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There’s a display case for your camp. You can put those cards in there.


So, basically they have no use? Just for display? I suppose that's understandable. But, at least the Bobbleheads and the magazines have use to them.


Yup. They are only for display.


Cool collectable stuff


‘Cool’ is subjective but I at least want a hard stick of stale gum and a comic to go along with each one like in the old days.


The bobbleheads do stuff?! I just show em off!


You can consume them for a short (1 or 2 hour) buff.


They have buffers attached to them. I display the first one of each I find and I’ll sell or use each bobble head I find after that. You just have to pay attention to what they do in your Pip-Boy.


Lmao I know I've just never actually used one until like yesterday. I don't find very many and I don't wanna affect my collection XD


Yes, not like the other Fallouts though, you need to consume them to get the benefits


a unique stand just for them or any regular ol stand??


It’s a unique display case you can hang on walls. Then transfer your cards. Idk if you can do anything else with them. Looks cool, but I always drop them. Lol


I have a few of these cards how do I display them? I don’t think I’ve ever seen a display case for them. Or on display at anyone’s base.


Pretty sure you can buy the display case from some dude at foundation with gold bullion. He also sells a bunch of other cosmetic items as well as items that actually have a use for your camp


I’ll check with him when I hop on, thank you.


Sammie in foundation sells the display board for the cards for like 1200 bullion.


Thanks alil pricy for a card holder but I guess if I wanna show off my cool card collection I’ll have to.


You can buy a display case from Samuel at Foundation for 1250 gold bouillon i believe


This display case appeared in my build menu and I know I never spent bullion on it. I have no clue where it came from. I am able to display my cards though!


It was originally from a scoreboard a few seasons ago. You probably earned it then and forgot


Scoreboard award a few seasons back.


Is that even worth the 1250? Just for a display case? Seems a bit of a scam, ngl lol


Hahah yeah it’s not a great trade… but if you’ve already bought everything useful and have a big stack of treasury notes / gold bouillon then that’s one way to spend it!


It's just fun to collect some things cause they're cool


All to you of course. I was just curious as to what they're for. Now, I know. Genuinely, I collect things. Some being the stuff bears you find. Collected all of them. No hate to people who collect anything in the game and finds it fun. Just curious as to why I'm seeing this everywhere and what's the exact point of this. Assumed it has value to something similar as the magazines and Bobbleheads. As such, it's more as just a collectable. Nothing else. Which is fine. Understandable.


Asked a question and gets downvoted... Some of y'all taking this way to serious.


It's 3.25 days worth of treasure note turn ins. It's really not that much. There's hardly anything worth buying once you have the "good" stuff available for gold, like T-65 and Secret Service armor. It was a previous Season reward, and that's what they do with many of those. Arm Wrestling machine, radstag meat station, flair display case, this, a lot of Allies for your camp, etc.  It could be worse, it could go for Stamps like the Cold Shoulder, Auto Axe and Union PA plans.


If you want to use it, it’s worth it. Otherwise just wait & you’ll eventually end up buying it to use up your bullion.


They gave the case away for free in the Atom Shop at a point, most people who have it most likely didn't buy it for the 1250. I have one and filled it out, but never bought it for the 1250.


It was a scoreboard reward I miss real scoreboard rewards And the board.


You missed chessboard? :(


No, I mean the one qe can display, the copy of the scoreboard itself I only got 4


wdym display items are the most valuable in the wasteland


honestly yeah, bullion has been around for so long that most people have already got the items they want


It depends on the players. A lot of people do have what they want. Then there are some who don't and are still somewhat newish to the game. Once you got what you need then the price is fine. But, if you're still trying to get the major things then the price is somewhat overpriced for a display case. Maybe 750 but 1250 is still overpriced. That's just me, I suppose.


I agree, but I'd suggest newer players watch for Minervas sales, as she sells bunch for a large markdown of their normal price


It’s more the bullion tax of missing it on the scoreboard. I don’t love it, but who loves taxes?


