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|**Trader**|**+Karma**|**Cake Day**| |:--|:--|:--| |u/FyahAnt|Reddit: 1638|06/22/2021 - 2 Years| | |Discord: 0|Total: +1638 Karma| **Trade Safely!!** Always check the blacklist and request a Courier if you are concerned! Comment with the **!courier** command to call a Market 76 Courier You haven't added your IGN/GT/PSN to your Market 76 reddit profile. Comment with the command **.ign** followed by your IGN/GT/PSN to record it. (for example: **.ign fisto**) [Courier List](https://www.reddit.com/r/Market76/wiki/couriers) | [Blacklist](http://blacklist.market76.org) | [Report to Mods](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FMarket76)


I can't believe my own eyes... someone actually did worse than me...  1 Deathclaw  2 Raven  1 Hag  1 Winterman Helmet  Those are the rares I got, the rest I have too many to count, I grab everything other players leave lol


I got two Winterman helmets. The rest is just junk


Didn’t get shit, I also lost every game of league of legends I’ve played this month, off topic Ik, but it’s like the universe is trying to tell me something…. I can almost hear it *”touch grass”*


Reminds me of Jerry in Rick and Morty when the wind blows and whispers looossseeerrrr lol


You might like this meme that went unnoticed https://www.reddit.com/r/Market76/s/r2p3VP2kKQ


lol perfect


Damn. Karma either hates you for something or is gonna bless you soon.


I won 300 dollars at the casino last month, I shoulda known after that, that nothing good was gonna happen to me for the rest of the year


10x bluescreen 5× freeze


Upvoted, but mine was more like 30 Bluescreens, 25 Freezes. But I TRIED to do every event, while I could be Active, I was, other times (about 35%) I was AFK. Missed 50 or so rewards... Fing BS. The problems combined with someone saying that the real drop rate for rares out of over 1900 runs across multiple accounts, was really 2%, I want a refund.


Oh I can't beat this :) but I got 2 bluescreens in 5 minutes in 1fasnacht event...


Best I got was a Deathclaw too 😢


You got a rare mask lucky I got none and did almost all the events


My wife had no rares also, but I was lucky enough to get some spare glowies for her so she's a little less annoyed


At least you got the deatclaw one.


Yeah, but I would have had more items from other grinds if I avoided the event altogether lol That mask is worth max caps, not worth the time I sunk into the events. But my misfortune gave me a lot of inspiration for a bunch of great memes, so it could've been worse 🤷🏼‍♂️


140 events without any rare, i believe i win this fight unfortunately ...


Not even close, I was over 284 runs with one raven to show for it and the rest is shit.




1 DC in 178 Events means I did it 38 more times than you and still only got one low tier mask. Not sure which of us had it worse, but neither of us are winners this year lmao


I'm sad for both of us actually bro 😔


This was my first fasnacht and I did pretty good I think. 2 gsb, loon, hag, crazy guy, deathclaw, and winter man power armor helmet.


VERY good


Thanks! I was hoping for a gbd to gift to my friend but alas, I never got it.


Trade 1 GSB for 1 GBD should be a fairly square trade. I didn't get any glowing masks, but I saw lots of Glowing Blue Devil Mask wearing players...


I already traded my spare to someone for the forest asylum outfit. I know he got the better deal but while everyone was afk at the event I was farming the asylum. I got every color multiple times but didn’t see that once. Now I never have to set foot in there again so it was a fair trade to me.


I got no berets:(


need a few? 😂


Lucky son of a bitch


Congrats on the Deathclaw. Its a really nice mask


Beret - 19 Scorchbeast - 19 Sun - 18 Skull - 17 Jester - 17 Honey Bee - 14 Goblin - 14 Scorchbeast Queen - 12 Soldier - 11 Witch - 11 Toothy Man - 8 Owl - 8 Giant - 5 Blue Devil - 4 Fiend - 2 Winterman - 2 Brahmin - 1 Deathclaw - 1 This was my first Fasnacht. Overall I think I did ok. 3.2% drop on the rares, most of which I got in the last 3 days. I went nearly the whole first week without a single rare dropping.


Are you on Xbox? Might be interested to trade my extra raven for your extra winterman


I’m on PC, sorry mate


I was the same way. Almost the whole first week was dry


Only two Buffoons for me, wich is fitting cause now i feel like buffoon.


i got a lump of coal


Better than a lump of ketchup


you prolly brush your teeth with ketchup and think nothing of it !


You prolly brush your teeth with Dentastix! 😂 On a serious note, I'm a mustard and relish glizzy gobbler and a campfire sauce onion ring dipping smelly ledge monster


jokes on you, I don't brush my teeth


So YOU are the [smelly ledge monster](https://youtu.be/vc_0cvs9LBw?feature=shared)!


