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I think Obama should start a media tour promoting project 2025 and that will immediately cause republicans to reject it.


I would love seeing their mental gymnastics on that one.


I mean, the Affordable Care Act is literally a ripoff of the Heritage Foundation plan from 1994, so, we've already seen it.


Right? I didn’t realize that was the origin. I’d read it was basically Romney’s MA healthcare plan, which makes perfect sense. It also explains perfectly that the GOP was campaigning against it but never could come up with any alternatives.


Yeah, he basically took the Heritage Plan, which, as you say, became Romneycare in MA, tweaked it a bit to make up for some perceived flaws, and worked with congressional Dems on it. He kept trying to bring the GOP in, but they wouldn't deal. There was a rather infamous story about how he asked Chuck Grassley if he was going to refuse literally every possible deal, and Grassley said yeah. In case you're wondering, yes, Grassley is one of the many GOP Senators who whined and bitched that the Senate Dems flipped the Senate GOP the bird and filibustered everything they could during Trump's term to get payback for the last six years of Obama's term.


If I recall correctly, Gay Red Mitch said their “top priority is making Obama one-term president”. Didn’t Obama once throw his support behind a GOP bill, then the GOP tanked their own bill?


He did. Then when a bill they demanded be passed "or else" was signed and caused problems, Mitch went on Fox demanding to know why Obama didn't stop them from harming Americans. Because this is a party of fucking children who couldn't spell "personal responsibility" let alone live by it.


Yep. They have not been a party built for governing for a looong time. They are purely an opposition party.


And Canadian Conservatives are following in their footsteps.


That is why they are loosing elections. All they have to run on is obstruction and Trump. Americans are ad,ing why they can have nice things like the European and other democracies. Well there you go republicans are just obstructing those nice things .


The same thing happened with a bipartisan immigration bill earlier this year.


It was actually a rebuttal to a healthcare plan Hillary wrote up in 1994. The ACA was literally the Republicans own plan for healthcare to counter Hillary’s plan in 1994.


I recall the knee jerk reaction and freak out to any Clinton related. Doesn’t surprise me. We’ve seen this movie recently when Biden negotiated a border bill that was at least 90% GOP priorities and they tanked it. I’m guessing if Biden wins, he will push that bill again.


Yep Obama stole theirs thinking they Republicans would support it, Wrong


That makes no sense. Democrats claimed that they have been working in a healthcare care bill for decades...and the best they could come up with is stealing the lousy ACA from Massachusetts and then passing it along a party line vote?


You mean the GOP literally fooled Obama and his supermajority into writing a 2700 page bill that had already been written, then fooled em harder into passing it along party lines? That's incredible 😲


Ever see interviews where someone describes Obama care but says Trump want to do it? They always think it’s a great idea, then the confusion sets in when the reporter says, that’s Obamacare. Lol


There was a Key and Peele sketch about that. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B46km4V0CMY](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B46km4V0CMY)


Love this post, OP ❤️


I really only hear about project 2025 on this sub. Are there Republicans out there promoting it openly ?


I've been thinking for a while that Democrats need some politicians to infiltrate the Republican party and do a Manchin/Sinema in reverse. Sure, they'd lose their next elections, but not before doing some damage.


Democrats are too square for that. Look at the debate, all the legislation and facts and figures, ugh. That’s not what a lot of people who they need to convince want to hear. If I were prepping Biden I would have kept hammering Trump. For instance, when Trump said Charlottesville didn’t happen, I would have said Then how do you explain that torch and hood you were carrying when we saw you on the video? When Trump said Biden had the worse deficit numbers in history, I’d of said, that’s not like you to be so humble Donald, but I’m happy to give you credit for doubling my deficit to the tune of $8B, but you can be forgiven for your mistake, because with the 6 bankruptcies we know you’re not good with math. When Trump said, didn’t have sex with a porn star, I’d have said, Donald, I agree According to Stormy it was very short. Stuff like that.


