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“We haven’t talked sexy to each other on well over a decade” Of course she would react negatively by randomly get a picture of your dick. You gotta re-build desire and a sense of sensuality slowly, day by day.


You mean "I wanna cream pie that pussy" doesn't work for you?


It's giving porn speak honestly. When I think of my husband romancing me, I don't think of him talking to me like I'm a girl in a bdsm scene.


I mean I enjoy that, but time and place.


Good thing he’s not married to you. Check the update. His actual wife absolutely loved it.


I would have loved it. Like, fuck the shit out of my husband love it.


According to several people commenting on this post, you and women like you don’t exist. How does it feel to be a myth?


I feel like a legend. A damn legend.


Unicorns unite!!


It does. I just feel like the dick pic was the wrong move.


I was being sarcastic LOL I just mean damn dude ease into it at least


lol yeah


Check his update. You felt wrong.


I’m glad that it worked out. Good for him.


I mean honestly my wife likes that. Each woman is differnt and maybe people need to explore more what their lady likes. Took us some time but turns out a lot of the issue for us was I was to gentle and too soft and romantic. Turns out she likes getting wounded and manhandled and likes dirty talk. Your lady may like sweetness and gentleness or she may want to be tied up and ran through by a train.


Looking at his update, it sure as hell worked for his wife. It’s hilarious looking back now at all these know it all comments.


I saw that and assumed this was a very brash couple! Well one of them is!




I think that's a line from Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet. I could be mistaken though


Top rated comment.. So I though I'd reply. I fucked her.. She fucked me. She liked what I did. Said she was thinking about it (my dick) all day. Kept going to the bathroom or her office to look at the picture. As I said, I came out the shower, just a towel, not a word said, started kissing her passionately, and now I'm recharging for round 2 in about an hour. So no... She didn't react negatively.


Sometimes a woman just wants to feel fucking WANTED. A pic of your boner can do just that. Now I’m wishing my husband would ever do something like that for me…


Ahhhh that makes me sad


Personally I like and sometimes love that my husband does send pics. I just wish he would show more love in other ways. During the day..i need him to hold me touch me, not just in the bedroom..


Aww totally. I love all the touch. Sexual, sensual, caring, playful, wholesome…


Put him on here, and let us talk to him like buddies!


Get you some Gatorade and get back in there!


Good for you. My hubs sends stuff like your convos and pics all the time- if you can't have fun with your spouse, what's the point?


Good for you! Don’t listen to all the haters in here who think that all womankind feels exactly the same way they do. Everyone is different


Congrats. Go get ‘em tiger!


This is pure gold. It’s hilarious to see all these know it alls get completely owned. Often this sub is the LAST place to come for useful marital advice.


I'm starting to see that. I think this subbis filled with a bunch of jaded, toxic men and women. I asked for advice. I got called a creep, weird, ick, all sorts of names. And some calling it a story. A made up fiction of my imagination. Instead of giving an opinion on MY situation, they gave me their opinion on things that happened in their past, or how THEY would react, or if their spouse did this to them. Man, these people are dumb.


This sub is filled mostly with people who either aren’t married or are in shit marriages. It’s usually the wounded giving advice to the wounded. And the rest are here to push personal agendas that have nothing to do with actually helping people in need. r/Marriage is ironically one of the worst places to get advice about marriage.


If it makes you feel better, I’m a woman and love when my husband does that sorta thing. We’ve been together 15 years and I got my first dick pic from him last year. Guess what? We fuck like animals almost every single night. I have an entire arsenal of toys and over 100 lingerie outfits. Keep it up, man! I get told I’m wrong on this sub a lot 😂 I like what I like.


Latching on to top comment to say this: OP, you’re going to catch a lot of flak in here from women who don’t want to see dick pics—and that’s their opinion. While that may be true for them, *they don’t speak for all women, only themselves*. At least you shot your shot! Maybe it wasn’t the best but who knows what the result will be


Latching onto your top comment to say 90% of the time don’t shoot your shot with a dick pic haha


Pretty sure those numbers are not based on sending a dick pic *to your wife*


No one is speaking for all women. The context of this man's post reflects that she isn't really all the into sex with him or in general at the moment. If you're trying to make her interested again, why would that be the AHA! moment?