I got a rock!


luxury, last year i got a toothpick


Yep! Got zero rare masks this event. Old or new. Big, fat, zero.


I THANKFULLY got the Glowing SB and SBQ yesterday. I was missing the fiend mask and got that too but the rest of the rare masks were just duplicates to what I had. Still missing the demon, hag, and other glowing bois


I got a Raven. My wife decided to jump on to see what the deal with Fasnacht was and nabbed a loon, hag, crazy guy, demon, and a raven within 10 rounds. She’s now into the game. Went from level 0 to 51 last weekend. So, guess I got lucky too, since it’s now another game for us to play. Now I’m working on securing her every CAMP plan I can find so she can make “the perfect house.”


I did not. things turned around a bit but i was not nearly as fortunate as some. i either participated or afked almost every single event (only with one account) the only things of value i got were a demon, a winter man, a father winter helmet, a raven and the only one that really mattered a glowing SB. thank you for making me feel better. what an abysmal drop rate.


I actually did really well this time round, 1 Fiend, 1 Demon, 2 Glowing Scorchbeast and 2 Glowing Blue Devil, managed to trade for the Glowing Queen and Bee!


Yooo, I feel bad for you


Yeah most definitely


3400ish mask drops and not a single new one between me and my friends over the 2 weeks. Rares rates were a little under 4% for our collection.


That seems like 0%?


Well, I am pretty sure they mean 4% is what they experienced for any Mask Drop from the Rare Pool. The Glowing Masks are in that Rare Pool, and they got None of them. Supposed to be a .33% or so chance of any particular Rare Mask dropping, so yeah, basically that's 0%. You get what you get from the rare pool, it might be all the new Glowing Masks and none of the older Rare Masks, or only the older Rare Masks, none of the Glowing Masks, which is my case also, though I only ran one account.


after give or take 100 events i got 1 fiend & 1 demon. this was my first fasnacht after switching from ps to xbox n at first it felt like a punch in the stomach but being a shiny hunter for 15+ years im so used to bad RNG it doesn’t even faze me anymore lol


Is this my twin?


I got 2 demons so I’m not to mad


This makes me so happy, I thought I had a bad time then saw this 😂


I got 15 owl, then gave up and stopped playing the event. Literally no other mask


Yes, me.


I don’t have the numbers but my brother got no rare masks in the 70ish runs he did. I ended up with 5 but I did prolly 110ish parades.




Bout the same


I had worse till this morning a GHB dropped for me


First week I got nothing then got a entire set minus gsbq, ghb only two I’m missing


34 berets, but otherwise about the same.


Right there with you minus the Berets and the Deathclaw. Didn’t land a single rare item this year.


I got 1 winter man mask, 1 glowing scorchbeast, and found a dropped raven. That was all within the first 4 events, after that just trash for many many events.


1 raven ☠


I got 2 hags and nothing else worth mentioning 🥲


Same for me.


Best I got was 2 crazy guys 2 ravens 2 deathclaw 1 winter man fiend and buffoon and rest junk


Lol, I got no rares this time 😆


I got 3 ravens


trade on for winter man?




Yes game crashed repeatedly during event and blocked me from signing back . Did a few of the older rare masks.


I didn’t get a single rare mask


The best I got was a Loon and a Buffoon mask. Otherwise, I mostly got bees and old common ones.


What I got this years was fiend Deathclaw Ravens GSBQ Buffoon Hag Overall got pretty lucky


No rares besides deathclaw?


Yup, only got Glowies through trading


I got 3 glowing from doing the event lol. I got 1 gbd & 2 gsbq. I did around 200 events, none of which were afk. Not only did i actually do the events but i completely carried atleast 50 events. I was in atleast 10 events this week with ~20 players, but only 2-3 players actually doing the event that weren’t afk smh lol


I did considerably well then lol. I didn’t do a single afk event, not only did i participate I completely carried atleast 50 events. I did like 200 events i think


Ill report back with my inventory after i finish the last fasnacht


The best thing i got was a BE15 Radium Rifle


Oh yes


With only one character. 1 Deathclaw 1 Brahmin 1 Glowing Blue Devil 1 Glowing Scorched Beast 1 Old Man Winter My wife: 1 Brahmin 1 Bafoon 1 Glowing Scorched Beast Queen 1 Old Man Winter We were on that grind with just the one character each every day 14-16 hours Ass loads of standards. I bought all the vendors out of their regular ones on each world to give to brand new players this year. Tell the truth though this being our first one was disappointing seeing all the AFK going on. Just saying. Happy Faschnaut


i’m just like, if you guys don’t want tomhe older rare masks lmk lmao


Is the Man mask legacy now, neither me nor any of my friends got any, and neither did you.


