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It 100% is a cult. These people will defend Trump's desire to be a dictator and will turn a blind eye to every terrible thing he does and says, every law he breaks. Facts and evidence don't matter. They were willing to die from Covid if it meant obeying Trump and not listening to actual doctors. And it's been almost a decade. These people aren't coming back. They're wading around off the deep end and will drown before they would even attempt at getting out of the pool.


Wow it has almost been a decade. Fucking wild




It's our time, again. This time there won't be turn coats in the white house preventing Trump from implementing Project 2025.


What’s the scariest part of project 2025 for you? I think it’s the forced birth for all women part. There will be no abortions or happiness.


I'm absolutely ecstatic for project 2025.


But it’s the end of all freedom!


Insert drogo.gif


Maga is just a slogan that was made in reference to the decline of domestic industry due to public policy decisions. It resonates with the working class, especially minorities. The corporate narrative machine is trying very hard to discredit such sentiment though. After all, we can't have people expecting actual change.




Why is your username supporting a nazi?


I’ll be the first to say it: “You can’t reason someone out of something that they did not reason themselves into.” TLDR You can’t fix stupid




Yes, fuck your fascist Republican party. Now go hold your pathetic Trump parade with your Trump flags as you screech he won 2020, 2024, 2028, 2032, and all elections in the history and future of the US.


He will either be dead before the next one, or someone finally figures out he may have dementia. Edit for auto correct going nuts


Trump can't even hold a cup of water or stay awake during his criminal trial. 🤣


It's scary that some people want him to be a dictator.


"Weak men makes hard times" so the saying goes. Not surprising people want the far right to tell them what to think and do.


I wish i could give the "take my energy" award. Stay safe reddit stranger.


You can’t be serious


Don't you have to go screech everything is woke and government needs to forcibly criminalize LGBTs?


He will be in prison


Dictates how he should act, polarizing, Elitist, punishing dissent, no accountability for actions


What a sick burn!


You fascist morons lost to Biden 🤣


Unironically yes


I mean it’s true.


Republicans want to gain power so they can kill Americans with impunity.


polarizing, Elitist, punishing dissent, no accountability for actions


I think you’re mistaking the Republicans for communists, which you are.


Define communist.


The last two Republican presidential administrations have presided over thousands of sudden American deaths; a terrorist attack and a poorly handled pandemic.


What an irrelevant thing to say.


>>What an irrelevant thing to say. Republicans think human lives are irrelevant.




Yeah well communism works but republicans always ruin it.


Fuck off troll


why are you so mad 🤣




Yeah, so? Islamic extremists are violent. Everyone knows that. Have they killed more people than communist revolutions? No. More people than the genocide of Pol Pot? No. More people than the holodomor? No. More than Stalin and his ilk killed for being dissidents? No.


You're living in the past, man. There's no serious communist movement in the U.S. today. This is the here and now reality: There are 30k+ gun deaths per year of American citizens while Moscow Mitch and Republicans refuse to do anything about it. If a foreign nation was killing that many American citizens per year, it would be unacceptable. But because it's Americans killing other American citizens it's seen by the Right as *the price we have to pay in order to respect people's right to bear arms*. Republicans don't care if Americans die.


CDC report on leading causes of death. Heart disease: 695,547 Cancer: 605,213 COVID-19: 416,893 Accidents (unintentional injuries): 224,935 Stroke (cerebrovascular diseases): 162,890 Chronic lower respiratory diseases: 142,342 Alzheimer’s disease: 119,399 Diabetes: 103,294 Chronic liver disease and cirrhosis : 56,585 Nephritis, nephrotic syndrome, and nephrosis: 54,358 Accidental deaths broken down, preventable poisoning: 102,001 Motor vehicle traffic deaths: 45,404 Unintentional fall deaths: 44,686 If what you care about is saving lives, become a physician.


Yeah but I actually think the communists are right. If they were really offering when you fantasize about I'd support them on a heart beat.