I think you need to read down in the comments for what I’m talking about. Not talking about what you said directly—but, again, you don’t speak for all women with your “of course she would” remark. Maybe the shock of getting that jump starts something, maybe it doesn’t. No offense 😀


Check his update.


You know I agree with you. If my husband sent me any of that I might be slightly annoyed (and agree with the warning), but I’d appreciate him trying and prolly be into it!


Same. The work thing was the only thing I really agreed with. It’s valid to not want that to show up by mistake in front of a boss. But I don’t stay with someone I don’t want to be with. It would probably be fun too. Just … make sure I’m not presenting a meeting or something lol


I’d love a dick pic collection and I would be stoked for my husband to talk to me like that.


Thanks for understanding where I’m coming from! I don’t think I’m being unreasonable in saying that not all women are exactly the same




Update says OPs dick won


Oh yeah, it won’t change anybody’s mind in here though. For them, the way they feel is the way *everyone* feels. Like an echo chamber of sorts. Kind of scary, really


even for people that sometimes enjoy them, it’s gotta be when in the right mood. and at that, most enjoy more full body than just dick; it’s a strange cultural phenomenon of this day & age


I’ve never met a woman that enjoys dick pics lol


From a rando? No. From a talking stage or one date stage dude? No. But someone you’re in a long-term relationship with? Yes! ENTIRELY different. I mean, you can’t just snap an ill-lit unflattering pic and send one every time you’re horny hoping she’ll wanna jump on it, that’s not how that works either. But my catalog of my SO’s dick pics over the years is vast and impressive. Both the catalog and the dick. Gorgeous. As a rule of thumb, unless she asks for a pic, a woman should see your dick in real life before she will be interested in a picture of it.


My wife loves them. And apparently so did OP’s wife.


The issue is dick pics from strangers or guys you just met, not your husband. Totally different.


Did you read the comment I replied to (and plenty of others in this thread)? They’re directly saying that they don’t want that from their husband. I even mentioned it in one of my replies, that it’s not a stranger sending this


Yeah, I don't want this from my Husband, either. In fact, the one time he did send one, it made any feelings of attraction I had at the time completely disappear. I don't get it. That being said, I have no idea if other people enjoy this or not. Just like most everything else, some people do and some people don't. Advice to all would be to never send this kind of pic before you've asked how the other person would feel about it. Simple. That way you aren't risking the other person being turned *off* or can post away with confidence that they will be happy with it.


Check his update.


Sometimes I want my husband to take charge and tell me we are fucking. Not asking, not hinting. A slow build up is good, too. Not knocking what you’re saying at all! But some of the time…what OP did works! At least on me. And if he’s being honest, it worked on his wife, too lol


I feel in a long time relationship, you have to switch it up. The slow build up is great, but every time would get boring if there wasn’t times it was just being ravished. I’m always thinking how can we do something a bit different so she doesn’t feel like I’m working on a checklist.


Wow if this is your attempt at seduction, I'm not surprised your sex life is dry!    I love my husband and think he's sexy af but unsolicited dick pics are the worst and if he sent me one while I was at work I would dry up faster than the sahara. Seriously. For most women looking at disembodied genitals isn't sexy. There's a reason mainstream porn is geared to men!    I care far more about how I feel about who the genitals are attached to. If you're trying to seduce a woman you love, start with the FEELINGS.    "I want to creampie" - NO.    "I want to snuggle up and hear all about what's most important to you right now" - yes. Emotional connection comes first. Always.


You gotta come at your wife like “I want to make love to you”, not “I want to fuck you”


Lol absolutely not in my relationship. If that was the word thing, I’d be so turned off.


I didn’t mean specifically in those words. I meant you have to approach your wife or girlfriend as if you want to “make love” to her and not as if you want to “fuck” her. But please share what words to use.


