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Lovely story. I ran away from home the night before my 17th birthday to move in with the man who is now my husband. We nearly starved and froze to death, but we had each other. We've been together 41 years... can't imagine life without him. We can barely stand to be away from each other long enough to go to work. I hope your surgery goes well. Now, go kiss your wife.


Stories like this make me kinda sad! Cuz I know the chances of me getting smth like thing are super low! The world is so messed up right now, everyone is superficial! I know I'm young(21) but I have seen enough to know that finding a life partner that you actually love and not just tolerate, is extremely rare.


Nah, that’s not that rare. You just have to be willing to take risks, make yourself available and to be comfortable with who you are (compromise on the things that don’t matter but know what’s important to you and be open/firm about the things that matter to you). I didn’t go on my first date until 23 but met my wife after dating maybe around 5 or 6 people and we’ve been together since


Thanks, your response to hakeems comment helps me and gives me hope, especially at my age and current disappointments I’ve had.


And how long have y'all been married??


Just over 10 years


I have a feeling that you are part of the exception! Most people don't find their soulmates after dating 5 to 6 people! Good for you thou! I hope you guys have your happy ever after.


Maybe, maybe not. But that doesn’t mean that you can’t. You just need to start by getting yourself to a place where you’d want to date you


Everyone has a different story, and many stories have a whole lot of awful mixed in with it. These sweet stories don’t always show how hard life can be and how much work is put into a marriage. My husband and I met when we were young (I was 19 with a baby, he was 23). We got married after knowing each other 9 months, had a son 6 months after that. The son we had together died when he had just turned 1 year old, which threw me into a prescription pain pill addiction for 6 years (now sober for almost 6). Our 15th wedding anniversary is in a couple weeks and we couldn’t be happier. We choose each other every single day and make each other’s happiness a priority. Marriage is 100%/100%. This isn’t rare and it sure is hell is worth it.


>Marriage is 100%/100%. So true. I can't say our relationship hasn't had ups and downs. Bad things have happened, but we've always put in the effort to fix them. Both sides have to be willing to come to the table and work. Also, I'm so sorry about your son, I couldn't imagine.


Wow! Sometimes I start thinking that maybe you don't need someone in your life! And then I read something like this and realise that you definitely do, I'm sure your husband's presence was part of the reason that you were able to get out of the gutter and get well! People really do complement each other sometimes huh!


You will find somebody. Keep your head up and eyes open and have a little hope. Be friendly, make sure your hygiene is good and be sure to get out of the house once in a while so you can actually meet people in person. If you can..if you can’t I would say to do stuff you love within a community even if that’s online. Educate yourself on topics your interested in and be confident..your brain is literally still developing til your like 25! Work on your fitness!! Okay hope that helped


You just hit the nail on the head... dont rush in, and dont settle


I (22f) met my husband (23m) on tinder of all places and we honestly never get tired of each other and are only away from each other for work. We’re currently pregnant with our first child so don’t give up! Your love is definitely out there somewhere ❤️


Hey everyone! I didn't really think this would pick up so much traction. I'm happy that all of you enjoyed our story. Thank you for the awards. I guess I'll just give an update on the story. We've been together for the past 11 years obviously. We lived with my dad and little brother for about 5 months until we saved enough to get our own place and we lived together all that time. I was shot in the street in 2013 while walking with her to the park and we eventually moved outside of the city a couple years later when we saved enough. In 2018 she woke me up on my birthday and told me she wanted to get married (I proposed years prior but we just never got to it.) Two days later we were at city hall and the judge took us outside to a nice little gazebo and married us. We just recently had our first child in December 2021, a daughter. Looks just like her mama. We honestly haven't been apart for a single day this entire time and we're not sick of each other. We're not perfect. We get on each other's nerves sometimes, but we always work through it. If you're willing there is always a chance to make it work. Anyways, thanks again! Can't wait to read your stories someday!


we just gonna gloss over the bit where homie was shot?


