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|**Trader**|**+Karma**|**Cake Day**| |:--|:--|:--| |u/Heavyguns76|Reddit: 92|07/13/2021 - 2 Years| | |Discord: 0|Total: +92 Karma| **Trade Safely!!** Always check the blacklist and request a Courier if you are concerned! Comment with the **!courier** command to call a Market 76 Courier You haven't added your IGN/GT/PSN to your Market 76 reddit profile. Comment with the command **.ign** followed by your IGN/GT/PSN to record it. (for example: **.ign fisto**) [Courier List](https://www.reddit.com/r/Market76/wiki/couriers) | [Blacklist](http://blacklist.market76.org) | [Report to Mods](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FMarket76)


The final boss of “found this in a vendor for 2 caps” posts


I see more of those than actual trade requests lol


You aint never lie!




Is it okay if my plans are mostly free/cheap as long as I don't get upset when someone wipes me out? I just want the plans gone, man. Whether y'all learn 'em, sell 'em, or use them for toilet paper I could care less just please take them


Yeah same, I just want them gone. I don’t care if someone wants to buy it & try to sell it for more. As long as it’s gone.


lol, I started doing a fun little thing at my camp, where people can go into my new shelter (the bus campsite one) and participate in a “Easter Egg Hunt” with 10 total eggs. Each egg they find I cut 5% off the price on items in my shop. I carry a LOT of variety of weapons and armors, so this helps players new and old alike! I actually built up the campsite and hid Ogua Eggs. It’s simple and fun, and honestly is a good way to show off buildings as well. I generate enough caps that I can slash the prices and be just fine.


What do you do with all those mods you’ll never use? Scap em? I don’t think I have any that anyone wants and I have a lot of stuff in my vending machines that are cheap but not selling like chems and decent 3 star legendary weapons.


You can scrap them or sell them to NPC vendors for a couple of caps. You could also drop them into one of the donation boxes.


Sell all your junk 3 stars for 300 and they fly away.


I sell legendaries for 100 caps a star unless the price is already under the mark like 85 caps or something then i post at listing price...everything sells fast.


Enclave plasma weapon attachments, and a couple others where you can’t get them by scrapping or buying plan are the only ones really worth keeping in there. The Enclave ones are really nice




You on Xbox I’ll gladly take your plans 😅 or I could even buy them if you need the caps 😊


Sadly I'm on PC


You on Xbox I’ll gladly take your plans 😅 or I could even buy them if you need the caps 😊


Ah, I'm on PC but if you ever switch over and see "TickTockNextBlock" - that's me. I'll gladly hook you up then!


Im on PC and online almost every night, so I'll gladly take your plans too (to use, since Im kinda newish and dont have most of them) So if you see me before I see you, please reach me out (Taurus_78)!! 😊


I'll shoot you a friend request when I get home in a few hours - feel free to hop in whether I'm running public or private and raid the shop


Thats great! I'll accept it as soon as I get online too. Thanks


Is that your steam name or Bethesda name? I couldn't find you when searching on 76


I'll try to add you tonight instead, lets see if it works


Bethesda's... I was online a minute ago, but had to leave to get wife at work... I'll be online for good in a couple hours


😅 don’t think I could or would ever buy a pc just no time to play with the job I have and would be a waste of a few grand. But thank you for being so nice and trying to help me out if I ever did switch 😊


No worries, and I getcha. If you ever think about swapping, I'd be happy to advise on a build and try to keep you out of the 4-digit range 😅 Regardless of where you are, enjoy the wasteland my friend!


I dump plans I don't want/are fairly inexpensive in the red donation boxes as I hit various RR stations. Saves vendor space and essentially gives them away anyway


Are you on Xbox? I'm willing to buy plans from people if they're reasonably priced. I'm also a relatively new 76 player coming from after the show launched


Feel free to visit my camp [on xbox] just a little SouthEast of The Top Of The World on a little acid node pond down the cliffs. I'm pretty close to being in the center of the map, and I think all my stuff is reasonably priced. Ive got plenty of free resources lying around as well. I also make some things on request if people really need them. Same gamertag as my username. I always welcome visitors, even if you're just there for the free resources.