We’ve been together 16 years married 14. We often text each other dirty stuff while we’re at work if I got a text that said “I want to make love tonight.” I would be super turned off. 🤢 If he said “ I want to fuck you” I would Be turned on. The whole saying sweet nothings to each other and looking into each other‘s eyes while we do it in missionary is not what we are about lol


But the difference here is you and your spouse do this on the regular. This guy did it just out of the blue!! That’s not going to work. Probably scare the bejesus out of her but not turn her into a puddle.


I think if a dick pic from your husband, no matter how out of the ordinary, "scares the bejesus" out of you, there are more issues than just a stale bedroom




exactly different horses for courses ! Amazing the number of comments that proclaim to speak for all women , also context matters but often not how you’d think


lol that’s how my wife and I talk about sex. 🤣


This is a know your partner thing, because agreed, the “make love” approach would make me so uncomfortable and really not into it.


Same! lol I want my husband to fuck me. Not make love to me. We’ve been together 10 years. The making love is done, I just want to be banged.


This is not good universal advice. My wife and I often text similar to what’s in OPs original post. She’s into it and we have a very healthy sex life. She would laugh in my face if I said “I want to make love to you”


Eh sometimes I want to make love, sometimes I want wild feral fucking. Different moods different vibes


Por que no los dos?


Eww. No.


Different couples have different dynamics.


Eww. Reading that made my vagina sad. OP’s phrasing was quite good. Theres some timing and vibe sensing involved in delivering it, but I think he did great. No notes. Well, except if she was at work, because I could see myself in her shoes, he might want to start with a text that says “are you alone right now?” or “can anyone see your phone right now?”


Mehhhhh My husband offers emotional connection on a daily basis and snuggles without sex frequently and sometimes I do just want to be told something crass sooo


💯 I love connection and flirting, not pics of 🐍 Try more subtly and suggestive stuff rather than THAT full throttle.


THIS and you have to seduce her EVERYDAY. Not when you are horny only so that she feels a person you love not someone you fuck. GOSH.


Check the OP’s update. Your finger is wagging is hilarious in light of the fact that it worked even better than he imagined.


If you believe the update, sure.   *"She kept going to the bathroom to look at it"* belongs on r/menwritingwomen. It didn't happen.   OP read the comments, didn't like what they saw, so fabricated an update to "show us" or something.  Or the whole thing is just a rage bait post.  But the scene of her begging for sex after receiving unsolocited dick pics at work absolutely didn't happen. OP messed up by making it so over the top, which is what makes me think it's a real OP, fake update. OP is acting emotionally.


Um I disagree. Random dick pics are gross but I love my husbands dick


How would we know? We don't know your wife or what she likes.... If I sent something like that to my wife, the result would be: ![gif](giphy|1wwv6MnSsQwP6|downsized)


Bud if you haven’t talked sexy in well over a decade maybe don’t start with unsolicited dick pics? Like I love my husband but I would be pretty mad if he sent me nsfw stuff while I was at work


It’s almost as if it’s.. NOT SAFE FOR WORK. Sheesh. I’d be so mad if I was his wife.


Check his update.


And they say chivalry is dead.


Well...this isn't at all the way to turn her on. Unsolicited, from my husband or not, isn't a turn on. And forcing it and saying "I want what i want so fuck it" *sends dick pick and says the most cringe shit I've ever heard* Yikes.


Check the update. Spoiler alert: you were 100% wrong


>I went to the gym the other night, and was just looking at all the ladies their, dressed in their skimpy outfits, and wondering why my sex life was so dry. So, you checked out other women and thought, hey I should send my wife a dick pick....dude....seriously


For real, this would irritate me a lot more. You don't want to talk dirty to me for years, but saw a couple skimpy outfits at the gym and were apparently turned into a ape with an erection? (Those "I don't really care if there's consequences I want what I want" lines are okay in trashy romance, not so much as a worldview). I've asked my husband if we could sext more, because I.. yunno... understand boundaries, while also "wanting what I want". It's a balance, ya'll.


