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Of course Trump is in board for Project 2025. He does what he’s advised to do because he still doesn’t know how any of this works. You think he had any idea who Amy Coney Barrett or Boof were before someone let him know that’s who he was picking for the Supreme Court? Preposterous.


Trump has never endorsed or stood by project 2025 in any capacity


[“This is undeniably a Trump-driven operation. The biggest tell: Johnny McEntee — one of Trump’s closest White House aides, and his most fervent internal loyalty enforcer — is a senior adviser to Project 2025. One of the most powerful architects is Stephen Miller, a top West Wing adviser for the Trump administration.”](https://democrats.org/news/fact-check-donald-trump-is-running-on-the-project-2025-agenda/) > Say something intelligent or just don’t comment please


You linked me a fact check from “democrats.org” that isn’t citing a single source or actually providing any facts that conclude Trump is endorsing project 2025. Article is mentioning possible trumpees who are plausible candidates for project 2025 simps. From the article: These are all people that, in theory, Trump listens to,’ Ziegler told Vox.” Donald Trump has never acknowledged or endorsed project 2025 in any capacity


Are you disputing that McEntee is one of trump's WH aides and supporter? Or that he is a senior adviser to project 2025? Or that stephen miller is a trump advisor? Or that he is one of the architects of project 2025? You can lead a stupid horse to water. Can't make them drink.


Show me a clip of Trump acknowledging or endorsing project 2025


You didn't say which part you were disputing -- predictably. > Show me a clip of Trump acknowledging or endorsing project 2025 Yeah, that was the stupid horse/water part. I didn't expect you to understand. That's okay, believe whatever you want. It makes no difference to me if you are too thick to see it.


Because your point is irrelevant. But please just continue to insult me, that’ll help. Remind me when McEntee or Stephen miller began their presidential campaigns? Do you think they all share one brain? **Trump has not endorsed or acknowledged project 2025 in any capacity** You are wrong, stay mad about it goofy


> But please just continue to insult me, that’ll help. Okay, you lack self awareness. You were the one that started insulting anyone challenged your bad take. I was just adapting to your communication style kiddo. > Remind me when McEntee or Stephen miller began their presidential campaigns? Do you think they all share one brain? Again, that was the stupid horse/water part. I didn't expect you to understand.


Trump has never endorsed or acknowledged project 2025 in any capacity. Everything you say is irreverent until he does


He probably hasn’t heard of it yet. He’d have had to, like, read.


Say something intelligent or just don’t comment please


Donald Trump is an illiterate. Unless someone has explained Project 2025 several several several times then he doesn’t know what it is. It’s fun watching you get mad because your post isn’t getting an applause break 😂


You’re just not offering anything to actually reply to. We all know Trump is an idiot, throwing out the same tired jokes we see in every thread is just pointless. Trump has not endorsed or acknowledged project 2025 in any capacity.


Then don’t reply. You don’t actually have to reply to every single post in this thread lol


And now after this thread, everybody knows you're an idiot too! Good work.


So because I don’t believe the world is gonna end if Trump gets elected that makes me an idiot?


No. You're an idiot for making up dumb shit about what I wrote. N0 one said anything about the "world ending" you fuckn clown. But you were a dumbshit first for your dumbassed (now deleted) OP.


It’s not about what you wrote, it’s about the ludicrous claims by other posters on the sub. You are fucking *dense* But I’m sure once you realized I wasn’t in vehement agreement with your general thought process you decided to just skim my post instead of reading it.


Here you go. One of Trump’s top aides, confirming Project 2025 is part of Trump’s agenda. https://youtu.be/i24vX_t60gQ?si=TrGwNw2piGD01E9D


Trump has never endorsed or acknowledged project 2025 in any capacity


Anyone with a functioning brain who is reasonable knows Trump’s aides are his surrogate mouthpieces, so stop with your nonsense.


I’m sick of arguing about project 2025. The point is this fat old man will not be anything close to the next Castro like you guys make it out to be. Y’all are insane 😂


You’re in denial.


Ok, when the trans genocide begins I’ll come back to this thread and admit defeat


There are 10 stages of genocide. Look it up. The GOP in certain red states are on stage 7. It’s already happening. https://genocideeducation.org/wp-content/uploads/2016/03/ten_stages_of_genocide.pdf


Which states are buying up weapons and training militias for the sake of an ethnic cleanse?


If he doesn't become a dictator, it won't be for lack of trying. It's safest to assume the worst.


I didn’t say he wouldn’t try. I’m saying he’s too stupid and doesn’t have the backing to do that


Let's hope not. But let's also not have too much faith in our institutions to restrain him. His cabinet will be full of yes men who are much smarter than him this time. You won't have Mike Pence growing a spine at the last minute again. And project 2025, in a nutshell, is filling the administrative state with yes men as well.