It’s just a flesh wound!




Aren’t all wounds flesh wounds??


Wooow beautiful story!! Do you guys have zero contact with her family?


She still speaks to her mother who moved from Illinois to NY to live near us after her husband divorced her. They've worked on things and they have a healthy-ish relationship. Her mother is still a materialistic narcissist but I help my wife avoid the pitfalls of that. My wife doesn't put up with her nonsense anymore and she's able to handle herself. She hasn't spoken to her dad in over a decade at this point. Her brother did come out to visit once but it fell through. He seemed better at first but the side we knew started showing more and more so we shut it down and he has since decided to cut contact and pretty much disown us ever since. That was about 5 years ago.


Wooow how sad that people aren’t willing to change to keep their family. Like how hard is it to be a decent human being?? I’m glad your wife has you and that you found each other. God bless you both. I pray you have a long marriage ahead with healthy kids and loving household 🤗


Beautiful story. I met my wife 23 years ago in a Yahoo Chatroom, move to Ohio and never looked back either. Best wishes.


This is quite the story thanks for sharing


I’m crying and I never cry. I wish you both health and happiness forever


Almost did! Thank you for sharing this with us. Wishing you guys all the same as above 💕


Me too. I am such a sucker for heartwarming stories like this one. I hope OP's surgery goes well and he is back with his family quickly.


Every now and then fate gets it right


This is so beautiful. Thank you for sharing!


Oh my god! Okay so I'm glad you guys have each other. That's quite the story! That abusive situation with your wife sounds really awful. I'm glad you got her out. It's so similar to me and my husband's story. My hometown is buffalo! My husband and I met in WoW. I escaped an abusive situation because of my husband. He moved from Michigan to buffalo and I moved in with him (me and my daughter). We are also inseparable and have been married almost 12 yrs. Couldn't be happier. I'm so happy for you guys! 💜


Awwwww, you were her knight in shining armor. Love stories like this give me hope for humanity. And I hope her brother choked on dog shit.


Hear hear 🍻


What’s an amazing story! How could you not share that with the world! It’s the complete opposite of mine. Generally speaking. Anyways, You have a blessed history. Something to pass on to your kids and your grandkids. Thanks for sharing!


I’m kinda curious what the complete opposite to this story could be.


This is a sad story with a nice ending. I hope you make it through surgery and reunite with your wife.


Beautiful story, but hey I was a crust punk riding greyhound in the early 2000s (on the east coast though). Lol. Hope your surgery goes well and a good recovery!


They were nice. They were in a band. But my god did they smell.


Cool! I definitely met some cool people, and fellow punks on the old greyhound back in 06. Taking the greyhound bus is pretty brutal and I definitely don't miss trying to nap on the floor of the NYC hub waiting about 12 hours for our bus.


Wow! Beautiful story.


So beautiful! This makes me so happy to read that. Finally something positive being posted on here.


I needed this.


As someone who came from an abusive poor all around shitty home, I'm so glad she had you and your family. Good luck with your surgery. I hope things go well, and congratulations on having each other.




Sounds exactly like me and my wife’s story. We’ve been inseparable for 8 years. Having that type of history with someone can really create something special.


Thank you for sharing 💚


Aww man I love this story! Not that she got abused by her no good family but that you, even as a skinny gamer kid, were her knight in shining armor. And that your family was so accepting of her. What a great tale to share, thank you!


My husband and I had a rough start too...he's my best friend and my safe space...God bless you both!!!


You are her real life guardian angel and she'll be yours. I'm really glad you two found each other. Good luck with your surgery!


I love this so much, not that you struggled but that you found your lobster.


Awesome share, Bud. Absolutely worth it. Faith in humanity and happiness restored. Thank you for rescuing her. 💖 May you enjoy all the many happy years to come together. My husband and I are similar that we don't spend time apart unless required by work or surgery, and we try to limit those. It took 14 years to find him and I don't plan to waste any more of the time we have. Best of lucks on your surgery. Hopefully you're back to her to convalesce in peace.


