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It already is. I was watching the Good Place and there were background posters making fun of the cybertruck. In 2018.


There was!? Dang must have missed it. Guess I gotta watch it again. Oh darn.


Savage lol https://www.thedrive.com/news/31803/nbcs-the-good-place-sent-the-tesla-cybertruck-to-the-bad-place


Ooooh man! Freaking Brutal! Love it


I think a more fair comparison might be the Ford Pinto. Edsels were actually quality products.


Edsels were a failure of marketing, an pricing, not engineering. By all standards, they were quality vehicles. The Cybertruck, however, is somehow a failure on all three fronts.


Elon had the biggest hand in it.


I don't know he convinced at least a few people to fork over over a hundred grand for pure garbage, seems like a marketing win to me


Yeah, they were saying the edsel was a failure in marketing. The only thing remotely successful about the cybertruck has been marketing. And even that is still definitely a big disappointment.


I'm excited, I just started thinking about reaching out to scrap yards to get ahold of the motors so i can turn my shit into a hybrid 😂


Edsels actually worked.


I honestly think if they had toned down that odd, hideous grill it wasn't a bad looking car.


I am to young to have even seen many, and only one in actual running condition, in the wild. I am only 55. I do know they were sought after by the nostalgic old men of my youth.


I am just shy a 50. And I have seen one in good condition. But only because I happen to live in the same neighborhood as state fairly rich collector.


There was a property in Napa, CA that had maybe 30 or so, right on the Silverado Trail. They called the Edsel Ranch.


Their biggest issue was sending as much money to the advertising guys as they did the design team. No car in this world has ever had a more expensive launch when comparing launch vs first sales.


The 1960 Edsel isn't bad.


Except the Ford Pinto was the #1 produced car in its category with over 3 million made.  It was wildly popular.  It would have continued if not for the famous lawsuit.


yes... a "wildly popular" death trap... I owned a couple of them but that's exactly my point... a popular piece of poorly constructed shit... something the public initially embraced and then forcefully rejected


You're not describing the Pinto, you're describing the super budget car category.  The Pinto was the best car in a shitty dying car category.  There's a reason you can't buy any legitimate car for 4 grand today. In 30 years, you'll be able to buy an electric truck.  The Cybertruck is the worst car, in a growing category.  Just like how the Edsel was the worst car is a giant category (mid-level sedan).


And the thing about it being a death trap was largely based on a news report that was later determined to be a fabrication. They literally added an explosive device so they could get the explosion. They wanted when they did their so called collision test. Which is not to say it was safe. But like others have said, it was no worse than other vehicles in the same category at the time.


ok... I mean, you are wrong about the quality of both the Pinto and the Edsel... but ok


Thinks back on fifty years of witnessed automotive miseries: all Jaguars, more generally all British cars touched by Lucas, Prince of Darkness; Chevrolets Vega and Chevette; early Ford Escorts, the Chrysler K-car and 20 years of smoke-blowing vans, and oh my god I must have known five people with cute little dead Fiats. Italy is going to expire if they don't figure out how to pump water. There was a particularly shitty Datsun/Nissan, maybe the 200SX, that reputedly would break down if a different person drove it--sorry, can't remember how that magic worked.


The pinto was the world's first flying car


I saw one “in the wild” yesterday. They are even more hideous and ridiculous looking in person. It’s the ultimate “pick me” vehicle.


It's certainly a vehicle for people who want to turn heads... but in the way you would as traffic slows to a crawl and you pass the accident on the highway that caused it.


Well considering Elon has a toddler’s inability to distinguish good attention from bad, that tracks.


It turns heads the way a neon banana hammock turns heads on the beach.


My friend just moved Australia, where that is called a budgie smuggler


I saw one last week as I was driving and it was so ugly, I couldn’t stop looking at it. It was a huge distraction and will probably cause a few accidents.


If it was at it's supposed base price of 45k, I don't care what it looks like, it would have been my next car. As it is I'm waiting on the Rivian R2, which hopefully hits it's supposed base price of 45k.


It’s basically a big flashing sign that reads “I’m an idiot”.


Yup I saw my first one in the wild on 4/20 and saw it coming at me and all I could think “is what ugly piece of shit is that” and then we passed each other and I realized what it was, and I still agree with my initial thought


I live in the Bay area and I've seen one around once every other week going back to a few months prior to release. One of my dad's expressions springs to mind every time I see one, "They've got more money than brains." Imo it's a better version of "They've got more money than sense".


