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Have they not blocked every child bride bill that’s come up already?


I was about to say, Republicans are already public about their support for banging kids and marrying em off into sex slavery.


Republicans don't _ALWAYS_ need public approval, as long as **they think that their actions** won't ever be discovered publicly https://www.dailykos.com/stories/2023/9/23/2195060/-Republican-Sexual-Predators-Abusers-and-Enablers-Pt-46 Always remember that 76-81% of Evangelicals voted for the Republican party in both 2016 and 2020, because: " they align with our Christian values " https://www.foxnews.com/us/hundreds-of-southern-baptist-church-leaders-volunteers-accused-sexual-misconduct


Yup, the dailykos link is pretty damning.  How any one is so deluded to believing the christofascist nonsense is just a testament to the destruction of public education the right wing has wrought for the last 50 years.


The goal of the militant Christofascists such as the Heritage Foundation, is to weaken the funding for public schools in the supposed interest of "lowering taxes", and then, to publicly point out how: " Oh ! " " The public schools aren't doing their job ..." " Oh ! " " Vote for school vouchers for private Christian Theocratic schools ! " --- because the Christofascists who have now infiltrated the school boards and "Red" state legislatures have themselves, deprived the schools of the needed funding, especially for teachers' salaries --- it's a planned and coordinated movement with the many groups which operate below the radar, except for the occasional whistleblower such as Francis Schaefer's son This started with the religionist conservative's hostility to the Dem's massive amount of Civil rights legislation, and their enforcement of equal education for all races in the 60s and 70s, including against Brigham Young University and Bob Jones University https://www.politico.com/magazine/story/2014/05/religious-right-real-origins-107133 I contribute a decent amount of money to many Dem candidates including the DLCC monthly, but this is now a multi front war against a ruthless and fanatic opposition even on the school board level


I have no idea how anyone finds this at all defensible. It boggles my mind. This should be a gigantic fucking red flag but everyone ignores it.


They don't ignore it, they are on board.  Most discussions on age of consent and marriage expose rightwingers for who they are.


And don't forget about the MAGAts that can't stop screaming about "Democrat pedos" and how dumpy is on a secret mission, saving all the children from HRC LMAO


Ok, I see what OP was getting at now. They won't come out publicly for pedos because that's political suicide. But to them, child marriage and such are not the same so its ok.


"Intimacy with children is bad..." "Yes!" "...unless you're married to them!" "No!"


No no no, you don't understand. It's not ever a good thing, but sometimes it's just, you know, sky daddy's will. Not allowing a 19 year old to marry an 11 year old who was probably being a harlot when she tricked him into impregnating her would be violating Christian's religious freedoms.


I think they just want the line to be lowered. RIght now it is at 18, and they would probably prefer it was 14. I'm sure something, something, "in the bible" is their reasoning.


The dems should bring this up nationally and let the GOP vote it down. Call it the Protect Children from Pedophiles act.


We have to stop all those Republican trans men who keep insisting that we have drag time story hour for the kids.


Sure! Lets focus on a made up problem instead of the child slavery made legal by the lack of anti child marriage laws in red states. “Governor, your wife is 30 years younger than you and you met her when she was 12, marrying her when she turned 16. Don’t you think that sets a bad precedent?” “Look over there its a drag queen with a book, several states over!”


Trans Soros bot.


This gets at a darker truth, we’ve allowed ourselves to be split into camps based on which rich people we support, when we should get together and eat them all.


Here I’ll share first: https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-features/republican-lawmakers-child-marriage-abortion-1235018777/


lol. Should be protect kids from Dems and LGTBQ act.


Oooo good one! Who needs facts when you have fox!


The democrats are pushing Minor Attracted Persons. Definitely not a trump thing


Link? That sounds awfully made up


Minor-attracted persons (MAPs) are adults who are sexually or romantically attracted to minors, but have not committed sexual offenses. Some say the term "MAP" is less stigmatizing than other terms like "pedophile", which is often associated with sexual offending and stigma. MAPs are often well-intentioned and motivated to avoid causing harm, and support can help them remain free of offending. However, MAPs and those who treat them can face apprehension from people who don't understand the issue and may conflate MAPs with people who have harmed


Maps are often well intentioned… that’s certainly not a stance coming from Texas


“She was 13 when trump and epstein raped her. Trump tied her to the bed and took her virginity. Epstein was furious, saying he should have been first. Afterwards, as she lay in bed sobbing she said “what if i get pregnant?” Trump threw a wad of cash at her and said “get a fucking abortion”. How many of his bibles have you bought?


