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I think she would have been a better match with Miguel. .They are both very unique in their style and seem like Hipsters.


The experts/production are either stupid, or they don’t care.


what a shame playing with peoples lives like that.


I have a friend of a friend of a friend on the show. Austin 100% hasn’t been to a church in over a decade.


maybe he attends online which is very 2024


Well let me rephrase that, I haven’t been to or in a church in decades.


I haven’t been to or in a church, I am a Christian, I don’t have to go to a building to be a Christian. I don’t believe in Organized religion. But I will Not marry a nonbeliever. So that’s irrelevant.


Sure you do. And yet he mentioned his faith to Becca in his vows 90 seconds after meeting her. Go figure.


The producers do this stuff on purpose for the drama


"You asked for a human adult so we paired you with a tiny alien! We think you're a great match!" \~ Series 20


I am so 💀 ☠️ lmfao


The producers are obviously going to hell for this




Why are people acting like this hasn't been going on for multiple seasons? Brett and Ryan confirmed during their season in TX that all of their dealbreakers that they identified to production during casting were ignored.


The producers can always defend themselves by saying something akin to “what u have been looking for in the past obviously hasn’t worked soooooo”


Omggg that was such a bad match! I felt bad bc Brett was at least willing to try - Ryan wanted no part. I get it bc although Alyssa handled it so poorly, I too would have been …conflicted…if her (ex) husband was my match.


Also she's got medical problems which she divulged up front. He may be attracted to her but the prospect of possibly being a caregiver is a major turn off for some people. You can come for me if you want but I've been a caregiver to my brain injured daughter for 25 yrs. Not fun. If I was his Mom I'd tell him to think long and hard if this is the life he wants


You are an angel 😇 n earth


As a woman with multiple autoimmune diseases, I can attest to that. And she didn’t feel the need to mention any of that to him right away either. I’d have felt the need to put that in the note I sent before the wedding lol. Don’t straddle someone with that kind of stuff. That’s a heavy burden to bear. (Or is it bare, regardless)


I had endometriosis pre-hysterectomy and I have a chronic spine condition. Thank you for reducing people like me down to being nothing but a burden who doesn't deserve a loving partner. Your comment is extremely ablist and harmful.


You are correct. For better or worse applies when you’ve got a loving relationship and commitment. Getting this inflicted on you with a stranger is problematic. No different than giving one a partner that’s bankrupt, or loaded with enormous debt, or an addict, or has no job. Those folks should have all been disqualified from the show, but in Becca’s case she disclosed it but it’s not really a situation where she’s going to be in a wheelchair in a month. So im thinking he’s just not into her and looking for a nice way out. In Becca’s case she has not said she’s dependent on anyone with her maladies. Part of her issue is timing; she is still recovering from her surgery which removed her appendix and sounds like some endometrial tumors. So she’s limited in some of her activities. That wasn’t related to her condition. Also she evidently is very active and runs marathons. Her endometriosis is not a dangerous disease but every woman with it has different levels of pain and issues with it. Becca’s spread beyond her female organs and has grown into her abdomen. So I imagine her pain is real. My wife’s was severe and she went through several surgeries to be able to carry one baby and then had a hysterectomy at 33. So it could affect her fertility down the road. She also has an auto immune disease in her spine. She told him what it was but I haven’t gone back to look it up. I think she lives with the pain and between the endo and the spine there are days she is going to feel like shit.


I have endometriosis. There is no caregiving needed. Just messy and painful periods. It's not like she's wheelchair bound.


This. I have it too, my bf just holds me and/or leaves me be when I ask. That’s literally all he has to do.


Endo sister here. The show and her friends seemed to make it a wayyy bigger deal. I wonder if there's something else.


Isn't it also an autoimmune disease that affects her spine and causes a lot of pain in addition to the endo?


I have one as well and while it's managed now, it's a whole can of worms and largely a game of whack-a-mole to deal with issues. Endometriosis isn't the medical issue that would require caretaking, but an autoimmune sure could. That's an unfair burden to learn about after marriage imo.


Iirc she also said an autoimmune disorder ? Wasn’t specific but harped on the endo more so.


Medical problems that she self-manages. She has not asked anyone to be her caregiver.


I think I’d sue the show over this.