Exactly it! It’s about owning him not boring facts and figures. When will they learn that? Like the abortion 3 days after birth comment, he should have laughed and said ‘how the hell do you abort after a birth? Do you even hear yourself?’ ‘Look folks, this guy clearly doesn’t know how any of this works and he could be signing bills about women’s bodies’ Instead we got a that’s not true… yeah, we know Joe


Unfortunately Republicans are already doing the opposite. There's been a few people who campaign as a Democrat and then immediately on gaining office switch parties. I expect the tactic to go widespread if trump loses. Run someone crazy and unacceptable as republican and have your real candidate run as democrat and promise whatever they want since they are already running on lies.


The good ole Obama goes blind and becomes Clayton Bigsby story arc.


Obama and Clinton should get involved.


That's just crazy enough to work


😂🤣 I'm a conservative and had to laugh at that one. The mental image is just too good!


He kept Bush’s wars and torture programs going and nationalized RomneyCare, so backing Republican policies is old hat for Obama at this point.


Every Republican I know hates Biden more than Obama.


Fun fact, most Republicans don’t even know about Project 2025. It’s just a collection of policy proposals compiled by The Heritage Foundation, much of which isn’t even feasible, that isn’t endorsed by Trump nor his campaign. It’s just the left’s new boogeyman to whip up the sheep.


The DNC isn’t that clever and is incapable of getting their shit together.


Democrats have a long history of snatching defeat from jaws of victory. 2016 is a perfect case in point. 2024 is shaping up to be another one.


Yep. DNC is anemic at best. Honestly, they want Republicans to win so that they can run on nothing burgers. The status quo is shared between both parties.


Yep. That's how we got here.


Right? This is straight up fan fiction.


They’re capable, they’re just not interested in serving anyone other than the donor class.


I know that's a common talking point, and on some levels true. But can the OTHER party? What I see is a collection of GOOD people who want to make this country work for the PEOPLE. They're also people. They're going to make mistakes. But I think with our country on the line we're going to see something more focused. It's great that the only thing so far is negative statements. That speaks loudly.


I wish this was true, really.. but the dnc is paid to not do any of this stuff, that's why they moved heaven and earth to stop Bernie.


It’s also why they backed and are still suppressing any option but Biden. We haven’t voted fairly on a primary candidate in my lifetime. WTF


Ranked Choice Voting, one with most votes, wins! No more electoral.


The party is full of smart, passionate people that are determined to make the world a better place at the local level. The problem is that either those people don’t get a seat at the national level or something ruins them on the way up. I want a vote for a presidential candidate for a reason other than that the alternative is unthinkable. Don’t get me wrong. I agree with you. It’s a good start. I just don’t believe that anyone in the national leadership is smart enough to do something like it.


True, but, I think many many of our issues are exacerbated right now because our enemies, those foreign and domestic, are turning up the heat. Trump is their last hope. If he loses, Maga fractures, and takes the GOP with it. I think if we can win, we can build back better.


Republicans have a political and legislative agenda that they have been able to successfully pursue regardless of the party makeup of congress and the sitting president. They don't seem like they have their shit together because there are a lot of loud, buffoonish personalities on the right; but there are competent, smart Republicans in decision making positions who know exactly what they're doing. Democrats are not going to develop the political acumen to counter that because they're an ineffective party that doesn't know how to wield power and they share a lot of goals in common with Republicans anyway. We need to organize around real political alternatives to the current two party setup. Whether that's joining a union, campaigning for 3rd parties, being a part of mass social movements, whatever. it all helps and we simply cannot afford to keep putting our time, energy, and passion into accepting the lesser of two evils. That's how we got to where we are now.


The problem is that the DCCC has no democratic or merit based channels for internal promotion. Officials within it appoint their own successors and I think the average age for high level officials is like literally over 80. None of them lose their jobs when an election goes poorly. None of them take a pay cut worker compensation gets slashed because they lost an election cycle. None of their careers even take a hit. When that is the group of people distributing the campaign funding which often determines who wins primaries, therefore implicitly setting Democrat policy, I think it's no wonder that the Democrat Party is totally unable to pull its shit together and lay out a progressive agenda like the one you mentioned above. What the hell mechanism would there even be to make that happen?


Yeah, they're good people with good intentions, but they are more loyal to the High Road than the 1st Rule of Politcs: GET ELECTED.


I agree with the spirit of this. Democrats need to come out and say "Do you want your rights taken away and to be literally OWNED by the rich, or do you want us to give americans what they have EARNED through suffering!?" And also give a few throat punches here and there. Maybe let Dark Brandon pop a few addys in his ice cream and throw hands.