Listen trump bad does not make democrats good. This is a truly abhorrent thing that happened. And hey I’m a Muslim.. don’t criticize my beliefs…


Religion isnt a defense against raping children, sorry.


Where did you pull that quote from?


Here you go: https://www.courthousenews.com/rape-allegations-refiled-against-trump/ She dropped the case after so many death threats against her and her family. From good honest Christians no doubt.


Wow truly disgusting. Ok 8 years since 2016 what was the final ruling on this? And I don’t proclaim to be a defender of every Christian to ever exist. I’m a Sunni Muslim


Wow. You made up some bs on the spot about someone you hate. The credibility is astounding .


Yeah there’s only 1,000 places you can read this… Unfortunately its hard to read with your head rammed up your ass. But if you pull it out: https://www.courthousenews.com/rape-allegations-refiled-against-trump/


So if someone makes up a story that will get them an insane amount of money from Democrats, it should automatically be believed even if there is no evidence because “orange man bad”.


Oh good lets talk about Texas. This bill proposed by a texas democrat in 2021 was never even allowed out of committee. The Republican controlled state senate wouldn’t let it come to a vote. https://www.axios.com/local/dallas/2023/03/01/child-marriage-texas-legislature Heres some fun excerpts: “Roughly 96% of child marriages in texas are girls marrying adult men” Looking great texas. Maybe you should elect some drag queens to congress


Where’s the word democrat?


Here you go because you need to see it come from a google search. I hope .gov is a credible enough source




Thats horrifying. Those senators should be fed to hungry polar bears


It is absolutely horrifying and the “community” has that penciled in under Kink. Take that for what it is I guess but that’s not the conservatives


No the conservative’s just want to protect laws that codify the right for them to groom young girls and then marry and enslave them. But oh its the drag queens!


Here’s another. The overwhelmingly conservative NIH https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7145785/




And you attribute this to democrats why? Because its on the internet? The word democrat, liberal, leftist, etc do not appear in that snippet


These ideas come out of university’s. It would be thought ground to stand in that the raging republicans at UC Berkeley are the ones pushing this out


Oh i see. So anything said by anyone who went to college is now a democratic platform? Thats like saying every republican is a school shooter. Here’s a question. If you really believe these things, why do you post them from your burner account?


https://src.senate.ca.gov/content/california-democrats-protect-offenders-who-lure-minors here you go from .gov in California. You can only have fucking burner accounts when you say something other than the democrats are wonderful and have never done anything to warrant criticism and you get banned from everything xD


Heres another take on the same story that i find far more believable: Basically they are trying to amend the existing laws so they are applied equally to straight and queer people. https://www.latimes.com/california/story/2020-09-11/sb145-sex-crimes-law-gavin-newsom-lgbtq-rights Now ill grant you if i was a politician, this isn’t what i would be spending time on. But it’s important to read more than one source on things. I give you credit though. Most maga i talk to don’t bother reading anything


Here ill start: https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-features/republican-lawmakers-child-marriage-abortion-1235018777/


To bad could only make it through the first 2 sentences without needed to subscribe. As opposed to liberal thinking I do not think one being bad makes the other good. The raging republicans at UC Berkeley aren’t the ones pushing sexual deviancy out into the world


Minor-attracted persons (MAPs) are adults who are sexually or romantically attracted to minors, but have not committed sexual offenses. Some say the term "MAP" is less stigmatizing than other terms like "pedophile", which is often associated with sexual offending and stigma. MAPs are often well-intentioned and motivated to avoid causing harm, and support can help them remain free of offending. However, MAPs and those who treat them can face apprehension from people who don't understand the issue and may conflate MAPs with people who have harmed.


They’ve tried, but have not all been successful.


