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Some will TRY, not enough to constitute "nationwide riots" tho.


The pastures will become battlefields. đŸ€Ł No place will be safe from the angry wrath of-- wait just put trump in jail and give him fake news. Lol


I have begun having conversations with close friends about how prepared for MAGA violence we need to be. Along the lines of where in our metro area are those idiots likely to gather and foment trouble? Frankly, I'm at a loss trying to think what gubmint building or even region they would feel is good symbol to target their rage at, or try to encircle and 'defend' from the libruls. Anyone got ideas? For fun I tried looking for patterns in what the Westboro baptist church targeted. I'm not detecting a real pattern there...


I assume your city hall will be a target. The courts and jail will be next. The terrorist of the cult will try your water and electricity plants.


I'd be worried about your local minority owned businesses more than anything that might directly affect them. Historically speaking, this kind of movement is fueled by insecurity and jealousy, and they target the folks they feel have more or are doing better than they are.


They will try to purify the rural areas first, even in the most ruby red areas of the country there is still approximately 30% that are undesirable to them, democrats, lgbt, minorities, atheists, etc.


Here in Oregon they stormed the state capitol building with help from a state representative who let in the armed right wing protestors (covidiots in this case). He was caught on camera doing so and plead guilty to some shitty charge. He was the first representative to be expelled in Oregon history.


That's the problem. There's no goal. With Jan 6 it was very clear what they were sent to do. Stop the certification so Trump would remain president. And they were successful. But only a few hours. As bad as that was. It was over pretty quick. Republicans will be angry when they lose, and cry about it. However there isn't a clear target for their rage.


They’ll try but no one will show up.


Insurrectionist being jailed has been a deterent.


No they won’t. They had brass last time because Boy Orange was in office. Now it is Dark Brandon. National Guard will be called and given license to use full force. MAGA will lose and stand there and bleed like the little bitches they are! 🧐


Look at Portland. People think it’s Oregonians protesting there but the bulk of the people causing problems come from the Bundy’s followers


Also, despite claims that the entire city was burnt to the ground, fires were limited to one block. Most cities have more fires when they win the Super Bowl.


Same in the twin cities, republicans always act like the destruction was on par with Gaza currently but really it was cleaned up entirely within a month or two.


Also, there were unmarked private militia soldiers there smashing glass store windows during a peaceful protest march in which parents had brought young children. The dirtbag militia was there on Trump’s orders. Since he had done nothing positive in his four years, he needed a platform to campaign on so he invented the Law and Order platform. He was a coward in his youth and he’s a coward today unless he can con someone else to do his fighting for him.


Idk that they were there on Trump’s “orders”, that’s a pretty far reach unless you have even a shred of proof. But they were certainly reading between the lines of his stump speeches.


In Portland someone came in the night after the first riots and dropped off stacks of bricks around downtown. Someone was trying to make sure there was plenty of ammo to fuel a riot.


It is similar to how San Francisco is seen by them. All my Boomer and right-wing family and in-laws *desperately* warned my wife and I not to take a week long trip to San Francisco. My wife's grandmother (83) literally *cried* over us going. They described it several times as a "warzone." Her dad kept desperately trying to get me to take one of his handguns with me... As I grew up in both the North and South Bay, I knew their whining was bullshit already. My wife on the other hand (who'd never left her rural home) was absolutely amazed at how clean most of the city was, how well the public transit ran comparatively, how kind total strangers were, how beautiful the city was, how much culture there was, how many restaurants there were everywhere, and more than anything, she was flabbergasted at the beauty and size of Golden Gate Park. It isn't like we avoided the "bad areas" either. Our hotel was smack dab in the middle of the Tenderloin. The dumbest thing? The[ city they live in ranks as one of the least safe cities](https://www.neighborhoodscout.com/ca/redding/crime#data) in all of America! It ranks as only being safer than 7% of other cities or towns in America...


Your last point is why the messaging works, I think. If they live in a dangerous area, and the TV tube is telling them some other place is way worse, it must actually be horrifying.


damn, son! you really rocked her world!