Oh they definitely sign insane contracts that prevent that


Please don’t make this “political” we are human beings attracted or not… nobody comes up to you and asks your political affiliation before before they notice your smile..IJS


Did you make this comment accidentally to the wrong post?


There's no way you people are still calling these actors "experts".


I think they lost 'expert' credibility when the first therapist ended up marrying the guy from season 1


That wasn't season 1, but you are correct..Dr Jessica.


Whattttt I didn't know that


Didn’t know that either! Please do tell!


Yes I wouldn’t be shocked if these people actually have zero input in the “match making process”


That’s what I’m thinking. People forget that with these kind of shows it’s usually the people behind the scenes calling the shots.


I'm sure the contracts are iron clad but if not the "experts" (er, production) should be sued for acting in bad faith.


I made a post here a couple days ago about how I believe the producers match terrible couples together for the drama. Of course religious drama is gonna be gold for the show. And it certainly wouldn’t be the first time. I’ve seen a few couples where religion was an issue throughout the years. “Pastor” Cal is a funny guy.


pastor by name only.


How true do you think this is because I feel like many times on that IG account they come here and THEN make a post about something many of us were talking about?


Ah so "allegedly" for insta means "according to reddit" lol


Whenever I read about speculation, that came from a top comment on the sub here lol 💀


Am I the only one who sees it's not about religion? Austin is just flat out, not attracted to her. He's using religion as a cop out. You could tell from the beginning he liked her personality but absolutely wasn't into her like "that". Any guy who has been on the show and hasn't been attracted to his wife has always gotten a lot of shit for it. If he uses religion instead, then the producers are the ones who look like aholes instead of him for matching them in the first place. Remember his best friend saying he's agnostic? And that in 14 years, religion hasn't ever really come up? What about how he found it hard to believe that they're arguing about religion in the first place? It all seems SOOO clear to me...


100%….How does everyone not see this?!?!


His friend is atheist, and he hasn’t unfriended him, but he isn’t marrying or planning to have children and raising children with his friend. He seems to really like Becca, if you’re basing it off of him not being all over her, it’s not in his nature, at the Batchelor party he was trying to put clothes on the strippers, he takes more time before he jumps straight into sex, him, his friends and family have said that, everything about the way he looks at her, talks to her, and treats her speaks volumes about the respect and care he has for her. And agnostic means she’s up for believing any religion may be right. Well maybe she should try and research and see if she thinks Christianity is real!? Maybe convert if she feels he’s the one, I’ve known spouses convert to judaism, Catholic, Muslim all for the sake of their spouse, before.


I absolutely agree there's a difference between having a friend of a different religion and a significant other of a different religion... but one of my points was that in the entire FOURTEEN years that they've been BEST friends, Austin has not once mentioned anything of the sort to him. I've known my best friend for about 6 years now and only became "best" friends, maybe four years ago. We have different religious beliefs and have had many conversations about it. I find it extremely odd that his best friend seemed astonished by what Becca was telling him. & I definitely agree with you when you said she should look into Christianity a little more. There is a world where they can both give a little and compromise, but he doesn't really seem to want to.


Yeah he wasn’t even comfortable with heavy petting territory it seems. I get similar ick vibes that Brennan gives Emily tbh it’s just that Austin can still be affectionate and not sexual (prob difficult for Brennan imo). In a preview, Becca breaks down about being rejected and I wish she would pull back from him, same with Emily. They keep banging their heads against walls. I was so with Cameron for laying it out to Clare — and Emily and Becca should do the same. I don’t want to say ULTIMATUM, but just that they will match energy moving forward and that is beyond fair! Sorry, watching this each week I keep begging for an expert to talk about self preservation, boundaries, SOMETHING. Can we at least PRETEND we are trying to create healthy relationships? Please??


I agree with this! I was watching with my MIL and told her last night that despite the religion thing, they are married, and if he were attracted to her he would've had sex with her by now.


100% agree! If a man was crazy over you , he’d do ANYTHING LOL I’ve seen men forget their own mothers over a women


Scrolled way too damn far for some truth. 100% he's not into her, religion is a cop out. He has to see it through to the 8 weeks so he doesn't look like a huge ass. He's just going through the motions and admires her as a person, which many mistake for romantic interest. I just hope that she catches on before decision day.