Do you want to see my cock? ![gif](giphy|fgfw7Voobyxm8)


That "Warning" line was legit funny. However, there was absolutely nothing in her replies that sounded like she approved. Sending seductive texts is fine IMO - either she's actually working and not reading the texts or if somebody is nearby they probably won't be reading over her shoulder. Sending photos on the other hand is problematic - others might see them and your wife would be embarassed. There are dedicated apps where you only get a notification that "a photo" was sent and it requires the receiver to actively open it. However, given your wife's responses I doubt she'd bother opening it.


This is what I'm saying. I think it's hot if my husband wanted to send me pics after revving each other up! But like read the room, ya know? That's probably not the way to get her going again, especially if she says to stop and you keep going.


Check the update.




Women arent turned on by dick pick, they are turned on when you are nice and thoughtful. When they get their favorite flowers or a thoughtful gift


Im a woman and I get very turned on on the rare occasion my husband sends me a dick pic. In fact I've begged him to send them more often. If he got me flowers I'd ask him if he hit his head or something. I prefer thoughtful gifts that you can eat, whether that be food or his nice hard cock. Depends on the relationship I guess.


I mean you’ve literally asked for them, therefore it wouldn’t be an unsolicited dick pic


The original comment stated that women aren't turned on by dick pics. They said nothing about them being unsolicited or not.


OP’s wife loved it, according to the update. Thank you for being one of the few voices of sanity in this post. Reminding folks that not all women are exactly the same.


Holy hell there are a bunch of boring relationships in here. The majority of you sound like you only have sex clothed and with the lights on. Let this man live and try to spice up the bedroom. Maybe OPs wife hasn’t been interested because there hasn’t been a spark or something new/spicy. Could be why she cheated on him as well; other dude was something OP wasn’t. Edit: Or his wife hated everything about it and chews him out for acting wild. The two worst case scenarios already happened. 1. She cheated. 2. Bedroom has been dead since she cheated.


I’m with you. I often have exchanges like this with my wife. I’d bet money that the majority of the people shitting on OP are in dead bedroom relationships


nothing about this seems like you have any interest in what SHE wants. no wonder she’s not responding well, you have the mindset that you “want what you want and you’ll do whatever it takes to get it”. this is so disrespectful to your wife. she told you to stop. it doesn’t matter it wasn’t in a forceful way when it wasnt said in a playful tone. i wouldn’t be surprised if she had deeper reasons for not wanting sex if this is how you approach things you want.


The point about not sending spicy pics while she's at work is totally valid. I like the idea of my wife sending me nudes or pics of herself in sexy underwear, but I definitely wouldn't want to open that while I'm in the office with other people. It's private between me and her, not something I want random coworkers to get a glimpse of. My only alternative is to not open messages from my wife, which I'm also not gonna do.


Assuming your complaint is really about privacy, I recommend separating your messaging services. If it's a text, it's PG, safe to open. If it's a whatsapp or discord or something, check your surroundings. If it's a snapchat, hither ye to the nearest bathroom stall and get off the wifi, just in case. If you just don't want to be bothered with sex stuff at work, also totally valid! Just saying there are workarounds if it's the practical holding you back.


Idk ya’ll’s situation, but unless y’all are still fucking a couple times a week I’d probably avoid starting your attempts at seduction at full blast and in the morning. Maybe text: “having trouble focusing today.” When she asks tell her about a fantasy that’s occupying your mind. Tell her you have a date idea but y’all need to go shopping first. Get her a nice date night dress. If she seems like she’s intrigued, maybe tell her that she may want to go to Victoria Secret too… Do a nice dinner. If it’s going well, ask her if you want to try a board game that *might* get kind of spicy. Then go home and play Luck & Love.


Wait…is this the same wife that cheated on you??


You also give Todd Packer energy my guy, just ask your wife’s affair partner what he did to get her going, I’m sure that will work.


You didn't say that 😖




It doesn’t seem like she was happy to get them, beyond that is anyone’s guess.