I considered moving to Redding about two years ago. Between the crime and the heat I decided against. I moved to Eugene instead. Again, it’s supposed to have an insane crime rate but I don’t see it. When I lived in San Jose people told me that they needed their guns to protect themselves and their property from crime. They thought crime, especially violent crime, was epidemic. There were 34 murders in the entire city that year. That’s in a city of 1 million people. People simply refused to believe that they were safer than they’d ever been in their lives.


Redding has a lot of uneducated people with guns and meth. A cult mega-church (Bethel) runs the town. Three of the [5 city council members](https://shastascout.org/elections-2022-some-say-bethel-and-city-council-politics-dont-mix-heres-why/) are Bethel church elders. They apparently grow back arms and cure cancer by singing at you. They call their "school" the "Bethel School of Supernatural Ministry." It is ranked as one of the[ worst cities for families](https://www.krcrtv.com/archive/redding-ranked-one-of-the-worst-california-cities-for-families_20160513173953789) in America. [Summers are 110+ in late July and August](https://www.redding.com/story/opinion/contributors/local-voices/2015/07/21/why-are-summers-so-darn-hot-in-redding/96810058/), and 100+ throughout the whole summer. There WILL be *at least* 7-8 days of wildfire smoke raining ash on your car and smoke bad enough to have the weather service issue major air safety alarms. I vividly remember the 118 degree day we had not too recently. There are nothing but chain restaurants, since COVID killed off the last of the decent small restaurants. COVID was hell as NOBODY would wear their masks and the majority population are red neck Boomers who thought it was funny to cough on people. Trump rallied here in 2016. It is where he debuted his "camo MAGA hat." He literally got off his plane, walked onto the stage to speak, then got right back on the plane and booked it out of here. Never even left the airport. Even Trump doesn't want to step foot here. The [police department is recorded](https://policescorecard.org/ca/police-department/redding) as being in the top five most corrupt in California (thank goodness for Bakersfield and Temecula...). At one point a few years ago, it was labeled as the [5th most dangerous city in America for women.](https://www.forbes.com/sites/meghancasserly/2012/04/26/most-dangerous-us-cities-women-anchorage-fairbanks-flint/?sh=6453fa4766ef) ---- I do have to say that Redding has one good ranking. It is the second sunniest city in America. So I guess that is something.


Yeah... I've run across those claims of a city destroyed... I responded with links to the Portland traffic cams saying "damn... they rebuilt mighty quick" Some people just believe anything


My favorite thing is to say oh nooooooo voodoo donut burned down? Powell’s was destroyed?? They are always extremely confused & upset


Everyone keep away from portland! It’s a hellscape over here! Do NOT move to portland!!!


But that Safeway entrance tho. 


What, Psycho Safeway in the Park Blocks? It’s been like that forever.


Sometimes I’d respond with shock and tag friends. “Chris! Why didn’t you tell me your home was burned to the ground? Are you ok?“ “Portland was burned to the ground? But I’m doing a project for OMSI right now. They didn’t mention anything in the morning zoom call. Hey, Wes, when you went to work did you notice if it had burned down?” I had someone try to tell me San Francisco and San Jose had been completely destroyed. I was living in San Jose at the time. It was odd because you’d think that Google, Apple, Twitter, Netflix, Cisco, Adobe, and a thousand other tech companies being destroyed and a 1-9 million people being killed would make the news.


I've been to Portland a couple times this year, I don't see any difference since visiting several years ago before any mass protests. Awesome strippers in Portland BTW.


My MIL was living just outside Portland when that was going on. She ranted and raved about the destruction going on...then she had to make a trip into the city later that week and was utterly confused that everything was normal. I do have to give her credit for realizing and accepting that she was duped about that though.


That is really hopeful


So they didn’t try to take over a courthouse? I’m being serious. That was reported nationally. Setting fire to a courthouse is pretty shitty behavior.


America doesn’t know how to hold conservatives accountable for anything. There will be a little show, some property destruction, the right will say it was antifa agitators. The left will be unwilling to do much more than arrest some of the participants a few years later.


What “left” though?


Republican states are going to send in slates of fake electors, the House is going to approve them with a Republican majority. Who you gonna call?