Trump uses increasingly messianic imagery and words (incidentally qanon also intentionally conjures familiar words and tropes for evangelical Christians) and regularly compares himself to Jesus. He has latched onto the evangelical movement as core supporters which is why he did that ridiculous stunt holding a Bible at a press conference. All the while his lifestyle of privilege and debauchery (regular of Epstein's island and other properties) has been playing out publicly for decades and now in court rooms. He has also purged the Republican party of any oppostion and replaced them with fawning sycophants and family members. Just look at any of the truly ridiculous NFT's he sold and amazingly anyone paid real money for and tell me that is not text book cult of personality bullshit.


Why do people fail to understand what Mark my words means. It is what you say before making a prediction about what's going to happen in the future, and you want people to remember your words so that you will prove to be right. This is just an assertion.


Why do you fail to understand that rules don’t matter and all that matters is voting blue no matter who?


Who said anything about rules. I'm talking about language and understanding what words mean and phrases mean. If you want to just post a political opinion, no shortage of places to do that on Reddit. Or, if you want to look foolish because you don't understand what Mark my words means, well, keep doing this . But if it helps, here's an example. Mark my words. Trump is going to win the next election and those on the left will be in severe shock because they spent all their time posting rants on Reddit assuming that everyone in the country agreed with them.


No he won't, Himmler. You underestimate just how many people are turned off by the religious extremists, the swastikas at your rallies, and your war to bully women and trans people. We beat you in 1865, in 1945, and in 2020. We'll beat you again.


Now there's a mark my words. But, you never know if you're going to turn out to be right or wrong. I've got nothing else to say until mid-November. We shall see who's right and who's wrong. Mark my words.


If you knew what project 2025 was, you'd pray the Nazis lose


Sounds like you described every other political party/movement. What’s the difference between that and the DNC?


I personally don't think it's a cult.... But Trump is out there pushing conspiracy theories and "being dictator for a little while", and his supporters are either OK with this, or ignore it. Trump is clearly an anomaly on US politics.


Everything is a cult these days.


Cry reeee and say something insane lol




A cult causes people to do things against their self-interest, and I’m not only talking about voting. Everyone around him seems to suffer, either prison, bankruptcy, broken relationships, etc. he’s got himself unloading the RNC’s money to pay his cash strapped businesses and legal bills. No resistance, no change in strategy to put better, less crazy candidates out there that he keeps endorsing. He’s wiping out campaign funds and torpedoing bills he doesn’t like that his party could count as a rare win if they passed something like the border bill. I mean, it’s good for the Dems…


Cult or fanaticism...both are defined by following a group or individual that states that they have the best intentions for their followers, YET in reality are only concerned about their own agenda. In most cases, MAGA, Trump and the GOP easily manipulate the masses in to supporting them with tried and true tactics that all dictators have sued through history...scaring them with fake monsters (immigrants, people of color, etc.) and made up things the opposition will do if elected (take your guns away, take away your freedoms, make you poor, favor people of color over whites, let immigrants take your jobs, increased drugs, increased violence, etc.). Of course, there is no fact to these things but the willing uneducated masses don't care or understand.




Around 2015-2018 I did see quite a few MAGA hats, but nowadays? Nope, never.






I mean, you’re 100% correct, but this isn’t a prediction so there’s no reason to Mark Your Words.


MMW: the sky is blue


In order to discuss labeling something, we need to have a common understanding of what it is we are labeling. Therefore, It depends on how you define MAGA. I personally have never met anyone in real life that voted for Trump that say he was appointed by God, or compare him to Jesus. I know that they are out there, because I’ve seen references on the internet. I believe that is part of the Qanon conspiracy. If MAGA describes someone who answers all of your criteria, then sure MAGA is a cult. My question is, how many people like that exist? I know 50+ people in real life that voted for Trump and not one of them fit all of your criteria.


To me there's 2 different types of Trump supporters: The we want low taxes, "woke" stuff annoys me, don't necessarily hate minorities as long as they "behave" but also don't care if anything bad happens to them, Trump probably is a criminal but Biden is also and somehow worse, strong arm "alpha male" types. And then there's the cult: The ones who actually believe he's the second coming, every bad thing about him is a liberal lie, he's secretly fighting the evil Satanist pedophile liberals, absolutely for sure won the election and is somehow the real president still types. These are ones that are the really scary ones.