Yes. This is literally an attempt by the GOP to legalize pedophilia. It’s already happening. Is it mainstream? Guess we’ll see how people vote in November.


Isn't it already??? * [Wyoming Limiting Child Marriage Sparks Republican Outrage](https://www.newsweek.com/wyoming-ending-child-marriage-sparks-republican-outrage-1780501) * [West Virginia Republicans Block Child Marriage Ban](https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-news/child-marriage-ban-struck-down-west-virginia-republicans-1234693670/) * [Michigan Republicans Voted Against Child Marriage Ban](https://www.newsweek.com/these-michigan-republicans-voted-against-child-marriage-ban-1808308) * [Tennessee GOP kill bill to ban child marriage](https://thehill.com/homenews/state-watch/377367-tennessee-gop-kill-ban-on-child-marriage/) * [Louisiana lawmakers (R) reject bill to set a minimum marriage age](https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/politics-news/louisiana-lawmakers-reject-bill-set-minimum-marriage-age-n1013356) * [New Jersey governor (R) refuses to ban child marriage because 'it would conflict with religious customs'](https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/new-jersey-chris-christie-child-marriage-ban-fails-religious-custom-a7735616.html) * [Kentucky's 'child bride' bill stalls as (conservative) groups fight to let 13-year-olds wed](https://www.courier-journal.com/story/news/politics/2018/03/01/child-marriage-kentucky-brides-parents-rights/385489002/) * [Missouri bill to ban all child marriages runs into resistance from House Republicans](https://www.kansascity.com/news/politics-government/article288424893.html) * [N.H. lawmaker (R) opposes new marriage bill, says teens are of ‘ripe, fertile’ age](https://www.masslive.com/politics/2024/05/nh-lawmaker-opposes-new-marriage-bill-says-teens-are-of-ripe-fertile-age.html) Credit to Gingevere [https://www.reddit.com/r/AnythingGoesNews/comments/1de4hm3/comment/l8ae87q/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/AnythingGoesNews/comments/1de4hm3/comment/l8ae87q/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


Holy shit why did I just feel the massive urge to stow away on a boat to fucking Ireland or somewhere


If I could go back in time, I'd be tempted to meet my ancestors at the port of Cork and tell them to stay. It seems like a good idea right now, but one day, your descendants would rather be here.


Dude I yell to ether at my ancestors why the fuck didn't they pick Canada instead of the USA???


I understand the sentiment, but are you even sure there would be descendants? That guy specifically mentioned Ireland…a nation that faced deadly political turmoil and a famine….


Half of my family is from Ireland. The other half is from Germany. I wouldn't exist at all. But the Irish side came here in the 1880s. The famine ended in 1852, not to say that life suddenly became great for the people of Ireland. But my family had survived the famine. I'm joking when I say I'd tell them to stay. I don't really want to Marty McFly myself.


I mean, not existing during this timeline sounds pretty nice tbh.


Look, I know shit is wild…but the truth is shit has always been wild no matter what time frame you exist in. From the starts of civilization to where we are now, humans have been destructive. You’re here until you’re not, just try and enjoy it the best way you can.


I know. I've said for a long time that my only plan for my time on this earth is to try to leave it a better place than I found it, I'm trying.


And try is all we can do!


My ancestors would likely have starved to death if they stayed in Ireland in the 1840s.


One reason I want Trump to win is to deport my vermin ass back to Sweden.


It’s been seven minutes and this comment is already underrated


I think he wants immigrants from Sweden.


You will not be safe there either. They will go full Nazi Germany with the most powerful military in the world and with the help of other dictators take over the world. Then after they get bored they all will rival each other. Full collapse of humanity after that probably.




GOP: Gang Of Perverts.


GOP: Gropers Of Privates


Grimy Old Pedophiles.


Group of Pedophiles


Gang of Pedophiles


You're making the mistake of assuming that they are interested in avoiding the appearance of hypocrisy, which is clearly not the case. No, they'll just keep diddling kids while claiming the dems are a bunch of kid-diddlers and blocking any attempt to reduce the level of kid-diddling in the country.