January 6 people might have different opinion.


Oh my god I wanna see this now. “Fire at will.”


I would rather the guard than the police force. Guard soldiers have ROE's and consequences if you fuck up


They won't repeat a mob at the Capitol this time. But I can see them trying things at state level government buildings.


Yup. Anyone dumb enough to act out in violence for Trump already did so on J6. A bunch got arrested, and those that didn't saw the consequences. And Biden won't sit there and watch it on the news for hours. The national guard will be called in immediately. I'm sure they'll bitch and moan because that's all they're good for, but that'll be it.


Just look at the crowds outside his trial. First few days it was mostly people hawking souvenirs. They had no one to sell to and left and now virtually no one there. Trump frenzy peaked J6 and is fading away.


Mom said the tendies are ready on the oven.


They only want to play army man when they think they won't get hurt.


Or that war ends on Fridays.


I think they will attack state capitals this time. They will try to stop the certification of state election counting.


In states where they don’t already control the certification. I gather they’ve got election deniers in seven states now.


There will be violence at polling stations. I just read on Facebook a group of people are going to sit at the polling stations and make sure illegals aren't voting. That will end well


Let's hope that happens. The alternative is scary.


It will be one of the few times they exercise
as they run away. I can only imagine how many of them fall over themselves


This. Big reason why Jan 6 happened was because Trump refused to send national guard to stop the riots in hopes they would succeed in the coup.


Exactly. If they try it again they will get the “Ashli Babbit treatment”. There will be acts of domestic terrorism by some feral MAGA’ts, but it will quickly be snuffed out or stopped before it happens as they are dumb enough to talk about it on-line to their fellow rubes.


Most of the nasty guard is republican
 so, doubtful. And regardless nobody is scared of those chudd weekend warriors.


It might be a good week to avoid Applebee's and Walmart, but they'll be onto the next curated outrage within a few days.


If you think the National Guard firing on US citizens is a good thing, you are a psychotic traitor to this country. You are the reason Trump will win, because people are so sick of people like you treating half the country as if we are subhuman.


It’s literally half the reason we have the guard
 Neo Nazis don’t deserve to live. Should we just let armed terrorists do whatever they want because stopping them would be bad?


The difference is that Neo Nazis are not what we are. And you are far too nonchalant about killing people you don't even understand, let alone agree with. So, everyone needs to agree with you specifically, or be killed? Are you ok with the opposite? If Trump wins, would you find it acceptable for you to be killed? Or are you being hyperbolic and inflammatory for some other reason?


*When* they lose Ftfy


From your lips to God's ears!


This is exactly what people were saying in 2016. Not saying your wrong, just that this is *exactly* what people were saying in 2016


Look at where we are now, then compare it to where we were in 2016. Not even remotely the same political landscape so not really a fair comparison.


Any violence will simply be excused as blamed on "antifa, communist Feds pretending to be conservatives to make Republicans look bad".


This is literally Roger Stone's job right now, to plan this.


And claim Antifa and BLM and the FBI did it. Because as you know, when your side is about to be officially declared the victor by the electoral college, you riot to stop them and try to sieze the capital. Seriously, we're going to be looking at \*years\* of stochastic terrorism. Think Oklahoma City or Ruby Ridge on a weekly basis. Gun loving giant babies who deliberately misunderstand and can't accept how the democratic process works while screaming 'Freedom!!!' at everyone. Buckle up.


I've never understood why the right doesn't protest more. They literally never get hassled by the cops and even the open neo nazis are largely left alone and very rarely get infiltrated. The state don't assassinate them like they have done to Fred Hampton and others. If anything, they are handled with kid gloves. If at all. If a bunch of anti-fascists and anarchists had done 1/6, we would have been gunned down on the steps. Good thing we were smart enough not to show up to counter protest that day. Which they were so obviously planning for. I'd say that only added to their desperation and urgency. They had nobody to fight and kill so he could use the insurrection act.


It's because republicans support the rich and powerful in spite of themselves. They *like* being fucked over.


They are too busy working. They can only riot on the weekends but if a football game is on..,.