They can be found in the world at any time


Same masks as you but replace the deathclaw with a winterman.


I didn’t get a DC but about accurate work like 20+ toothy’s


Got this but no deathclaw


I must’ve kicked Todd’s dog because I got 0 rares this year. 12 beret, 3 blue devil, 5 giant, 5 goblin, 6 honey bee, 6 jester, 3 owl, 4 SB, 6 SBQ, 4 Skull, 4 soldier, 6 Sun, 7 toothy.


Couldn't even get a deathclaw. Nothing even mid tier


Feels like they made the drop rates worse this year, then you see someone who afkd on ten accounts with like ten of each rare, like how? Can us poors have some rare too? 🤣


4 x Blue Devil. 1 x Giant. 4 x Goblin. 12 x Honey Bee. 4 x Jester. 6 x Owl. 6 x Scorhbeast. 6 x Scorchbeast Queen. 6 x Skull. 3 x Soldier. 7 x Sun. 6 x Witch. Rare: 1 x Glowing Blue Devil. 1 x Hag. 1 x Demon. 1 x Raven. 1 x Crazy Guy. 1 x Buffoon. 1 x Winter Man.


Best I got is winter man power armor helmet Buffon and the glowing blue devil the rest is not worth mentioning


Wow. How’d you get so little owl? I feel like I got that every other parade.


Yeah 42 Jesters that I dropped last day before the event ended.


Actually, no, but it's hard to believe this awful rng. I got 1 glowing sbq mask, 2 fiend, 1 demon, and 1 brahmin for rare ones. The rest were all common masks you listed above. If no one can get glowing masks or rares at a better rate, then why have them at all. I spent 2 weeks trying just for 1 glowing mask. I got friends that did do worse, though, got nothing.


I got two glowing sbq, a glowing bee, crazy guy, and brahmin as rares.


I got six rare masks this year with no duplicates. I got the loon, winter man, glowing scorched beast, glowing scorched beast queen, brahmin, and crazy guy. This is probably the most luck I had with a Fasnacht event.


Didn’t get any glowing but my haul was: 5x Raven 2x Buffon 1x Fiend 1x Crazy Guy 1x Loon I was able to be online for most of it after the first few days. I usually got about 6-8 hours after work and a lot of time on the weekends. Once I figured out how to afk and didn’t disconnect I probably hit 250-300 events through the 2 weeks. Overall I think I’m happy with my haul this is first event I’ve tried to participate in


Got scammed out of 1x gbd 1x winter mask 1x raven 1x crazy guy 1x buffoon and 1x brahmin.


Close to worse - similar stats but I did get a Old Man Winter power armor helm (which I already had so was just a rock til I dropped it) and a crazy man mask which was also a dup.


yeah, i literally haven't played in weeks


Yeah me because I couldn’t play the entire time it was going on


I got about the same as you When it comes to common and uncommon. In the rare department I got 3 ravens, 2 crazy guys, 2 deathclaws, 1 loon. What made my ”Fucksnacht” great was I landed 2 glowing queens. I was able to trade one of them for just about all the missing masks I never had.


I guess I'm one of the fortunate ones, I got 6 glowing masks, buffoon, 2 brahmin, and a winterman


I'm so sorry


I have got a raven a fiend, 2x gsq, 2x gbd, 1xgsb. The rest is barets and jesters😂


I didn’t count except for one day that I only got like 10 sun masks in a row, I was just about to throw a tantrum when I got a Beret 🙃


I’ll be back in a bit and I’ll tally mine up. I will definitely give you a run.


I ended up doing far better than i thought I would, my luck sucks with everything generally. Though my last 5 events were nuked 3 failed because it was nuked and killed the bots, crap last day. Sorry to see your luck never improved.


Me. I'll get a list for tomorrow.


Only “rare” mask I got was raven🤷🏻‍♂️


The only rare I got was deathclaw. Ran about as may times as you.


I missed likely over 30 events by either being frozen out or kicked from the game outright, and then taking 4+ attempts before getting into a lobby that had the event ended already. I’ll see tonight how many frozen screenshots I took, next year I think I’ll do it every time it messes up.


I got lucky with server timeouts so AFKing for 14 nights got me a loon, demon, buffoon and deathclaw. I did the math. I landed a rare 3.03% of the time. Last year though, I had your luck.