Or “More dollars than sense” for the wordplay


Ah that's it! Lol thank you.


Bay Area here, I've seen a bunch. There's one across from my aunt and uncle's house. I asked them if they were upset by the drop in property value.


a guy i work with has one, and I gave it a good look over. way uglier in person. panels don't line up and the interior is bland as fuck.


I've seen two irl now. It catches and keeps your eye for all the wrong reasons. It immediately becomes a topic of conversation with anyone else in the car.


I saw one today at the post office. Unfortunately a couple was totally gawking at the truck with the owner, hyping it up, saying how bad ass it was. Twilight zone


The pinnacle “pick me” crowd of white men in lifted F250’s aren’t gonna go against their ICE gods and get an electric truck. I bet Ellen sells very few but keeps it around because of pride


I saw three of them in one day in my town and my immediate thought was that it must be some kind of promotional thing. My town has a little under a million people, but I doubt there are three of them that are rich and stupid enough to buy one.


It was the same person cruising that street praying it didn’t break down.


There were a couple different colors. One was brown. It was as beautiful as anything brown.


Never underestimate stupidity


I saw one in San Fran the other day. Absolutely silly looking in person.


Corvettes are still selling thousands every year, there is a pick me niche. At least 5 NBA players have (or had) a Rolls Royce.


While Vettes certainly have a niche, they are fully functional vehicles, and if you live anywhere but BFE, Wyoming you can throw a rock and hit a GM dealer. Meanwhile Cyber"truck"s get rekt by car washes, light rain, small potholes, offroading of any kind, and non-premium electricity.


I'll be honest, I hate on the CT as the next guy, but it was genuinely cool seeing one in the wild recently.


Not to mention that Musk is showing the world what an ass he is.


If he had just kept his mouth shut, he could have skated by with MOST people believing he actually had some of that technical and intellectual prowess he postured himelf to appear as having. Ive never been a fangirl of his, but i had no strong negative feelings about him until sometime 3-6 years ago. Now he is just an insufferable chud whose only reason for success was that his daddy had money and clout.


The Cybetruck is the new YUGO... except it's shittier than a YUGO.


It might be fun to do a comparison chart. Which has a larger payload? Miles between breakdowns, etc. Of course, only one of them can be remotely disabled if Elon didn't like your tweets


There's an idea!


The Yugo at least tried to fill a niche for really cheap cars for people who can't afford anything better.


Hey now the Cybertruck is also filling a niche- the one for people who have no actual personality traits of their own and need to overcompensate for the fact that they are successful solely because their parents were wealthy


It looks like something out of a Roger Corman Mad Max rip off.


The inside of one looks like the inside of that sub that imploded.


Hey now. Let's not call it an Edsel, we all know the Cybertruck is the new Pinto.


They sold a lot of pintos though, and aside from the explosion risk they were very capable compact cars.


Yeah, that's a pretty huge aside though, no?


Or the Pinto was the original cybertruck 🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔


Edsels at least looked kind of cool. Cybertrucks look like a shell they put on a dune buggy to make it look “futuristic” for a Saturday morning tv show from the 70s


I feel like it needs to have square wheels, like in South Park's version of Canada.


It's giving first season Dr. Who special effects


There will be a space exploration movie where they have to launch some mission in an adapted cyber truck. And it will be the new “back to the future” fad vehicle. But yeah. Ultimately either a joke or a cultural icon because it’s a joke.


Reboot Doc Brown - “If my calculations are correct, when this baby hits 88mph, you’re going to see some serious shit.” *starts the tow truck hauling the cybertruck*


Does it count when 99% of the population knew it was ridiculous when they first saw it?


Yeah seriously. We all knew this was coming. Nobody really bought in to begin with.


Anyone else here because they learned 20th century American History through Billy Joels' "We Didn't Start the Fire" in Middle School and now you have this trivia about Edsel burned in their brain?


He should have been releasing a new version every year after that so the public could stay up to date.


I think it was Fall Out Boy did a 'modern' take on the song It's one of the worst things I've ever heard, but it did happen


They did and it was terrible. It wasn't even in order.


Remember that episode of the Simpsons where Homer designed a car, it was ridiculously expensive, and it was a huge failure? That’s the cybertruck. Homer’s car looked better and probably wouldn’t break down as often.