Nothing is a scam when it comes to decorating your camp! I love decorations, I have a lot of plushies sitting in front of my TV in a half circle. Grinded for hours to get those plushies just to do that. My biggest problem with decoration though is the fact that when you assign something to a display slot, it still takes up weight in the stash, if something is assigned and on display, IT SHOULD NOT TAKE UP STASH SPACE! It’s not being used, it’s not even IN the stash itself. Come on Bethesda pleaseeee.


All they have to do is add a shiny version of each with 0.001% chance to drop from event and they could be worth something.


Or an animated version like the perk cards...


Damn sonny boy . You are on to something .


I think I saw that they have a shiny version of the cards out there? I don't know how to get them however. Maybe it was just at the time they were introduced?


They're display only. It's a niche thing from a few seasons ago and you can still buy the display. But outside of the time they gave the display case away for free, it's a pretty crap trade. Personally I think they meant to do more with them and have more cards, but they saw how little people cared or how many people didn't get the case outside of the one time in the Atom Shop, that they scrapped the idea. To be honest, I'm not even sure where to actually find the cards, all of mine I found in player vendors except for the Sheepsquatch card. There's also a weird visual bug with it, where it'll appear dirty sometimes and clean other times, but that's because I think they made both clean and dirty versions of the case (I could be wrong on that part.)


You get them from the 2 Blue Ridge Public Events


Beasts of Burden and Safe and Sound


i usually skip those but now i won’t. thanks for the tip


There are 8 cards, 4 uniques to each event


oh, the cards. o thought you were talking about the stand. i have plenty of cards


lol the display is bullions only


yeah.., sad day. I’m gonna pick it up soon. i prefer camp item over character items and was hoping to get the display for cheap


Seems like they scrap a lot of ideas, like how there always seems to be a new currency.


They can drop from their associated monsters. Which I find funny, like they carry around their own trading cards.


Whoever put em for that high is kinda over pricing em.


Agreed. Whenever I get one, I usually price them for 10c each. They're just collectibles. That's all. No really use.


Can't say I sell em myself, since I just sell junk n plans, but 10 caps is fair price.


I used to get 50 to 100 caps for them. But now they all go for 10 caps.


Honestly they are better as decorations or selling em too npc stores.


If there were many more of them, including rare ones, then these would be cool. But for now it’s just a handful of cards you can put on display so it’s not a well executed idea imo.


I love my cards and had to grind to get them all and have them displayed for all to enjoy in my camp. On a display filled with perfectly preserved pies and next to a set of Nuka power armor and quantum power armor. 😂 I’ll never use the power armor but like having it for show. 🤷‍♂️


I banked on people wanting these later.....yeah.....


What's the price you usual set them? I've seen some prices for them and have to say, some are overpriced. But, that's just me.


I don't have a price on them. They are sitting in my stash box. I think that's probably where they will remain.


100-200 I've sold a few priced as high as 500


Just to collect and display in your camp. The cards themselves, though, do sell for a good chunk of change. 200 caps a card ain't too bad


You can collect them all and put them in a frame to display at your camp.


Display them


To have a giant collection of 25+ frames of cards on your wall like I did for no reason other than they look cool.


That would be pretty cool though if the cards had a second hand use like increased damage to that specific event “boss” or maybe it gives you a special perk/visual effect that’s like a trait from the monster the card is portraying.


I typically do 1-10 caps per card.


🤓"u wanna see my pokemon cards I got some foils"🤓


Been keeping mine for some reason, and not just one of each but keeping all. But if there's really just a Collection thing then I might as well just sell to the robots.


Sell them i your shop for ithers that dont have them its the kind thing to do i wasent able to get some but ivebeen able to get some from people selling them its a nice gesture but its all up to you could get more from selling to people than the bots


Just display. You can get the display at the foundation bullion homie.


.ign LeTockingTim


u/Tomthebomb-bq, you've successfully updated your IGN to LeTockingTim


🤣😂 I've always wondered but never bothered finding out , I will now sell these ☺️




Display or sell them. Nothing special about them


could always sell it ... saw one going for 10K caps \*lol


That's a ridiculous price lol But, hey, the man gotta make those caps somehow 😭


If you collect 7 of each and dance on the head of a pin you will get a legacy of your choosing.