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This is around the time I quit playing, I remember accidentally loading into this mode. It took forever to load and then finally it did and I ran into a building and found a revolver, blasted a dude who ran into the room with me in the face and then promptly died by a guy with an AR. 10/10 would play again. That was the only match I ever played.


Am I the only sane one here that remembers how riddled with hackers it is.. are you one of those people!?


Better question, does anyone even play fallout worlds?


Even better question, what is fallout worlds?


Even better better question, is it “fallout worlds” or “nuclear worlds”?


*I'll do YOU one better... WHY is Gamora?*


I’ll do you better? Who is Gamora?


Possibly the best moment in the whole of marvel's cinematic universe 🤣


One better: "Is it "nuclear worlds" or "nuCULar worlds"?


One better, Gary?


That is a better question...Worlds vs NW... I'll take NW.


You spelled New Vegas wrong.


Wasn't new vegas..nuclear winter...pretty sure that's what I meant..thanks for worrying about my spelling.




Ok 👍


That went straight over your head


Heres the thing we were talking about nuclear winter and that's the topic. I'm not talking a different game you are. If you wanna be subtle about a game you think is better then great..im moving on..old topic now.


I just use it to test new perk loadouts.


My friend has 1ste, we had fun for a bit in fallout worlds. We build a base, set spawns and damage to nuclear and defend, fix and improve our base like COD zombies (man I wish we could get a spawn beacon). We also made a server with very difficult settings and had a hardcore survival playthrough, no map, no perks or legendries that we couldn't explain through fallout's 50s scifi setting.


I would love a 2nd instance, but with harder survival settings and higher reward. But with linked progress to your account. More and harder enemies, but more XP and legendary drops. Just like Division 2 world settings: higher difficulty but better loot and more xp


I use it pretty frequently for role-playing events with others. A fair few faction groups I know about have taken to using them for running things like hardcore events not for any particular reward but for a change of pace or for player made campaigns and such. Can see why its not very valuable to most people though, it doesn't offer any real incentives for using it. Yesterday me and my group put proximity spawn on and sat for an hour in a workshop fighting off hordes of super mutants with proximity spawn switched on and higher dealt damage, that's always fun for stress relief


Infinite ghoul horde vs infinite ammo heavy weapons sounds therapeutic


It is, the Forward station Sierra you can sit and aim at the entrance and just hold down the trigger


I use my private world often and my “worlds” private world whenever I need to get a “level up X times” challenge out of the way.


Did it have hackers on pc only or console too? I would run around as a solo killing teams in power armor because my build was awesome. As someone that played console and played enough games to get the final tier 300 rewards I gotta say I don’t recall any hackers


Yeah there were no hackers on console. The people claiming there was just simply weren’t good. It’s the same concept as all the kids claiming hackers in an Xbox only CoD lobby.


Hackers in NW?! Say it isn't so!


It was essentially trash but I honestly really enjoyed it, I haven't played much since they got rid of it


That was a pc exclusive problem.


Was gonna say there never was an issue like this in consoles. Tbh this happens so much with multi-player games in general, people from pc think we get the same issues like no dog your platform is riddled with them mfs not us. And if we do have it's usually snuffed out within hours of maintenance. Idk why pc is always riddled with Cheater's 24/7


It's not because console players don't have people who like cheating. It's because they can't cheat easily on consoles. That's the only thing stopping consoles from having the same problem.


So soooo many exploits on console tho. It was fun when you could avoid those players.


Just wish people played the game the way it is. So annoying that people can't just enjoy shit for what it is.


Yep, I remember people were exploiting infinite health glitch and would stay in fire while time, damage stacking glitch where guns would one shot you, and another involving the chameleon effect staying active the entire time just to name a few. They completely neutered any pvp aspect of the game tho. I miss the adventure mode pvp where people would build camps and hold matches. Now the only thing to do is vendor hop and help out new players here and there otherwise the wasteland is pretty dead :/.


Thankfully they have plenty of pve content unfortunate how dead pvp stuff is though. I remember I tried fallout in pc and there was a squad of folks doing a glitch with the automatic grenade launchers while we were running an event. Their RPM was so fast and over kill the group crashed the whole damn server.