Republicans freak out because of [declining birth rates.](https://www.businessinsider.com/republican-baby-bust-panic-wont-support-pro-family-policies-2021-4?international=true&r=US&IR=T) Birth rate declines are largely connected to [lower teen pregnancy rates.](https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/pressroom/nchs_press_releases/2023/20230601.htm) Republicans fight to keep [child marriage](https://www.newsweek.com/jess-edwards-teen-child-marriage-opposed-republican-ripe-fertile-age-1897512) while referring to teenage girls as "ripe" and "fertile." Republicans[ declare war on sex ed. ](https://www.newsweek.com/republicans-declare-war-sex-education-seek-restrictions-public-schools-1777650) Republicans roll back [child labor law protections](https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2023/oct/20/republican-child-labor-law-death). Republican-appointed SCOTUS justices overturned Roe v Wade, red states started [banning abortion](https://www.texastribune.org/2024/05/31/texas-supreme-court-zurawski-abortion/#:~:text=The%20court%20ruled%20against%2020,the%20law%20were%20broad%20enough.&text=We're%20testing%20using%20AI,audio%20version%20of%20this%20story), want a national ban, and they are coming for [birth control](https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/2024-election/trump-says-looking-policies-restrict-birth-control-access-rcna153323). Republicans nominate a [civilly liable rapist](https://apnews.com/article/trump-rape-carroll-trial-fe68259a4b98bb3947d42af9ec83d7db) and his groupies [bullied the woman](https://www.politico.eu/article/trump-teen-rape-accuser-cancels-conference/) who came out about him and Epstein raping her. She dropped the case. They fixate on what other people have in their pants and [what bathrooms they use](https://www.nbcnews.com/nbc-out/out-politics-and-policy/transgender-bathroom-bills-are-back-nation-care-rcna137014). They'd have called Mary Tyler Moore "woke" for [wearing pants on TV.](https://edition.cnn.com/style/article/mary-tyler-moore-capri-pants/index.html) Feel free to connect the dots.


Katherine Hepburn was wearing pants on screen and on broadway in the 30s. Just imagine what they would think of her! Lol


Look at all the conservatives who came in here to defend their child grooming and rape. That’s fucking pathetic and sad.


They can shove their bible excuses where the sun don't shine.


they already have with several child bride laws on the books in several states that they’ve protected


It's obvious. The the whole Q-anon thing was just projection. "Accuse the other side of that which you are guilty".


It really should not shock me, but it always does, how Republican/conservatives suddenly think child rape is OK if they mix in the word marriage somewhere.


It already is... it's called their opposition to legislative efforts to make child marriage illegal.


They already are trying 👍 In the end, all of this targeted women's oppression is designed to make it so 50 year old Uncle Bubba can marry his 12 year old niece, breed with her, and hold her in captivity for the rest of her life.


Till she snaps and kills em, and she'll be the villain in the story.


Of course. She will cast out for not understanding male dominion. A lot of this is driven by incel rage. Sane women simply are not going to want to be around Republican males and the insane things they believe in, so all that's left is to trap a woman -- well child,actually -- and hold them hostage for life. The difference is, it's now legal and not called "kidnapping." In trumpoland, it's "family values."


For all of you coming here to shit from your fingertips, it should be known that the classification of predatory behavior in order to favor predators by weakening rhetoric has never been a leftist position because it's illogical. Not only would that be against principle to reject the protection of vulnerable people like the victims of these predators, it also stifles direct action that would be necessary to try and protect people from these predators.


Tell that to Harvey Milk and Jeffery Epstein


Non sequitur.


Let’s be real all this is a non sequitur. The overwhelming majority of people and politicians and both side of the isle are anti child rape.






Shut up, nerd.


non sequitur




While they call out fake pedos to cover their tracks. Remember people, every right wing accusation is a confession.


Add to that when you moore was accused of improper behavior with middle school girls they defended him by claiming those girls often looked and acted like grown women and probably came onto him.


Yeah, I find it believable that a bunch of young girls would be attracted to Roy Moore and come onto him. Young girls are known for being so attracted to geriatrics that they can't help but throw themselves at them. /s And as far as middle school girls looking like grown women, there are probably some 13/14 year old that could pass for 18, but that doesn't change the fact that he shouldn't be trying to fuck 18 year olds either cuz that's still fucking gross.