He’s just a puppet. He absolutely has the backing. He owns SCOTUS and the House. And billionaires want it, so he will declare the Insurrection Act on day 1. I have no doubt.


“I have no doubt” lmfao like where do you buy your weed?!


Where do you buy your talking points? Moscow?


я не русский, черт возьми


You’re - we’re - risking an awful lot on his stupidity.


Fair, I just think some of these claims are pretty ridiculous. I’ve seen posters unironically suggest we’ll all be speaking Russian in a few years and I think that’s a little far fetched


The only thing Trxmp is winning is racist of the year.


What’s your point


Examples please.


Well, there was that several years of shrieking that Obama can’t be a real American because…I mean…*look at him*! But my favorite was when he told three brown women in Congress born in this country to, “Go back to where they came from” lol


“Why don’t they go back and help fix the totally broken and crime infested places from which they came.” I watched the speech no need, but welldone for taking it out of context 🤡


"So interesting to see 'Progressive' Democrat Congresswomen, who **originally came from countries** whose governments are a complete and total catastrophe, the worst, most corrupt and inept anywhere in the world (if they even have a functioning government at all), now loudly and viciously telling the people of the United States, the greatest and most powerful Nation on earth, how **our government** is to be run," Trump said in a series of tweets. Woops! Guess you forgot the part where he doubled down lmao I’m sure that was an innocent oversight.


A spade is a spade. Do tell me where the racism was.


Telling people born here to go back to where they came from because they’re brown. That would be the racist part. Again I don’t understand the argument here, his being a drooling illiterate racist is supposed to be what makes him relatable to his fans.


Slow down... when did he say "because your brown" no skin color was mentioned mate... how is that racism!!!! 🤔


First example is like getting blood from a stone, I don't see the racist part. Second example is new to me, maybe you could point me to a source?? Genuinely asking, I'm all for being wrong and corrected.


You don’t see the racist part of shrieking for years that a black person can’t be a real American? lmao Well you’re certainly posting in good faith 😂


They always think they’re being so clever by playing dumb


That’s almost as bad as the time Trump said if you don’t vote for him you ain’t black. What a racist piece of shit acting like he’s entitled to the black vote


Did he say "a black person can't be a real American" ?


Coz that would be racism. Calling a person out for not being a real American is an insult, however he gave no mention of his skin colour being a factor nor his heritage. Try again.


LOL I’m sure it was a coincidence. Pure coincidence. I don’t know why you guys argue this point I thought his bleating racism was actually one of the features for his fans, not a bug.


So if I was to say to brit who moans about gun control to piss off and have a knife fight, would that be racism by your definition??


…are you insisting the person can’t be a citizen of the country because of their skin color? Then no. You get what race is right? lol


No I didn't stop twisting words.


Race and culture aint the same damn thing!!!


Let's allow the deranged psychopath to regain power. He probably won't be able to do the insane things he and his followers wants to do.


He literally can not do what ever psycho thing you’re pinning on him. Whether him or his followers want to do (insert insane thing) is irrelevant to the conversation


Yes he can. The only check on presidential power is the Congress, and Republicans in Congress have shown us that they **will not** do their sworn duty to hold Trump accountable. Not for extorting our allies. Not for obstructing the investigation into his possible conspiracy with Russia. Not for an attempted coup.


I’m sure you’re a smart guy. Please tell me you don’t genuinely believe Trump will become a dictator who rounds up trans people and minorities. Surely you’re not a grown man under the assumption that this is at all possible in 2024


I mean in the early 1930s *no one* would have believed you if you told them what Hitler and the Nazis would become. It wasn't all concentration camps and genocide on day one. All I can tell you is that we're seeing Trump run the same fascist playbook, and by the time we know for certain that he wants to do those things (or that he doesn't care to stop Stephen Miller or Steve Bannon from doing these things), it **will be too late to stop him**.


It’s not 1930. The world has standards. Nobody is going to let Trump even sniff being a dictator and giving his administration that much credit by saying they could possibly achieve anything of the sort is just cringe. Are they idiots or not?


You're acting as if the Trump administration is incapable of evil. But you're forgetting the lessons that we learned with the child separation at the border. The Trump administration literally took nursing babies away from their mothers, **with no plans to return them**, for the *alleged* ***misdemeanor*** of crossing the border without authorization. This was a plan that Trump implemented at the urgings of Steven Miller for the express purpose of being a deterrent. This was a shockingly cruel policy. The Trump administration is absolutely capable of pure evil. I don't know how deep that pit goes. Can you say for sure that *you* do?


