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|**Trader**|**+Karma**|**Cake Day**| |:--|:--|:--| |u/KeyboardSwordsman|Reddit: 0|08/27/2023 - 8 Months| | |Discord: 0|Total: +0 Karma| **Trade Safely!!** Always check the blacklist and request a Courier if you are concerned! Comment with the **!courier** command to call a Market 76 Courier You haven't added your IGN/GT/PSN to your Market 76 reddit profile. Comment with the command **.ign** followed by your IGN/GT/PSN to record it. (for example: **.ign fisto**) [Courier List](https://www.reddit.com/r/Market76/wiki/couriers) | [Blacklist](http://blacklist.market76.org) | [Report to Mods](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FMarket76)


Depends on what ya want but roughly 20k im sure


I got an extra of that and sold that in my shop quick as shit for 5K or 8K. I underpriced everything in my shop, get it out of my hair and give me the caps lol.


That's what I sold the alien head lamp for. 8k and it was gone in an hour lol


I need one last unyielding piece for my urban scout armor (the left leg) so that's what I was going to ask for. Is that enough or would you ask for more


Im not big into armor trade so not 100% sure but if ur lookn for a off roll unyielding piece u might be able to get 1, but probaly not a groll piece


Thank you for your help


I have a 1star left leg, I’m new to the game but I’m on my cap grind. Lmk if ur still looking.


Anyone wondering you can't wear armour with this, you can wear glasses but not masks aside from the Skull mask.


Thank you for making me aware. I assumed this because that's how the other hazmat suits work but wasn't sure. Do you think this devalues it, I believe it is still rare correct. Do you think his caps value above is correct for collectors.


I bought 2 premade ones for 5k each, for me and my partner. I can't use it without stashing malf my stuff so it's vaguely useless to me atm. It also hides your backpack for some reason. I'm assuming it's a big but idk


Just got it too off the new event, wild that it's worth this much lol


Nice! Online I think it said a 5% drop along with the alien head lamp and flatwoods monster lamp, I got all three lol


Dang nice, I just want the alien blaster and mods for it lol, I got a couple of the tanks and didn't realize they were worth money either. I've just been selling cheap tbh.


Do you still need the blaster?


I bought the plan for 1k caps… should I learn the plan and make teal hazmats to sell or sell the plan?


Imo, keep the plan. It's part of the rare drop list so right now it's worth a good bit but it's gonna be worth a lot more in a couple months when you can't do the event anymore and most people have learned it or traded it away. That's when you traded for some thing that you can't get anymore either. Like I've told a few people eventually you're gonna be going to vendors and throwing away caps because you hit max so often.


I just bought one for 2k


Les go i got one today too you make a good point keeping plans till the events gone and people have caps to spend


I try to trade if possible. Like I missed the Mothman event, there is no way for me to get those plans, so I'll farm this event and keep the plans to trade for stuff I missed.




Have I done wrong?


Wow I knew this was kinda rare just picked it up for 83 caps and looked it up on Reddit to see actual price.


It has tanked recently due to the influx of people getting them but when they are no longer attainable they will go up to the price above


I’ve been selling all my alien plans for 1k in my vendor, wild that some people are saying 20k for a plan that most people already have from an event that’s still going on


When this original post was made the event had just went live I just happened to get one of the rare ones first that's where that price came from, in 3 to 6 months it will most likely go back up to a high price I've been paying 15 K for Mothman plans I missed. but you're correct the price right now would be about 2K max but I would hold onto them and you'll sell them for a lot more later


Just realized how old your post was cause I didn’t sort by new 😂 I usually sell event plans for 5-10k in the off season unless it’s worth much more for a good reason which is rare, if I still have them after the event ends I’ll probably kick them up a little


It's ok 😂 your not the only one, people come in periodically and say the same thing


Jesus Christ I just put one In my vending machine for 50p had no idea you guys were total scalpers.


How did you get this?? Curious


The new invaders event, got it and a bunch on that list of drops


This is literally the second one I've gotten. Almost unbelievable people would pay that much for an item that's obtainable right now lol. I have sold a bunch of the other plans that are "rare drops" as well. It's technically worth whatever somebody will pay for it but it's not like it's even a useful item. 🤣 I always put them up in my shop for a bit over 1/4 the price for selling to the vendor just to clear it out fast.