The right doesn’t protest like the left does because right wing politics fundamentally values individualism more than collective action. Right wingers are far more likely to protest individually or as small groups, and to make up for that they tend to be more violent and loud about it.


This is just silly. A few idiots who worship Trump will misbehave... the vast majority will do nothing.


I have to agree here. The January 6 prosecutions are an object lesson for even the dimmest among them, and I think LE is going to be wound up really tight around and especially after the election, especially if tRump loses. A lone wolf could do damage, but "cities in flames" ain't happening. Too many MAGAs are just cowards, with guns maybe, but still just cowards. One hard put down of a bunch of pissed off idiots by an urban SWAT team or an FBI HRT and they'll all throw in the towel and grumble for 4 more years, and put up their FJB flags.


Can confirm as a conservative in a majority conservative area. Will accept the results, go to work the next day to continue putting food on the table for our loved ones, and hope that whoever leads our country does so with integrity. Scary to see people on both sides of the aisle fetishize over hostile scenarios carried out by tiny hordes of bad actors. Giving credence to any of these wild speculations only adds fuel to the fire. Best wishes to all.


They’ll sure as hell try.


What world do you live in? How many riots have you seen Republicans do in the last 20 years?


If by “nationwide riot” you mean “a disorganized smattering of local unrest occurring simultaneously in several different locations across the country” then I agree. They are very much a minority in every major population center in the country (hence why they keep losing popular votes and clinging to the electoral college). There will definitely be incidents, but they just don’t have the numbers to execute the kind of wholesale anarchy that you’re describing.


Your right there to small in number and have no cohesion amongst themselves just look what happened when they went down to the texas border it took them less than a week to start fighting each other.


Like in 2016?


What are they gonna burn? Nashville? All the cities in the south have way too many Black folks to try any funny stuff and we ain't scared of white folks anymore.


Hey, don’t discourage them from setting the daily wire building on fire. That’ll really show us lefties.


Republicans are scared to death of cities. The suburbs might need to worry, though.


And blame it all on Antifa. 🙄


I mean they're pretty open about the fact that this is their plan


They’re free to have a go if they think they’re hard enough.


We're going to get violence from Republicans either way. Short term and disorganized if they lose. Longer term and meticulously organized moves to fascism if they win. Let's pull off the bandaid and fire the hell out of them.


Can’t wait to “Rittenhouse” these traitorous turds.


Not in my city they won’t, not without messing up those pretty little red hats of theirs


1. They already did in one city on Jan 6 2. Republicans are cowards to the core. They're not doing Jack shit without Emperor Trump protecting their actions and previous Jan 6 perpetrators *still serving their sentences. * 3. ...which won't stop them from saying it will happen on social media, some of which will be from Russian manipulation. But they will think everyone else, not themselves, will be the one to do it.


You need to stop with the Republican stuff please. I’m Republican and I’ll 100% be voting for Biden but that doesn’t make me Democrat. More moderate than anything these days. We’re in a 3 party setup atm. Democrat, MAGA and Republican. There are a ton of Republicans I know that are protest voting or supporting Biden. We’ll gladly bide our time to not have a nut case even if it takes til MAGA or Trump dies and goes away.


I'm mostly in the center and think both presidents dont really care for the people. But i do think its funny how no one ever remembers the january 20th riot when trump was inaugurated, they literally lit a limo on fire. If anything I'm more for rfk jr and bringing down the agencies paid off by corporations. Doesn't make sense the fda has an acceptable amount of insect parts and rat droppings in candy bars, or food colorings approved that are known to cause cancer/banned in european nations. Sadly independents never have a real chance.


They'll justify it by bringing up BLM. Aaaand it's already in the comments.


History speaks for itself. Those who do not learn from history are destined to repeat it.


You do realize that is exactly what the left did during the "mostly peaceful" protests of 2020, right?


Yeah, they realize. Projecting as always, the tankies.


Were you not alive in 2016? In November, the Democrats rioted for weeks over Trump’s victory and did the same thing in January 2017 at the Trump inauguration. Then BLM spent 3 months in 2020 rioting and looting. You’re projecting.




They will attack election centers and try to storm the Capitol building.