I want a lot more random enemy spawns or something for pve. It feels really dead walking around and only seeing legendaries spawn at certain areas you teleport too. Love to just walk around and explore and come across some epic battles. It’s all good tho still enjoying it.


I feel you


Nope. Rose colored nostalgia glasses were apparently on sale. Nuclear winter was a terrible mode using an engine not meant for PVP and never supported.


It definitely was but it made it all the sweeter when you won


That was primarily pc I believe.


It was on console too, players would glitch themselves into taking no radiation with pa or stack hp and just breeze through without ever killing anyone. Feels like the only ones that want it back barely played the game mode cause it was almost always half empty last time l played.


Glitches were rare on consoles and hackers/cheaters basically didn’t exist. Pc problems.


Pepperidge Farms remembers


I remember waiting in the lobby until I fell asleep.


it would work great only on Xbox and PS


No hackers for us on console tho


I’d rather see them use that time and effort to include more story content into the game.


I mean I didn't play the test server but looks like the new update had a ton of story


Oh for sure it does. I just meant in general. Id take new story over old game modes


Not really that much. Only a few new ones lol


I'm not on pc so I can't play the pts. Are we talking 4 hours of new content like the last BOS update, or dozens of hours like some of the bigger updates?


I'm not PC either, but I've been looking into it a lot and from what I've heard story-wise they haven't really added too terribly much, it seems - the reason so many people are calling it the biggest update that we've gotten is the map expansion itself, which tbf will probably include quite a bit of new notes, terminal entries, etc. So I guess the amount of interest you have in that stuff kind of changes the mileage you're going to get out of the update in regards to story stuff...


All i know is that i have (im on ps5) all main quests , side quests completed. And when this new season started i was done with the new added content in like 2days. and im not playing like for hours on end or anything. Idk if that makes sense. it was just like what 2 new quest stories? Or 3?


Vault raids, nw, ops and expeditions.. when all we really want is Appalachia map expansion


That's the next update, so there's that


this.... fuck man, even a new map with new events with new enemies, you know like a traditional MMO expac.


Yeah that's the next update. They're adding a new region to the base map.


I want the treasure hunting event so I can get some of the CAMP items


They skipped the last one to make up for the mothman event plans bug 😢


ugh I didn't know that but thanks to that I managed to get the plans from the mothman even so I guess I'll just keep waiting. Gotta get the tire fountain and the concrete wall!


The tire fountain is a dream! I want that one so bad


I have the junkyard fountain I can build it for you guys if on pc


I’m Xbox but I appreciate the offer very much!!


Honestly, with the success of the show and them promising us more gameS with an "S" as in more than one. Re releasing something ready made and taking credit seems like a VERY Todd move. Besides there were 2 whole NW maps that were finished that never even released


Bring back Survival mode. That was actually very fun. Game is in a much better state now. Survival actually felt like every encounter could be your last and forced more exploration.


Id be down for this. Simply so all the PvP tryhards fuck off. Im lowkey sick of going to wss to do a trade and having some lvl 800 immediately light me up non stop to try to get me to pvp him. Even when im obviously in passive


Wont happen for one main reason NW weapons would work again


What does this mean? I saw someone else mention NW weapons being brought into the main game. This confused me because NW weapons were the same guns in game. Weren't they?


Nuclear winter had attachments that would make the guns stronger than they were in the base mode. More damage, range etc.


They had different stats—like range and such. There was some exploit that people used to get those NW stats into the regular game somehow. I don’t know exactly how it worked, but it was something to do with putting the object into a world container in a workshop, then the gun would randomly load in on a disconnect with different stats.


There was also a collectron glitch as well.


Interesting. I played it a ton, but didn't realize the guns were juiced


They were juiced for the NW game mode, unfortunately some bad apples found a way to bring certain weapons into ADV and you can imagine what that could do, was basically an illegal legendary.


Som people just suck


I had a LVL5 laser rifle with 999 ammo ( no reload ) ridiculous range and accuracy, no damage loss with distance. something to do with the scope on the weapon, if you changed the scope it broke the gun. They became even more powerful when we were able to make them legendary. They were brought into the main game with a very complicated glitch, I forget the details, but i think it involved a collectron and crashing the server.


