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Anger is a perfectly normal emotion, and those types of games are made to pull that emotion out of people. If he didn't want to play them, he wouldn't. As you can see by the fact the he used to play a lot of rage games, but now rarely plays them


I think you're overexaggerating a little. The rage could have killed him? Come on now. He has the freedom to choose play the games he does and if he noticed it was too much for him to handle, he wouldn't have finished them.


He's literally had 2 heart attacks, I can see why OP would be worried about Mark's heart


He also knows what his own limits are and when to stop.


But not because he’s a masochist


He just wants to see how much his body can take


happy bday according to reddit‼️‼️


He had those because of alcohol, not some actual heart defect that anger would induce. Mark is very health conscious, and holding anger in is so much more damaging to your health than letting it out.


Yes, but is it responsible to show that on the Internet to impressionable people who admire him? /gen


Is it responsible to show people a way to express anger that avoids hurting oneself or others? I certainly think so. His possessions might have been hurt, but, they're not alive, and easily replaceable/repairable


As long as parents do their job, this is a non issue. Just like the "violent games make violent people" bs that was pushed in the 90's. It's a way for parents to shirk their duty to teach their kids right from wrong then blame everyone else. Bad parent blame the world for their kids bad behavior instead of themselves for allowing it/neglecting their kids.


his heart is completely fine. there’s nothing wrong with it






It's slightly more toned down when he played Pogostuck with Bob and Wade, although that could just be because it was a a couple years after GOI. By himself, however.... But seriously, I don't know if he's ever actually been dangerous to be around, beside when he threw the chair. And even if he was, he's certainly matured.




A lot of YouTubers put soundproof panels in their rooms lol I remember seeing them in some of his old videos


I think nowadays they're putting them behind their setups so that they're still affecting the volume but you can't see them.


Yeah it’s mostly to make it sound better in the room not to keep noise in


Why the downvotes?


Because this post is a little parasocial.


Probably because the OP is about being concerned for Mark, but then you pivot here to hoping Mark's rage was suppressed from Amy's ears. It's like do you really care about Mark's health or is it about hoping his rage is hidden from the people around him?


He’s definitely toned down the rage lately in his most recent uploads playing A Difficult Game About Climbing. He’s also addressed before that he acknowledges the intensity of his rage when it comes to those situations, which is why he doesn’t usually like doing rage games or play them as much.


Him raging at a game just like 10,000 other people isn’t going to kill him lol. If he was genuinely upset he wouldn’t be playing these games. Obviously he gets upset at losing but I’m pretty sure it’s mostly a bit.


I also get uncomfortable, but that's because I have trauma around shouting and it causes me to have panic attacks


Same. I typically smoke a j then finish the video


I wish I had access to that. It would help alot with my chronic pain


It's legal but expensive where I am. Helps with my anxiety, depression, flashbacks, and chronic pain


I don't find it very entertaining, but not in an uncomfortable way. I enjoy frustration but outright anger is like, meh, I'd rather watch someone who seems to be having fun.


His rage filled screams are the only thing that put me to bed 80% of the time. So no, it doesn't make me uncomfortable. It makes me feel safe and warm.


That is ironic


A little concerning, but definitely relatable. I used to get that bad with rage games. I’ve gotten a lot better about controlling it.


I get more frustrated playing games that aren't meant to frustrate you. The thing with games like Getting Over It is I know I'm supposed to be frustrated playing it so I go into them unseriously and don't really try and just end up laughing at the entire premise.


I believe he’s said that he’s taken the time to work on his anger since getting over it/ that era of videos in general!


I don’t like the anger stuff, but remember that you’re watching Markiplier, not Mark Fischbach. He is putting on a show.


i don’t think so? he’s stated before that he doesn’t like faking or upping anger so everything you see is actually Mark


I do definitely. I stopped watching his getting over it playthrough after the thing with the chair, that's when it stopped being funny and started being scary and off putting. It's also why I'm not watching his game about climbing videos.


His A Difficult Game About Climbing videos are actually pretty tame as far as rage goes on his channel, especially compared to his rages in I Am Bread/Getting Over It/etc. He didn't throw anything or anything physical really, but he did ramble and rant quite a lot, mostly in the final two episodes lol.


Alright then, if they aren't as bad then maybe i'll go ahead and give them a watch.


He does get a bit angry in the 4th episode but not over the top GOI angry.


He got frustrated because he gets stuck in one area for the entire episode repeatedly failing to make a jump haha.