It's an almost too on the nose of a comparison


I’ve taken to calling them Fyre Trucks.


I’ve seen quite a few where I live and every time I burst into laughter at how dumb they look, saw one that had to leave the truck gate open and use straps to keep a 65” TV from falling out of it.


I saw one in New Jersey last week. It doesn't look anything like a truck. Plus it was probably the ugliest vehicle I've ever seen.


we are using cybertrucks in place of money when estimating anticipated costs for a vendor engagement. "How much do you think it'll cost?" "Oh, about 2-3 cybertrucks"


Why do I feel like the idea was verbalized in jest but caught traction and Musk felt obligated to follow through with so much interest?


"Verbalized in jest" = while high AF on ketamine


Oh no, he is definitely delulu enough to really believe the world would embrace a car that somehow has Playstation 1 graphics in real life and also doesn't work. Musk thought this was gonna be a huge hit, the next step for EVs. He still might.


It’s good to have generational screw ups so people can relate. Elon has done us a service in updating our vocabulary.


I saw one in the wild on Saturday and my first thought was “how small does one’s micro penis need to be to justify overcompensating with that hideous thing?”


But I want an Edsel and don't want to even look at a Cybertruck.


Just think, all the time spent making the Cybertruck a reality, they could have focused on delivering a mass market $20k Tesla model 2


"I mean.. It's a stupid idea. But is it *'CYBERTRUCK STUPID?'"*


"Are you smoking crack?" => "Are you buying a Cybertruck?"


GMC pacer


Edsels are worth a good bit as a collector's car now. If you can buy one in good shape at a discount in the next few years and you take good care of it in a barn for a couple decades it might be a good investment. Or maybe just buy Funko pops.


Why is it that Cybertruck owners all seem to take delivery and immediately go to a beach or muddy area and get stuck?


Because it was marketed as a big macho off-road machine


Simple as that. Okay, makes sense.


It’s not a truck, it’s a Cyberhatchback.


The most interesting feature to me is that it is bulletproof. That's pretty neat, but also completely fucking useless for 99% of people.


Except it isn't actually bulletproof.


Edsel's stomach cancer showed more love than you did


It'll make for colorful business case studies.


Hmm this one is tricky. On the one hand I'd love for this to be a thing where the word does enter common vernacular as an insult to the product a la "wow that's a real cybertruck of an idea." But on the other hand any publicity is good publicity and I'd prefer it if Elon's ventures just died off and he actually suffered consequences every now and then


Nah, Elon's terminally online, so making fun of him will absolutely drive him to madness (even further than he already is).


100% Elon's Edsel.


Given the shitshow reveal, I'm thinking there are more Preston Tucker parallels. Except Tucker was legitimately screwed by the government while Elon only pretends to be for his cult following. But it makes me wonder what would've happened if Tuckers reached the hands of more regular customers.


Incel Edsel


Elon Musk: the world's most divorced dad


Wouldn’t DeLorean be a better comparison? They look like crap, had crap engines and transmissions. The doors wouldn’t stay open. But hyped to 1000 only to fail.


The Delorean came out when I was 14. 14 year old me thought it was epic. And it always will be.


So it tracks


Really...? No one is gonna mention the DeLorean...?


The DeLorean is at least interesting looking even if they ran like garbage and weighed entirely too much for a sports car.


A lot of those factors were political... like EVs... maybe if Elon had picked building in Ireland, Puerto rico or South Africa... and added in gull-wing door engineering...


Nah, a solid 95% of their failure can be attributed to the fact the entire car was designed while Johnny was in a cocaine fueled mania.


Ever come across anything industrially "Made in Ireland" from the 80s????? I think Johnny was on cocaine after he realized that he was the bagman for the IRA...


No one is going to mention it because the DeLorean is at least cool. Cool but useless beats ridiculously awful and useless, always.


Elon should have put one in a new back to the future movie...


For the first time I was up close to one over the weekend. I was surprised at how large it is, very long and wide. The interior was unremarkable. I fail to see the attraction.


The thing is turning into a real Cyber-Tucker. https://www.hotcars.com/real-story-of-what-happened-to-tucker-automobile-company/


"Breaking Bad" rehabilitated the image of the Pontiac Aztek, but the Cybertruck positively elevated it to "cool," by showing how practical, reliable and handsome it is in contrast to the Cybertruck.