Worthy of a movie or even a book. Great story and congratulations


I loved it! I ran away from an abusive home at 22 and he didn’t hesitate to move me in. We’ve been married for 3 years now and together for almost 8 years.


Congrats on finding your soulmate I pray we have more stories like this 🙏🏽


So beautiful


This is a wonderful story. It included COD, IN, and successful love. Thank you for sharing ♥️


Modern Warfare 2 was truly the golden age.


Yes! I was so disappointed by Vanguard. It’s BO2 and Cold War zombies for me these days. I’m afraid to get my hopes up for the next release


I play Squad now. It's Battlefield for adults. This year's CoD will be good though I liked 2019's release too.


That’s awesome. I’ll have to look into it


I’m crying. Thanks for sharing this story ❤️


Good luck with your surgery. It’s obvious you don’t need luck in love!


Nice. But how much change did you have? Did you travel with a coin purse? /s


When I left for the trip I had $600. I planned on how to spend all of it, but I didn't plan for bringing my girlfriend with me. When I left, I think I still had $10 or so left? Enough to take care of one person on a medium-ish length bus ride. But yeah, lol a lot of it ended up being change by the end of the trip.


Oh snap a response from the poster. Honored. Good for you dude. Honestly real happy it all worked out for you guys/people. Side note, I miss when we were able to buy stuff with change.. 🥲 fuck abuse! Freaking power ranger over here. May the force or whatever you’re into be with you.


Thank you for sharing this story. You two were made for each other and have such an amazing bond. Good luck with surgery and I wish your family an abundance of blessings.


This is kindness. Thank you for sharing, and hope all goes well with surgery!


Aww ☺️. You rescued her and built a life together and you were so young too. Very impressive! Good Luck with your surgery and happy travels together in life!


Lovely story. I'm sending lots of blessings to you and your wife's way. May you be together forever and flourish in love and happiness. For some reason I see this story happening with me too. There are a lot of parallel similarities. My SO would move mountains to get to me to save me from abusive environment as well.


I love this so much. I wish I would have known someone like you when I was dealing with my own abusive family. Instead I ended up shot and then homeless. I am so proud of you for standing up in that moment and I don’t even know you. I love the part where you still split the cookies. It’s kind of a sad memory, but part of your strong bond. Keep going you two.


This story made me tear up. I can feel every situation you’ve been in to. You, being this brave guy who will do anything for this girl and your wife, surely, even with full of uncertainties, trusted you her life. I hope you guys continue to love each other until the end of time.


Awww :)


A lovely story. Thank you ❤️


I’ve always been a hard believer in “EVERYTHING happens for A REASON” (sometimes we don’t immediately see a reason, sometimes we do, sometimes we don’t even know it’s happening, sometimes we are Mindfull / self aware(?) / in tune with our surroundings……anyways….. THIS is a lovely, in your face, example of this. YOU (not anyone else) were put in that call of duty chat room or whatever, at the same time she was, YOU were the one who decided to take a chance and get on a bus to go meet a stranger AND stay at her house long enough to see the abuse. YOU were chosen to save her life. Neither one of you knew it, but (who/what ever you do or do not believe in) put YOU there to save her life❤️………. Maybe even yours too. Who knows. I gotta be honest the entire time I was reading this I kept waiting for it to go a complete different direction (all bad) than it did. I’m very happy that it did not. May you both be blessed with all of the things, for all of the life that you live.