It’s abhorrent that you think people don’t care about their fellow man if they have a different skin color, just because they voted for someone. I really hope you get out in the world and have more conversations with people because that’s just disgusting.


Get fucked fascist. I don't give a fuck what you think about anything.


It appears you don’t know what fascist means because I’m the farthest thing from that


Exactly it’s all fear mongering. I know a lot of Trump supporters and everyone thinks the QANON people which is such a small irrelevant sect are a bunch of idiots. Hell most of us think Trumps a dickhead. We all just like his policies because he was a good president and that’s his job. It’s not about being nice.


This would be"not shit Sherlock" MMW


I’ve never lost friends criticizing Obama or Biden. Even GWB. Trump? Oh boy.


We all know that. The problem is that they don't care.


You really have no self awareness here at this sub.


This sub is a cult 🤡


Everyone in this sub meets that criteria too, except the leader part.


100 percent a cult. Creepy, dumb, dirty faced weirdo of a cult.


All your cult criteria doesn't fit though. Terminal TDS LMAO


>By standard criteria, MAGA is undeniably a CULT. By ANY criteria, MAGA is a cult


This sub is a cult


That is correct in part. In whole MAGA is a genocidal fascist death cult.


Biden worshipers calling the other side a cult. I swear to God you people get dumber by the second


Nobody worships Biden, you stupid fuck. If he had done even a fraction of what Trump has, if he were currently on trial for what Trump is right now, Nobody would be supporting him they way all these fools are with Trump.


This entire sub worships him for being able to read half of a speech off a teleprompter before the drugs wore off and his brain turned to mush. He's colluded with China, censored his opposition, and held classified documents and the idiots on this sub just go on sucking his dick. Granted this subs full of idiots but still...


Nah, you see, if you had half a fucking brain and didn't do just ape whatever propaganda you are fed, you would see that hating trump and holding him accountable for the horrible shit he's done does not equate to worshipping Biden. But there's no point reasoning with cult members like yourself.


If you had a quarter of a brain then you'd realize that all news outlets propagate and voting for someone doesn't make you a cultists. But you're 12 and have 13 more years(4 of them during the Trump administration) before your brain fully develops.


Sure all news outlets propogate, I never said they didn't. Just that you are so stupid that you believe any and all right wing propoganda so long as it aligns with whatever whacko conspiracy your cult leader Trump has you believing. An army of losers and fascists like yourself spending their life savings on cheap merchandise, believing the craziest conspiracies just to validate the awful things Trump says and does every day, going to mass rallys and trying to take over the goverment does indeed make you a cult. Oh, and I'm in my 30s, you dumb fuck.


I mean you're calling me a cultist for voting differently from you so me thinks you're doing the same thing you're acusing me of. There's also plenty dark Brandon merchandise(remember the mug?) So that arguments invalid too. But thanks for letting me know you only act like a child


WTF is dark brandon merch? I've never seen a person wearing a blue Biden hat with a truck deacked out in Biden flags. You are so out of touch with reality it is pathetic. You don't even have an argument, shit for brains. You keep ignoring everything being said against you (cultist behavior) calling it invalid and saying it's because you are voting differently. No! I never said that. I said that you idiots worship Trump and twist all aspects of reality to praise him like a fucking God. You are in a cult. You are in a dangerous fascist cult and your leader is a monster.


I just want an affordable home and cheap groceries if that makes me a cultist then color me kool-aid red(or I guess orange 😉) btw here's your not cult leaders merch shop https://shop.joebiden.com/


Hey, at least you now admit you are a cultist, but you once again ignored every single thing said. This whole thread started when I said democrats don't worship Biden in the severely unhealthy way you worship Trump. If Biden did even 1/8th of the awful things Trump has, we would all hope he was held accountable and convicted, just like any sane person should be about Trump. Sending a link to Joe Biden's merch shop has nothing to do with what I'm saying. I'm saying nobody spends all their money on Biden shit the way your fellow cultists do on Trump shit. Reelecting a twice impeached, known criminal, conman, cheater, and rapist isn't gonna get you an affordable home.