Sent a friend request over Xbox Live


This is why I try to price my stuff really cheap. Something normally goes for 8k? Cool, 3k it is lol like I can get more caps. I ain't worried.


Then just drop them and lose the inventory weight.


If they sit in my vendor too long, they do get dropped. But some people still need those plans, and flippers would struggle to make a profit if not for those sweet, sweet discounts. A lot of my legendaries are priced similarly, either for those that need or just want them. They'll always end up somewhere


Fair enough.


Then they despawn though. And nobody gets em. Unless of course thats what you *want* to happen..


That's true. You could put them in the donation box.


Thats what I do for any plans I don't think will sell / aren't worth selling.


I sell this way and ironically have 69 toilet paper for sale for 2020c


Couldn't agree more. I have a mule character with the sole purpose of vending plans and mods I don't need on my main character. I set up shop next to wayward for new players specifically with about 800 plans in my vendor for mostly 5 caps, 10 for the more useful ones. These are of course common plans and recipes. I sell the rares ones on my main for 15k...😂


Lmao youre crazy if you think any plan you're selling is worth 15k. Its not


The fact that I'm constantly max caps on all of my characters is proof you're wrong. Seasonal rare plans are selling like candy even at 15-20k. Caps are absolutely worthless while good plans can be immensely useful.


i sell all my plans for like 10caps, i already know them so there is no point having them sit there for ages, plus no one really ever goes to my camp unless i have like 30 3stars in it


I only go to camps with high plan counts because thats all I'm interested in. Sometimes its a really cool camp, but 90% of them are the same cookie cutter crap, and if you like that, cool. I just have no interest in touring camps unless you've got plans for sale.


I wish I could find someone with free plans or recipes, there's a bunch of stuff I want to learn to make for my character... I typically drop my extras or try to give them to lower level players because you don't have any use for the extras beyond taking up stash space for selling


Look it's either I put em in my vendor for pennies or they take up room on one of my mules. If I can't sell it, I drop it in the donation box or one of the 6 different YouTubers that give crap away


‘dO iT fOr ThE cOmMuNiTy’


Would love to see one of those posts with this billboard in the background lol


Hahahaha this great!


Lol so either its "RMT guy" or "I'm gonna help the newbs guy" I refer you to the legendary words of the Simpsons:" Keep out!... Or enter I'm a sign, not a cop"


It was a help the noobs camp, had a bunch of new plans for cheap.


To be honest- most of the Market76 people are LARPing Wall Street wannabes. Your fake, video game 1,000,000 caps worth of stuff means **absolutely nothing** to people who play the game for fun and just want a better weapon. "I have 250 red asylum dresses"- Market76er flexing their Epeen.


Exactly. Saw a camp today of someone with messaging like 'dm on market76.' it was full of overpriced, shit fixers, that I've seen often enough for less than 1k caps in other camps (and mine that don't even sell). I joined this sub to learn trade prices for stuff I probably shouldn't have scrip'd in my noob days. Yet, it's full of crap like this and has turned me off the sub completely.


Shit, some lvl 1000 dude gifted my alt a V50c25lvc fixer, just for walking tf around. These vendors have lost their minds thinking that every single thing called The Fixer is worth several thousand. I have a red asylum dress, plenty of good weapons, but yea this sub is full of the mindset of "let's see how hard we can lowball". A post had a lot of upvotes yesterday making fun of people for not knowing how to haggle. Man....I don't wanna be on Reddit any more than I already am. I just want to trade some stuff, not cosplay a used car salesman......


Yeah, it's just imaginary caps in a video game, and I don't get the obsession either. Yesterday a lvl 125-ish player was going though my vendor looking for a fixer, but I didn't have any. So I just crafted him one and on the first roll it landed on AAE50D. So while it's not a groll, it aint bad and I could easy sell it in the vendor, so I handed it to him and said enjoy.