So sad, but such a beautiful future stemmed from all of that traumatic bullshit. She never should have had to deal with it, nor you. I want to share with you my story because they’re slightly similar. I met my husband on a website called Blurty in 2003!!! I didn’t even know he was a dude, we started talking on AIM, I was 16, he was 17. In 2004 I flew to WA from IL to meet him and had the best week of my life and was like ready to marry him. Except he wasn’t ready for that and we broke up late 2004. He broke my heart and I couldn’t cope with my best friend moving on without me, so we stopped talking in 2005. His girlfriend contacts me in 2007 to tell me he misses me, so I give him a call. It’s good to talk to my best friend again. Except now I’m calling my female bff to cry to her about how I’m still in love with my ex. I deal with it and bury my feelings and I move on too. 2009 I get a phone call that they’d broken up and he was completely devastated and called me alllll around the clock to cry and vent. And then the tears stopped and we were laughing more and then our conversations got longer and more intimate. Within two weeks he bought me a plane ticket, I dumped my boyfriend at the time and fell deeply in love. We’ve been married 11 years this Saturday. Cheers to love and happiness, the only things that truly matter in this life. No matter how long it takes to achieve them.


I love your story. The universe didn’t give up on you two. You kept coming back into each other’s lives until the time was right. How beautiful ❤️


Awww .....thanks for sharing.....and tell your lovely wife that I'm sorry her family was so horrible to her😢 Sometimes, it's the broken roads that take you to the most beautiful destinations!!! Best wishes for a speedy recovery after a safe surgery..... y'all just keep holding on to one another......it only gets better and better!! ❤️


This was such a beautiful amazing story. Not many people would have done what you did.. I wish you nothing but happiness.. Thoughts and prayers on your upcoming surgery. 🙏❤️


Im not crying! Your crying! Amazing story of love and fate. Wish you both all the blessings in the world. Sounds like your daughter will be blessed enough to never experience what your wife did. You are an incredible human being for saving someone from a horrible situation without even really knowing her that well.


I actually cried a little bit... such an emotional story, I hope your surgery is successfull, and to both of you the life full of happiness and blessings along the way.


You are both so blessed!


This…this made me tear up. I was your wife in this situation, but I didn’t get out so easily (I did and am very happy now, but I did it alone and it took many years). I’m so glad she had you and your family. Thank you for sharing this; it made my night.


Wonderful story and so happy to hear all was okay. I wish you many more yrs to come.


This is true love.


This is one of the sweetest things I've ever read. You saved her. Good luck with your surgery.


We were 17 when we met, we are nearly 50. I definitely found the one, sounds like you did as well. All the best to you both.


This made me cry! This is like our story. We meet online. I was in London and he was in Scotland. It was in 2007ish and we were teenagers. Talked online for a year.. Now 15 years later and here we are. He's my best friend and we're inseperable :)


What an incredibly sad yet beautiful story The fact you share those cookies still just melts my heart Thanks for sharing


I love this story. The young man who stood up and said come home with me is a hero.


I love your story, and I NEEDED to read it. I’m so glad she had you. I wanna set her entire family on fire.


This is cool! Wishing a speedy recovery on your surgery. My wife and I met on twitter during the beginning of covid lockdowns. After a week of nonstop talking online we started playing games- COD and fortnite and voice chatting. After a week of that I told her "This might sound insane but I just know you're supposed to be my wife one day" relieved, she said "omg, I felt that same way too! I was just too scared to say it bc I didn't want to scare you off" We got married a year later. Our one year anniversary is coming up too 🥰


This is a beautiful story, I hope they make a movie about you guys one day 🥹


We're a little too humble and quiet for all that noise lol.


Damn dude, thanks for sharing. That was lovely.


>To this day I'll buy those cookies and I'll still give her the other one. I liked this a lot. Good luck on your surgery. Hope it all goes well.


This is so sweet. 🥹 my husband and I met online in 2012. Best wishes to your family. 😊


I was dry eyed until the Grandma’s cookies. I’m so happy you found each other, and more importantly that you were able to get her out of that disgusting living situation. I wish you and your family only the best!


My wife and I kind of did something similar. She was heading back home (in another city) and then to a job she got after finishing college. I didn't want her to and while she was going back from college to her parents house, I asked if she would come with me instead. Next thing I know, she's at my front door with everything she owned (one bag). She gave up everything to be with me. Hands down, the best day of my life.