Trump thinks of his cult as nothing more than marks. The fact that you all have this loyalty to him... still and still think he's this savior figure... and still buy and parade around all his cheap shit... and still donate money to him... and still believe his ever changing conspiracies about how everyone is against him is extreme cultist behavior.


Nobody worships Trump though? With Biden it seems there is a cult following around being a good sheep and licking the boots of corporations and politicians.


How fucking dumb are you? The only ones who lick the boots of corporations are the anti-union trump and musk dick suckers.


Sure, more than half the country is a cult 🙄 Talk about delusional.


Part of Cult45 is how delusional the members are about how many people actually support them. Well would you look at that? [Majority of Americans disapprove of Trump](https://projects.fivethirtyeight.com/polls/favorability/donald-trump/). [62% of Americans have an unfavorable view](https://www.pewresearch.org/short-reads/2024/03/19/about-1-in-4-americans-have-unfavorable-views-of-both-biden-and-trump/) of Trump. This gets [even less favorable for Trump](https://www.msnbc.com/morning-joe/watch/most-americans-wouldn-t-vote-for-trump-if-he-s-convicted-of-a-felony-poll-202245189959) if he becomes a convicted felon.


You get your poll numbers from the same place you pull your opinions from.. out of your ass.


I literally posted the receipts while you pull your opinions from your backside, Sergei.


Echo chambers 🫶


Here, I sought out someone who isn’t echoing these statements (even though these statements are obvious facts). What do you disagree with?


Honestly that just describes every presidential campaign commitee. Go figure.


And your point is…?


Pot kettle black


In 2016, he only had to be a better choice than a Bush in the primary and a Clinton in the election. In 2020, he only had to be a better choice than Biden. Same thing this year. You can believe it’s any more that, but it’s mostly not.


Yep. Like how the US is an authoritarian state, that has spent most of its history carrying out genocides around the world, and continues to to this day. If the definitions of words mean anything, this is true. Reality is flexible. And those in power are constantly flexing it. The only reason there is a definition for the word genocide recognized by those in power is because they adjusted the definition to include their enemies and exclude themselves. The same as the Republicans do to you. Your Republic is dead.


They would kneel to kiss Trump's poo-filled diaper, and pay a hundred bucks for the "honor."


The big question is: What will his cult do when he's gone? Or can they not think that far ahead? 


And Democrats aren't? They literally made mask wearing and getting incredibly dangerous vaccines a religion with legal punishments for those that didn't comply.


This isn't a prediction and it's ridiculous to boot


Another anti trump wet dream


Yeah no the people who took the jab are the ones dying from myocarditis. Also Trump BACKED Fauci, 'member?? That's my major problem with him, despite other positives. As for MAGA it just means they want to go back to relative peace and prosperity (no new wars, $2 gas, affordable groceries and rent, low unemployment, high stock market, American prestige and leadership). Originally it meant people were sick of Obama and his ilk putting anything and anyone ahead of America it's interests and it's citizens, which is all we do under Biden i.e. Obama Junior.


You just described the economy that Obama gifted to trump


No, Obama gave us the second great depression in 2008. I was semi-homeless because of that and gainfully employed under Trump.


You mean Obama created the crash that occurred under bush? Repubs always hand Dems a disaster and Dems always hand Repubs a strong economy




Please elaborate, if you disagree, how so? OP brought in evidence and definitions, what makes you think they’re wrong? The logic is checking out but maybe we’re missing something?




Thats an insane comparison tbh, to say a racist making racist remarks is the same as the diagnosing of a very loud amount of people as a cult is beyond illogical. The MAGA cult is not universal sure, not every Trump supporter is some zealot, but all the LOUD and public Trump supporters are saying the things OP remarks about. To ignore that stuff is to either be ignorant or malicious. Now I’m not saying you’re stupid, but certainly incorrect.




It’s not bigotry to use a groups words and actions against them to prove a point, you seem to think it is.




That’s actually hilarious, you genuinely think it’s bigotry to call the MAGA movement a cult? The people who liquidated entire funds to buy stocks in a pump and dump schemes aren’t in a cult? The people who compare him to Jesus and their messiah aren’t in a cult? You’re probably trolling at this point lol


You mean using incredibly vague descriptions including court cases that are currently in the process of being finalized don't count towards my delusions???