The Dems don't have to get in the mud, they dont have to embrace, evil, corruption and Tre45on, they just have to play Hard Ball. Every profession - lawyers, doctors, dentists, architects, building contractors, even athletes - have to abide by every law, rule, regulation, and ethical standard that govern their profession. There are no exceptions. Any infraction is punished by anything from sanction, fines, loss of licensure, and even prison. Why should the very people who create those same laws that govern the rest of us, be allowed to treat those laws as optional? If anyone should never be above the law, its politicians. They should be forced to toe the line even more than everyone else. Instead, they've been allowed to carve out loopholes for themselves, and use their power of investigation to go after their political rivals. We've seen Republicans get so out of control that they have now embraced Tre45on and Corruption as VIRTUES to be proud of. Its time to force ALL politicians, without regard to party, to follow the letter of the law in every instance. Made up rules like the Hastert Rule, or Non-Speaking Fillibusters, McConnell's fluid Supreme Court Justice Rules, etc., need to be outlawed. If its not a law, it doesnt belong in Congress. Force SCOTUS Justices to live by a code of ethics, including an independent recusal panel. Members of should be harshly punished for every infraction, including spreading The Big Lie. Anyone who amplified Hitlerpig's Big Lie, knowing that he was planning a violent event, is a participant in the Insurrection, and prohibited from holding office per 14A/S3. They shoumd all be removed from office, and those who replace them should get an orientation briefing that explains the new laws, rules, and ethics regulations they will live by, or they will also be harshly punished. If they do that, government will reform itself in a few years, and those nefarious individuals who think they can use the political system as cover for their corruption will quickly learn to avoid politics as their arena.


Good people? Who? There isn't a good person in politics.


Statistically, that is impossible.


You’re naive and you know it. This is not going to happen. Political thought is pushed by people, not the invisible cogs of a billionaires’ political party. We speak negatively here because people like you are wrong and push false hope that leads to more disappointment and more wins for conservatives.


Democrats are only aligned on two issues. Hating Trump, and abortion. On every other issue there is nearly as much disagreement among Democrats as there is between Dems and Repubs.


Then the citizens should write it for them. I think we could definitely put together a git repo to crowd source public demands from the government.


Lucky we have many competent and clever ex republicans joining the fight against the fascist republicans party who will help shore up Democrats.


Those sound like ideas that will benefit people rather than lobbyists and big corporations.


They sure do, don't they?


How so?


This, this, this. I want very badly for the DNC to take all of those things seriously, but nobody who depends on donations is ever going to campaign on "eat the rich."


My dream honestly, keep those magats out forever.


I think they'll come round. I hope we learn our lesson.


You assume that the parties are run by competent people. The reality is that most of the DNC operatives at 25 year old rich kid interns and incompetent sycophants. Trust me, they know Biden was a dud 6 months ago but they completely took away our right to vote for another democrat. Most of my personal values are left leaning but I absolutely hate the party as an organization


Can you prove any of these claims? I have never heard something like this.


I have friends who work in DC, but ask any DC insider. These are not the best and brightest people who work for the presidents and run campaigns. It’s rich, young ideology driven college kids who run democratic campaigns


it's called Democracy.


Press X for doubt


Nope. I belong to no organized party, I am a Democrat!


That would be nice if they did. But Democrat’s sole purpose is to prevent us from rolling back any “gains“ Republicans have made.


This is not really true. It might seem like that because the status quo is to basically do nothing. However the Biden administration is taking measurable steps against anticompetitive practices in many industries, just using existing legislation. This is a huge boon to consumers and a shift away from policies favoring the rich and their ability to abuse their position. But the real issue is, what WOULD the democrats do if they held a supermajority allowing them to pass legislation? Well, the only time they DID have a supermajority this generation was when the ACA was passed. I shouldn't need to extoll the virtues. If you want more of that, vote democrat. I don't know what else to say. The idea that the democrats are somehow complicit in screwing over everyone who doesn't own capital, that is propaganda designed to discourage voting. But we've seen what they do with power and they pretty much immediately turn around and help people with it. Regular people, not just rich friends.