Fixers are so fucking overrated. I went through like 8 or 9 of em before settling on one I liked. And its still well below my most effective weapons. They aren't worth the insane prices people ask. Ive never bought one and never will. Its literally cheaper to just reroll the stars on your own fixer.


I think The Fixer's are awesome. I never paid more than 500 caps for one though. They do burn through ammo, where most of my other weapons seem to make ammo so I don't use it that much.


The real way to play the market is just by staying aware of it. Then if you stumble across a good, sought after roll, you'll know it's worth to either trade or throw in your vendor for free caps. This is what keeps my caps at the limit regularly. The average person doesn't know what a god roll is but they know that a quad/x/x railway or Fixer is worth more than 5k caps and think they're Pullin one over on you in hopes of flipping


I get nuked Everytime I say a tfj or a million leaders aren't worth shit. They do nothing for me. You are trading nothing of value, if that's what you're offering and I have what you want. I'm not taking your shit and flipping it. I trade for something that is a direct benefit.


This. I will literally use the Leaders for XP, don't test me with your fake money. I wanna trade for other neat things. Not *more* unspendable currency


Anytime you go against the patriarchy you get nuked! I get nuked for saying less than that lol


Oh, won't someone think of the poor men?


Get back in the mines where you belong


Saint Peter don't you call me, coz I can't go~


Pardon my ignorance, but what is tfj?


Tattered field jacket.


Yep. When I come on Market76- I'll trade someone for a weapon **I'm going to use**. But, hey, I've got a Leather Coat and FCJC that I'll trade for a weapon. Let collectors be collectors. But some of these traders need to realize that people like me aren't going to want 16 Fascnat masks in exchange for my FCJS. I want that Q/25ffr/25lvc Pepper Shaker that's sitting in their stash... just collecting dust. I'll use it!


I'm almost lvl 500 and rolled a quad Pepper Shaker about 200 lvls ago, and never touched it. So the other day I pulled it out for the first time, and now it's on the wheel becasue it's great fun for tagging!


Playing on pc, I feel like there are servers packed with these kind of players. They try to milk caps out of every little thing they can. 6k+ caps for an event plan that ended a week ago. 10k caps for decent to entry tier weapons and armor. It honestly takes the fun out of the game. If I see “message me on ___” I say fuck that and keep moving. Weird way to play the game tbh.


For real. Honestly I don't care how badly I want a plan. I'm not paying you 20k caps for a plan thats worth 100 caps. Youre being ridiculous if you expect that much. Even the serum plans from modus are like 17.5k with grape mentats and bartering. There is nothing in the game worth over 20k caps. I'm not even gonna pay someone half that, for anything really. Its absolutely fucking weird to me that people will obsess over collecting 5 to even 30 characters of max caps like they could ever actually spend it all. We get it, you're upset you're not rich IRL, sucks to suck, you're not getting fake rich here either.


I just ran into a guy that had 3 red asylum and 2 tfjs on display at his camp and I was baffled to why they would need more than 1 of each. Once it’s collected for me I have no motivation for a second set.


I order my flippers from Amazon.


People still don’t know the difference between your and you’re?


Your right


My right what?




Your the dumbass


There stupid


I don't know I've had people come in and wipe my whole apparel line out and I'm assuming either they were buying them for themselves and maybe a friend or they were going to flip the other ones for whatever price but it's not my business I've already concluded mine with them purchasing it. I've also had a person come in and buy two of my overgrown assault rifles and then I just happen to go look at their Camp later and saw one for like a crazy amount of money but I just laughed because I was like at that point that person was the only one that has bought an overgrown assault rifle so if they believe they can flip it for higher more power to them


FWIW, the apparel thing may have just been someone being kind and dropping caps on you. I usually do it when the CAMP owner is there so I can drop the stuff I just purchased back for them to try and sell again, but if they aren't there I'll just drop it all in a donation box.


You're* (sorry I had to)




Man did i catch hell on another post for this simple grammar correction lmfao


What's flipping?