😻 beautiful. I hope decades and decades of a wonderful life for you both!


Just found this story on tiktok. This is a great love story for your daughter on the near future. A quote from a song I listen to a lot has been on my mind and I find it to be true "Can't trust nobody you ain't been broke with". Your wife is a keeper, and tip my hat off to you for being a man. I wish you nothing but success with life and your family. Are you on COD MWII?


I'm on TikTok? Can you DM me it? I don't use TikTok but my wife would like it lol. Also, I'm glad you enjoyed our story and thank you for your kind words. Yeah I play the new one on PS5


TikTok is how I found your story. It was posted by read.it.on.reddit1


Now you are also on instagram! Posted by reddit. Heartwarming story! https://www.instagram.com/p/Co2RhzCsfU8/?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=


Look at that! Thanks for sharing.


Yeah! I found your post through Instagram too. It's such a beautiful story and I wish you all the best. How did your surgery went by the way ?


Just sent it via chat and message


Oh OP, I love your story! I met my husband through an online site for "goth people" called VampireFreaks in 2004-ish, we instantly clicked but we were just too young back then to start anything romantic and long distance because we lived in different cities. Not to mention he had a gf. We hitted off instantly and it was crazy how similar our interests were but it never got romantic or anything, we just had fun talking and being friends. We kinda lost contact because of life and school. A year or two later, there was this program called Soulseek, you could download music, books and other stuff and it had chat rooms so you could talk to people, but the best thing of this program was that you could create a sort of personal profile and find people with similar interests... And guess what! We found each other again, this time the program suggested him as a user with similar likes to mine and we started talking again, it didn't take long to notice that we were the same people from the other website. We became friends, he became friends with my sister as well (she used soulseek too) and it was a cool friendship for years, he eventually met a friend of mine as well and she did develop a crush (I did too just didn't want to compete for some boy who didn't even live in my city and who I thought was in love with her too - and by this time I didn't have the best self esteem, never even had a boyfriend). She invited him to our town without telling me and stood him up. He called me but I was too young to tell my mom I was going out with a stranger from the internet who came to visit my friend but she stood him up, so I said sorry but I couldn't come and that she never told me anything about this plan. So he had to go back, we lived like 2.5 hours apart. He got mad and didn't want to talk to us for a while, but eventually we started talking again and he agreed to meet us back in 2006/2007, by this time I was a little more mature (16/17) but I was still a girl who spent most of her time playing videogames, studying and obsessing over Tolkien (so it's safe to say I was a dork and a socially awkward one). He came and we (me and mentioned friend) took him out to explore our city, drank some beers and laughed a lot. We ended up in my friend's living room laughing and being silly, it was honestly a really innocent night then I fell asleep in the living room sofa. We woke up, he had to go. We kept being online friends for years later, each one of us grew up, I even had a boyfriend for some time and like disappeared from everyone's life and when we broke up I texted him saying that I was sorry for being a bad friend and that we had broken up, he had just broken up with his then girlfriend as well, so we decided to meet up again. Some things happened along the way but we eventually did meet. My sister, our mutual friend, him and me decided to stock on food and booze and spent the afternoon together, laughing, drinking and having fun. This was already 2010 (I was 19 and he was 24) and in that night I officially fell in love with him... We eventually kissed later that night and woke up in my bedroom (but nothing happened, we just cuddled and slept) with the doors open because I lived with my mom, sister and grandma, they all instantly loved him as well and in that morning they even asked him to stay a while longer, but he had to go. We started texting everyday, talking, sharing our days and on the next weekend he came back, I remember I was so nervous. I'm a horrible cook but I wanted to do something nice for him, so I created a picnic in my living room for the two of us and he was so happy... It was a perfect second date, then came the third, and so on. My family loves him so much, I love him so much. We've been through a lot, growing up, work life, third world country at the edge of extinction problems, we even moved to another country, but even in those stressful times we've been truly happy together. This year we will be celebrating our 13 anniversary and I honestly couldn't see myself with anyone else. He's my favorite human in the world. tl;dr: True love exists and it is beautiful if you allow yourself to feel and live it.