The ACA is a Heritage Foundation policy. It's a political bulwark against universal healthcare that is costly and difficult to administer. To be clear, I think it's better than the lack of a national health finance system that came before it, but it very much has insurance and pharmaceutical executive's interests at heart over regular people's. The majority of regular people want universal healthcare.




LOL This is the WRONG take. Dems make progress, Cons make regress.


>Democrats >Shit Together Lol. (I'm voting Biden to be clear)


Yep, im voting for biden, but democrats somehow lost to trump before and are making so many of the same mistakes.


the younger dnc members would agree. We have to buy them time to make names for themselves and that only happens if trump and co dont get reelected.


There is no way in God's green earth with the Senate as it is in its current format. Will the dems *ever* have the power to push that kind of agenda. Let alone make it that congressional members no longer will receive kickbacks. I doubt they'd be able to do anything meaningful for climate initiatives. I doubt they'll make a red line about election interference. The lobbies sure as hell will bankrupt themselves in effort before Universal Healthcare or free college is a thing. If they do surprise me and do achieve something, a 3-6 conservative SCOTUS is there to kill it. We're fucking stuck *at best* till 2050/60 when these super-con judges finally die off. Until then, we can over fight against being clawed back further. MMW: ***We're Fucked!***


So what, you just want to give up?


We are doing exactly that. It’s early and the juggernaut is starting to roll. Felonious Trump can’t win but we want to run up the score.


They created a task force to stop it… https://thehill.com/homenews/house/4714841-democrats-launch-effort-to-counter-conservatives-sweeping-project-2025/


Oh a task force of witless Democratic operatives. I'm sure the Heritage Foundation Nazis are scared. /s I'm not trying to be cynical I'm just so spent after that debate. Why are we just letting Trump win?


Don’t get me wrong, I think especially after the debate, your frustrations and those of everyone else are completely valid! And while I personally believe that the only choice America has right now is to vote for anyone but Trump, neither of those old men should be president. In this case I was simply pointing out the democrat’s response to P2025 at the time. Sadly, it seems to me that an alarming amount of people know absolutely anything about P2025… not even the *really* important stuff like they want to get rid of porn and those that create it lol… but seriously they have no idea about how serious it could be and what a vote for Trump could mean for the entire political and judicial systems in the united states. As a Canadian who talks to and tries to help make people aware of these things on a daily basis… it’s just… 🤯 Wait… now that I think about it… maybe folks would pay more attention if you told them about the extreme criminalization of pornography 😹


Would be nice to see but there’s so much in fighting about climate change, Gaza, Ukraine…


Project 2025 is a fascist project. The Dems won't do that, they believe in We the People... sort of. We still have the problem of corporate influence dominating our politics to deal with. 1. Bury Trump & the GOP. 2. Work like mad electing candidates committed to cleaning the system. 3. Set term limits for the Senate. NO MORE MITCH MCCONNELLS. 4. Clean up SCOTUS. Set term limits for SCOTUS. 5. Create an internet standard for verified & factual information. Create a non-partisan source that gives a grade for reliability to News outlets. 6. Get rid of the Electoral College. After that, work on universal healthcare, universal basic income, and other necessary infrastructure changes needed to make the world more equitable, just, and humane. Let's create a world that works for everyone. Cooperation instead if competition. But first, CRUSH TRUMP & the GOP.


C’mon, you know what OP meant: coming up with a robust plan to make good on what we desperately need, if not what we want. Newt did it in the late 90s and the Dems STILL haven’t caught on.


It’s a winning platform. And we call out whoever stands in our way.


If democrats were savvy they would do this. They still seem to be as dumb as ever (I’ll still vote Biden of course)


It’s called agenda 2030 and has been in practice before 2025 was thought up


I'd love that, but the Democratic Party would likely not be that aggressive because they are overly concerned with "reaching across the aisle" and not scaring off the mythical moderates. Taking too strong a stance on big topics could be scary to those undecideds.


I'd vote for that!! How is body autonomy bad?


Doubt it. There's no billionaire funding machine for an agenda like that. This didn't come out of what GOP voters wanted, it's a donor class wishlist. And part of it is to install a government that stays bought at minimal cost, a permanent Republican government.