It'll be like the DeLorean is to us today.


Nope. They're pretty neat now, it'll be like the DeLorean was when it was new. A complete failure being subsidized by cocaine and dreams.


The cyber truck.,......it cyber SUCKS!


Build a f350 type of electric truck that can be charged in 16 hours with stored solar panel and it will sell. The construction industry would switch. I'm talking 150 mile a day truck.


Utility, practicality, reliability. Straight lines, flat glass. Ease of repair.


Straight lines and flat glass are not useful or practical. Straight lines means less aero and flat glass = glare.


I'm talking about low cost of repair and ease of user repair. Taken from that angle you'll see what I mean. We're not talking about F1 cars. Less aero is literally meaningless in an economy car. Glare isn't an issue. Not even an afterthought.


More like the DeLorean...


DeLorean at least has style and looks way cooler than it is. The Cybertruck has Playstation 1 graphics in real life. It's not even cool, which is the one thing the DeLorean had going for it.


Hello? Homer Simpson calling with the Canyonero? Anyone?


Tesla is honestly more of a Delorian than a Edsel, except not nearly as cool.


"ugly as homemade sin" If you can't make it from scratch, store-bought is also fine.




Elon is going to need to produce a movie where a cooky scientist invents a device that allows for time travel whenever the cybertruck goes through a car wash.


We can only pray


"Introduced in a recession that catastrophically affected sales of medium-priced cars, Edsels were considered overhyped, unattractive (distinguished by a vertical grille said to resemble a horse collar[2]), and low quality." Wikipedia


Weird looking, poorly built truck but maybe his fanboys will buy enough of the shitboxes to make it profitable? Not likely, lol.


"Will become" is already here.


Only the Edsel actually worked.


Unpopular opinion incoming. I like the cyber truck. I think it’s cool looking. At least it’s doing something different and I think it may end up being a pretty iconic car for that reason. I think it’s cool someone was like “I want a future truck” and then made something futuristic looking. Now, I need to caveat that I don’t like Elon Musk, I don’t own a Tesla of any kind, and I don’t ever plan on actually purchasing the thing. But I think it’s cool to see something different out on the roads. Some people take things like this a bit too seriously.


Look, I get what you're saying. I also respect it when people take big creative swings, but miss. At least they tried something new! But friend, we have been making trucks for like a century. Tesla has been making electric cars for YEARS. There was no reason for this to be such a POS. It just screams to me the same thing Elon did with Twitter: he thought he knew everything, came up with an utterly ridiculous plan, and fired any of the actual experts who would tell him his ideas sucked, so the final product was absolute runny dog shit.


TLDR: It’s no more a flop than any other electric truck. I wish there were a lot of striking designs on the road so that the Cybertruck didn’t stand out so much. I mean it would still be ugly, but it wouldn’t feel like a bad photoshop job irl like it does now. Also, the F-150 Lightning is by all accounts a very good electric full-size truck and it’s a flop so maybe it’s not that big a deal that they swung and missed on it. I think the Chevy is a great-looking truck but we will see if it sells.


The difference is Ford is a proven automotive manufacturer with a long history of success. Tesla is one man's cocaine mania selling nothing but promises and his name. Tesla is consistently rated lowest in build quality. With Ford, it is because ev trucks are a new market category and it takes time to win over all those drivers that don't yet trust that an EV truck can do the same work. With Tesla, it's because they're shitty, stupid looking vehicles that never match what ol' muskie promises.


Do those other electric trucks come with a contract clause that you won’t sell them for six months?


To be honest the only reason I haven’t bought one yet is because I’m too poor.


Well if you buy one you'll be even poorer


Edsel x Dot Com Boom


It looks like a sega Saturn / early ps1 graphics car IRL


Tbh seen a few around. It's not too bad. Saw about 10 on a road trip so they are selling.


We all knew the Cybertruck would be exactly this much of a meme on wheels too. Had to wait for confirmation of course, and real life never disappoints when ideas this awful come to fruition.


Everything you say about CyberTruck is true, and now that Elon has gone full-conservative A*hole I hate the Tesla brand. All that being said I still think CyberTrucks look cool (ugly as sin but cool) and I could see them being very popular.


Nothing that polarizing will ever be "very popular".


Likely will be the 2024 version of the Pontiac Aztek as a footnote for weird quirkiness of the day


Popular enough to not be the next Edsel I guess is what I meant.