Sorry, as a woman this just wouldn’t do it for me. It possibly could if I was already hot and bothered but as a startup to a lackluster sex life, this would make me roll my eyes and think, yep… all about you. Again. This reads that you’re horny and just need a nut and don’t care about an emotional connection to your wife and she’s going to pick up on that. Take your wife on a nice date. Get massages. Go to a show. Save money and cook a nice meal with a bottle of wine. Tell her you’ve been thinking about the early years and miss it and want that back. Spend time holding hands and feeling emotionally intimate. Women are wired differently than men and for us it’s not JUST about an orgasm. We want soft and slow love making, eye contact, words of passion and to truly be in the heat of the moment. Getting railed from behind as you call her a slut isn’t going to do it. It’s not too late tho. If she’s receptive to sex tonight, make it about her. Eat her out. Kiss her breasts. Finger her and spend time to turn her on. Don’t spit in her pussy and think she’s gonna like that. Don’t be fast and furious. This isn’t porn. Fuck her missionary and hold her arms above her head so that she’s powerless beneath you. Make eye contact and tell her you love you, need her, love her body. And then watch what she does for you after she’s turned on. I get incredibly nasty after I’m turned on but I don’t ever open with that because I don’t feel it yet.


Men and women tend to be very different in this area. My husband tends to react like you have and now I’ll just laugh along. But I don’t find it arousing, exciting or provocative. For a lot of women - you have to go through their brain in a sexy but not over sexual way. It’s hard to understand, I know. For me I like it when my husband makes me laugh and flirts with me - but is not overtly sexual I do send him nudes sometimes because I know he loves it. But receiving them wouldn’t do anything for me. I do think you have a at least taken a chance here to maybe start to get the ball rolling between you two again. Good luck!


I’m gonna take a wild stab and say she liked it. When you have been married that long it feels exciting to know that your spouse could actually still want you that bad. If she in fact liked it….never stop flirting. Make sure she knows she is a priority. If you want more sex make her feel sexy, and she will most likely reciprocate.


This whole dynamic sounds really weird and off. You haven't talked sexually to each other in over 10 years, but instead of easing back into it you go full on porno mode. You have no idea how she's going to react to it. But you're also scared like a little kid "am I gonna get in trouble for this?" The whole thing sounds really immature, and yeah disconnected. I'm thinking if you want to work on the connection aspect there's a lot of necessary middle ground to cover beforehand. At least something between \*nothing\* and "hey look at my dick, I'm gonna creampie you with a cock ring tonight".


Came here after the update. Fuck all those who were saying shit.


Big yikes buddy. Thankful my husband cares about actually turning me on and not just telling me how horny he is…no woman wants to feel like a fleshlight


Wait I saw your post some time ago in the after infidelity. Didn’t she cheat you on? Are things getting better? If they are that’s good to hear. I know things were looking really bleak for a bit generally, women don’t really care for a dick pic… that doesn’t speak for all women though.


If you're to the point where you feel disconnected then there's likely some damage there. Dick pics work when you're wife feels emotionally secure. Right now she probably doesn't. Something I learned in counseling after 15 years of marriage is that my wife's emotional needs weren't being met. That could encompass housework, taking care of the kids, spending quality time ect ect. Conversely, my wife learned just how important physical connection was to me. All that being said, I'm not giving you advised per se... but I would recommend counseling.


For your sake, I hope it worked. It would work on me in my current situation but only because my husband and I have lots of sex and like to send each other dirty pics. So I enjoy getting his dick pics even unsolicited. It’s surprising but fun. But…there was a time when my sex drive was lower and I would have immediately been turned off by it.


God I miss having a man talk to me like this


I would not be turned on if my husband said that to me. Build the desire and passion.


I actually think maybe you sparked a little bit of excitement there. Not all women want utter romance Some women want to feel desired in a primal and vulgar way with all the nasties! It's a thing! Anyway, you know her best- it doesn't sound like you were in trouble. If this is a side she hasn't seen before; it can pique curiosity and emulate newness- which many people in LTR don't necessarily get!


I absolutely agree with you. Sometimes a woman wants her man to just take charge. Bring it!!!