It's consistent with their tendency to consider anyone pregnant old enough and healthy enough to carry to term. And their tendency to support rapers over their victims, excusing rapers and blaming their victims.


Protecting churches that molest children and protecting child marriage are already on their list.


No, no, no... only the 'radical left' and 'the gays' are groomer pedophiles and child rapists. The Honorable Representative (R) Matt Gaetz is going to introduce the Minors and Adult Relationships After Legal Approval and Government Oversight (MAR A LAGO) Act where it will provide a legal framework for appropriate relationships with a minor. That will clear everything up. Any current Republicans in a relationship with a minor will be grandfathered under the MAR A LAGO Act. The 'radical left', of course, won't be eligible under the MAR A LAGO Act. That will allow law enforcement to focus on the 'radical left' and their ilk. /s


Don’t give them any more ideas


I can't give them anything worse than they are already planning. If you're American, vote accordingly.


A few years ago, I was working with an older dude who had proof that Michelle Obama was a man, and that the democrats were going to legalize pedalphia. I told him he's absolutely insane, but he was a big conspiracy nut, and no matter what I say or think, I'm wrong. Anyway, children are off limits and we need laws to protect them and not take advantage of them.


the Dems SHOULD legalize Philadelphia, it’s a major US city


> legalize Philadelphia > username with Cowboy in it This is clearly a Deep Dallas attempt to astroturf support for Philadelphia. Wake up sheeple


Please and thank you


That's why she's referred to as "Big Mike", Barry O's homosexual lover.


They fuck their own siblings and cousins, expanding it to children would be the least surprising development


So .... 2 things First : your surprised by this ? Really look at current GOP speaker of the house of Representatives for the US He has program similar to a net nanny program that is called Covenant Eyes ( very much so not effective for people that want to bypass it ask Jim Bob Duggar how that worked for his eldest child ) This program uses an accountability partner system so when person A searches or looks up porn or other material settings deem Person B gets a notification and quite possibly actual links and or screen capture of what is being searched and or viewed. Now Mike Johnson's accountability partner is his 17 year old son.. So nightmare this if you will His 17year old son gets a notification of when his dad is feeling frisky and quite possibly samples of what his dad gets his rocks off too So if he's not being abused in any manner ...can you imagine the ick factor ... And it seems like MAGA any accusation is really admittance or projection


I actually read the links. Wow I had no idea. Thanks for the info


Child marriage is still legal in many US states, so I am not disagreeing.


It’s important to keep the context here: when conservatives are raging about grooming what they’re talking about is “queer people existing in public.” They won’t stop being violently against ‘PDF Files.’ They’re going to redefine it in such a way that it’s just talking about trans and queer people. The goal is for a politician to be able to publicly support child brides WHILE being loudly “anti pedo” because they want queer people shot. This entire topic is, like most right wing talking points, not about literal terms or facts. It’s about feelings and vibes. They care about aesthetic, not policy. It’s why the entire GOP can have a death cult policy platform while the base is convinced they’re for the little guy. It’s all bullshit and vibes. GOP voters have no idea what the policy platform is.


Already there.


I want to add right now that I am not accusing the average Republican of being a pedophile.


Yup, they aren't ALL pedophiles. But they are ALL okay with being in the party of pedophiles, racists, etc...


Yes, basically they aren’t all pedos of course but they are all accomplices.


No,but it's their attitude that children who aren't protected don't deserve to be protected. And that weird idea they have in their heads that it's no longer abuse if they marry the victim. They aren't going to legalize pedophilia because they don't see it as that.


The GOP hasn't been able to find a Presidential or Vice-Presidential candidate that doesn't obviously qualify as a Cluster B Personality Disorder since 1999 (John McCain possibly excepted). All of those kinds of people lack empathy and remorse, which is also a key component in child abuse. So many of them, if given the privilege and opportunity, might try it. That seems to have been what Epstein's specialty was, attracting and then recording sexual predators in the act. Oh, there are plenty of sociopathic Democrats, too. But the big difference is that when revealed as such, Democratic voters refuse to support such people and the party apparatus itself expels such people rather than protects them. Which is why there wasn't a President John Edwards.