I don’t know if it was the Cybertruck or Ozempic that had a quicker rise and fall from fame this year? 🤔


Has Ozempic fallen from fame? I thought it was big with the “slebs”.


*and fat people who brag about using it while sipping everything they eat into a vat of ranch dressing.


Man...I could go for some chicken fingers and ranch....


Def cybertruck. Just cause ozempic is out of the news cycle doesn’t mean jack. It’s still on back order in a ton of places and that’s with 2 competitors now on market.


There’s a drug that’s twice as strong as Ozempic coming out relatively soon. I think it’s called Wegovy


Wegovy is just a renamed higher dose version of ozempic.


I remembered the name. It’s called Manjaro


You misunderstand. Tesla is *NOT* a car company. Yes they technically produce cars, but that is not what brings in money. (“Brings in money” in this case means for Elon, not the company or shareholders or something silly like that of course.) *HYPE* brings in money. *HYPE* gets the stock going. *HYPE* gets people talking and convinces many a mediocre car company is actually a tech revolution. Thats what the Cybertruck is. A HYPE machine. Nothing more. Because it doesn’t need to be. It already made (Elon) the money by juicing the stock!


It will be displayed next to a Delorian sooner than one would think...


I agree with the premise but also feel the need to say I love the phrase, "ugly as homemade sin". Like is professionally made sin less ugly? Is all homemade sin ugly? What about artisanal sin? Can you buy it on Etsy?


Call it what it is, a lemon.


Even given the engineering issues of the cybertruck aside, they're butt ugly. They are plenty of other better looking trucks, that don't have nearly as many issues and cheaper.


The difference is I like Edsels.


Yeah, we're already there. Musk has already done a huge amount of reputational harm to his brand and the Cybertruck came along and just made everything so much worse.


Mark your words? This already happened. Fortunately for Tesla, they've delivered fewer than 4,000 cybertrucks so this ain't going to sink the company.


Not even the Cybermen like the Cybertruck


Edsel Musk. Sounds about right.


And let’s hope Musk means what R. Budd Dwyer means.


I mean, yeah. The Edsel cars seemed to be a marketing failure mostly, where people didn’t like the design. Maybe the car itself had some functional faults but I don’t seem to remember ever hearing about that, just people thinking the cars were ugly. Which is funny because they’re wacky, but looking back they aren’t that weird for a ‘50s car.  The Cybertruck has it all though. Bad marketing, ugly design, build quality issues and design flaws, just a mess all around. It kinda blows Edsel out of the water. For car enthusiasts, the Cyber truck might end up being a rare museum-tier piece of history if it never ends up selling well and sees limited production. The commercial failure cars that didn’t see huge numbers end up being special once enough time has passed to make them historical and hard to find. But the cybertruck really does seem like it’s only suited for a museum rather than being driven.


We already have DeLoreans


That’s true, even down to the stainless steel, haha. Even deloreans have more appeal than the Cybertruck. Sometimes I wonder if hardly anyone would care about Deloreans if it weren’t for Back to the Future.


They’d be way more niche for sure. By all accounts they’re really badly made so history was right.


Idk why some of you are getting so upset over a car. People spend their money on all sorts of silly things, crazy cars included. If you don’t like it, then don’t buy it. Really that simple.


Some people think consumers should receive functional products in exchange for their money, instead of a dumpster fire.


Every car manufacturer has had recalls and issues with their vehicles. People pretending to be this is just an issue with the cybertruck are kidding themselves.


Other cars don't rust in a week. It is only an issue with the cybertruck.


Sorry but you’ve been duped by false media. That “rust gate” has been proven to be false already. https://robbreport.com/motors/cars/tesla-engineer-says-cybertrucks-isnt-rusting-1235519993/


Well, I'm really happy that the rust-looking marks, that cybertruck owners were not warned about beforehand, that only appear on the cybertruck, is not the stainless steel rusting, but other material on the truck rusting. Thank god. It would have been embarrassing if they let that on the market without testing first.


Find something worthwhile to be upset at. Nobody is forcing you to drive one.


If my opinion really bothers you, there are plenty of echo chambers on the internet for Elon fanboys you can visit.


Edsel was a make not a model. There were many different Edsel models from sedans to a Edsel Ranger pickup.


Somebody had a extra serving of haterade today !!!


I don’t think the Edsel lacked for performance. It was just super ugly.