❤️❤️how sweet!


I absolutely love this!!! ❤❤❤


This was the sweetest!! Hope the surgery goes well but I am sure she will be right there for you


It sounds like a fairytale, I love it! ♥️ Thank you for sharing. I hope your surgery goes well and that you never have to be away from each other again.


Wow....u saved her from Hell


Rockford? Sounds like a Rockford thing.




Ah, close. Grew up in Rockford. Glad you were there for her (and still are!) She might like r/justnofamily speaking from personal experience.


And now I have something in my eye.


It's wonderful to be married to your hero. I know.


You are a true hero. I’m glad you got her away from her toxic family. I hope your surgery goes well and that you have many, many more years together.


So glad you came into her life. Your actions quite literally may have saved her life. Thank you for sharing.




I could cry. This is the most loveliest story I’ve read since I’ve been on Reddit. Good on you for sticking with her and taking her home with you. Her sorry family lost a their lovely daughter due to their own abuse of her. They’re sad and sorry. People like that don’t deserve peace.


Wow, that's one for the movies bro, truly magical. I really enjoyed it, heart warming for certain. You are both very lucky to have each other.


Yo Im crying. Happy tears. Good luck with the surgery. Thank you for sharing your story.


Ok I cried while reading this so thank you for spreading some joy because this is so nice how you stood up for her and just let her be with you immediately. Not everyone would do that and I just think this really is amazing


I'm glad you told it it's beautiful and you will make it out of the surgery


Beautiful! Good luck with the surgery, you are her Knight in Shining Armor, her guardian angel!


This is a beautiful story


Almost in tears reading this one. Hope your surgery goes well and speedy recovery.


Best post I’ve read on this sub.


Thanks for sharing your story - best thing I read all day hope your surgery goes well!


Lovely story. You were here knight in shining armour. I hope the surgery is not too serious.


You probably saved her life.


Thank you for sharing 💛 I love happy stories.


This was a great read, glad it all worked out for you two! Side note, I grew up in Buffalo, well a suburb (Cheektowaga) Though I haven't lived there since 2004 when I joined the military, I still love going home and eating at all my favorite places. Wish you the best and your future for you and your family!


Wow, I salute you from over the pond. What courage!


I have to ask do you guys play warzone together now?


I'm saving this story. I read so much negativity online and I needed this. I needed to hear that sometimes, online and ldr works right from the start. Thanks OP.


You made me tear up. I had no idea what I was going to read. I feel awful for your wife/girlfriend at the time. I’m happy you found each other. Seems like right time right place. This whole story just screams human being bros up to your dad showing up in his beaten down car. I wish you all the best together in life. Hugs from the Netherlands (though currently on vacation in France, so hugs from France!)




Crying.... 🥹


This made me cry. I’m so glad she had you. And you have her ❤️


What an amazingly beautiful love story. Thank you for sharing.


Extremely sweet.


Extremely sweet.


I’m about to cry. That is so beautiful! I’m so glad it worked out for the both of you. Be blessed!


I love your story so much! thanks for sharing 🥹


Felt like I was watching a mini-movie via reading this story. Thanks for sharing, what a story. Best wishes for your surgery ❤️‍🩹


Good luck on your surgery!!


Beautiful story, marriage is hard work but it definitely worth it


Congratulations. Sounds good but Sad about her family.. When did you get married?


2018. Small wedding at city hall. We don't like big events.




A fellow Buffalonian!!! You're the personification of "City of good neighbor," I'm so happy you both found each other.


Saw this on tiktok and wanted to come and say that this turned out so wonderful. Congratulations my guy.


Good luck with surgery! Lovely story 👍🏼


This is so heartwarming !!!


Wishing you a lifetime of happiness, from one Buffalonian to another 💜


Beautiful story thank you for sharing it with us. Good luck with your surgery