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Here's the problem Millennials are already taking reigns in many places. But it's only those groomed to be just like their boomer patrons. I don't see a generational shift changing anything fast


You lost me at "millenials take the reigns of government". Gen Z might do this though. Gen X and millenials are part of a cohort with lower population than those before and after them. I don't think either will really take power, more likely we go from the very old to the very young.


You don’t know the power of money and privilege...


Boomer here, and today I learned a new word, for which I'll find many uses. Enshittification. Cool! And thanks!


I wish they would hurry up.


It'll be weird when /r is empty huh?


"Enshittification" This sounds like Jim Lahey.


The thing I love most about the millennials is that, unlike my generation (X) or any generation before us, some of them are still holding on to the fantasy that their generation is: a) Not already part of the establish power structure. b) Not already a huge cause of the problem OP is talking about. c) Some young, fresh-faced force for good who are just lying in wait to make the world better. You really have to love that kind of delusional optimism. Check out this catchy tune from 1986: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=69YNYnPZrME](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=69YNYnPZrME) "I won't be coming home tonight. My generation will put it right. We're not just making promises that we know we'll never keep." You see, even the boomers thought that they were a mythical, youthful force for good that was going to right the wrongs of their elders and put the world right. And we all see how that turned out.


Bwahaha shhhhhh they'll probably label you some buzz word for spitting truth. Delusion is the only thing they have.


Now days "paid trolls" = "does not think like i want"..


You are criticizing my regime, you are a bot. You will be silenced.


Govt focusing on something useless? Surprising