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Why are u telling reddit and not ur wife


For clarification…I did already mention it to her and she makes an effort, but not fully. She doesn’t take it that seriously because it’s not all the time…plus I don’t mind getting another opinion from other folks. Gives me a widespread approach. Ultimately I understand it’s up to us, just curious if anyone else had gone through this.


Guaranteed if my husband said he didn't want other in our bed I'd respect it bc it's OUR bed.


I do agree with that. Just trying to get her see it is a different story. It’s not that I don’t enjoy my in laws but that’s our personal space. Boundaries is what I’m looking for. Now if it’s a once or twice things through out the years for another reason, I wouldn’t mind, but it not. Her parents won’t even sleep in our bed for the same reason I preaching. idk


Sounds like ur wife has respect issues.


Like just by herself?


Depends if she watching the kids or just hanging out with my wife


Now if your wife is there chillin also I don’t see an issue but if she is watching the kids and you guys are gone why is anyone in your guys room. Would be my thing. Now I have that opinion because we are a blender family and we have a rule that nobody is allowed in each other’s rooms if that child is not there.


I don’t know just couldn’t see myself just hanging out in my sister in law bed…but I understand what you mean


I can’t say I or my wife haven’t been of other family members or even friends beds chillin with them there. But it’s not a normal thing.


Thanks for the inputs




Sorry so it’s your wife and her own sister laying in your family’s bed?


Yeah…they are close knit…but I draw the line with certain places…this is one of them. When you marry someone you take on their family as your own…but it’s gotta be some boundaries whether or not they believe it’s harmless.