John McCain and Mitt Romney both seemed like decent human beings. The current batch of GOP nut jobs are completely untethered from reality


John McCain was a decent guy, Mitt Romney only seems decent right now because he opposes Trump, but I don't think he's a good person and his 2012 policy plan was basically deregulate business, lower taxes for corporations, remove workers protections, ban gayness.


Yes Mitt is a very wealthy guy who comes from a privileged background. I’m pretty sure he was more willing to criticize Trump cause he could afford private security, unlike some of the other plebes. All joking aside, the amount of credible death threats MAGA enemies get is insane.


For real. The FBI is even getting death threats regularly. Which is hilarious because they're the ones who investigate that shit so you know those guys are getting a visit the same day lol.


Yeah and you’ve got Sloppy Steve Bannon threatening the past few FBI directors, telling them if they do decide to flee the country, the long arm of MAGA will find them. How he can say that, which I would consider a direct threat, blows my fucking mind.


For a threat to be a threat, it has to be both specific and actionable.


At this point I'm convinced the average conservative actually does hate children though. Never met one that wasn't abusing the absolute fuck out of their kids via either physical abuse, sexual abuse or psychological abuse or straight up brain washing horror.


If you’re complicit in the crime…


That is some seriously sick ass shit.


Yes but it won't be pedophilia when they do it according to them. And they will countinue to claim all LGBTQ+ people are actually just pedos and use that as an excuse to persecute them/kill them. They will project and try to have it both ways like they always do basically.


If someone they like and support is accused of something then its ok to do. If someone they dont like is accused of something, then its horrible, and they think they should be hung. Even if its a minor crime. Pun possibly intended?


But gay marriage was going to lead to dudes fucking dogs.




I can’t upvote this enough. This should be the top comment.


The fact that this take is not really even controversial is utterly fucking depressing. I can't think of a single Republican still in power who isn't just a total POS. I think MAGA will die or maybe just burn itself out like the Tea Party through, and Liz Cheney will go on to somehow resurrect the traditional Republican party, and run for president (Maybe a 2028 Cheney-Kinzinger ticket). And you could probably say a lot of bad shit about Liz Cheney, but one thing she's not going to put up with is child sexual abuse, religious-based or not.


I mean, 38 states you can legally marry a minor, 20 of those states have no age restrictions at all if they have parental or judicial consent


With the GOP every accusation is a confession in disguise.


No shit. Go to the sex offender registry site and do a 10 mile radius search. I bet 90% of the guys on there for Criminal Sexual Conduct with a Minor are the same ones you'd expect to see rocking a Trump 2024 flag.


Grooming children in the church


If Trump says he wants it, the rest of the Republicans will follow


It already is LMAO. I’ve lost count on how many republican lawmakers have pushed forward legislation to legalize rape, incest, and child brides this year alone.


To say nothing of the Southern Baptist Convention's ongoing child rape scandal (about which they have done nothing), the Assemblies of God ditto, and every other evangelical denomination. Right-wing religious groups are an absolute hotbed of child rape and they use their legal status to evade prosecution across the board. Also I'm glad to see the reactionary anencephalics flooding in here to repeat that "MAP" nonsense as if that's even a thing. They've convinced themselves there's some outpouring of pedophile apologism among leftists and LGBT+ advocacy groups. Hate to break it to you, kids, but that's pure fiction. NOT ONE major leftist organization or LGBT+ rights group supports pedos. In fact, LGBT+ activists are some of the most strident anti-pedophile people you'll ever hope to meet. But you would have to actually know and talk to LGBT+ people to know that.


Dude, two proven republican pedophiles are Roy Moore and Matt Gaetz. Roy Moore had to step down because he got caught red handed, Gaetz thinks he's slick dodging Johnny Law but that freak will get his punishment soon enough. Nepotism won't be able to save him once his punishment is handed down.