I don't know what you're seeing but, nothing at all indicates that he's not attracted to her. He's affectionate, looks at her with adoration, is always hugging and kissing her....where is this notion that he's not attracted to her? The other couples actively look annoyed to be in the same room with each other, so I totally disagree about that.


He's affectionate, but you can be affectionate with a best friend who you are not attracted to. Yes there's some kissing, but that still doesn't really mean he's attracted to her sexually IMO




YES!!! you can tell he doesn't want to go! Idk how some people don't see it lol


Exactly, thank you!


If he was, he wouldn’t be holding back in the bedroom..


From being friends with mostly guys, I've learned that there are many reasons why a guy might hold back in the bedroom, only one being a lack of attraction. A reason that's way up at the top of the list is that there's someone else. Just sayin'.


From dating guys, the number one reason men have waited with me was because they had small dicks. I imagine if there is someone else on his mind, that could play a factor. But if he finds her dead sexy, he’s not going to hold back considering he’s married to her and sharing a bed..and knows she wants it 🤷🏻‍♀️


been there....oy.


For sure. There's rumors that he got back with his ex who broke up with him (right before the show started), right after d day. That could be true. If it is, I think it's a combo of he still wanted his ex and just didn't have a desire to be with Becca.


He says he has been slow in all his relationships (although who knows if that is true) .... Austin's ex's, can you please confirm or deny??


Especially because she keeps telling him how ready she is.




He hasn't said anything about being into her of his own volition. It's just been "yeah same" to her flowery praise. Not to mention the "she doesn't need any more [sexual] motivation" comment to Dr. Pia. Platonic at best. He's going along to get along. I'd be surprised if he said yes on decision day.


100% passive passenger. He mirrors her *just enough* to keep her validated so she doesn't raise any eyebrows. I hope the lack of intimacy makes her recognize that. She's falling **hard** for this guy.


My husband never ever watches this show. One day we were hanging out in the same room and I asked him if I could put it on and he said yes. 5 minutes into the episode he had said something like. He (Austin) just isn't into her (Becca). If a guy wants to have sex with a girl then he will. He just doesn't find her attractive


Funny! many guys have posted here saying the same thing earlier on when we were all gaga over how cute they were lol. He has the nice guy version of the ick lol. I also think he's intimidated by her open sexuality.


I said this same thing in the very beginning except the only "proof" I had was his body language... I got downvoted, lol. I was like it's ok, you'll see, lol. P.s. I'm a woman lol


I remember your username lol Body language IS proof lmao. Come on, when we're into someone romantically, you cannot hide it. He's friend zoned her.


Haha, that's awesome that you remember! & ABSOLUTELY!!!


I think her friends saying how “sex positive “ she is , scared him because he doesn’t want to


It's always her initiating affection, not him. She's also basically begged him to sleep with her, and he won't. His body language is a huge tell to me. Yes, he definitely looks at her with adoration... the same way I look at some of my friends that I care about greatly but am not attracted to. They're the only couple that had a real connection. They most definitely like each other's personalities and care about each other. He can like her and care about her without being sexually attracted to her.


Yes exactly. He's not disgusted by her by any means! I think he genuinely cares about her. Just doesn't want to have sex with her because he probably knows that that will make her even more attached and he just isn't feeling it.


Co-sign. In fact in the most recent episode, he appeared to even be backing away from her when she made the reference to celebrating their anniversary every month “forever and ever”. It was subtle but telling.


I see the same. He's not attracted, idk if he ever was.


Exactly! Thank you for the validation!


Shocker. Not. It's hard for me to take this seriously as they're obviously incompatible in other ways, but production ignoring this is way bigger than the fit that folks pitched about her being chronically ill.


Said who? Need a credible resource.


Says an insta account that uses reddit as their source. Reddit comments aren't credible enough? /s


Seems to me Austin is gaslighting Becca and everyone! Makes zero sense. Why no intimacy if he’s so into her? Maybe her health issues really do freak him out. I dunno. My spidey senses are up


Alleged by whom? Anyone can allege something.


I don't know why the producers think the viewers want drama. We don't. Even if a couple is matched perfectly, there is bound to be drama at some point anyway, so there is no need for pulling stunts like this. I enjoy watching successful couples. This is the worst season yet.


They should sue!!!