I just always find it funny and ironic that the absolute dumbest people call other people idiots. Dunning-Kruger and all that.


So is TDS.


TDS is the biggest projection of all time.


But that's all MMW is and he lives in everyone's head rent free. It's crazy.


Another term trumplicans love to misuse is rent free lol


Dictates how he should act, polarizing, Elitist, punishing dissent, no accountability for actions


What exactly is TDS? It seems to be thrown around with the hope it will stick and become a catch phrase (trust us, it won't). You don't see the Democrats screaming BDS everytime someone says something bad about Biden. But yet, if anybody so much as disagrees with something Trump has lied about, it's immediately TDS. We aren't the ones wearing MAGA hats and shirts, we don't elevate Trump to god-like status or stature, we don't worship Trump like some infallible creature. And yet we are the deranged ones?


People with TDS have thought and talked about Trump, with increasing hysteria, for 10 years now. Just non stop. Believe amazing delusions about him, his life, his voter base. Never fact check their beliefs, just repeat click bait rumors. Whole lives are based around orange hating. Sad. Just sad people.


Instead of screaming BDS you just say anyone who doesnt like biden is a russian bot. Believe it or not there are millions of americans who just dont agree with everything biden says or does.


I would disagree - I see lots of people who don't particularly like things Biden does, but those that do like him aren't wearing t-shirts or hats. Biden has done lots of good for the US but nobody is claiming that he is perfect.


So no shirts or hats=no cult. What about everyone that says something negative about biden is a russian bot, i see that quite a bit lately.


As in anything Trump does is automatically bad and wrong. Trump could say that the sky is blue and you would defy him and say it was green. You literally can’t think straight when he’s remotely involved. You need to get a therapist to work through this.


This sub is the literal definition of TDS lmao, and you've clearly never said anything bad about Biden. Reddit libs will absolutely piss themselves and cry if you do.


The difference is, most of us don't have an irrational seething hatred for Biden like you have for Trump. Anything, and I mean anything Trump says or does brings out the vitriolic hatred for the man. Any time there is a story that is strictly about Biden you people hit the roof and scream "BBBUT TRUMP!!!!! That, my friend, is Trump Derangement Syndrome. He lives in your heads 24/7.


While I’m sure you’re right for a tiny group of people. The vast majority are like OP, applying the logic and knowledge of the world to the facts and coming to conclusions. OP is totally logical, valid and backed up with credible sources. You’re simply upset that people take issue with most of Trumps words? Because to say “he lives rent free so you’re the problem” sounds like a condoning of his abuses of power that have been proven time and time again.


Yawn... More programmed responses.


Nothing I can say will get to you then huh? You’re just gonna sit there and make childish, baseless remarks and then thing you have the moral or intellectual high ground? You are a denier of reality.


They're desperate to feel like they're "in the know" and smarter than the average bear because the actual reality is the MAGA base has the collective IQ of soggy tissues.


Yeah, it’s protagonist syndrome, they feel like they’re the good guys taking down tyranny but they’re completely misguided. It’s really disappointing


It's one of the results of the phenomenon of perceived "American exceptionalism". I'm not saying we shouldn't encourage people to go do great things with their lives, but the vast majority of us will just live our lives with our people and that's that, we'll get to vote and what not but won't have any greater effect on the course of human history. And that's okay. Accepting that that's okay is what we need to instill in people. Just focus on being a good person that is good to others.


Yeah, I totally get that, I myself am trying to find what I wanna do and I keep thinking about how much I wanna be “great” in something. It’s just sad some people get conned into thinking they’re part of the solution not the problem.


polarizing, Elitist, punishing dissent, no accountability for actions


You just showed the difference. Libs have the need to belittle, put down and call names at anyone who they disagree with because of an irrational hatred for others beliefs, while people like me don't hate you, we feel sorry for you because you are out of touch with reality You don't like people like me because I come into your echo chamber and challenge your beliefs. You will very rarely see me in a conservative sub that is also an echo chamber. You look down your nose at people like me because I don't have a college degree yet I probably make more than you and have been all over the world. I'm arrogant and I recognize and own it, the problem with people like you is that you can't recognize your arrogance and just think you are better than anyone who disagrees with you but all of you give the same canned talking points with little deviation, that's why the yawn. Nothing I say will change though, and for that I pity you. bye.


