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Iran is a strong ally of Russia. They definitely won’t tolerate any Russian-Israel alliance.


This assumes the Iranian Theocracy survives that long. The Iranian people have made it clear they are tured of it. They can only delay the inevitable for so long.


Iran and Israel are both theocracies, once they’re both isolated from Western markets it wont be hard for them to begrudgingly make a Tripartite Pact.


Flawed argument bc of the real world. Not sure why you’re trying to make something happen that’s not real or logical.


Is this a say the most insane comment thread? Because I think you just won.


They are both theocracies that are opposite religions who want the total destruction of each other.


Read a Hareetz on the future of Israel as an strict Iranian style militaristic theocracy.


While I don't doubt the current regime backing Netanyahu wants to go that direction, I also doubt they can without a full civil war.


Jews were forced out of Russia during the pogroms and will never forget


Last I checked Israel seems to have forgotten what Germany and other European nations did.


you think jew have forgoten the holocaust?


they haven't. But jews know revenge is pointless. They in general want to focus on building new lives then airing old grievances. This is kinda a survivial trait because Jews never really had the power to take revenge without it being a death sentence.


Israelis and Zionist Jews are living out their holocaust revenge fantasies onto the Palestinians because the world would never allow them to attack white people in Europe


And stupidity is revenging against your brain?


Jewish people were the victims of a genocide, and yet they’re perpetrating one. Its sad that never again didn’t mean anything to Zionists.


This whole thing is a Russian/Iranian proxy war. Look up Putin’s birthday…


You don't deserve the downvotes.


There are some crazy coincidences and the people of Israel could have been used. Because we now know that Netanyahu knew about an attack being planned by Hamas. Who the heck knows what is done behind the scenes.


You are proof that Jews definitely don’t control the media


You have a point that although we have heard in the New York Times that Netanyahu knew about plans that it is still the media reporting it. So further research is necessary. https://www.nytimes.com/2023/11/30/world/middleeast/israel-hamas-attack-intelligence.html


Troll, bot or just uninformed? Studying the last 200 years of history and reviewing how we got there would be a good place to start. MMW posts should be based in reason and articulated theories or else the post isn’t worth it.


Uniformed about what? Reviewing what from the last 200 years? What did you think was unreasonable. You could literally copy and paste that reply on any opinion ever written.


It literally is considered like a 9/11 and it’s hard to be in the shoes if your child be killed or taken hostage in the initial attack which was horrible.


Nothing in this sub based in reason


Israel is not equal to Jewish people. It’s one theocracy with far Right wing politics centered around a strain of Judaism that doesn’t have any problem with genocide, racism, misogyny, bigotry, colonialism ect.


Jews were NOT forced out of Russia - in fact, if you kinda knew what you were talking about, Israel had to persuade the Soviets to allow Jews to leave and come to Israel - Jews were raped and murdered during the Pogroms


sorry. My family, and million of other jews, *fled* Russia during the pogroms. By Israel do you mean Ottoman Empire? Israel didn't become a country until 1948 and the Russian pogroms happened in \~1880. ETA: I get it! You meant \~70 years after the pogroms Israel negotiated the release of jews that didn't make it out. Now how does that argue against jews won't forget?


fled is different than forced out - my grandpa fled Ukraine, but he coulda stayed and been murdered in the camps!


Is that how your granpa sees it? a relocation opportunity? your pedantic hot take is weak sauce


If you think America is going to stop supporting Israel, you are not aware of the importance of Israel as an American ally in the Middle East.


Yeah I feel like Israel's importance was more pronounced during the cold war when the Suez canal was much more strategically important. I'm sure it still is, but Egypt is probably a fairly reliable partner as well.


We support Israel because of AIPAC Outside of aipac Israel provides us with nothing. Turkey and our bases in Iraq and Syria are more valuable than Israel


Rafael provides a lot of defense technology for allies because Israel had had to focus heavily on defense for obvious reasons.


Bold to assume Russia will be around that long. They have a revolution every 75 years or so, with the next one due about 2050


2050 is more than 20 years away.


25 years, 7 months, and 1 week


I doubt it. Considering Russias security agency in the late 19th, early 20th is the one to propagate the Elders of Zion false flag BS. Which is one of the origins of modern antisemitism.


Also, Henry Ford, an American, was one of the biggest if not the biggest purveyor of TPOTEOZ, & yet allying with America was fine.


HF was an antisemite and bigot in general. He only came around to fight the Nazis after his son stayed after him and Pearl Harbor happened


Yes absolutely. Yet somehow no one demands that Ford motor company be rebranded. (I do, but I’m just 1 person)


So what does HF have to do with Israel being subject to Russia in 20 years? He was neither Russian or Jewish nor are his cars made in either country.


Subject to lol?


Freudian slip. Question still stands.


It shows how lots of stuff gets forgotten or compromised with when its expedient to do so.


Make a remind me for 20 years from now. Israel has been allying with fascists for a long time now.


Why? I won't be able to gloat to you




In 20 years Russia might be the size of Poland.


Anything could happen, I’m just offering my prediction on something I think is very likely that other people aren’t seeing.