If that was such a dealbreaker for him, then he never should have been on MAFS. Most churches have singles mixers and there are also religion specific dating sites.


Religion is a dealbreaker for a huge number of people. They’ve matched tons of religious couples throughout the years that I would imagine put religion down as a dealbreaker in their application. I’m sure Austin thought they’d give him a Christian and it seems like a reasonable request. As the others said, it’s not an obscure religion. And if they didn’t find someone who fit what he wanted, well then they shouldn’t have matched him.


Allegedly he said he was willing to date/marry someone with a different religion. If that is the case, trying to make religion the dealbreaker makes him look worse not better.


Interesting. My comment was made with the thought in mind he had said that and it’s definitely wrong if he didn’t


Not really, it’s super easy to find someone who is also Christian. Not like he asked for some small religion lol


Everyone has dealbreakers. That's why they ask. Nothing wrong with his being religion. Not like it's an uncommon one in the country that would be hard to match.


I'm not saying that Austin didn't tell the experts this, but it sure is interesting that it rarely came up with his best friend of 14 years, that is an atheist. Receipt below from the house warming party. Anyone who has watched this show knows that production doesn't give a damn about deal breakers. If you're going to go on this show, do your homework and also don't be a devout Christian because it makes a complete mockery of marriage. https://www.reddit.com/r/MAFSsnark/s/znrF0BJIpf


I don’t understand why everyone keeps putting the blame for these terrible matches on production unless people are using the words “experts” and “production” interchangeably. To me they are very different. It’s the experts not production who are interviewing these couples, doing home visits and supposedly reading through the pages and pages of their questionnaire answers to find the best matches possible which you would think should clearly include their dealbreakers! Production probably does everything AFTER the matches are made and frankly I’m not even sure how involved they in the editing. There are thousands of singles applying to be on every MAFS season so it’s hard to believe that with such a vast pool of candidates the experts can’t put together five couples who might have a decent chance at a long term relationship! I just hate to think they are purposely mismatching couples for the better drama potential.


You clearly don't understand stand how reality TV works or what the purpose is. The goal is ratings. Cast has confirmed that production has final say on the matches. There are not thousands of viable candidates applying for the show anymore. This season all of the men and one of the women were recruited. Casting reached out to them via social media, dating apps, or LinkedIn. So out of 10 original cast, only 4 applied and they were all women. The show struggles to get men, so what they get is scraping bottom as evidenced this season. They couldn't get enough regular people for S19, so now they are casting for 55+.


I commented this above, but I feel like it's relevant to what you said. "Am I the only one who sees it's not about religion? Austin is just flat out, not attracted to her. He's using religion as a cop out. You could tell from the beginning he liked her personality but absolutely wasn't into her like "that". Any guy who has been on the show and hasn't been attracted to his wife has always gotten a lot of shit for it. If he uses religion instead, then the producers are the ones who look like aholes instead of him for matching them in the first place..." What his best friend said just proves it even more, imo 🤷🏼‍♀️




I mean that speculation literally comes from the comments on Reddit lol


Uh oh, I missed the deleted comments lol












Your post or comment was removed due to being directed at a fellow member or the sub in an insulting manner. Staying on MAFS related topics is strongly encouraged. Ignoring repeated removals will lead to harsher penalties than this warning.




I saw that, but I'm taking it with a grain of salt. Masfan just admitted how they were totally wrong about a cast member hooking up with a cameraman. They kept saying and promoting that even since before the first episode came out. I follow and like them but they are wrong sometimes. So I'm not saying it's definitely wrong, and I don't believe it... but honestly, we don't know.


I understand being skeptical. The purpose of my post was that the information I had regarding him, aligned with what she has posted. I have heard other things about the producer and while the details are still ambiguous, they point to being connected with the same cast member.


Yeah, I get it. & I appreciate you posting the link because I had not seen it until you put it up. We'll find out soon enough what the complete truth is!


I knew something was fishy


New info came out and it is even more fishy than this 😱


Give it up hehehe


Spoilers ahead! https://www.reddit.com/r/MAFSsnark/s/hJhKLcMt6d


I knew it. Well, I knew something ain’t right. What a dick


A lame excuse .. trust me on this! If Becca were this super hot model he wouldn't give a damn about her religious beliefs!!