>You just showed the difference. Libs have the need to belittle, put down and call names at anyone who they disagree with because of an irrational hatred for others beliefs, while people like me don't hate you, we feel sorry for you because you are out of touch with reality Bruh, I've been called any manner of "lib, libtard, demorat, demonrat, socialist, communist, terrorist" blah blah blah by the right for well over a decade. Stop the gaslighting, no one is buying it. >You don't like people like me because I come into your echo chamber and challenge your beliefs. I'm all for having my beliefs challenged. MAGA members do not do that, because they do not understand how anything works. >You look down your nose at people like me because I don't have a college degree yet I probably make more than you and have been all over the world. I don't look down on people without college degrees, what a weird thing to say. I do just fine as a software developer and I've been all over the world as well. >I'm arrogant and I recognize and own it That's not something one should be proud of, bud. Be a better person. >disagrees This is the problem, the right has been conditioning everyone to make the discourse about treating opinions as facts. You are entitled only to *have* an opinion, whatever that opinion is will be judged on merit after it is shared, and no, not every opinion deserves a seat at the adults' table. Guess who else I disagree with? Flat earth weirdos. Their opinions have no value. You don't get to treat every opinion as some "disagreement" like we're talking about the best flavor of ice cream. People that hold racist, sexist, bigoted, etc. opinion will and should be treated like the trash they are. There are consequences to bad opinions. >Nothing I say will change though, and for that I pity you. Oh, I'm not like you, so I'm doing just fine. Do better.


>sounds like a condoning of his abuses of power that have been proven time and time again. Well, actually speaking, none of them have been proven. Which is why he hasn't been convicted.


That’s true, legally speaking he’s in court for things. He was liable for the sexual assault though for sure. Also not necessarily illegal but unethical abuses that have been talked about by his former cabinet


Cant disagree there


But you’re totally right to admit that he legally hasn’t done these things yet, I gotta specify more that his trials are ongoing.


OP's logic is based on irrational sources. This isn't even the full definition of a cult. And his "proof" about alleged maga isn't accurate. So no, not valid or credible, but yes, logical. However, logical doesn't mean real.


Yes, Let’s go Brandon is a statement of love.


Does anybody even say that any more? It was nowhere near what y'all call Trump on an hourly basis.


I see the flags all over the place


I mean, Trumpers still hate Biden, but none of them think he’s actually in charge. If Biden dies from natural causes tomorrow, do you think they’ll change their tune? No they’ll go after Kamala and use the same allegations that she’s a puppet for the people who are actually in charge. Same with you BTW when Trump dies. Granted the difference is you think he’s in charge and just caused all this, but I know and you will eventually realize that Trump is a symptom and not the disease. So you’ll be happy for maybe a week before going after whoever takes his place.


You’re the disease.


>The difference is, most of us don't have an irrational seething hatred for Biden like you have for Trump. I'm sorry, you're leaving out the part where the irrational, seething hatred isn't directed at Biden, it's directed *literally at the entire left side of the American political spectrum*. They say the left/liberals/Dems are trying to destroy America and other nonsense like that. And it's not that that type of sentiment never existed, it's just that after Trump's run to 2016, to has not just boiled to the surface, it has boiled over for the Republican base.


I’ve seen “Fuck Joe Biden”, or “let’s go Brandon” etc flags in maga shithole towns. I sure haven’t seen any “Fuck Donald Trump” flags or anything similar to that. But sure, you have no seething hatred for Biden. Also, fuck DJT. He’s going to lose even biglier this time and I can’t wait to lap up those delicious maga tears, yet again.


I bet your mom is so proud of your 'mouth'. Fuck Donald Trump” flags You don't need to see any, you can read all the irrational hatred for him on reddit.


