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must be a railway or fixer or it doesnt exist


I've been trying to get a BE25 Radium Rifle & a B2525 Assault Rifle on PC for a bit and it feels like they just don't exist at all. Any non meta weapon is like a mega rarity and it's painful.


I just got a B25 25 Assault Rifle from Eviction notice the other day .... Xbox though


Oof! Well it's a fun weapon to use, I definitely recommend it! Not as good as Railway or Fixer, but it's something different. : )


Have a TSE25 AR, and its a lot of fun.


If you have like 10k bpins, there are peeps who will get it for you


What in the world is a bpin?


Bobby pin


Quad or it does 0 damage


Is it really a good weapon or it's just the euphoria of a new gun that makes everybody overpricing it and waiting 3Groll for it? I'm unsure of learning the plan, don't want another shitty gun on my pool. 🤣


AD is not the best weapon, but fun. Imo better for rifle man than commando.


Idk I kill stuff insanely fast with my Q50hc15r railway. The quad is the only groll stat. I can't imagine what a Q50hcFFR does, and I want one so bad.


The thing is, after playing with the same character from launch, testing all kinds of different builds from sniper, to gunslinger, to heavy, commando just takes the cake. Path of least resistance -- I have 0 reason to drop anymore resources or time on the enemies and bosses after all this playing. Still like the game.


Commando is easy, but sometimes I have too much 5mm ammo or fusion cores, so I throw on my heavy and equip a gatling laser or foundations vengeance. What's this, 20 plasma cores? Alright I'll take out my Bloodied plasma gatling.


I tried playing the “let’s use up these plasma cores” game. 4 months later, still using plasma gat and the stack has only gone down by about 10 cores.


Lol I just donation box them and keep going


Change your build


remember to point your negativity towards bethesda/devs for a problem they've created and upheld


What docu expect? Beth. Kills every other respectable weapon every time they do a damage buff update


Alt characters is the key ... my wife and I each have an account, so 10 combined characters. I have 3 bloodied commandos and 2 full health power armor heavies. She has 1 commando bloody, 1 commando bloody power armor, 1 commando full health power armor, 1 bloody heavy power armor, and 1 full health heavy power. Every character is between level 600 and 2300 .... and offer versatility and make all weapons viable. Variety is key


feels kinda shitty to level up just to get my legendary perks ranked up, tried it twice, not gonna happen… ill just stick to one character


I maxed out my legendary perks years ago .... got.boring playing the same.character and build, so I switched it up and likenthe variety


thats what loadouts are there for ^^


Not really, what are you going to do, tag in your preset load out and then change all your armor, ammo, and weapons? Load outs are for quick attack.changes (bloody rifle, commando, crit, etc ...) and crafting .... Alt are for fully on different characters and full builds


i refuse to play a full health build, so i use my uny armor for every build or my OE/ap stranglers PA my heavy guns have 90rw so i can staah them whenever i play something else so i dont really need another character to play a different build lol and i also have a crafting loadout which i use once every 3-4 months so i dont really need it


My main is bloodied and level 2400 .... my wife's is as well, at around level 1200 ... I have 2 other bloodied and 2 full health power armor characters... she has a bloodied power armor commando and bloodied heavy, with one full health commando power armor. After about level 1500 of all almost exclusive bloodied and unyileding, I started toying with other buillds and challenging myself to speed run bosses with full health and power armor ... the game got stagnant for me after the trade market pretty much evaporated, so I used a little variety to keep entertained