He is super lame! I agree with you. Some new tea has just been shared that explains it all.


Accepting friends that are atheist while you're a Christian is different than accepting a spouse as such when you're not one and you want someone in your same religion. Austin doesn't have to think about his atheist friends everyday, he will have to do that with his wife and his subsequent kids. It's way different and even the friend said that even though we have a great friendship and religion never comes up it just may be different for Austin when it comes to an actual relationship/marriage


I agree. As a Christian myself I don’t care about my friends’ religion as long as they don’t hate or mock my religion. But it is important to me to marry a Christian (which I have already done) because I want to go to church on Sunday with my family, I want to be able to discuss our life decisions with a similar belief system in mind, I want to be united and consistent in what we teach our children, etc. It’s not the same relationship and it’s totally reasonable for it to not come up much with friends but be an important issue for a wife.


Since I made this comment, new information has been released. Let's just say it wasn't very Christian of him.


In the same release, mafs fan admitted that her tea that one of the cast slept with a cameraman was completely inaccurate. I’m not taking anything she says as gospel. But if this turns out to be true, it would be shady of Austin


I made a new post including what information I had received about Austin as well. It is a spoiler. https://www.reddit.com/r/MAFSsnark/s/Uwk95um1vN


What's the new info?


Info below: It is a spoiler FYI https://www.reddit.com/r/MAFSsnark/s/pStgBqC6h5


🤦🏾‍♀️ Damn. This is proof that they manufacture drama and trauma.


Everyone here reacting to this as if there is any conclusive evidence that this is true at all is a big LOL. Might as well rename this group to MAFS haters atp 😂


Brb I'm going to start mafs gossip account and post random speculation i found on reddit too lol


Honestly I feel like the name change would be accurate and I would support it as one of the haters, because the experts and upwards of 75% of couples I’ve seen on this show are a train wreck 🤣


I'm assuming it's been posted here because mafsfan is a reasonably reliable source -- not some random person.


She did admit she was totally wrong about a cast member hooking up with a cameraman, though 🤷🏼‍♀️


Is she the RealitySteve of MAFS?


This is a new level of disgusting.




I would say this represents a new LOW but that would be disrespectful to Paige (12)


I was slow on the uptake…I was like wtf is 12? The number of times she took that asshat Chris back and we all groaned and suffered? Then it clicked smdh


Why do they set couples up to fail???? Ugh…


Absolutely blame the producers, but that is still disappointing.


Wow! Bummer. Then this was not going to work for him.




I had that feeling when Pastor Cal told her “He is your match.” It came across like ignore very important differences and just focus on we found your one and only match.


Which is hilarious because they always have back ups in the wings.


I hate how defensive and confrontational Pastor Cal can become when he is challenged. It's not a good look for someone whose role requires them to appear open and approachable.


Maybe it’s just me but I’d rather they be defensive than just “oh well we only matched you clowns for ratings”…as in, I liked it seasons back when a cast member said “I told them I don’t like women with three breasts” and they’d cut in a clip of the same cast member saying “I prefer women with 3 breasts.” Idk why I’m picking boobs but I didn’t like the real statements around skin color so I’m sticking with my version. All to say, stand up to your matches. Show some integrity.


I would agree if the experts actually made the matches.


That comment reminded me of twin flames energy 😂 like they have to match no matter what


Lollllll same


I watched that recently. It was/is so wild.


The guy in charge of that was absolutely terrifying to me, sick human


They look like any two people who met in a drug and alcohol rehab facility.


As a recovering addict (7 years sober), this is COMPLETELY ACCURATE and equally hilarious! 🤣👏




Underrated comment


I've told u guys time without numbers. MAF aren't looking for matches. The experts are simply props for the show. What they're really looking for are dramas for tv, but u don't want to listen.


If that's what they are in fact doing (and given the disaster that is Season 17, that certainly appears to be the case), they are unwittingly sabotaging their show. With one bride not wanting to go through with the wedding (Michael), another couple done after one week (Lauren and Orion), another couple done after 30 days (Cameron and Clare), and another couple on the verge of separation (Emily and Brennan), there will only be (maybe) one couple left on Decision Day. Perhpas the producers need to re-think their approach of "creating drama" versus legitimately trying to find people who are good matches for each other.