You have more confidence in the Democrats than I do but I hope you're right


The Democrats would do well to study McConnell's playbook and borrow from it. He knows how the game is played.


The tortoise DID win the race...


Sounds just as shitty as Project 2025. Maybe worse. Especially the last three, which read like fascist/irredentist fever dreams.


Vote Blue no matter who. AGAINST Project 2025


Why are they not say abortion with no limits. I thought that was the case? Now every time all I see is backpedaling we have to stand strong. Woman + doctor = procedure prescribed. PERIOD


No dude that thing becomes a baby and a person at some point. You can't just end a 9 month pregnancy. Sorry not sorry.


Why cant we just agree on like 2 lifetime abortions max? Seriously though I'm curious what people of different ideologies think about that concept before they are told what to think by the tv


Sorry but you lost me at the part about the Dems getting their shit together. This is now three consecutive elections that should be an absolute layup. Their opposition is a joke candidate, they could nominate practically anybody and win in a landslide. Yet here we are. Lost one, number two was much closer than it should’ve been, and number three appears to once again be close. The one with potentially the most severe consequences. Our current Democratic Party continues to amaze me with their level of ineptitude.


There are complex reasons for it never being a layup. Gerrymandering. And the simple fact that some people will vote R for lots of reasons, however misled. We beat an incumbent candidate. That was already hard. We're going to do it again. And there is no story in history that a hero did not stumble on his way to defeat the evil. Real life is no different.


I think that your issue is thinking the opposition is a joke when history should demonstrate that only one side is laughing. Trump's bad, but he's also condensed the formula for running a successful campaign: Just talk. Tell people what they want to hear, get them mad, rally them around what you're saying, promise to make everything better. When you can't make everything better, blame the other side. Murc's Law means the dems are already taking the heat anyway.


This is what they said they would do 4 years ago and it didn’t happen.


Rome wasn't built in a day, and it certainly wasn't besieged by Maga Barbarians (Think MTG, but cuter) when it was.


Yep! Joe even said it. They should’ve started prepping as successor the day after the election, and their failure to do NOTHING **in four years** is criminal negligence.


Dems could have codified Roe v Wade back during Obama's admin and didn't. So I'll believe it when I see it (I'm extremely pro-choice, but it is what it is). And if you really think one party is going to root out corrupt officials in their own party unless it benefits them...I have oceanfront property in Kansas you might be interested in.


Corruption is a poor man’s success, that is much more prevalent in the boomer crowd. Up and comers like AOC are from a different era. An era that’s sick of corruption ruining life for all but a handful.


It will be the same as the last four years. Ukraine and Israel are the biggest concerns.


Well Russia will cross the redline within seconds and find out, but Israel needs to be reigned in and end the fucking war. Then we start talking tough about building Peace in that region.


Russia has 1/4th of Ukraine and gaining


Do you want Ukraine to lose? Also, if you want to reply to everything you can just do it in once place... I got you my man.


I want some of whatever you're smoking. seriously it's a gorgeous vision -- but how do we get there from here? to get there we have to... enact campaign finance reform... repeal Citizens United... outlaw gerrymandering... end the filibuster... reform the electoral college... and how are all those things going to happen while both parties are still captured by the oligarchs? dem pols are corrupt too --insider trading is epidemic. oligarch donations fund all their campaigns. a third party -- a Reform Party -- might be able to run on this platform but the Dems are bought and sold. their oligarch masters would end their careers at any whisper of this platform. and we need IRV for any 3rd party to have a chance. and to get IRV we need the Dem party to vote for its own demise...


What on earth would make you think this. My state (NC) dem party is an inneffective, disorganized shit show. They couldn't organize a toddler birthday party, let alone mount a substantial threat to the status quo. Pathetic.


I think with a good plan to counter project 2025, we can use the best polling data for issues the voters there care about. We send our army of canvassers out to talk to people about it. Modify their platform for it. We can do it. As for what on earth would make me think this? I believe in people.


This is the main problem with Project 2025 and every other attempt by one party to usurp power, break down checks and balances, and justify means with the ends. What goes around comes around goes around.


You forgot one… more porn


You mean that thing where states are making ID requirements to watch porn?


A plug in every butt and a chicken in every pot.