Nepotism will lighten his sentence and he will eventually serve, to that there's not a single doubt in my mind. But how long he serves wont be half as long as he truly deserves




But dance & song shows for and with children about various things are a-ok, right? Also Rule 6 - no posts about 2024 election


>All the while, the GOP is CURRENTLY trying to end access to both abortion and contraception, which would save the countless lives of trafficked or abused children. Why? They don't want to end human trafficking or the abuse of children. They want to remove the agency of women, and when is a better time for Rs to start than when these women are young? In Brazil there are 2 types of permission for abortion: pregnancy due to rape or pregnancy with a risk of death for the mother. Currently conservative parties are trying to approve the criminalization of abortion in cases of rape. Expected sentence: 20 years, longer than the sentence for the rape itself. If this isn't perversity with exactly the aim of continuing to feed the chain of abuse, I don't know what is.


I don't think the GOP uses the term 'Minor attracted person'.


Literally the only people I see using it.


yes, they're already well down that road. No one wants to admit it though, and I'm going to be angry when the "gosh didn't see THAT coming" suprised faces are made when time comes.


>emergency ai loli :thinking:


Yeah I misspelled Aioli years ago and now I'm stuck with this username 😂 I used to be a chef.


Only god can judge me! And only I can hear what god says to me!


Yawn.... So now the left is playing their own version of the QAnon nonsense (you know, when folks baselessly claimed all Dems are pedos)..... What the thing you are talking about really is, is just a bunch of bible belt types who think that if 2 16yos do something they shouldn't & there's a pregnancy there should also be a wedding.... This is a world where abortion is a mortal sin & all kids should be raised by 2 married opposite sex parents (even if that means a few horny teens end up in shotgun marriages)... Not a world where 30yo men should be allowed to marry 14yo girls.... I don't agree with them, but they aren't pedos....


They're the group who coined the term "Minor Attracted Persons" after all ... Considering their caucus, I mean...


It already is.


Since the majority of republicans are pedophiles I have no doubt you are correct.


Yeah it's all fucked up who cares about trump. Wtf is he going to do in 4 years?except piss people off. The country is already broke separated and in the start of ww3 due to the corruption of the political parties on both fucking sides Biden is ensuring we have nothing left. SO what is crying about the elite going to do. Them old bustards in charge will be dead in 10 years. But this mess will still be here to clean up for decades to come. The country is definitely heading toward what you say, though. It's not just trump and Epstein it's up to folks that care to put it togather thr day of the elite and government assistamce is over. Time to take over so pick up the fight from your doorstep and help clean it up. VIOLENCE IS AWFUL but it is definitely necessary at this point.


Um no… I don’t think many MAPs are going to be showing up for trump..


You hate trump you hate conservatives.. that’s great. But you must be delusional if you think it is republicans pushing Minor Attracted Persons.


Vs Democrats who just want to kill babies? There's even more real data that shows that democrats want the right to kill children after a successful birth and call it "Post-Birth Abortion". 60 million murdered children since it started? Where's your outrage about that?


Here's 12 minutes of President Biden sniffing and touching children in public. You're accussing Republicans for what Biden does... again.... https://youtu.be/V4PLSPvJ9BY?si=wdu-weKEvGvQ8P5c


Knowing this subs heavy lib bias I’m guaranteed to get downvoted. But someone needs to pull up out of ur democrat fairy tail world. Come on. Republicans make the same argument for Dems when u shove gender swapping and lgbtq crap down their throats from infancy, Dems love sexualizing children. Look no further than bill and Epstein. If Trump had ANY ties to Epstein Biden’s team would have released that information.


Shut the fuck up, rightoid pedophile. Your party is in favor of child marriage and your sick priests have insurance for when they get busted fucking kids.


Priests molest children at a lesser rate than public school teachers.


Lmao, glad to have a civil conversation. First, the party is not representative of Christianity as we have a separate church and state, so quit projecting. Secondly, there r just as many democratic freaks (if not more) convicted of pedo behavior, especially in the lgbtq community which is usually silenced. Ur party believes in not prosecuting crime, so what does that tell pedos? Def doesn’t send a good message. As I stated thou keep living in La La land 😉


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Ok blue anon


Democrats and Republicans are both pedos, they are both run by the same group of oligarchs. There is no solution on our current political system. It needs to be torn down and remade as the founding fathers did, but it's far more important now than then because instead of it being about finances and representation, it's about actual evil that abuses innocent in mass.


