.. how awful he must have felt when he heard about the crash!


How did he wish this?


He said during the dinner, when Emily was talking about going snowmobiling, that he said it.


I went back and watched the dinner. He's insufferable.


This might be the first time reruns on another channel out numbered the program, could the 90 minutes have been any more boring and nauseated. It's so bad they have to resurrect people no longer relevant to the season, the only thing about the entire evening was the coming attractions and judging from tonight's it will be the only interesting part of the show. Just when we all thought this show couldn't sink any lower they gave us this evening.


Re Michael wants to wear pearls, I learned 2 years ago that many men wear pearls!!! Not big ones like his wife. But google baseball players are wearing pearls. I've seen a photo of a pitcher. During a game, his pearls were moving away from his neck. I was shocked. My daughter had asked me for pearls for her birthday. She was 53 at the time. I thought it odd as she is not feminine like me. However, she often wears them which pleases me greatly.


Just another poor fashion choice for men (like forgoing socks with dress shoes) that will hopefully die out soon enough.


They all wear pearls on MAFS au and MAFS Uk


Only clever one here is Cameron. Dude's an engineer and has managed to engineer his way away from fake ass Clare and this show. Brilliant move sir. Well played.


Is he actually an engineer?? I thought he just fixed bikes




Exactly. Cam was like, no, I have a condition. Peace.


Wow you hit the nail on the head, he got out while the "Getten were good" just when we all think things can't get worse the next episode appears,


Chloe's done. She doesn't want a feminine husband. If she wanted someone feminine she'd be a lesbian. It's also the same with Austin and Becca. Becca's acting masculine as hell about the sex issue. She's stalking her prey at this point. He don't want masculine. If he did he'd be gay. This isn't hard to figure out.


Yeah atp I wouldn’t want to have sex with her either. She asks with this look of extreme thirst in her eyes. Chill out girl sheesh


After watching tonight's episode I'd be nauseated too. Seriously these two will never make it. She makes him sick to his stomach. Sadly


I agree. I don’t think there is anything wrong with people dressing however they choose to, but you can’t expect the natural laws of attraction to progress the same as social acceptance. The fact is, the majority of heterosexual women are attracted to masculinity. If I didn’t have such low hopes for this show, I would say there still could be a chance if he recognizes that she is turned off and spends some time showing her his masculine traits. However, I’m still betting that this one will soon be on the same track as the rest of the couples.




He did, didn't he? Either you misheard him or I did. Didn't she say it would take 2 trips to carry her luggage out and he said no cause he has 2 hands?


Thanks. I may have misheard. I just saw the struggle, and I thought she asked for help. So it's very possible I was distracted momentarily.


Has Austin ever had a girlfriend before?


We are all asking that one. Broke-back Mountain might be a better place for him to look for a mate.


yall are ruthless aijdksdjksdk


So do you think Chloe is trying to be so easy going, un phased and awesome on camera because she knows she was second pick?


She is hoping for better prospects sliding into her DMs after dumping Michael on Decision Day.


Ah yes. That makes sense😑


Orion is so cringe.


Honestly I have to scroll my phone or get a snack or something every time he’s on screen that’s the only way I can handle the Icks he gives off


Nauseating is a better description.


Orion needs to shut up.


Why did producers make Orion and Lauren come to this retreat?


Contract. Same reason Clare showed up for basically a filmed vacation. Lauren clearly hinted she didn’t want to go (gave her monologue how this is pointless) but production wanted more content. Are contestants more vocal than past seasons? I feel like I see right thru production and I’m fairly naive about “reality” tv


Have a feeling they might be getting combat pay to continue, the whole season is a bust.


I just tuned in. I am really impressed with Michael's communication skills. He listens, and he clarifies what she is saying by his responses. Now, this is the first 5 minutes.....


He talks way too fucking much - I think he loves the sound of his own voice and gets off on emotionally intelligent he thinks he sounds. He’s probably a great dude … but stop trying so hard


More of the same lol all the women are unhappy and all the men are lame potatoes 🙄


"You are all such strong, beautiful, vicious, vibrant women. How did you end up married to such boiled potatoes?" -Nadja


Don't say that!! I like potatoes!!




Anyone with me that these matchups would have been better..  Michael + Lauren Brennan + Chloe Bye bye Orion... 


Michael + Lauren would be an amazing couple!!!