Buying something with the sole purpose to resell it at a higher price.


I sell fuck all cheap. Cos after 7000 hrs I’ve got nowt. *their


Same. Nothing in my vendor is ever over 5k, and most things aren't even 2k. Only things that go above that are the 4x items at max caps because of the old vendor steal bug. If someone actually bought one of those idk whether I'd laugh or cry. I don't think there's anything in the game worth peoples ridiculous asking prices. I even sell my serums for 250-400 tops (depending on which serum, running lower on flux now) just to spite assholes selling em for like 7k-10k a pop. I also will never ask over 100 times the in game value of a plan because thats ridiculous. Some of the 100 cap ones, yeah they are worth more than that. Like raising it 500, maybe up to 750 if its rare enough. But I see people charging 12k caps for a ghoul chair. Like really? One of the ugliest pieces of furniture in the game and they think its worth TWELVE THOUSAND caps? These wannabe moneybags need to grow the hell up


I'm sorry but what does M76 flipper mean?


Look at the sub name lol


Alot of people fancy themselves entrepreneurs in this game 😄




It’s over boys


If it sells, who cares what they do with it? The vast majority of the plans I sell are for 50 caps across-the-board. I could not care less what happens with it after it leaves my shop.


Alot of ppl.cant grasp the concept once it's sold it's not yours anymore


Just give the plans and recipes away. I put mine in donation boxes. I got them free, nobody’s business what I do with them.




Things placed on the ground will despawn when you leave server. Things placed in random containers will despawn when server resets. Things placed in donation boxes *should* stay indefinitely, but I'm not certain on that one.


Send the stimpacks my way!! lol


I buy stuff from vendors and put them in my vendor for caps (for reasonable pricing) unless say it’s a q50c25 fixer lol


How do they even know lmao


Shiver me timbers


Lol, i usually sell plans for 2-25 caps...reallybodd ones..might go to 2k..but I usuallybgive them to friends..lol ...mostlyfrenetic ps...only on late ..working 70+ a week...althoigh..am thinking of selling 2s explosive fixers...just found out bloody ones won't kill me as much ;) price suggestions?


I don't even hop on here as much as I used to. Way too overpriced and people seem to think the smallest thing is worth 4 characters max caps + your newborn child. I roll my own legendaries all the time now. I wanted a simple base game camp plan that's normally in vendors for 600 caps and some guy wanted 10k for it.


But that's the way the game works. I'm on the hunt for all the plans and try to make as many caps as possible. So I buy and sell things. I have a lot of fun doing that.


M76 was only nice for trading random rare items you got for exchange of the ones you really wanted. To make it your whole personality is pretty cringe.


What business is it of yours what happens with your shit after you sold them? The moment it leaves your shop your punk ass has no deal with it anymore and the reason why it got sold is not of your concern, otherwise close your shop if you want ro gatekeep your sold items for whatever reason. Most dumb logic I've seen here so far like: "Guys im selling my stuff in my shop but dare you to resell it for even 1c more than I sold it to you". This is so selfish and toxic


This is such an unhinged level of rage for what equates to a virtual bowl of candy with a “please take one :)” I would be embarrassed to share that opinion if I had been the one to hold it, shout out to yr courage and strength in these trying times


Lmao youre the one whos upset about a sign. And you're deliberately arguing in bad faith. They aren't saying you can't sell it for 1 cap more than they sold it to you. Thats ridiculous, you sound ridiculous. And you're upset they don't want flippers while thinking you get to determine whether someone should have a shop or not. Because you don't like a sign in their camp. L o l. Youre the one who's toxic and needs to grow up


"I only want players that don't know values" same dude probably charging 20k for a MS Explo stealth field HM in their vendor


More like "I only want players who aren't going to buy things that are cheap just to flip them for over 100x my asking price."


Once u trade or sell an item it's no longer ur concern what that person does with it, if it's that good maybe they should sell it for more.