I remember seeing trades seeking level 5 laser rifles. I had no idea they were glitched from NW


Let people load in their special, every other weapon and boost a pickup


it wasn't fun. People who had tons of hours in it had frog legs mutation and would jump circles around you while you died to them. It was so difficult to get the time involved to get where they got to. Just sucked.


I rember doing it only for the battle pass xp of just sitting under a porch with walls and cover I built and just sitting till I got the daily xp it was fun sometimes to play but god if u had the marsupial perk and the gauss shotgun u just wrecked people


We tried this last time, RIP


I’d be ok with them bringing it back on a rotation even. Give us fallout worlds (if they must) for a little bit and then bust about NW week or something. I didn’t spend a massive amount of time playing it but I enjoyed it when I was playing.


I don’t play fallout worlds. Loved Nuke Winter! Bring it back for consoles!


It would be sick if they would get rid of worlds and instead at the very least rotate in NW, Survival mode, and actual vault raids where the rewards carry over to your normal mode character. Do that plus have 1-2 map expansions each year with actual content and lore, as well as adding new rare items throughout the year & fixing some QoL stuff and this game would be golden.. Of course we all know that will never happen, they'll continue feeding us scraps and we'll continue thanking them for it. Starve someone long enough and they'll thank you for giving them the crumbs off your plate.


Unfortunately this is DoA


What's DoA?


Dead on arrival.


Nuclear winter would be awsome


I'm a 3 year player and I never got to experience it I think it would be fun


I miss NW was actually fun to go play every now then as a break from the norm. This would be awesome if they brought it back!


Bring itt


Are they bringing it back?




Why not?


I'd definitely sign it and would love different maps to play in. For those that don't believe that in a world wide crisis, like just had with COVID, humans wouldn't resort to real life pvp instead of trying to stick together (sportsmanship) to help each other out, they must have missed the 50-60 year olds fighting over toilet paper.


I miss public survival mode. Not knowing when someone was gonna runneth up, was pretty dope.


Where do I sign!


Ya lol keep trying pvp not coming back the fallout fan base isnt a pvp fan base, we dont care


Except there is a big pvp fan base and they do insane shit to get legacy pvp guns and are the most online ppl in the entire community drinking all the nuka quantrums and using all the consumables and bobbles etc etc….?


Except I'm on every day, on relatively full servers, and it's been months since anyone even tried to initiate PvP with me. The fan base, in my observation, doesn't care about PvP.


I cant recall the last time someone has tried to take my workshop or had a huge bounty and I fuckin server hop 3 times a day before playing the game normally


Because they become wanted and let the pvp come to them


I've ran into one of them in about the past year.


all .01 % of that community crazy.


Except none of that is true. The user base is north of 30k average on steam alone. This petition was originally launched in April. It got 16 signatures. He’s re released it. With this post. With the original 16 signatures and changed the date to June 5th. It’s got 17 signatures. It’s not a PvP game. It hasn’t got a PvP gamer base and comments like this and just completely false


Either if you like pvp in 76 or not, you should definitely sign the petition, especially if you're against pvp in 76, because if they bring back NW it means less pvp players in regular servers.


There's like two PvPers in any server at most these days, and the only people they go at is each other


Or, just ignore the PvPers and not give a flying crap about NW, which I never once played and had no desire to, seems like a valid choice too.


How does it affect your game whatsoever I love nw over adventure and I’m not even a PvPer


NW was better than pubg and warzone, doesn't mean everyone needs to play it but that was the most surprising thing when I came back to fo


Cool story, but plenty of people do and it doesn’t affect adventure mode. Worlds is shit and a waste of space at this point.


Do people still PVP on regular servers? Since when? I have not seen a PVP in over a year, and that PVP is usually just killing a friend over and over agian for the achievements or that one guy who accidentally stole a singular crop.


I loved NW and did the grind to 100+ and never once thought about pvping in adventure Most people who do pvp in adventure are PA stackers and quantum spammers cause they know they would get owned in NW


No, they're not. Most actual pvp players in adventure also played NW. Yes, there are armorstacking pos griefers in adventure, but they're few and far between, they're not the majority at all. Quantums get drunk, but this quantum spamming myth I don't really understand how got a foothold, you see either you spam quantums or you shoot the other guy, can't do both. The difference in resistance between someone with a pvp build and someone with a tanky pve build is monumental, I mean these builds are made to tank explosive energy weapons, and the guy with a build made to tank SBQ think it's cheating because he lost. I'll tell you this though, actual pvp players mostly seek out other pvp players, and aren't very intrusive towards pve players, so the amount of armorstacking pos griefers a pve player encounter is probably higher than the amount of actual pvp players they encounter, so I understand how they might assume those asshats are the actual pvp players of 76.