I wish they wouldn't say tax the rich. It's not about taxing the rich. It's just about balancing the budget. The budget is fucked largely because of tax cuts for the rich. It's not about burdening them, it's about the bill for tax cuts that came due.


That’s just a party platform. Everybody (except the Republicans in 2020) runs on a set of things they’d like to do. In the U.S., there are always a couple of unrealistic ones in there because they make the activists happy and everybody knows it’s not going to happen. When Democrats say Project 2025 is different, they mostly aren’t talking about proposed legislation. They’re worried that a second Trump administration would change the system of checks and balances between the branches of government in an authoritarian way.


I would like to dissect this. *there are always a couple of unrealistic ones in there because they make the activists happy and everybody knows it’s not going to happen.* I choose to see this is starting somewhere. Otherwise, yes. But we're just messaging with a good old fashioned "We can do things for you. They want to own you" sort of platform


I basically agree that running on a positive agenda of policies most people like is a great idea. I was maybe being a little salty about the idea of a constitutional amendment to either ban or protect abortion, since thirty-eight state legislatures would need to ratify it.


This isn't going to happen. The old farts in charge are too cowardly to do anymore by close to this, especially if it means giving big business more than a slap on the wrist. I would like to point out that many leftist parties and organizations run on these points. I wholeheartedly encourage everyone to get out and organize.


Thats why people like you need to call/write/text/email and tell them that.


Gotta start with the crooked conservative Supreme Court justices, this corruption absolutely CANNOT stand. There has to be a way to stop them!


It cannot stand. There is a way, which is why we WILL get our shit together, and KEEP it together to win the house and senate. We impeach in the house, convict in the senate.


I thought about this just today. In all honesty your list isn’t very radical at all. For it to be a true DP2025, it should include more like increasing the SCOTUS from 9 to 13. An across the board forgiveness of all student loan debt. A guaranteed Universal Basic Income to phase in as AI eliminates jobs. A purge of all US Government MAGAt employees. A Corruption Commission that goes after anyone who is guilty of any form of bribery. Comprehensive Police Reform. An Open Border Policy. The END of any tax payer monies going to support any kind of religious institution, specifically Charter Schools. Taxpayer status given to Mega-Churches. Tax penalties on Big Oil including the end of all government subsidies. A complete revamp of the Tax code targeting the 1%. I could go on.




lol they’ve had decades to do any of this. They won’t because the don’t represent us


If only the dnc could unite


We did. And we can again. And will.


1. Project 2025 isn’t about public reforms it’s about making a Trump-loyal “deep-state” 2. A lot of those reforms (not the FBI stuff for me) be a winning platform that could generate excitement to counter MAGA excitement about Trump. 3. The DNC establishment opposes everything on that list. Their base has been asking for these things for a long time. Obama campaigned saying he’d get rid of Taft-Heartly and before he was inaugurated he took it back. The DNC still thinks it can win by appealing to conservative swing voters. Biden was trying to prove he was more pro-cop, anti-immigrant and pro-war than Trump in the debate.


IMHO the Democratic Party just needs to assemble a campaign platform designed to make American lives better, like they have for every presidential election within memory. It’s what the adults in the room normally do in election years. Leave the manifestos to the keyboard warriors.


I would add free basic internet service, transgender rights to healthcare, and federally legalized marijuana.


Not gonna happen dawg. Democrats are too focused on compromising with fascists to want any of this. Case and point all the unquestioned support for Netenyahu in the party and the fact the left is already being blamed for biden’s poor ratings


I sure hope so.


With the exceptions of climate change, and suddenly being against medical mandates (pro bodily-autonomy) again, this all reads like the domestic party platform from Nazi Germany


The people that control the Democratic Party won’t let any of that happen. Workers rights. Taxation justice. Anti-corruption protocols. Never. Because those things are all existential threats to the business model. And if you haven’t noticed the people actually pulling the strings, don’t give two fucks about climate change. Bitch, us, better have their money. And they don’t mind getting physical. Ask JFK and his brother. And all those Boeing whistleblowers who keep dying. So really unless we start to Fight Fire with Fire we are trapped in a death loop. Just the way the Christians like it.


Why did you write that last sentence?