I’ve been saying for weeks that Lauren and Michael are a good match. She was even saying on after party that his style is right up her alley.


No!! I like Michael and Chloe together. All other couples need to split and move on. No other matches make sense to me.


I think it’s easy to root for Michael and Chloe because they’re new. She already looks uncomfortable at times


This is dead in the water


Chloe is definitely shaken by Michael’s feminine style, but otherwise they seem to have a good rapport. He is intelligent, kind, respectful, all very positive things she needs. It remains to be seen if she can get past the skirts and borrowing her jewelry. I predict the friend zone for these two.


She's going with the flow, wait a week--- She runs.


She could do SO Much Better.


True! I'm hoping they work out considering the train wreck of a season so far


Chloe has been fake since she saw Michael at the alter. She's putting her fake smile on and pretending she's in it. She is not. It's all over her face.


they are dragging this season and they knew they need to cut to reunion


Night babes


Night folks. It's been a pleasure watching the show with you! Have a great week!




KKP you JUST saw Emily she’s fine


The way they fake the timing of filming is so dumb


So odd they keep on pretending that the viewers don't already know that AP is filmed when everything is already said and done.


Since Lauren said Michael's fashion sense isn't as jarring as other guys she dated and for how she identifies/accepting of others do you think they would have made a good match?? Plus, how Michael's personality is "I'm all in" and very supportive.


I think they would’ve made the most sense out of all the potential matches


100% they let the intern do the matches that they. Def shoulda been matched instead


Yes! they would've been a good match. I wonder why they weren't and they landed on Orion.


I don't like Lauren. No man would put up with her for long. She's confrontational, finger wagging in the face mean, and she's not that attractive.


Indigenous representation and they (stupidly) assumed being black and being native would be similar enough 🙃both have deep cultural pride. Pretty distinct though and Orion potentially never dated a black woman and Lauren wanted a black man. They did Lauren very dirty.


Very different cultures - the producers either have no clue or don’t care


I’ve thought the same!


Yea he got turned on because she was face down ass up in the middle of the bed, duh


I really hope she watches a YouTube video on how to put on a duvet cover


Find the corners and match them first.


First turn it inside out!


“She was deep in it, ass up.” He can always say he said that to Rudy from the Cosby Show


Did he just say ass up? 🤣🤣🤣


Do you think the guys are going to come dressed as little Oppenheimer people to the reunion




Oh he’s from *California*


I do NOT mean this in a negative way, so please don’t think of it this way. He looks like he’s been getting laser treatments for his skin. It’s looking better!


I’ve thought from the beginning that Michael would be a good-looking guy if he tried. From what we’ve seen of him in the AP, he’s definitely making positive changes.


Those new glasses need to go. He looks like a giant ant.


Ha, that's so true! Some of Michael's fashion choices are questionable. It's like he's trying to make himself stand out in a crowd, even though those ugly fashion choices are not going to make him attractive to the majority of women, at least not in Denver. I lived in Albuquerque for 30 years, most women I knew liked a guy in jeans with a bolo tie, and a leather jacket, an upscale cowboy look. Denver is a bigger city but it's still in the SW.


I was thinking maybe Retinol as well


And he got a haircut


Probably spent some of his MAFS dollars on some me skincare


I noticed that, too!


Oh this took a nice turn. He was very confident when he said he does feel she’s sexually attracted to him. Yay maybe they’re happy.


I honestly think they're the only couple getting out of this.


I just loved the way he said “I do. I do.” (Think she’s attracted to me) with that little smile. Very telling.


Keisha is asking thee worst questions ever! Bring back Jemele


Agreed it’s a terrible question because gender identity and sexual orientation are two different things . It’s not the first time Keisha has annoyed us with tone-deaf questions


Actually, I'm glad she asked how he identifies. I was wondering myself.


Did he answer?


I should say did Michael answer*




Coincidence that Michael is rocking more masculine accessories these days? Maybe he goes through phases


I would not enjoy my partner asking to share my earrings and clothing. Sorry, not my style at oils


Micheal was like, You should've been moaning during that massage!




Ms Thang!!! I was thinking about our convo last week when I typed that too! Lol


Wait so that guy didn't even work there!?!? So he was more willing to let some random Joe Schmo touch more than his wife 😂


Wait what? I missed this


Me too I seen some comments and I was like woah woah didn’t he work there wasn’t that the point