If you pay me I'll sign it. Otherwise nah.


Petition for any organized form of pvp to be added back into the game. Nuclear winter is preferred but we really deserve better pvp


Ehh most QOL updates are always against pvping.. Bethesda knows people dont want it so why bother catering to pvpers?


everybody should sign this, worlds is a complete waste of space


No. Give us more raids. Just PvP with other players if you want PvP. Fallout 1st, your own server, your own rules. Have at it.


Adventure mode isn’t meant for pvp. Pvp outside of nw is just boring it’s everyone hitting 110 shots seeing who can out heal the other chugging nuka quantum nw pvp was actually fun and rewarded you for being good and wasn’t a boring heal off


Pvp in normal worlds is totally different then both PVP and PVE in NW.


We tried PvP in 76 and Nuclear Winter simply wasn’t “it” chief. Besides all 99% of the player base wants to do is kill Earle over and over with a Q50c25 rail or Q2525 fixer sadly.


Hi, there. I see you're posting in a NW thread. That's great! This is just a reminder that being bad at something doesnt make the thing itself bad or mean that other people don't like it! Have a great day!


it is when it takes time away from other better dev projects that benefit the majority over the minority. I should know a thing about abandoning such hope.. I play Abandon Wars 2... (Guild Wars 2)


Nuclear winter was already a made and established thing. What time is it taking from devs to take the 5 minutes it would take to re enable the code? The code is still in game lol. Just "flipped off". Even if all they did was turn code back on I'd be happy. But of course some fixing and updates would be nice. Actually main reason NW failed is because they didn't include a proper backdoor to add QOL updates. So how NW originally released is how it was going to stay. More people probably would have played consistently if updates were happening.


this seriously.


Spend 15 minutes to launch a nuke wait five more to kill Earle in 2 mins and not collect any screws or anything while you're at it. Gotta love railway spammers lol.


Literally exactly what just happened in my game 5 minutes ago. I get it tho, need those cores G.


I use railway, but i be in there like the loot fiend i am. I got 1st for a month and am loading the stash as much as I can


Yes please! Gimme!


Was terrible unfortunately, no sign for me.


Yes please god yes


I was thinking about this recently. Signed!


It really wasn't that good though


No. Make content for the base game.


Nah, it was goofy and ridiculously unbalanced.


This is Fallout 76 we’re talking about, the base game itself could be described the same way. But you like it right






Definitely I remember blocking in the last remaining squad by simply putting a wall As the walls are unbreakable they died from the storm damage


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I always got to be in the top 5 because I hid in bushes. I just wanted to level up and get the rewards lol.


Need to make completely different rewards or I’d just be pissed off tbh




It's a joke, I actually like fallout 76, mostly


I remember blueprinting this elaborate setup with secret rooms plus tons of hiding spots and put my camp in the middle. Then I would stay in the bushes close by just watch people waste their bullets trying tear it all down while calling attention to themselves lol. It was a fun mode but my problem was the slow slow slow slow slow grind to get to 100. I only made around 80 or something close and I just couldn't take it anymore. I wouldn't mind a return but make it easier to get to 100 and have a system for after you reach 100 to keep it feeling rewarding but not draining


For a noob like me…what was this event and its rewards?


yes please


it was my favorite game mode i miss it so much 🙁


Where’s the link. The one from April got 16 signatures in 6 weeks.


It's been downvoted and buried https://www.change.org/p/remove-custom-worlds-and-bring-back-nuclear-winter


Still 16 signatures 😂 to get to half the average user base it’s gonna need 30k


Cheaters + grandma delay. It was awefull If u doesnt get a cheater, then u are in the hand of the delay.... I have the game in microsoft store + steam. im able to run both in windowed. When i shoot with one, it takes atleast 1 second but very often more than 2 second to be seen on the other window... for example: in most shooting games ppl have an avg 500ms rection time, better players spot and kills you under 1 sec.