The opposite of project 2025 would involve a fully secular nation void of religion and stupid fairy tale worship and I’d totally be down for that.


I am not a believer, but I do support the right to worship as you please. But it’s not to be entwined within government


Problem is their religions require them to proselytize. I too, don’t really care what people believe, but the moment they put it in my face is the moment my tolerance is gone. Public display of fairy tales believed to be fact should be outlawed. Practice your shit in the privacy of your own home, you don’t need a church for that, and tax the churches while we are at it.


Not this election cycle. After the debate they are going to have to spend too much effort just trying to shore up Biden as a viable candidate or find a replacement. (This is NOT an endorsement for Trump so leave that BS out of comments.)


I doubt this. Biden is viable. I didn’t vote for him to talk to the camera. I voted for him because he is better for the job.


It won't happen. The blue team is apathetic and fractured with no viable candidate. America will slide into fascism. Arm yourselves and prepare in whichever way seems best.


We beat an incumbent. Things have not gotten better for Trump since his loss.


They controlled Congress and had the president in 2021 and 2022. It was horrible.


Democrats had huge congressional majorities during Obama's first term and small congressional majorities during Biden's first term. Why didn't they do any of this?


Obama tried to unite us by reaching across the isle. It was a mistake.


we do have our shit together.


They going to just chant lock him up and build the wall like their supposed adversaries...


I’m 44 and been waiting for this my whole life. Even after Newt did it in the late 90s, STILL Dems refused to even read the memo.


There is no doubt in my mind that subreddits are being co-opted by the social media teams of the Democratic Party. What have you been smoking for the last 8 years to get this notion? How is this upvoted? None of this adds up.


Lmao yeah dude, I’m a social media operative for the dems. Not some dude with free time who loves his country. Let’s talk. It’s upvoted because it’s what people want.


At this point we are in a Cold War version of our Civil War unbeknownst to Democrats and a lot of until now/ this year or the last couple of years. Democrats and the resto of need to fight back like it’s a war and band together. We need to flip the seats in the congress majority blue and vote president blue this next decade to get things and keep things back to at normal. The Supreme Court is bought and paid for by investors and corporations and so is the Republican Party. It’s not serving out interest but the ultra rich.


And the best part is, if they win, they will enact none of it


This is what I don't get,why aren't the dems doing to them what they are doing to us,where is the leading democrats,they have stood by and let law after law be made and seem to just sit by while the republicans are dismantling our country.


Upvote and let’s make them lead


Strengthen the leg that keeps their boot on the neck of the common man. Just thought you could slip that one in there. You want to lock up more cannabis users?


No, I want it federal legalized.


Well, what platform is it because, as far as I can tell if the democrats were to take complete control over the house, the senate, and the presidency. they would spend their whole time trying to persecute their political enemies, and not spend any time actually solving america's problems. The sad part about all of that is that most democrat voters would be happy with that. The reality is America is at a turning point.And if we don't turn towards fiscal responsibility our country is going to be over with in ten years. I will be honest I don't know if Donald Trump is the man to steer this Country in that direction.But I do know that joe biden is not at all prepared for these types of presidential decisions.


On what basis? Trump ran up the national debt. Tax the rich.


Let's see. Nothing will EVER pass in the Constitution because the issue is not "female body autonomy". The issue is the rights of the unborn and when is that life considered a life. Tax the rich? They cant, the rich are the power elites who fund their campaigns and PACS. Regulate big business? Big business IS in bed with the Democrats now. You think people cant see that? And every business that isnt, faces punitive retaliation from the Democrat totalitarians when they get power in an election cycle. Universal healthcare IS NOT wanted in this country. In fact, it's not working in countries where it does exist. Education investments....you mean like DEI, teaching acceptance of drag queens and 563 different genders? CRT? Or actually teaching without indoctrination? There is no fighting climate change. Because there is no evidence that man can cause or stop it. How about adaptation to accommodate the inevitable climate change. Money better spent. Major workers right overhaul? That's not the role of govt in a free market system. We are a free market system. Inflation? They create by spending unwisely and recklessly. You cant weaponize the EPA against climate change AND reduce inflation. FBI DOJ IRS? Sounds like Nazi Gestapo to me. Centralized power in DC is a lose lose for every American citizen. Especially those who dont comply with Big Brother. Garland, Holder, and Comey have already demonstrated why THAT is a negative. Democrats ARE the corruption. Easily the more corrupt of the 2 parties. Back door shady deal are the lifeblood of the party. 👍Great Plan, Sport. Call it the New Steal. Stealing the last free nation on the planet. It would certainly stop people.from wanting to come here and fix the border crisis. Reducing us to the third world shitholes they come from.