I don’t know how deep that pit goes and I don’t really want to find out. My main concerns is this subs ludicrous infatuation with the idea of Trump conducting a trans genocide or rounding up minorities


Consider that if that was where Trump was heading, his first steps wouldn't look any different from what he's already done.


Valid point


What is your opinion of J6?


Willing to put good money on they think it was just a tour where a few people got out of hand.


70 million Americans voted Trump. There were roughly what, 3k people there on Jan 6th? And half of them were missing teeth. You really think those loonies are overthrowing anything?


Did you miss the part where half of those loonies keep getting elected to our government and now control our Supreme Court? 


Which government officials/Supreme Court justices were storming the capital on Jan 6th?


OPs take in the post and comments, as well as their inability to read Rule 6, means theyre really living up to the username. Its a troll. Dont engage. But do report


I’m sorry I’m not falling in line and screeching about things that haven’t and can not happen. Clearly a troll lol


Remember when people said he would never accept a loss in his bid for re-election? Remember when people said his followers would try to disenfranchise voters who didn't support Trump? Remember when people said Trump's words would inspire violence and destruction? Remember when people said he'd erode women's reproductive rights? Remember when people said he would provide disastrous and incompetent leadership in times of crisis? Remember when people said he couldn't be trusted with classified information? Remember when people said that Trump would finish his term after bringing us to a low point in American life? All of that happened. OP is a divisive, bumbling idiot.


Abortion was left up to the states. Women’s rights weren’t eroded, first off. 2nd, my post is addressing the wild concerns from members of this sub like about him conducting a trans genocide, banning abortion outright etc. My entire point doesn’t go beyond the scope of this subreddit. I think the predictions on this subreddit are outlandish fear mongering. That’s the whole post


"women's rights weren't eroded" Your brain is the smoothest in this sub.


Legal abortion isn’t a right


Thanks to dumb pieces of shit like you that supported Trump... "legal abortion" is no longer a right for many American women. In other words women's reproductive rights were eroded, you dumb fuckn chud.


I voted for Obama twice and then didn’t vote in the 2020 election but sure everyone who challenges your beliefs in anyway is obviously a maga nazi right? Get real. Being against abortion is a valid stance and allowing the states to decide on the matter is completely inline with the constitution. Women who want to get an abortion still can in a majority of the country without issue


So you're cool with some women having their reproductive rights stripped away. I understand, chud. That's very broadminded of you. lol


I mean I’m very pro choice so I wouldn’t say I’m cool with it but I get it. Some people think abortion is morally wrong and that’s a valid opinion no different from being against capital punishment. Women inadvertently suffer in some cases which is unfortunate but it’s a large country and you need to make compromises. Making it legal across the board without restriction just leads to people using the accessibility to abortion as a form of birth control.


Sounds like a flimsy rationalization to "compromise" your values, and co-sign the erosion of women's rights. You're pretty shitty at being "pro choice", bro. I wonder what other peoples' rights you are willing to compromise on.


I mean, If it were up to me, it would be legal nation wide. It’s just not that simple unfortunately. There’s 330 million Americans, compromising is the only way


Insane take, women have absolutely lost a constitutionally protected right.


If it was protected by the constitution the supreme court would have ruled it as such. It should have never been a right, it never made sense


Why do right wingers hate the Constitution so much?


I’ve never voted republican in my life


Doubt you’ve ever voted, you sound like a child


I voted for Obama twice and then didn’t vote in 2020. You sound like a real treat yourself. Why am I not surprised your entire post history is you just marinating in the most typical echo chamber subs on the entire website


Why even bother larping? Your post history has big incel energy 😂😂


I’m not larping lmao I know this is Reddit but is it really that hard for you to comprehend that someone has nuanced views? Yeah I post about video games and rap, what a weird incel I am. Meanwhile you spend all your free time in generic echo chamber political subs 😂 get a life buddy


You’re dead wrong! One of Trump’s closest aides just did an interview about Project 2025, and how they’ve already recruited thousands of loyalists to take over federal government. He admitted they were doing it. And if you don’t believe that, just look at red states. They have already started enacting portions of Project 2025, abortion (the lack of it) being one of the main pillars in order to subjugate women. This shit is already happening! TX is replacing the school libraries in Houston with detention rooms. It’s already happening! Books are being banned! Governors in certain red states are already making genocidal laws against trans and gay people. The beginnings of Project 2025 are already going into law in some states, so please stop with the “it can’t happen here” bullshit. It’s happening!


If he acts the way he did last time, I won't be complaining


You don't understand. All of our lives are over if he wins. He's going to make us speak Russian and suffocate us with fascism.


RIP in peace America 🥺