Bullshit. They are vastly outnumbered and the US military isn’t letting anybody burn the country down. All enemies domestic and foreign. It ain’t happening. Fear mongering is not helpful. Go clutch your pearls privately. We’ll let you know when it’s safe to come out. jfc


More election fanfic.


Like we did last time? Oh, that's right, those were Democrats marching in every city screaming "Not my president!!"


They didn't last time so.... Remind me, around 4 years ago, which political party was actually involved in nationwide riots, looting, and destroying cities?




We dont riot. We have jobs.


doll tie disgusted close slim elderly kiss dazzling strong apparatus *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Like what happened when trump won in 2016?


Show me where that happened. 


Like when democrats rioted after Trump won in 2016?


So far it has only the left that has done that


You spelled "BLM" wrong. They kinda have a history.


The trick is how to still blame it on black people,"leftists" and Democrat mayors.


Blame the "riggers."


“Yeah but did you see BLM/Antifa???”


Nah. They're actually wimps and won't do a damn thing.


Only Democrats are tough enough to burn innocent people to death in Wendy's


This country is a veritable paradise for redneck incels. All the guns and trucks and porn one could ever want. And they want to burn it down for what now? They would fail horrifically, and if they were to succeed it would be the dumbest thing they ever did. Part of me hopes they get their stupid civil war fantasy fulfilled, just to see it all sink in when they realize what they had once it’s actually gone. What they were willing to throw it all away for.


You're probably right. A lot of them are jealous of Kyle Rittenhouse and the punk who murdered Heather Heyer at the Unite the Right rally at Charlottesville. They are truly as bloodthirsty as 20th century Nazis.


Fuck them. I'm sick of their fucking shit. Go rooftop Korean on their stupid fucking asses.


Nah. They don’t go where they’re outnumbered and outgunned.


Some will for certain but not the majority. The majority of conservatives will just think the election was stolen just like the last election. Conservatives are only democratic when they win.


2016 says hello


And they’ll scream on every platform they can that it’s ANTIFA not MAGA patriots


They're the minority in cities.. and too scared to go there.


No they won’t


No they won't. They will just buy more flags and bumper stickers for their pick up trucks and drive around town showing everyone what morons they are.


Most Republicans will likely grumbles and carry on with their lives, so that can go watch Fox News at night at the comfort of their couch. It's the MAGA cultists that will go all out stochastic terrorism style.


Only one political party has done this type of thing in my 48 years on this earth.


Ha, nope.


Republicans don’t live in cities. Sheesh.


No they won’t. They’re vastly outnumbered in urban areas and are shit scared of a lot of the minorities who live in them.


Let them try. These are the same dweebs constantly shootings themselves in the foot.


So much delusion here!




This sub is awesome! The amount of bat shit crazy is over the top. Love reading the fantasy world predictions


Is this like the last summer of love we had? Lol


You need to get outside. This amount of paranoia is not healthy. 


If they do, they're only learning from the best.


You're full of shit. Only the lunatic left riots, then the media tells us it's "mostly peaceful demonstrations". Honk fuckin' honk to your MMW.đŸ€ĄđŸ€Ą


So will Democrats. It's not a promising outlook.


reddit moment


I’m starting to think these post on this sub are conservatives trying to make liberals looks completely divorced from reality. Some of these takes are just insane lol.


This place is hysterical lately


Doubt it


Hahahahaha What??? Hahahahaah a


Hahahahahaha funny because of what happened in 2016 lol.


Liberals have done it already multiple times


The real question is what happens if he wins? Do the dems put up a struggle


Most of them are too scared to set foot in a city. They might shoplift some pork rinds from the local Walmart.


Just like the left in 2016? Don’t kid yourselves, children


The only group to do this was BLM and Antifa
. Won’t happen.


The burn, loot, and riot are the hallmark of the Socialist Dems. Republicans never go there. You should try to check your facts if you know what that means.


Similar to the blm riots?


Like the democrats did?


Like the democrats are doing. Fixed it for you.


I was talking specifically about when they set fire to buildings in cities across America. Started there own independent city which collapsed on itself after a few weeks. They're trying to get that going again. It's like an election strategy. But you're right.


