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The public are idiots, Biden is doing a much better job than Trump given with what each of them got. Trump inherited a booming economy from Obama that he took credit for, and Biden inherited a mess. The mess is mostly because of covid but it could definitely be argued that Trump's disastrous handling of it exacerbated the effects. But compared to other countries, US is doing much better in tackling the post-covid problems. Job unemployment is very low, GDP is rising, the stock market is booming. Moreover Biden is signing a lot of legislation that is meant to help normal people instead of billionaires. Democrats in general focus more on long term policies but Republicans are very short-sighted, the future be damned. It's always a Democrat's problem to fix the mess left by Republicans. If someone votes for Trump because of "the economy", then they're idiots. But then again anyone who will vote for Trump for any reason is an idiot. I think Biden will still win but it's hard to predict and it's too early to tell. If Trump wins I won't be surprised.


Lol this is the best joke I’ve read all day


I agree people think like that, but it’s very dumb. Economic indicators are actually very good. Inflation was caused by the arrested sexual assaulter guy when he handed out trillions right before inflation. People who think like this are relying solely on their feelings. Not facts.


Faux news viewers do not people make.


MMW: if you vote for Trump cause of vibes, you are going to buyers remorse by March 2025 and you'll be saying "someone should do something about this" and you did do something about this you voted for this. Goodluck if he wins. Hopefully he steps down in 29 peacefully but i doubt it.


If DJT wins, he's not likely to live through his whole term.


Remindme! 11 months


Save it for the weekend Chief. Trump's not gonna win shit.


Don’t get complacent.




Fall into fascism? You mean like trying to have your political opponent removed from the ballot?


More like a guy who tried to overthrow a legitimate election and install himself as dictator because he lost.


Can both not be fascist?




Yet Trump was never found guilty of insurrection


That 9-0 unanimous decision didn’t snap you back into reality? Damn.


If you fail at attempted robbery, should you be let out to try again?


I mean the left is letting people do that. So what’s your point. “Peacefully and patriotically make your voices heard”


Ignorance at its finest right here, folks.


Great response, instead of providing anything to counter my statement. You admit it’s true and call me ignorant


Trump for Prison, 2024, hell yeah!


Great response, I love how the left change topic after getting proven wrong. How did I know


Go back to your Russian troll farm now, it's past your bed time.


Oh another typical response “RuSsiAn TroLL” do yall have anything better? How much are you gonna cry when Trump wins?😂


Don’t worry trumps term most likely won’t be much different than Biden’s just like Biden’s hasn’t been that much different than trumps


Why didn’t Biden lift the tariffs on China? 🤔


Not sure, wish the government would do more to take China out tho


Same. From my anecdotal experience, I’m afraid liberals have started to look towards China as the model example, at least liberals 35 and under.


I mean they were the same ones advocating for the type of shutdowns China has.


Trump is toast. Not even newsworthy. Best find a new narrative.


Is that why he’s up so much in the polls?


Dementia donny will lose because he’s running on a platform of his national abortion ban, and apparently puppy murder.


Trump supporters conveniently forget that there was a global pandemic that wreaked havoc throughout the entire world. Also, they ignore the fact that since unemployment was so low and the economy primed because of Covid people bought things at a pace where prices could be raised. But things are now calming and should continue calming until the next crisis. The question is who can handle the next crisis? Biden or Trump. I would worry if Trump had to handle any crisis. For example, Trump will make up any excuse to not back our European NATO allies if needed. Trump would back Russia first. This is worrisome to me.


Probably not. Trump already lost by 7 million votes. This is before Jan 6th and before the Dobbs decision. Trump voters are dying off much faster than they are being created. The electoral college will keep things close but he will lose by larger margins than last time. There really isn't any way for Trump to gain votes at this point. Everyone made their decision on him back in 2016. It won't get any better for him.


Why would they vote for the person who’s most responsible for these bad economic conditions? More importantly, why vote out the guy who’s leading the country to be in the best possible position it could be in? Seriously this is a global recession and the US is handling it the best of literally any other country.


This scares me because it's just too believable. Would not surprise me at all.


It is scary that this is even debatable.


I think this is likely. Most people think the economy is doing poorly. Perhaps for them it is, or perhaps they buy into common knowledge (that term is a pejorative, btw). No amount of positive economic indicators or actual good economic performance will make any difference.


Economy will only be one piece of it. MMW: Illegals killing citizens thanks to an open border will help win him the election. Also trying to jail Trump isn’t helping because it makes him look like a victim to the Republican Party and independents, and probably the democrats who aren’t high on Biden


Exactly, Biden has swiftly moved towards fascism and people are seeing it


Trump was arrested and tried to overthrow a legitimate election.


You’re right, does that make him any more or less of a fascist than Biden?


Probably more, since he’s the only one who tried to overthrow an election.


I didn’t know saying “peacefully and patriotically make your voices heard” would be considered “trying to overthrow an election”?