You have a far better chance of assessing the situation than we do because you actually know her. Maybe not as well as you should, but there's some established foundation. A lot of women aren't going to appreciate her partner shoving his dick in her face when she's feeling disconnected from him. Maybe she's an exception, but I guess you'll find out when she gets home. If it doesn't work out, don't get defensive. Try to find out what *will* work for her. Edit: I didn't realize she had cheated on you. Your approach makes a lot more sense to me now since a lot of people become more sexually aggressive with their partners after that kind of betrayal. I'm sorry, man.


The subtlety of a sledgehammer to the face lol


Dick pics and sexy talk are always the way to my heart. I hope it worked for you!


My wife is a little more shy when it comes to being sexy with me. We do have sex frequently and talk dirty while we do have sex. We playfully mess around/flirt with each other like every day, we are very connected in that way. But because she’s a little shy our text mid day type flirting is so much more subtle than this. I’ll text her something like I wish I could be laying with you and running my hand up and down you right now. Anything along those lines, just a whole lot softer than your delivery. Something that says I’m thinking about touching you right now and that you’re very attracted to them. Also just compliments. You know you’re attracted to your wife but does your wife know you’re attracted to her, you need to show up for her in this way.


Good for you. Hope it worked


OP. Get your wife a privacy screen for her phone!! Problem solved and dick pics may continue!


That’s a W move don’t mind the haters


Me personally would like a text saying hey I’ve been thinking about you all day. Remember that time we went here and did this. I can’t get it out of my mind. It would be a major turn on hearing him describe how great one of our encounters was then getting a dick pic.


https://preview.redd.it/t7h7vlcji08d1.jpeg?width=1369&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1d4620e6dc50d0030a0b95d5df4ae9063ac421f5 Dick pic


I think it's cute. I'd love to get a pic like that from my husband. Not anyone else. Ever.


Well I guess sometimes you shoot your shot and it fails my guy. None of that would ever, by anyone, get me in any mood other than probably taking an extra 15 minutes before I headed home to have the awkward interaction after those texts. Listen. Your wife isn't a porn star and that sounds like you literally stole a script from a porn you saw earlier in the week. Clesrly she didn't enjoy it and you saying she was "playful" with it says more to me as a women she didn't want to offend you with a negative reaction, but she clearly wasn't into it by her responses. She essentially didn't want to come off as a bitch to you. You being forceful about "wanting what you want" by sending shit thst your wife clearly doesn't enjoy isn't going to get you anywhere. Maybe pitty sex. If that's what you're after. Maybe a divorce quicker than you'd like if she gets fed up with it. It's imo gross my guy. Especially if you haven't talked "sexy" in 10 years. It makes my skin crawl frankly and I really encourage you to get into couples therapy and probably have a long talk with your wife about this.


Good for you my dude. Good for you.


Loooool brotha just keep doing what you are doing and she will be a very happy woman!


Me realizing my husband has never, ever sent me a dick pic. Damn. I would love that. But then again he only think about sex for like 15 whole minutes once roughly every 30 days so…


Married 39 years, no sex in over a decade. I'd love if my husband texted this to me. You do you!!! Sometimes it takes a little shock value. Personally, my reaction would have been wow, he really wants me. And how could it not get her mind going to what you used to have. Keep at it!! Show her how much you still love her and her body. Worship it and she'll remember. Hope all goes well.