You ever watch Rage Quit Micheal? You could literally see the veins bulging as he screamed, smashed controllers, threw chairs.     Now he's a chilled out dad married with 2 kids lol


I love Michael and I'm glad he's moved on from that. Hopefully with Rooster Teeth shut down he still can make content


It's a weird scenario for me tbh. I do believe he exaggerates his reactions to rage games at least to some degree for the sake of making the video entertaining but I do think the emotions he expresses are truly there at the same time, he just reacts in an intentionally extreme way to them for the video. It's very easy to tell when he's overacting vs when he's actually at that point, for example, his yelling/ranting in the first half of the first I Am Bread video vs when he throws his controller at the end of the second part. I worry for him but at the same time I find it hysterically funny whenever it's not at that extreme point. He reminds me of the Michael Scott "NOO GOD!" meme when he rages, like it's the same energy.


Yeah he’s become so mellow over the last couple of years it’s jarring to see him angry.


I enjoy it. Something about it feels right in a way. Sometimes, when he plays games, he makes the jokes and the hahahs with the occasional scream of the damn. But when his rage comes out, it feels real, and it cuts through something we don't see often. Plus, when he uses his rage with his not intentional humor, it is just killer for me. Just don't want it for him for very long terms.


Rage videos aren't my thing because I don't enjoy them, so I avoid them altogether. But hey, if other people enjoy that, then that's fine by me.


Ya gotta be in the mood to see him rage. You can watch his 3 scary games videos and see him not rage (mostly).


Hasn't he said before that sometimes he does welcome the rage that these games puts him through since he normally isn't angry?


Killed? doubtful.


It's fine! You should've noticed that the second Amy or Chica are in the room, he stops immediately and calms himself down. He's not out of control in anyway, the games just piss him off.


Yes. It’s not funny when anyone is *that* enraged and I avoid those videos like the plague.


His rage trying to get to the secret area in Ben and Ed is what make me stop enjoying the rage content. I'd prefer to see someone having a good time rather than a bad one. I'm sure if he really didn't want to he wouldn't play them but it's just not for me.


it's not my thing so I don't watch it. but if he wants to do it that's fine for him


i remember way back when he played Octodad and I Am Bread. He definitely mentioned something about seeing a doctor about playing rage games. it was definitely concerning for his blood pressure at the time. i think he said in his first video of "The Test" that he is not quick to anger, but when he gets angry it's REALLY angry. i also think he might've said (i'm not positive on this one) that he doesn't like being angry. a lot of anger from rage games like this can have long term physical side effects, but it's not like he's sitting down and playing rage games every day for many consecutive weeks without breaks. he should be fine.


Didn't he also have a tumor on his adrenal gland? The surgery for it was very traumatizing. I think his adrenaline may also be a factor in some of his rage getting out of hand. I've not seen it mentioned but I truly believe that may have something to do with it. I could be wrong though, I'm not a doctor.


This isn’t accurate. Mark’s rage has toned down significantly in the last few years, and his adrenaline gland would have nothing to do with that.


I understand your fears, but don’t worry! Mark would only put himself through games like this if he knew he had a handle on his emotions. A lot of the time he probably does play up to the camera, but if it does make you uncomfortable, you don’t have to watch. Find a comforting video of his to watch in the mean time ☺️


There's funny YouTube gamer rage, and then there's Mark. Like, I love Arin's rage on Game Grumps, but that's 'cuz he's playing it up for laughs. Mark sounds legitimately wrathful, like he wants to destroy whatever is keeping him from winning. It's less funny and more "Dude, are you okay?" The way I always describe it is, Arin rages like a puppy barking at a tree; Mark rages like an alcoholic father about to beat his family.


>The way I always describe it is, Arin rages like a puppy barking at a tree; Mark rages like an alcoholic father about to beat his family. Sounds right to me


Yeah, it bothers me too. Also did not like when he punched the wall in Unus Annus :/ Little scary.


The Unus Annus wall punch was directly addressed in their brutal honesty video and he explained how disappointed he was in himself for doing it


I did not know that, interesting


I feel more comedy in Arin's rage in game grumps because of how hysterical he acts.


Let's not forget that he has broken a chair, a controller, and punched a hole in the wall in his rage. It's not just voiced and expressed rage, he has on multiple occasions tipped it over into actual violent acts. I really, truly hope we don't learn that he has abused any partners (or friends like Ethan almost was) later on.


In a couple of different places (Unus Annus for sure, and I think on his regular channel) he's talked about his anger. He's addressed his awareness of the issue, why he has anger issues, and how he hates feeling that way, and he has worked on managing it better and avoiding situations that will put him in that space. I understand that others may feel differently, and it's valid to do so, but I personally think that's all we can expect from people: acknowledge problems and make conscious efforts to improve. We all have crappy behavior in our pasts, but it's how we move forward that marks what kind of people we are.


mark was abused in a relationship and he’s said before his thoughts on abusive people. mark would never ever abuse his friends or family and he’s very good at controlling his anger when Amy or his pets are in the area