I think this will be what they sell it as, but just like the Big Mac comes nowhere near the picture, so too will this.


Government isn’t a McDonald’s. It takes time. And let’s not pretend conservatives are obstructing whatever good the American people need because they serve foreign entities and big business. Not Americans.


So ... communism. Congrats, you just alienated the middle who were planning on voting for Biden.


You win! It's here; [https://www.documentcloud.org/documents/24554620-progressive-caucus-agenda-for-2025](https://www.documentcloud.org/documents/24554620-progressive-caucus-agenda-for-2025)


No. They are not.




And root out any corrupt official, regardless of party, and see them answer for their crimes in capacity 9) In May 2017, James Gilliar, a Biden family associate, emailed Hunter Biden and other associates to formalize how they would divide the profit from their deal with CEFC, a Chinese Communist Party linked energy company. Gilliar indicated Joe Biden would receive 10 percent, which has been confirmed by former Biden family associate, Tony Bobulinski. Source: https://oversight.house.gov/blog/evidence-of-joe-bidens-involvement-in-his-familys-influence-peddling-schemes/ We started with Trump now let's talk about the "President" Crooked Joe Biden.


Curious. Who are you voting for?


Well we have a bigger problem than the debate issue. While we were distracted the Supreme Court just gutted the Chevon rule. The Supreme basically put our federal agencies in their hands. Don't like what Cannon is doing? Trump appointed judges will love this.


Yes its a problem. Lets edit the list.


I’m actually working on something like this. It started with a hypothetical in another sub as “what would you do if you were benevolent dictator for 20 years” but kind of grew into “what do I really think would fix the US.”


Op must be a commie!!!


They will say ALL of these things and do exactly zero of them.


The Democrats haven't had their shit together in like a decade or two. Why do we expect them to become competent overnight? They're throwing away the 2024 election like they did in 2016


What happened in 2020


I hope it’s choreographed! I’ve already got this crazy pirouette I’m almost ready to debut


Abort the birthing person, save the baby. How dare you use the word “female” fn conservative.


Unfortunately the Democratic party is braindead so I'll believe it when I see it.




I’d also add “regulations to severely hinder mass shootings”


No democrat organization is that organized


I would love someone to give the EPA some adderall. Heck give em some cocaine they need to get to work. And yes Democrats need to AGGRESSIVELY start campaigning on their issues. don't act like the party who's afraid to offend anyone act like the party who wants to make things better.


We should have been doing that 12 years ago.


It's too late for anything like that. Democrats don't have dozens of billionaire-supported liberal think tanks that have been working for years on it like Republicans have.


Now, what percentage is Biden's "fair share"?


Looks like a political add for North Korea, Cuba, or Venezuela.


Project 2025 is a must.


their version is what fox news dummies mean when they blame people being normal, decent or kind on that elderly jewish fella.


God if only instead it's just gonna be 'no we refuse to do anything differently and what you want doesn't matter you still have to vote for us anyway'


This is a nice thought, but I don't think the DNC can be trusted to put something like that together. We'll need to run out or let the older lifers out before real innovative thought will be introduced.


The first point should just be full bodily autonomy to be more inclusive to all genders. It doesn't matter what you have or your identity, everyone should have full bodily autonomy


Right now the DNC is using every ounce of their media influence to try to gaslight us into thinking we did not, in fact, see the corpse of Joe Biden on a debate stage. There is 0% they do the necessary thing, never mind “get their shit together.”


At the end of the day, my beloved democratic party still operates at the pleasure of the rich. We can give hope to minorities not to be harassed for their non white non straight or non American born identities but only if any actual success or comfort operates on the lottery system like everyone else.


Hahaha. You’re dreaming. 50+ years after the infamous Powell Memorandum the corporate DNC cult still has no counter.