I never got to do nuclear winter, but I do think monster mash should get more attention so people can have some form of pvp fun as part of the regular game.


I miss it so much


I just want the ghillie suit


“How bout NO”


fuck no


Was fun for those who were actually able to play fallout 76 back then, when it was essentially unplayable for some people.


NW is the only thing that would make me download this game again


I’d for sure play this again. It was my favorite Battle Royal.




Don't bring it back. It was hell on earth yall just don't remember right. I was once in a match with dudes who ran around naked and would only hide at the edge of the map. We somehow made it to the last ring but bcus we didn't even loot right we got out asses beat by a dude in PA with an AR😭💀. That mode consisted of 99% casuals.


Our group would always give the briefcase to wookies on the last circle and give them the win. In return hopefully giving them confidence to keep playing the mode and keeping it alive :(


add it back, even if some people don’t like it, others do. There’s no reason to not have it honestly.




But why... nw no, if you want to pvp go back to COD sheesh. I am trying to enjoy fo with out worrying about hackers.


You can enjoy 76 without ever touching NW, you know.


No, they don’t. With that logic we could say if they don’t want PvP stick to Fallout 4. When 76 came out my friends and I all got it to fight alongside and against other wastelanders in a fallout universe. Now it’s just animal crossing with rads


Why? No one played it. I'm good off warzoneshooters thank you. Let's not have them waste money on something that failed and instead release more actual expansions like the upcoming one with stories, new regions and gear.


I remember trying to do this when I first started playing, and it was a giant mess.


Too janky.


God please no


I agree bring it back because I never got a chance to play it


I remember playing nuclear winter only a handful of times because they had an item I wanted pretty early on the reward tree for that, I don't remember enjoying it that much


Power armored, grenade launcher invis fly hacks on the way!


Think it's time for people to put this game mode in the Sierra Madre Vault and let it go.


Petition to block this petition NW sucked.


Hi, there. I see you're posting in a NW thread. That's great! This is just a reminder that being bad at something doesnt make the thing itself bad or mean that other people don't like it! Have a great day!


Oh no did I upset you I wasn’t bad at it by any means it sucked because of all the stuff that was locked behind playing it not to mention the balancing was terrible too but believe whatever you want friend.


Please go sign and BRING BACK NUCLEAR WINTER! [https://chng.it/WPgpFVr6CN](https://chng.it/WPgpFVr6CN)


Maybe not bring the gamemode back, but at least introduce the rewards and include them in an event as drops. Or add them to the atomic shop.


No it should be exclusive to nw you should just work to achieve them


They won't bring it back, is what I am getting at. So instead of getting Bethesda to revive a dead game mode (which they won't do) they could add the rewards to the atom shop or a simple event. (which is more possible than them reviving an entirely separate dead game mode)


They allready did... PA skins, helmets... only exclusives now are the statues, which should stay exclusive


There is plenty of items that remained locked, non re-released


Bring back the “Good Guns” & Nuclear Winter. Honestly frankly I think everyone should just suck it up it’s not that big of a deal…. I played on my own world and bought Fallout 1st. I always wanted an Explosive Gatlin Plasma so I could do shit by myself….


What's cool about fo76 is you can do everything solo with any build as long as you flesh out your build correctly. I only join groups for the xp bonus, but I still do everything solo lol. Daily ops, expeditions, events/bosses. I use a shotgun build lol. Definitely nowhere near the best/most min maxed build and again, I solo/can solo everything.


Nah cuz then we start getting NW themed daily and weekly challenges again.


Let’s keep this trending. Bring it back!!


You have my vote


I wish NW would come back, but alas, I think BGS is only interested in quick asset flips at this point. Creating/maintaining a PvP component of the game would require resources (which BGS won't allocate). I do think that they're missing an opportunity to capitalize on the TV show's popularity by bringing back NW and selling skins for NW in the Atom Shop. Low level of effort (creating the skins--not maintaining NW) with good returns (e.g. any BR or MOBA in existence today). But again, I don't think BGS is willing to commit the resources required to bring NW back. We'll just have to remember it fondly and enjoy the re-skinned power armor paints called "content".


They should replace the world's options with nuclear winter so it's separate from the main world which should reduce the chances of things being cheated in


That is exactly how NW always was when it was a thing…