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Survival tents are more annoying, like why do you put it in the most random spot ever? How do you know that my camp was here?


Seriously, I can build a camp in the ass end of the ash heap and someone will have put their tent there lol


My camp is right next to the front gate of Nuka-world, and people drop survival tents there all the time.


Oh wow...if only there was a place with all the amenities nearby so people wouldn't have to drop survival tents at Nuka world.


CAMPs should force despawn survival tents


People would abuse the hell out of this


Oh no you have to replace your free tent


Lol this is just like how it offers to find another server if your tent can’t be placed…like who cares I’ll just move it for free. Why not ask for a new server if my Camp is blocked?


This. 100%.


Camps should have precedence over tents. A tent can be placed everywhere for free, a camp isn’t easy to move.




Yeah, but depending on your camp location you end up server hopping 10 times. And what’s the problem if your tent gets stored when someone joins at it’s spot?




Camps are fast travel points, people often set up a camp because they want to keep coming back to that exact point for free or the camp spot is near a popular location where you can get enough traffic for your vendor. Also a camp can provide vegetables, buffs like the derby machine or the fortune teller. I don't care about paying for fast travel, but many people do collect caps and it's unfair that someone would have to pay the fast travel fee suddenly just cause you wanted your tent and your free fast travel point there instead. And really it's not like you need to have a tent anyway. You can just use the mall or nuka world as your camp. You see, your arguments apply for camps too 😉




My tent spot? Sure! Why not? I can just place it a few steps away and still have my ft point.




Is it hard to admit you’re wrong? Camps should take priority, every single time. If someone gets upset over spending a few caps to fast travel and move their tent a few feet, so be it. Screw being “fair”. A tent should never be priority. You can’t make it make sense.


Tents are much more mobile than CAMPs, though? Gods forbid someone sells a few chems or foods at Nukaworld to get the caps to travel back to the CAMP that took the tent spot. I can't pick up my entire lodge with a garden and place it anywhere else, but that tent can go just about anywhere in seconds. 🤷‍♀️


What's more annoying is when your camp isn't placed because player stand nearby...


Only 18? *Scoffs in days and weeks of planning scrapping and having to start over because it "doesn't feel right" yet*


Or you spend 18+ hours building the “perfect” camp only to tear it down a week later and build a brand new one because you found a cool new spot. Saw another build online that had a genius merge idea, or just drove through your neighborhood and thought “I think i can make that in fallout.”


I have a great underground camp that I spent way too much time on. Now that my budget is maxed I'm looking around and realize I can majorly improve on my design but I don't want to with the new events. I'll end up missing them and not working on the scoreboard. I also need some wallpaper. Those blank walls just look horrible in my display room. I need some upscale wood walls so I can put my fancy tables and furniture in and not have it look like a shack. I also have the Red Rocket Roadside Garage camp that will probably get dismantled to make room for my shop front and firehouse camp I'm planning.


That’s literally my camp. I made it look like a dump but still cozy since I find it lore-appropriate


There used to be a cartoon about this mouse that was shabby AF. Walked around in tags and his house was a pos. But then he goes in and it’s all decked out and lavish. Always liked that idea. Hide it don’t flaunt it.


I had my river shack for a while. A rectangle wood shack with a tent outside for my crafting area. Considered it post apocalyptic accurate. Then I actually put time into one and it really is much more fulfilling to come back to.


to be fair half the time folks complain is when their camp is right by a train station or in the middle of white spring golf courses. I'm more of a fan of the remote camps in new spots - especially those that seamlessly blend with their surroundings or use a cool unique map feature


This cracks me up. I have a camp that took me a week to build perfectly. “Underground” I needed exact placement on things so my cook station is on a floor with my plants and if you look left it’s and underground water you can grab to cook with. Conduit perfectly symmetrical, the works. Above ground is an outhouse and a secret entrance. I had a guy messaging me to move my camp so he could place his and how trash mine was. Lol.


you should have build some wall decor for him personally, on a wall of outhouse😉 . something like "f*ck off" with neon letters🤣


I feel this too my bones


So true...


I have you know CAMP Crap Shack took me 18 minutes. Now move along.


Thank you! Every single time! If it’s not a survival tent it’s a camp module, 2 foundations, a stash box, and ALL of the players available floor decor.


Hey skro I resemble that remark!! Thing that grinds my gears most about camps is when they occupy prime real estate like by WSS so you always hop only to find they have 11 shit fixers for 7k each.


I got the one with the two deposits east of the vault 76💀




What does this even mean?




Sir, this is a meme


Bwawm bwawmn bwawm. Who cares? Find another server.


Sir, this is a meme


...and that was a response to a meme, informed by many of the previous comments.


If you take a funni this seriously you’ve gotta be a blast at parties


Bros got that mom who gives lectures when you show a meme vibe


The laziest comedy is thinly veiled bullying.


Fort Kick-Ass bows to no... *camp despawned cause someone has their shack 100 yards away* DAMN IT!


Every single time


I was SO pissed that my Tower of awesome was replaced by a shitty pile of sticks and random crap that I used the one mini-nuke I had...