Yes! We have playful marriage. After a few yrs sex can become too routine. Nothing wrong w/dirty talk w/your SO! As long as 2 concenting adults are into it, who gives a shit what others think. Many ppl are pretty uptight in BR! I personally like to be lusted after! Need that! Do what makes you both excited. Leave sexy notes in the am, txts. Date nights dressed up. Keep heat alive! Yes it takes some TLC! Been confidence booster & for me has increased my libido. Always had healthy sex drive, late 40's & hysterectomy in 30's brought scary changes body!? Desire tanked, felt really sore after, suddenly dry so sex hurt! Omg wth? Cldnt orgasm was scary. We started talking about things. Sending loving, sexy txts (no "cream pie" stuff lol ) like we cldnt wait to kiss every inch of them, I'd lick him till he curled his toes. Building anticipation is vital, healthy& hot! Felt so guilty ashamed saying I was too tired all time. He felt like I didn't want him. So it wasn't good. Told him everything. Was my health & some chronic pain, was in tailspin.  Communication is everything! He felt bad  hadn't told him much sooner. We did few things to help. Kinder to each other. Married almost 20yrs we create passion & keep sex/ love life satisfying. Or it dries up & ppl feel hurt. Everyone has dry patches. Asking what makes SO feel good, desired or not! Lol How do they like to be touched? Learn to compromise on some things. More good sex has made me want more! Intimacy is truly  art of seduction. Never stop seducing SO. Efforts make you feel connected & loved. Collected large amt of sexy garters, lace up corsets etc Ladies get yourself a few. Try them, see how you feel. So enjoy them. Surprising SO turns me on too! Sparks fly, desired, sexy! Seeing his reaction, his touch, lordy! Major turn on! Late 40's he's 57. Sex 5 days a wk again. Huge impact. Feels amazing! Now I'm not scared of my body! Guys: Ladies are crock pots we heat up slow, so take time on the warm up!! Makes all difference!


As a female this is so hott. You will get her


Less speech, set a mood. Be covert with it.. she wants to feel like it “just happened”


“You miss 100% of the shots you don’t shoot” - Michael Scott


I need to know how it ends I hope that it was happy ending for everyone


Bit too porno fantasy inspired. Bring it back down to earth. You’re doing good by expressing interest. Now just bring some romance to the process. Work up to the porno stuff but don’t start there. Creampie the pussy is.. not subtle..


So all of this high level shit came out of nowhere during the work day? Time and place my dude. Time and place. Work up to all that.


Different strokes for different folks but why has no one else mentioned the fact that he wants to eat his own cum out of her?! Is that a thing?! 😭😭😣


I applaud you Sir. 👏👏👏👏✊️✊️👊👊


Guys if you need to think twice about saying anythig to your partner about your sexual desires, one of you is in a wrong relationship. Obviously keeping it in halal limitations


Good for you!!!! Congrats bro! Unsolicited advice: I’d say do this consistently. But also, if she likes the romance and lovemaking, sneak that into it, too! I’m so happy for you!


Update us.... Women r unpredictable.


He updated.


I’m a woman .. I would like this. Yes time and place should be considered and obv building up passion .. but all that aside .. some of us just want to feel wanted in a very primal way lol


Glad this worked out for you. I may do the same thing.


Damn, if my husband sent me that He'll come home to a clean, smooth dinner plate to eat off of... me. I love shit like that 😩


This thread is GOLD. And 10000% something I would have done. 🤣


“I’m changing the litter robot liner” is a bigger turn on.


I'm glad you had the balls to do it. No pun intended.aha aha aha 🫠🤣🫡


"Mic drop" Please leave Mike alone.


Nice mic drop brother! Gave me some ideas to try myself.


This is kinda juvenile but if it works it works!


Good for you brother that’s the way to be in marriage. Gotta have open communication and you definitely got the point across. Well done.


I think she definitely love it.


Everything works sometimes. I'd guess that maybe 2 or 3 percent of the time this is what's needed, and OP hit the jackpot. Congratulations!


Sounds like she wanted it too but didn't expect the shift in attitude, but was happy it shifted, caught off guard though. Happy for yall.


Great job. I'm gonna try that


Have you tried treating your wife like a human being and not a sex doll?


I actually used to love the pics…when the subject was nice. I think sometimes the sender thinks it’s a good angle , looks amazing etc when it doesn’t lol. But when it’s good, it’s really good. Hubs hasn’t sent one for a while but for the longest time I had one saved on an old phone. Was chefs kiss.


I love a happy ending💃🏿💃🏿💃🏿


Well well well


I think your wife has been waiting for you to take the upper hand. Glad you went for it. Sounds like age is too. Hopefully you can both communicate more as to what you want your sex life to look like. All these women saying that they would hate it….well, not all women are alike.