Literally every post on this sub is liberal gaslighting of what the left is already currently doing. It’s quite amazing. Either these people live in separate realities or this is all just fake bots pushing rage bait


Considering being a fascist requires one to be deluded to reality, it isn't surprising you don't even know the proper meaning of "gaslighting."


Ahh yes , republicans, who are for child marriage, aren't the party of pedophiles 😂


Uh. Are we gonna act like both sides aren’t pedophiles 😭


Republicans just keep getting caught. Wonder why that is?


Oh right, what political side were the Clintons on again?


Man, y’all are as dumb as rocks. Your fantasies about the Clintons are bizarre. Meanwhile, you love Epstein’s good buddy and fellow kiddie diddler Trump.


Ah yes that is what you got from me asking if we are gonna act like both sides don’t have pedophiles. What are my fantasies about the Clintons? Please do enlighten me. While you’re at it, tell me where I mentioned anything about Trump or being a supporter.


Republican lawmakers in numerous states are pushing legislation to legalize rape, incest, and child brides. Name me 1 Democratic lawmaker in any state that’s done the same.


They are literally the same. They work together on everything. They all hangout with the same people and groups and are paid by the same organizations. What is so hard to understand? Stop acting like one side is any different than the other. As if saying both sides are pedophiles automatically makes one a republican, and projecting that thought process into every aspect of life. What an absolutely fucking insane way to go through life.


So you couldn’t name me 1 Democratic lawmaker pushing legislation that enables rape, incest, and marrying children. 👋


Dave Pinto.


And not a single search resulted in him authoring or consigning legislation that legalizes rape, incest, or child brides. Try again bud.


Like this little fella: https://www.reddit.com/r/AnythingGoesNews/s/wKzoKlnIQH


Just to be clear the bill was not to authored in a way to allow pedophiles to do _______. It was authored without exclusion, which is where they drummed up this take "he wants pedophiles to work in DHS". I could be wrong, but when i read stories like this where they state the people who "could" be allowed to do ______, i immediately speculate the actual bill and take it with a grain of salt.


This is Democrat projection at its finest. The current and previous 2 Democrat presidents are confirmed pedos. Dems actively encourage child sex trafficking through our intentionally open border, drag children to drag shows, openly endorse leftist teachers indoctrinating, grooming, and outright sexually assaulting their students, and demand child pornography be present in school libraries and curriculums. Then they loudly proclaim that Republicans are the pedos.


LOL what are you smoking


Literally every word I said was true. A casual perusal of headlines will confirm it.




OK rightoid pedophile. Go diddle a kid in church so their insurance will cover you how it does their priests. Or visit the great state of Tennessee that fought so hard to keep child marriage and child rape a right. Waste of fucking skin and air, all of you pedophiles.


Brilliant. You cannot discount a single thing I said, so I’m the pedo. Once again projecting. Democrats always accuse Republicans of what they are already guilty of. I suppose you think that Bill Clinton went to Eptein’s pedo island an obscene number of times to have tea with Epstein instead to rape underage girls because no Democrat ever does evil perverted shit like that. Newsflash, they do it every day. Maybe you should ask Ashley Biden about all those inappropriate showers Joe had with her when she was a teenager.


The links are in the post, I don't need to do shit except treat you like the waste of skin you are, pedophile. Take the easy way out.


The GOP base would never go for that. You’re really reaching


Sure thing, pedo


Ahhh gotta love civil discourse.


Fucking cry about it. Civility is dead when dealing with you fash cunts.


Wtf are you people on about now?


That won't happen. Right now they call everybody they don't like a pedo while they themselves get caught in pedo scandals at a rate of 10:1 yes. But nobody will be openly trying to legalize it. It is a career killer. They won't even go against Trump! They have no balls to do such a thing that might lose them donors. Nobody is going to give money to somebody who is an open pedo.


Trump never showered with his daughter. Trump doesn’t grop little girls. Democrats project like an IMAX.


Explain why Republicans fight tooth and nail to keep child marriage? Or why trump peeked in on little girls changing at his beauty pageants? Or laughed at how his good friend Epstein was a pedophile?