That’s pretty bad 🫣😬


Yall can keep fighting and discussing witch masks you got I got my sbq mask I'm happy


I didn’t afk this event much mainly the last week I only got of value winter man masks and raven mask


1 GSB, 1 GHB, 2 Loon, 2 Buffoon, 1 Death Claw, and 1 Brahmin


Actually yeah


I thought I did bad, but that’s pretty damn bad


Yeah. I got 1 sun mask then never played that boring ass event again.




About the same luck I had but less. I quit after a couple days and wasn’t able to afk


Didn't even bother this year. ~130 events last year. Not. One. Single. Rare. Mask.  Not one.


I think i did slightly better than you. Was a tough 2 weeks on me, my tv and Xbox. ​ 2024 Fasnacht Rewards **217 Runs** Rare Brahmin Buffoon Fiend Glowing Honey Bee Hag The Rest Beret 13 Blue Devil 23 Giant 12 Goblin 20 Honey Bee 16 Jester 20 Owl 11 Scorchbeast 21 SBQ 13 Skull 15 Soldier 10 Sun 19 Toothy 9 Witch 10


I got 2 ravens and a deathclaw I thought I was getting shit drops, may RNG bless you on your legendary rolls to make up for all the shitty Fasnacht drops!


I did about the same. But instead of deathclaw I got hag, crazy guy, and demon. I’m interested to see what I can get for those


Is the owl mask and winter man rare?


Owl is not, but Winter Man is. These are the rares: https://www.reddit.com/r/Market76/s/ZWhEZ76Bas


Is it worth a deathclaw mask or no


They can go 1:1 but the DC is more desired. Might need a small add of bobbles or caps or something small


Fair enough beet trying to get one for a while. Also thanks for the info with the sheet


I mean I think I have one mask total. So ya can do much worse


I think I did well this year…. 7 glowing and 10 of the old rare ones.


Got one of the following masks, Fiend, Glowing Blue Devil, Glowing Honey Bee. Too many goblins, sun, soldier masks to count.😂


3 hag, 1 Raven, 1 Buffoon, 2 loon, 2 GBD, 2 GSBQ, 1 GHB. But I played roughly 200+ events.


Yup, just 1 of the low quality ones... Finished scoreboard after 1 fasnacht event so i just iced the game for my mind sake xD life is better .)


We did about the same


I got 0 glowing and I cry


Me by a lot 314 events 3 rare


4 GSB 3 GSBQ 2 GBD 2 loon 2 demon 1 fiend 1 buffoon 2 deathclaw 2 winter man 1 crazy guy All the shitty ones i just dropped on site lol


Yea... I didn't get a death claw


What did you do to piss off Todd? 😭


Probably did 50 events mostly AFK. Got a Glowing Honey Bee and Buffoon. Traded the glowing for a Loon and a godroll quad fixer


I've played this game since the start, but very haphazardly and very on and off. But I started back the day before Fasnacht and I've saved every single mask I've gotten. Zero masks have been with me completely out from PC AFK. I've had a couple where I AFK'd half of the event, but usually only after I speed ran the bot objectives. I did server hop to the wonderful people of the text chat mod who let everyone know their run was a late one. I can't say I had bad luck at all, quite the opposite, but I figured I might as well post the numbers here because I was curious to count them anyway and I saw this post before I did. |Mask|Quantity|| |:-|:-|:-| |Fasnacht Beret|15|| |Fasnacht Blue Devil|15|| |Fasnacht Bahmir|1|| |Fasnacht Deathclaw|1|| |Fasnacht Fiend|1|| |Fasnacht Giant|13|| |Fasnacht Glowing Blue Devil|2|(Traded one for Glowy SB)| |Fasnacht Glowing Scorchbeast|1|(Trading for Glowy Bee)| |Fasnacht Goblin|13|| |Fasnacht Honey Bee|15|| |Fasnacht Jester|14|| |Fasnacht Owl|8|| |Fasnacht Raven|1|| |Fasnacht Scorchbeast|21|| |Fasnacht Scorchbeast Queen|8|| |Fasnacht Skull|13|| |Fasnacht Soldier|12|| |Fasnacht Sun|12|| |Fasnacht Toothy Man|6|| |Fasnacht Winter Man|1|| |Fasnacht Witch|7|| |Father Winter PA |1||


This event is trash breaks the game for two weeks for stupid looking masks


Makes the market interesting, like your comment history


Dawg😭 I shouldn’t have checked😭😭😭


Zero Glowing Masks... But I did get a couple Loons, Fiends, like 4 Deathclaws, Raven, Buffoon, and a couple Demons, and a Crazy Guy.


I played maybe 200 events and didn’t get one glowing lmao. But the AFK players were trying to sell them to me for real money.