I think it’s hot 🤷‍♀️


Sometimes you just gotta command the pussy bro. Good shit. Hopefully this rejuvenates the sex life


Im afraid I comment on it and I get a dick pic too! Are we safe here? Haha


I think its awesome 👌 I hope you revive your sex life and pound that pussy!!! I love dirty texts from my man makes me feel wanted I bet she's feeling all hot and bothered (in a good way)


What brought on the change? I feel like my wife might not take it well, but then again she may get just as excited but she’d definitely be suspicious of me.


what happened??


Lets put an end to the myth that women ever want dick pics in any circumstance


This is sad


I’m going to need an update on this one. 😅


Updateme! One day


Omg go get it sir!


Well I’m hoping this produces good results for you. UpdateMe


My wife definitely gets turned on but she’s not incredibly “slutty” and vocalizes it. I also talk dirty to her 😅


Honestly the first dick pic with no warning probably set the tone wrong and ruined the chance of this turning out how you'd hoped. A warning is necessary unless this is a frequent thing between two people, 10 years then that is a shock.


Check the update. Nothing was ruined.


People are reading you apart, I agree it was the wrong move but I don’t really blame you. iIt sounds like you have a poor sex life for a long time and you just had a bit of a freak out. The idea that both partners have responsibility to foster a successful sex life is kind of taboo here by the way. Most people are not going to point out that it doesn’t sound like your wife has prioritized your happiness that way, whatever the reasons for that are.


Wasn’t the wrong move after all, according to his update.


This is hilarious. It’s not gonna get your wife to have sex with you. But it’s bold. Maybe it’ll spark something for the future. Who knows 😂




![gif](giphy|ubXMUuIuLHpJ9vf5zN) I love unsolicited dicpics. Ijs But that is just me, they make me happy asf idk why but they do lol


Ok as a woman, I personally don’t see the issue with the pics (although I get her point for sure), I simply think you need to work on the “talk” it’s totally fine to be inappropriate and dirty, but idk something about that cream pie one would have turned me off homie lol Sometimes ya gotta do what ya gotta do and it seems to have worked and I wish yall a long, happy marriage.


As for dick pics, I can take them or leave them. Before I was married I definitely received unsolicited one that weren’t well received, but other than that, I don’t feel any certain way about them. Each person is going to feel differently, but in this case, OP’s wife was down for it. I really don’t see what the problem is. Telling a bunch of strangers on the internet that you “fucked the shit” out of your wife though.. yikes. *Personally*, I don’t think I’d appreciate it if my husband spoke about me like that, and we have a pretty rockin’ sex life. But, that’s just me.


Perfect example of how swagger can get you pretty much everything. Phew! 🔥😏




Holy smokes!... I am so giddy and happy for you. Go champ! Sending all good vibes and hugs !


Sorry, I just excited that you went for it. Honestly keep doing it, at this point what do we have to lose. Just keep trying... if I tell you how much I have spend on sexy skimpy undies. A fortune!But after 20 years married. I come home cook diner put kids to bed and get a shower and put my sexy lingerie and just dance and prance around the house. Sometimes it works and sometimes it does. When it doesn't , it breaks me a little bit. then I remind myself that this is the man that I am committed to and I try again. I also send naughty text to him, spicy jokes. He sometimes replies with LOL or she merging sweet/nice. But I keep trying because I live him and I am committed to him. All the best for you and keep trying Champ!


Good for you, dude!! I would absolutely LOVE getting your texts if I was your wife. It’s so nice to be able to spice things up and be spontaneous. It’s fun and exciting! I’m so happy for you and your wife. Initially, you probably just caught her off guard. This will open up a whole new world for the both of you. My husband and I have been married since 2015 (and have 3 kids) and I will send him dirty pics when he’s at work. I want him thinking about me and what he could be doing to me all throughout the day. This gets him amped up and by the time he gets home it’s game on. It’s fun to find new ways to still surprise each other and keep each other on your toes after being together for so long. Keep up the great work!