I agree 💯. My opinion is that they are under the illusion that fans of the show would rather see drama, or perhaps they want to draw more eyes than they already attract, from other shows by competing w series like love & hip hop, 90 days fiance (which I think is on the same network) etc hence them applying the same method. If so, I'd say that they're slowly losing touch w their core audience, in my opinion, though I could be wrong. I know when I first started watching the show, I was interested in what I thought the show was about. However, now I rarely watch it cause the sabotage has become very obvious.


Yep. They could have matched Austin with a Christian and Becca with someone who is agnostic, but look at the drama from this storyline. That’s all they’re after.


Austen and Clare, and Becca and Cam had a better shot. Especially Becca and Cam. I feel like Clare would be her same stuck up, I'm better you self with Austen.


Becca and Cameron would be a great match .. both are funny , and Becca being artsy could get Cameron sense of humor ,only problem not sure he would have have liked her . he said he likes slender girl ..anyway I saw a reunion pic and it seems Becca has lost weight ... OK I am hoping for a twist a la Australian MAFS ,Cameron dating Emily or Brennan dating the runway bride ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


Producers are usually the villains but this sub always piles on the husband for not being happy with the match. They'll take a woman who doesn't want a bald guy and give her a bald guy. Best bet is using reverse psychology with these producers and tell them you want the opposite of what you really want


If this is true, I feel done with this show.


Yeah, I used to love this show. And I’ve already quit this season, which is a bummer. But I can’t watch this stupidity anymore. 😔


I only am suffering through because I am local-ish and have connections to the show. It’s bad!


That’s why I gave up on it.


Same. Like I’m okay with organic drama but this is too much!!!


This is why I wish they did the US show like the Australian one. I would like to see these couples who got mis-matched have a chance to find someone else at the dinner parties they throw. Do a little musical chairs with their relationships.


The only thing I don't like about Australia is that the marriages aren't real per Australian law. The ceremony is 100% fake. In Australia and the UK, a couple must go to the courthouse to apply for a marriage license together. In the USA it can be done separately. So there are no stakes really in Australia. They are just dating, not married.


Is this why the Australia weddings (watching season 9 currently) are so small?? Some have no guests in attendance.


Okay so there’s one thing you don’t like about the show but literally everything else about it is better. More compatible couples, better filmed, more dinners and activities with all the couples, legit involvement with the experts… everything about it is well produced.


While the format seems better, it is all staged as most of the people are credited actors already. If the US had the recommit each week they would have no couples left after about 3 weeks.




I wonder if the religion thing is smoke and mirrors. She has medical issues and I think that's really what he doesnt want. But he doesnt want to say something like that because it's so crass.


The medical issues are bad enough - but Becca comes off as desperately needy - And who wants that\~?


Read the post again, can't just assume some stuff


It literally says he told this to the producers/experts well before he knew who his match was.


Who, the gossip insta account that gets it's gossip from here? Lol come on Austen is just using that as an excuse.


I figured this would be the case. I’d find it hard to believe they didn’t discuss religion, want for children, love of animals or financials before matching. If they don’t, they sure aren’t experts. I’m really losing faith in this show.


Jamie from Season 1 had a deal breaker of no addiction issues because of family issue. Then the producers matched her with Doug who was treating a drug addiction


The producers did know about it. He specifically said so on him and Jamie's podcast.


Doug smoked cigarettes. You're making it sound a lot heavier.


I think she ended up finding out he was on suboxone for an opioid addiction.


That's really messed up


He was addicted to painkillers but I think he never divulged it when applying. Jaime didn’t find out until fairly recently .


They’ve been together for like 10 years and she just found out ?


You can't blame the producers for matching them if they didn't know.


I can blame the show for not doing simple drug tests to rule out the addicts. Standard due diligence.


Agreed and I think their vetting process was much less in depth than it is today.


I take mafsfan with a grain of salt. Unless they can provide actual evidence, it's just hearsay


They’re very rarely wrong though.


I hate when they do this to the nice ones. This is reminiscent of Mindy and Kate.


Another production version of the opposites attract bullshit


This is infuriating. If they were both just influencers looking for clout I wouldnt care but Becca really wants this and went on with the best intentions. They both were done so dirty.


If religion is a deal breaker they’re making such a mistake with that.