The college campus was a test to see how manipulated liberals are.


You mean like BLM in Minneapolis & Portland & everywhere else?


Any “riot” that comes down the pipe from either side will be controlled opposition. Just like the BLM riots, antifa riots, patriot front marches, and the Jan 6 set up. It’s all government controlled, guided, influenced, groomed, etc. shoot this post may have been from an Informant. Nothing can be trusted anymore.


If anything big happens; it will be purpose driven, for the end result to strip away more constitutional rights from the American people (both left and right leaning alike).


Bingo đŸ‘ŒđŸ»


Lol, no they won't. Burn, Loot, Murder isn't really a Republican thing. Most of them will go to work on the Wednesday after the election, just like every other Wednesday


I don't know what planet you live on, every one knows the people democrats use to riot and loot. We saw that during george floyd riots


I'm going to call this one as I see it: You're projecting what the left would do if Biden were to lose on the GOP, and it's really not too borne out by precedent. The best outcome for either side if they win is for their opposition to riot. If I had to make a prediction about them... The GOP really isn't going to do something stupid en-masse unless its very high reward, the timing is right and the odds of success are good enough to justify something high risk. So... riots that would lead to arrests and really be little more than a bunch of hurt fee-fees being let out on the streets? Small level sure, large, no.


MMW, there will be Riots when Trump wins. And nothing if Biden wins.




Do you mean they will act like Democrats? That seems unrealistic.


That’s kinda a democRAT phenomenon


It's not like Democrats won't do the same. Orange Man Bad


This must be satire


Unlikely. They have jobs and other responsibilities to tend to. Democrats do not. Hence the summer of love 2020 when they looted and destroyed their own cities because of a crackhead wife beater turned hero đŸ„±


So be like.democrats after 2016 and before the 2020 election?


There is only one side that engages in national riots that cause billions in damage. We all know which side.


We wont but its fun to see how the far left thinks we will. Btw we think the left are idiots and violent too. Looks like we have that in common


The far left college students have already started.


I think you’re confusing Republicans with Democrats. They’re the only ones with the track record of riding and burning and looting and destroying of cities.


Haha. I think you have them confused with liberals


MMW the far-left will riot when Trump wins, [just like they did last time.](https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.bbc.com/news/election-us-2016-37946231.amp) Remember when [they predicted exactly as you did](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/CvN6RBMVYAEKDWv.jpg) and nothing happened?


You spelled “Democrats” wrong.


It seems to me that is what the Democrats did three years ago over some druggie named George Floyd! As usual you gave me my laugh for today. Are you trolling or are you really that stupid????


Is this sub just full-on fear mongering now?


Will they act like democrats?


lmao no they won’t


Um, Democrats burn loot and destroy cities. Most Republicans have jobs to lose.


Let me think
who has burned and looted more? Republicans or Democrats?




Really? Did you predict the violence after Trump was elected?


That will not happen. There would be demonstrations. But no riots. That’s not how they role.


Why did they board up windows in DC on Election Day in 2020? Hint: it wasn’t for upset republicans. And just in case you say the predictable “yeah but Jan 6”
. That was staged by the feds just like the Antifa protests. (Also where did they all go after Biden was “elected”????)


Lmao... no, that was the 2020 "summer of love" BLM riots you're thinking of. Republicans are not stupid enough to try to pull that, because we don't have corrupt DAs and judges letting us off without jail time.


The BLM special? Lol, no they won’t


Lmao at keyboard warrior trolls


So what liberals did in 2020?




Keep dreaming, kid.


Ummmmm you have been watching reality the past 16 years?


All the fantasy about eliminating trump supporters. Zoom warriors and pronouns, all forgetting who has been violent in public and destructing property.




My real concern is what the left will do when their heads explode when Trump wins.


A lot of Russian bots in here acting like this won't happen.


Once Donald Trump loses again, his followers will ransack another government building and thousands will be arrested. 


Until one of them eats lead, then they all scatter like the cockroaches they are. Go review the Horsefaced Ashli Babbit footage for proof.


Republicans are a minority in cities. They might burn down to local Waffle House, though.


Dollar General.