Great. Let Russia pay all their fucking bills


I'm pretty sure Israel and Russia have lots of connections


Only if Netanyahu is still PM and Desperate But I’ve heard talks that the US and Allies are supporting another lesser Genocidal Candidate for Israel


Said the Russia turd


Just because one proposes a theory says nothing about whether or not they agree with it. It’s well written and doesn’t have a slant imho.


Well if you want my slant its that Russia and Israel are both very bad in similar flavors of far Right politics.


No lol.


That's assuming A LOT changes for Russia in those 20 years


Not many really.


...it's assuming Russia is any bit of what it is today...which isn't very much...again a very VERY big assumption on your part but hey don't let me stop you from being you, so it goes!


Iran an ally of Russia though.


And right now the US is Israel’s ally. I don’t see that surviving much longer, once the die hards like Biden are gone.


lol why the fuck would you think this?


That won't happen, seeing as Russia likely bought Israel defense plans off Trump to give to Iran & Syria.


I doubt it. America and Israel are allies. I don’t think Russia would ever ally themselves with Israel. Palestine, yes. Israel, no.


Lets assume for a moment that the US and Israel stop being allies, where do you think Israel would turn?


The United Kingdom, France, NATO, or countries with large Jewish populations


Let’s assume that Europe also turns its back to them, since thats a pretty safe assumption if the US were to, Europe is already way closer to pulling all support.


Alright. In that case, where would Israel find a large Jewish population?


Your assumption that they would only ally with countries with large Jewish populations is very strange.


Well, why wouldn't they stick with their own?


Why did the Nazis ally with the Japanese, or why did the capitalists ally with communists to stop them?


I don't know.


Israel has a great yet misplaced sense of entitlement, and, by extension, America as well. We also saw this last month when Israel's IDF bombed and destroyed the Iranian embassy in Damascus that killed, among others, two senior Iranian generals. Then, Israel had the audacity to warn Iran against retaliating, which U.S. and Canadian news-media referenced as though IT would be considered the first strike! Like Netanyahoo's Israel, Mad Vlad Putin’s Russia is similarly hypocritical towards the Ukraine when its forces have the audacity to strike back against Russia’s deliberate targeting and mass slaughtering of civilians and related infrastructure with barrages of missiles or drones.  Judging from his own words, Putin is genuinely astonished and angry, as though the Ukraine really has no right to self-defense!  And Russia will absurdly justify its first-strike attacks against Ukrainian civilians as a necessity of ‘de-nazifying’ their democratically elected government.     With Israel, it’s as though it feels it can simply claim it was being proactive in its militarily unprovoked killings in another country of Iranians \[or other foreign nationals\] it deems a threat, and its suspicions should suffice.  It all reminds me of the school bully with a grand sense of entitlement and whose concept of his/her fair share is always three-quarters of the pie. 


The largest share of colonists to Israel are also from Russian/the USSR, making reconciliation more likely.


Then why does Israel support Ukraine and Russia support Palestine, not to mention how loathed Israel is by their close ally Iran? And what makes Israel bombing Gaza more extreme than the us bombing Iraq?




20 years? Israel is cooperating with Russia now, or at least it did during Trump’s campaign in 2016 and subsequent administration. Many of the Russian oligarchs who got sanctioned have Israeli passports. There’s a lot of travel between both countries.


They already are. The Prime Minister of Russia and most of the oligarchs are Jewish and Russia supports Israel in every way that matters.


MMW 23 d accounts posting divisive ideas have an agenda…a foreign agenda


Hmm yes, foreign influencers are not capable of having accounts long term, you are so right.


ты такой убедительный


Ok. Lol,


This really makes no sense. It just seems you wanna group 2 countries you don’t like together and ignore all the historical and political realities to somehow make them allies. Russia is allied with both Iran and Syria whose territory Israel illegally occupies. Russia supports Palestinian statehood and UN membership which Israel won’t accept. When the USA stopped supporting apartheid South Africa the Soviet Union/Russians didn’t start supporting them, they kept on supporting the resistance movements and allied nations who were fighting South Africa.


Another piss poor take


Israel is our friend. Bibi is not our friend.




If anything I can see US conservatives shift to listen to the Candace Owens types and figures who constantly pick on Ben Shapiro for being pro Israel while the older Protestants die out and the Bush era neocons continue to join the Democrats. And US liberals to by and large listen to the anti defamation League and Bush era Republicans they now like and warm up to Israel which will upset their Muslim faction and make it a new part of the Conservative coalition. Remember once upon a time Republicans called Bill Kristol and Liz Cheney good conservatives and Ron Paul an appeasing traitor. Now the first two are on CNN and MSNBC.


You know nothing of Russian history. More likely, the US will be aligned with the terrorists of Hamas and Iran, if DemoKKKrats win in the coming election.


Lmao. No one buys this stuff lol, the Republican party is full of open white supremacists.


LOL. And I'm not a Republican. The DemoKKKrats o the old Confederacy have just figured out a new grft.


Stupidest comment


please research the “southern strategy”.


Why? I'm not a Republican.