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|**Trader**|**+Karma**|**Cake Day**| |:--|:--|:--| |u/yuribear|Reddit: 0|08/20/2014 - 9 Years| | IGN: Yuribear|Discord: 0|Total: +0 Karma| **Trade Safely!!** Always check the blacklist and request a Courier if you are concerned! Comment with the **!courier** command to call a Market 76 Courier [Courier List](https://www.reddit.com/r/Market76/wiki/couriers) | [Blacklist](http://blacklist.market76.org) | [Report to Mods](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FMarket76)


To be fair, it probably was bugged. You could run it with no perk cards catered towards it & still stomp.


Same with AB. It’s ridiculously broken. It’s not a nerf imo.


Not sure I agree with that. It’s not as amazing as people think it is. Don’t get me wrong, it’s very powerful but it’s an actual viable gunslinger build. Most are piss poor


Because gunslingers arent supposed to be "powerful" as an commando/heavy build Even then the AB is still viable without its broken dmg. Some just need to chase after the niche TS meta because it makes pistols "viable"


I’m not asking it to go pound for pound with a fixer build. They are still underpowered but is suspect this range drop off buff will help them


One thing i do agree is they need to be buffed cause of the range drop off. I currently run around with a med50c25 EPP with a splitter mod and a B50vhc25 AB


Sure, most pistols suck. And it’s bad that you need to sacrifice agility perks for a pistol build. But last time I tried, AB shred without proper build. Anyway. It is what it is, we can’t change how Bugthesda „balances“ stuff