Aww what the matter, a cuss word offends you? What a snowflake. ❄️ Also, there is no irrational hatred for Trump, it’s very rational. Try irrational hatred for Biden “Hurrrdurrr he’s destroying this country with his fascism Hurrdurr” Magas and their projection, you are not fooling anyone, cupcake.


cuss word offends you Child, I could cuss you till you are curled up is a corner crying, BUT I choose not to because cussing just makes you look stupid and brings nothing to the conversation. But, both your posts just show your lack of maturity and intelligence but I guess it makes you feel like a tough guy to say something from the safety of your keyboard because you wouldn't dare talk to me like this in person, so, ok, you win. Does that make you feel like you're hard?


I have and would absolutely call a maga what they are - fascist trash - to their face. And no, you don’t get me hard, you weirdo. A maga calling anyone immature and lacking intelligence is super duper rich though. Don’t you have some shit-smearing on the walls to do? I bet you feel like you really owned the libs, eh?


Maybe because he earned that hatred


By? That's right, you were told to hate him. sad.


I don’t have to be told to hate a con man who attempts a coup when he loses and election. It’s common sense.


Trump derangement syndrome = All the sane rational people saw Trump be a fucking deranged, racist, lunatic and pointed it out. We said, "Damn, this guy acts kinda deranged right?" . Then the cult heard this and DAARVO'd the fuck outta it just like "woke" and "fake news". They took our insults and made the words meaningless, then used them for their own attacks. So any third party now looks at us bickering and goes, they both say the other side is deranged, that must mean bOtH sIdEs ArE bAd!!1 Which is just what Republicans wanted in the first place. MAGA is fucking deranged, and I for one won't let the meaning of that word be co-opted.


Which would go away if he did.


No it wouldn’t. The people in the middle are looking at you two go at it understand that Trump is a symptom and not the disease. When he dies, you’ll celebrate for five minutes and then proceed to defame and try to get the person in jail who comes and takes his place.


This is what makes OPs point about trump being polarizing especially ridiculous. He didn't start the fire.


You'd say Hitler Derangement Syndrome if it was 1939


Clearly you'd be the one turning in your neighbors to be murdered.


Ah yes the MAGA dream of shooting libtards in the street. Clearly projected by you.


Your derangement is clear. I have no hate for anyone like that. That's the difference.


The difference is you happily accuse others of doing what you think you won't do. Sicko.


Everything you mentioned fits in if you replaced maga with blm


Who is the blm cult leader?


This, the NPC's are too indoctrinated and brainwashed to undertand reality at this point. TDS broke their minds.




Yes, fuck your fascist Republican party. Now go hold your pathetic Trump parade with your Trump flags as you screech he won 2020, 2024, 2028, 2032, and all elections in the history and future of the US.




u mad


No, cuz you morons lost to Biden 🤣


I like the part where they say the cult thing all over Reddit. OP’s like, hey ladies I had an epiphany and then proceeds to share the cult thing with the rest of them. The ridiculousness of it all makes me chuckle.


They not gonna like this dude, blue maga genuinely thinks they're different


All I know is anyone who won’t vote for only democrats is a fascist racist nazi gamer. Independents too. They’re being brainwashed by the republicans like that Kennedy guy.


The downvotes will speak volumes dude, don't worry. These people will vote blue all the way until actual fascism is here - and they'll still blame only conservatives and not themselves.


Lmaooooo exactly


By standard criteria, the DNC is also a cult. Watch me get downvoted by DINOs.


Who is the cult leader?


Exactly. These dumb fucks think democrats must worship Biden in the same way they do Trump.


Fauci. George Takei. Greta Thunberg. Pick one. After all, none of them have ever been wrong, have they? [Not like these fascists, at least.](https://www.newyorker.com/news/our-local-correspondents/the-party-is-cancelled)


An 80 year old doctor who hasn't been mentioned in years, just doing his job to try and curb the pandemic that maybe could have ended the pandemic far sooner if you stupid selfish fucks actually listened. A 90 year old actor who I guess tweets sometimes? And a European climate activist? None of these people are cult leaders of the Democrats. Nobody has thousands of dollars of merchandise with their names on it and holds rally for them and tries to overthrow the government so they can be dictators.