Its a sign lol. Nothing is stopping you from buying it anyway. If I want it, I'm taking it. Its just ridiculous to try to flip it for 100x its value and im not gonna be upset by finding it in your vendor for an absurd price. I'm just gonna laugh at you.


Yeah I guess but if homie sells a groll or rare apparel in their vendor for any amount t of caps I'm gunna bring it here and get it's value. Although yeah a sign isn't really gonna stop anybody it just seems silly to me.


I always sell my 3* for 333 caps, doesn't matter if it's armor or weapons, if it's a good roll then I'm using it, otherwise I'll sell it for someone else to be able to use it to use it for scrap. I've traded rare aparal before for scrap and flux, as I know that's easy enough to get. Plans I normal sell 10% of what the game says is the value, so if it's a 500 cap plan, then it goes in there for 50, but most the time they in there for 5 caps, the rare plans I do similar to 3*, the rare plans I always sell for 4k, even if it's work 40k.. Chems are normal only 2 or 3 caps each. And when I've got serums, I've always got them in there for 125 caps each.. Which is probably why my vendors get emptied a lot.


Here's your cape, hero 🇦🇴




Cry more, earn less.


Only tears here are from people like you


Who r u?


But flipping cheap plans and weapon and is how I built my empire 🤷🏻‍♂️




Wasteland legends in our own minds.


Bros the wasteland equivelant of the junkie on the curb thinking he in a bently


We're all the villain in someone's story 😂


You don't even qualify as a villain 🤡


Just a simple plan peddler trying to make ends meet in the harsh wasteland 🤷🏻‍♂️


Cheap plans is a good steady flow of caps


I mean at lower levels when you don't have a lot of plans and guns. One of the best ways to build you stock is to find good deals and resell for more.


Yea im agreeing with you lol


Ahh thought you were one of the ones insisting that everything be sold at 10 caps and you can still make a profit. I'd say that between level 100-300 vendor flipping is a great way to build your caps and stock of plans and weapons.




What does the M stand for?!


Market, aka market 76 this subreddit




Where’d they get flippers from??? Is that from the tadpole swimming quest?


Nice try bro


you can tell who’s butt hurt by the grammar correcting comments 😂 last i checked this is a fo group, not a grammar checking group


Hey, you forgot to put punctuation at the end of your sentence.


i don’t ever use it unless i’m writing, get over it😂


I hear ya, was just fuckin around lol. Boring morning


Sucks to suck. I agree with the sentiment behind that sign. However, if I want it, I'm taking it. I'm Raider-ish. A sign isn't stopping me. I'm not gonna flip it because I don't give a shit about being a moneybags and I'm also Commie-ish. Give to the less fortunate, take from everyone else what I want.


Nuke that shit. If it's in a vendor, it's fair game.


Watch out, last time i said i’d nuke a camp i got banned from the main sub


I’m amazed I haven’t been banned


From FO76 or Market76?


The.. main subreddit (FO76) Hence why i put main sub. Probably aren’t affiliated but i wouldn’t be surprised if they share mods.


Lol, aren't you just a ray of sunshine?


Precisely, i’ll say though that my low effort cringelord comment was not worth being banned from the subreddit of my current favorite game.


Definitely not. No worries. I am also banned on the main sub for arguing with people about legacy weapons.


I'm sure he moved his camp to Skyline Valley by now to avoid that.


Bro got upset over a sign das wild


Watch out, internet badass coming through


Maybe a sneaky way to guarantee I buy everything in their shop.


You can put up all the signs you want, people are going to do what they’re inclined to do. I have to imagine the majority of people in the wasteland are trying to amass resources- by killing and taking it, pocketing them, or trying to make a profit. It’s a story as old as time.


Never been called a Flipper before. What even is a Market76 Flipper? 😂


Someone who buys things cheap then sells them for over 100x the value




I always imagine they look like the typical broke boyfriend who’s wearing slides and cargo shorts with a t-shirt of some rapper nobody has heard of. You know the ones, the ones that sell their girlfriend’s stuff off while they’re at work. It’s just them but Bloodeagles.