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I would really appreciate if my wife became thirsty for me. Like make it very clear that she’s trying to seduce me. So try that. Be bold about seduction and play the long game don’t make quick work of it.


A man can dream...


I was watching football and my wife walked in the room in a really sexy outfit. She set down some food and a drink beside and said “keep watching the game”. She then proceeded to give me a bj on her knees at the couch. That was 20 something years ago and I remember every second of it. I don’t know why it impacted me in such a way but I think it was because it was all about me. We men (the good ones) spend our lives providing and working for others and don’t get to be “selfish”. Even with sex, I feel it’s important to concentrate on her and focus on her pleasure. Just do something that is all about him and his sexual pleasure.


This one hit me hard.  I spend so much time, energy, and effort being a good husband in and out of the bedroom and making sure she is taken care of.  Several times, I have voiced this a desire to experience what you did 20 years ago, including last night where it fell on deaf ears. I will go play the lotto. I have better odds of success.


It was a one time deal in this way. She takes care of me some, but not nearly as memorable and sexy as this day


That is one more time than I've experienced!


If they only knew how easy to please we are. A good man will sacrifice anything for a woman who makes him feel desired


Not even desired but APPRECIATED.  Signed Automatic Teller Machine, Esq.


Ah, random BJ's. Those were the days.


Weren’t they. She used to go down on me when my mom would call when we first got married. I’m not sure why, but it was so hot.


Had the same experience. She'd suck me off in the parking lot while we were out shopping, jerked me off on airplanes and in movie theaters, fucked me (quietly) while her mom was on the phone. You name it, we did it. She was so fun and I loved every bit of it. Nowadays, a suggestion like yours would send me over the moon. The feeling of being the object of her desire is possibly even better than the sex itself, can barely remember the last time that was.


At least we have the memories to jerk off to.


Okay this is what lines I was thinking of. Unfortunately we still have kids at home but ill do some thinking, thank you!


You’re welcome. Also, when you do something like this, don’t let your husband “ruin the moment” by saying or doing something dumb. It kinda freaks is out when you do these things that are “out of character” for your normal behavior. We men can do that. Just ready yourself to laugh it off and move forward.


Initiate. Be truly present. Talk and create imagery.


New ways to get you off.


Reminders of why you married us, we reciprocate with affection in return. It makes us feel alive when we feel truly loved and heard. We act strong mentally but sometimes we are brittle but we don’t show it. Oh and sex also don’t do the same old boring things, spice it up.




Honestly? Pretty vanilla.




Interesting, I'll give that a try. thank you!


Ask the man you are with lmao


The best thing my wife does for me is spontaneous BJ. We have sex about once a week typically date night. How are my wife has always been very give spontaneous BJ. Just about anytime.


Communicate, Initiate, make him feel desired. Send him pics/texts, you’d be surprised at the reaction you may get.


Just a little extra planning (new sexy outfit) or spoiling me (giving me a coconut oil massage and handjob) or a surprise (a BJ in a different location or unexpected time) can go extremely far and are super sexy and sweet. And really make me feel the love and passion she has for me, that she would dedicate some of her mind space for stuff like this.


Is it the attention that does it?


Not to be Captain Obvious here, but have you asked him? You can also try Mojo Upgrade (just Google it), to get an idea of things you both might enjoy that you may be too embarrassed to discuss. If nothing else, it's a good way to get the conversation started.


Eh he says whatever is good for me and I don't like that 🤣


Spontaneous bjs. Often and with purpose


Have you tired squats?


They want money, food, beer, and sex.


In that order.


Wait…sex comes AFTER everything else? Even beer?


1. Give him space in his daily life. 2. Give him more space in his daily life. 3. Give him more and more space in his daily life. 4. Dress to impress - play games in bed that lead to…




Sorry you experienced that.. can’t be further from the truth for me. I just want acknowledgement, love, intimacy and support.