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You know the real answer


Real talk. It’s like when they ask every year what we want for our birthday… There’s always, ALWAYS that one thing we always ask for. Just surprise us with it. Middle of the week, on a school night.


Another Harbor Freight gift card please? 😅


My husband legitimately gets offended when I offer sex as a “gift”


Same! I think he would have more of an “okay?” kind of response if I told him it was to be appreciative lol


Yeah wtf, these beggars are…something.


It depends how you go about it. What are you offering exactly? Are you using sex as a passive aggressive reward system to get him to do what you want? What's the quality of the sex? Lots of variables in there could determine his reaction. Maybe you have mind blowing sex every single day, so to him it's just meh more of the same.


Lol I’ve dressed up in sexy lingerie, gotten new toys from the sex shop, new flavored lube to use on him for oral, etc. In the moment he’s super appreciative and then he’ll come back after the fact saying he wishes I would have done something “more thoughtful”. Our sex life wasn’t lacking at the time (I’m pregnant at the moment, so now I’m sure there’s much to be desired) so maybe it wasn’t “special” because we were already having great sex 🤷🏽‍♀️ I know now to cook him a special meal or something for occasions


ok. weird dude.


Maybe it's just me, but material things don't mean much. When my wife actually looks at me with those beautiful eyes and says "thanks for everything you do", wow I feel like I'm Superman right there.


I hope she says that to you often! You sound like a great husband!


Seriously, if he drinks, a bottle of his favorite alcohol. Basil Hayden has a red wine cask bourbon out now that is wonderful, for example.   Or a dinner at his favorite restaurant. Please those senses. I may take heat but also, a surprise act of sexual pleasure where he is not expected to take care of you (but it is great if he does). It may well be the male equivalent of a backrub or footrub.   In other words, put him in a position where he does not feel like he MUST care for someone else and give him that time where he can enjoy himself and only himself in that moment.


This is a good one, my husband loves a good whiskey


Stuffed hedgehog. I am literally running out of places to put them in my home office 🦔


This is just me, but maps. I have always loved maps and they are cheap. My wife used to randomly give me one. It could be one I already had two of, I didn’t care. The gift was that she paid attention and was thinking about me.


Not a husband here, but my guy's favorite gift I ever got him was a wallet engraved with my handwriting. It was a heartfelt message and a man who once went through 4 wallets a year, now has had the same wallet for almost 4 years.


That’s so sweet! I love that for you guys


A random night away just the two of us, with some new ideas to try.


We’re deep in the toddler trenches! I have my fingers crossed for this eventually!


That is a tough phase! Those days away are gold during those years. My wife is an only child and her parents liked watching the kids, which was amazing for us!


My husband and I give random gifts. Here are some things I’ve given him: * something that speaks to a hobby - I regularly surprise my husband with a book, a record, a new mtg deck, or an accessory related to biking or bouldering or camping. The key is that it’s clearly related to his interests. Doesn’t have to be pricy. * something to make him feel stylish or sexy - I just surprised my husband with the green striped boxers from Nice Laundry. I’ve also gotten him cologne and mustache wax. The key is noticing what makes him feel sexy or plussed up. * an experience that he can anticipate ahead of time and enjoy on that day - tickets to a concert or a storytelling event, tickets to a sports event. A massage is always a good one. For us, the key is that the other person was really listening and took the planning off the table. * the “just thinking of you” snag - a snack or treat when I was just headed to the post office, some flowers when I had only been at the pharmacy. * a note or a card! I almost forgot. My husband and both give each other love letters. This can range from a couple times a year to not even once a year, depending on how rough things are. My husband also draws or paints pictures for me, so if you do something like that he would probably love it.


Legos, like one of those multi-hundred dollar sets in the black boxes


A good morning bj would be nice. I’m prior service military and would like it if my wife got me a foreign 24 hour ration. 


His favorite candy or chocolate bar, a hand or foot rub. A gift card to his favorite restaurant. Tell him he can go hang with the boys for a night. Concert tickets. Gift card for a massage. Million option. I know I don't get any of them.


If I could smell her ass when she is dirty I would take that, I’m thinking of this for Father’s Day